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Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl bol britský spisovateľ, známy hlavne od roku 1940 tvorbou pre deti i dospelých. K jeho najznámejším dielam patrí "Charlie a továreň na čokoládu" , "Matilda", "Čarodejnica" a "Jakub a obrovská broskyňa". Z jeho tvorby pre dospelých je asi najznámejšia kniha poviedok "Ľúbostné rošády".

Roald Dahl sa narodil 13. septembra v roku 1916 v Spojenom kráľovstve. Jeho rodičia sa tam prisťahovali z Nórska. Keď mal  4 roky, umrel jeho otec na zápal pľúc, predtým prišiel o sedemročnú sestru Astri. Jeho matka ostala na Britských ostrovoch. Bol výborným športovcom, hral za školský futbalový tím a bol aj kapitánom školského sqauhového tímu.

Po skončení školy sa stal obchodným zástupcom firmy Shell pre oblasť východnej Afriky. V roku 1939 nastúpil do Royal Air Force, kde získal hodnosť Pilot Officer. Pri havárii jeho litedla v Lýbii sa zranil, mal fraktúru lebky a dočasne oslepol. V nemocnici v Alexandrii sa zamiloval do sestričky, keď sa mu však vrátil zrak, zistil, že láska nie je slepá a uvedomil si, že bol zamilovaný len do jej hlasu. V roku 1941 sa vrátil do Británie, pretože ho bolesti hlavy  prinútili zavesiť kariéru pilota na klinec.

Roald Dahl začal písať po prevelení do Washingtonu. V roku 1953 sa v New Yorku oženil s herečkou Patriciou Nealovou, boli svoji 30 rokov a mali päť detí: Oliviu (zomrela v siedmich rokoch), Tessu, Thea, Opheliu a Lucy. Olivii neskôr venoval knihu Kamoš obor. S manželkou sa rozviedli v roku 1983, dôvodom bola o 22 rokov mladšia  Felicity d'Abreu Crosland,ktorú si po rozvode vzal.

Zomrel 23. novembra v roku 1990 na leukémiu vo svojom dome v Great Missendene, Buckinghamshire. Jeho vdova pokračovala v jeho neúnavnej charitatívnej činnosti prostredníctvom nadácie nesúcej jeho meno.

(Foto: Carl Van Vechten)


Roald Dahl's book of ghost stories

Who better to choose the ultimate in spine-chillers than Roald Dahl, whose own sinister stories have teased and twisted the imagination of millions? Here are fourteen of his favourite ghost stories, including Sheridan Le Fanu's "The Ghost of a Hand", Edith Wharton's "Afterward", Cynthia Asquith's "The Corner Shop" and Mary Treadgold's "The Telephone".
12,30 € 12,95 €

Going Solo

They didn't think for one moment that they would find anything but a burnt-out fuselage and a charred skeleton; and they were apparently astounded whn they came upon my still-breathing body, lying in the sand near by' In 1938 Roald Dahl was fresh out of school and bound for his first job in Africa, hoping to find adventure far from home. However, he got far more excitement than he bargained for when the outbreak of the Second World War led him to join the RAF. His account of his experiences in Africa, crashing a plane in the Western Desert, rescue and recovery from his horrific injuries in Alexandria, and many other daring deeds, recreates a world as bizarre and unnerving as any he wrote about in his fiction.
10,44 € 10,99 €

Matylda - 2. vydání

Rodiče o Matyldě říkají samé hrozné věci. Ve skutečnosti je Matylda inteligentní a nadaná dívka a oni jsou hloupí. Pojďme si přečíst, jak nad nimi a nad zlou ředitelkou školy zvítězí, jak si s nimi poradí, a zjistíme, že Matylda má zvláštní, mimořádnou moc. Roald Dahl si pamatoval, jaké to je žít v dětském světě a na to také myslel, když Matyldu psal. Jednou řekl, že abychom viděli dětský svět z dětského pohledu, musíme dolů na ruce a kolena a dívat se nahoru na dospělé, kteří se nad námi tyčí a říkají nám, co máme dělat. Matyldino vítězství nad protivnými dospělými je na tom založeno. Matylda získala v roce 1988 Children´s Book Award a v roce 1999 byla zvolena nejpopulárnější dětskou knihou roku. V roce 1996 byl v USA podle knihy natočen film.
10,22 € 10,76 €

Danny, mistr světa

Dannyho tatínek se dostane do potíží - zdá se, že porušil zákon! Ale protože je to hodný a laskavý člověk, Danny to tak nemůže nechat, a proto vymyslí neuvěřitelně odvážný a nebezpečný plán!
10,22 € 10,76 €

dostupné aj ako:

Jirkova zázračná medicína

Jirka je úplně obyčejný kluk, kterého nejvíc ze všech lidí štve vlastní babička - žádná milá, hodná, usměvavá stará dáma, ale protivná, zlá baba, která připomíná spíš čarodějnici. Jirka trpělivě snáší její brblání, reptání a nekonečné lamentovaní. Potom s ní jednou zůstane doma sám. Připraví babičce zázračnou medicínu proti kašli a začnou se dít prapodivné věci…
7,54 € 7,94 €

Matilda + MP3

Penguin Readers are written by specialist ELT authors. The language, vocabulary, style and content of every book is carefully graded to make sure it suits the learner's own language ability. Every Penguin Reader has a range of activities in the book and accompanying Factsheet to help increase comprehension and develop reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
5,51 € 5,80 €

Vzpomínky z kuchyně

Kuchařka? Biografie? Povídky a postřehy ze života? Možná od všeho trochu. Každá stránka knihy vás přesvědčí, že jídlo není jen každodenní nutností, ale zhmotněním myšlenky, inspirací. Že proces vaření je stejně tvurčí jako psaní, navíc s okamžitou a živou reakcí publika. Prostřednictvím vzpomínek, spojených s něčím tak přízemním, jako je jídlo, se náhle a nenápadně zjevuje moudro, umocněné obyčejností bramborové polévky. Nahlédněte do života Roalda Dahla, zjistěte, jak a kde žil. Dýchne na vás atmosféra staré dobré Anglie, jak ji popsal Jerome Klapka Jerome nebo Karel Čapek. Jídlo tu má hlavní roli, ale díky vzpomínkám a komentářům ožívá a je jen na vás, abyste si představili, co zrovna Roald Dahl vařil pri psaní Karlíka a továrny na čokoládu, jaké pil víno a kde seděl. Název je rozhodne víc než obycejná kuchařka.
11,12 € 11,70 €

Fantastic Mr Fox Sticker Book

Every time Mr Fox steals a chicken from the farm, Farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean grow wild with rage! They're the nastiest crooks in the valley, and they've concocted a cunning plan to dig him out of his hole once and for all. But it never occurs to them that Mr Fox has a fantastic plan of his own ...Releasing October 2009, Wes Anderson and Twentieth Century Fox bring to life Roald Dahl's "Fantastic Mr Fox" in breathtaking stop-motion animation. With a cast that includes George Clooney, Meryl Streep and Bill Murray, this film is guaranteed to delight Dahl fans of every age.
3,32 € 3,49 €

Danny the Champion of the World

A true genius...Roald Dahl is my hero - David Walliams Phizz-whizzing new branding for the world's No.1 storyteller, Roald Dahl! Exciting, bold and instantly recognisable with Quentin Blake's inimitable artwork. Danny thinks his dad is the most marvellous and exciting father a boy could wish for. Life is happy and peaceful in their gipsy caravan, until one day Danny discovers his dad has been breaking the law. What's more, soon Danny has to join his father as they attempt to pull off a daring and devilish plot against their horrible, greedy neighbour, Mr Victor Hazell. Roald Dahl, the best-loved of children's writers, was born in Wales of Norwegian parents. After school in England he went to work for Shell in Africa. He began to write after a monumental bash on the head , sustained as an RAF pilot in World War II. Roald Dahl died in 1990. Quentin Blake is one of the best-known and best-loved children's illustrators and it's impossible now to think of Roald Dahl's writings without imagining Quentin Blake's illustrations.
9,79 € 10,31 €

James and the Giant Peach

"A true genius...Roald Dahl is my hero" - David Walliams Phizz-whizzing new branding for the world's No.1 storyteller, Roald Dahl! Exciting, bold and instantly recognisable with Quentin Blake's inimitable artwork. The hugely popular story of James and his journey to New York with the strangest group of insect friends. Roald Dahl, the best-loved of children's writers, was born in Wales of Norwegian parents. After school in England he went to work for Shell in Africa. He began to write after "a monumental bash on the head", sustained as an RAF pilot in World War II. Roald Dahl died in 1990. Quentin Blake is one of the best-known and best-loved children's illustrators and it's impossible now to think of Roald Dahl's writings without imagining Quentin Blake's illustrations.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Esio Trot

This is the wonderful and warm-hearted Roald Dahl classic, "Esio Trot". Mr Hoppy really loves his neighbour Mrs Silver, and Mrs Silver really loves her tortoise, Alfie. One day Mrs Silver asks Mr Hoppy how to make Alfie grow, and suddenly Mr Hoppy knows the way to win her heart. With the help of a magical spell and some cabbage leaves, can Mr Hoppy be happy at last? A brand new Quentin Blake cover gives this much-loved classic a great new look. "A true genius...Roald Dahl is my hero". (David Walliams). Phizz-whizzing new branding for the world's No.1 storyteller, Roald Dahl! Exciting, bold and instantly recognisable with Quentin Blake's inimitable artwork. Roald Dahl, the best-loved of children's writers, was born in Wales of Norwegian parents. His books continue to be bestsellers after his death in 1990, and total sales are now over 100 million worldwide! Quentin Blake is one of the best-known and best-loved children's illustrators. It's impossible now to think of Roald Dahl's writings without imagining Quentin Blake's illustrations. Look out for the whole collection of wondercrump Roald Dahl books! "The Enormous Crocodile"; "Fantastic Mr Fox"; "The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me"; "The Magic finger"; "The Twits"; "The BFP"; "Boy: Tales of Childhood"; "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"; "Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator"; "The Complete Adventures of Charlie and Mr Willy Wonka"; "Danny the Champion of the World"; "George's Marvellous Medicine"; "Going Solo"; "James and the Giant Peach"; "Matilda"; "The Witches"; "Dirty Beasts"; "The Minpins"; "Revolting Rhymes". For Teens: "The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories"; "Rhyme Stew"; "Skin and Other Stories"; "The Vicar of Nibbleswicke"; "The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More".
9,03 € 9,50 €


"A true genius...Roald Dahl is my hero" - David Walliams Phizz-whizzing new branding for the world's No.1 storyteller, Roald Dahl! Exciting, bold and instantly recognisable with Quentin Blake's inimitable artwork. Witches really are a detestable breed. They disguise themselves as lovely ladies, when secretly they want to squish and squelch all the wretched children they despise. Luckily one boy and his grandmother know how to recognize these vile creatures, but can they get rid of them for good? Roald Dahl, the best-loved of children's writers, was born in Wales of Norwegian parents. After school in England he went to work for Shell in Africa. He began writing after "a monumental bash on the head", sustained as an RAF pilot in World War II. Roald Dahl died in 1990. Quentin Blake is one of the best-known and best-loved children's illustrators and it's impossible now to think of Roald Dahl's writings without imagining Quentin Blake's illustrations.
9,03 € 9,50 €


"A true genius...Roald Dahl is my hero" - David Walliams Phizz-whizzing new branding for the world's No.1 storyteller, Roald Dahl! Exciting, bold and instantly recognisable with Quentin Blake's inimitable artwork. Mr and Mrs Twit are extremely nasty, so the Muggle-Wump monkeys and the Roly-Poly bird hatch an ingenious plan to give them just the ghastly surprise they deserve! Roald Dahl, the best-loved of children's writers, was born in Wales of Norwegian parents. After school in England he went to work for Shell in Africa. He began to write after "a monumental bash on the head", sustained as an RAF pilot in World War II. Roald Dahl died in 1990. Quentin Blake is one of the best-known and best-loved children's illustrators and it's impossible now to think of Roald Dahl's writings without imagining Quentin Blake's illustrations.
8,36 € 8,80 €

George`s Marvellous Medicine

A true genius...Roald Dahl is my hero' - David Walliams Phizz-whizzing new branding for the world's No.1 storyteller, Roald Dahl! Exciting, bold and instantly recognisable with Quentin Blake's inimitable artwork. In this popular Dahl story, George creates a very special medicine to cure his grandma of her nasty habits. Roald Dahl, the best-loved of children's writers, was born in Wales of Norwegian parents. After school in England he went to work for Shell in Africa. He began to write after "a monumental bash on the head", sustained as an RAF pilot in World War II. Roald Dahl died in 1990. Quentin Blake is one of the best-known and best-loved children's illustrators and it's impossible now to think of Roald Dahl's writings without imagining Quentin Blake's illustrations.
8,08 € 8,50 €

Magic Finger

A true genius...Roald Dahl is my hero' - David Walliams Phizz-whizzing new branding for the world's No.1 storyteller, Roald Dahl! Exciting, bold and instantly recognisable with Quentin Blake's inimitable artwork. The story of a little girl with magical powers. When someone makes her angry she zaps a punishment on them with her magic flashing finger! This edition has a great new cover, with illustrations by Quentin Blake, and some new facts about Roald Dahl and his world. Roald Dahl, the best-loved of children's writers, was born in Wales of Norwegian parents. His books continue to be bestsellers, despite his death in 1990, and total sales are over 100 million worldwide! Quentin Blake is one of the best-known and best-loved children's illustrators and it's impossible now to think of Roald Dahl's writings without imagining Quentin Blake's illustrations.
8,36 € 8,80 €


Matildas parents have called her some terrible things, but the truth is shes a genius and theyre the stupid ones. Underestimating Matilda proves to be a big mistake as they, along with her spiteful headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, discover when Matilda uses her very special power to get the better of them.Roald Dahl, the best-loved of childrens writers, was born in Walesof Norwegian parents. After school in England he went to work forShell in Africa. He began to write after "a monumental bash on thehead", sustained as an RAF pilot in World War II. Roald Dahl diedin 1990. Quentin Blake is one of the best-known and best-lovedchildrens illustrators and its impossible now to think of RoaldDahls writings without imagining Quentin Blakes illustrations.
9,79 € 10,30 €