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Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl bol britský spisovateľ, známy hlavne od roku 1940 tvorbou pre deti i dospelých. K jeho najznámejším dielam patrí "Charlie a továreň na čokoládu" , "Matilda", "Čarodejnica" a "Jakub a obrovská broskyňa". Z jeho tvorby pre dospelých je asi najznámejšia kniha poviedok "Ľúbostné rošády".

Roald Dahl sa narodil 13. septembra v roku 1916 v Spojenom kráľovstve. Jeho rodičia sa tam prisťahovali z Nórska. Keď mal  4 roky, umrel jeho otec na zápal pľúc, predtým prišiel o sedemročnú sestru Astri. Jeho matka ostala na Britských ostrovoch. Bol výborným športovcom, hral za školský futbalový tím a bol aj kapitánom školského sqauhového tímu.

Po skončení školy sa stal obchodným zástupcom firmy Shell pre oblasť východnej Afriky. V roku 1939 nastúpil do Royal Air Force, kde získal hodnosť Pilot Officer. Pri havárii jeho litedla v Lýbii sa zranil, mal fraktúru lebky a dočasne oslepol. V nemocnici v Alexandrii sa zamiloval do sestričky, keď sa mu však vrátil zrak, zistil, že láska nie je slepá a uvedomil si, že bol zamilovaný len do jej hlasu. V roku 1941 sa vrátil do Británie, pretože ho bolesti hlavy  prinútili zavesiť kariéru pilota na klinec.

Roald Dahl začal písať po prevelení do Washingtonu. V roku 1953 sa v New Yorku oženil s herečkou Patriciou Nealovou, boli svoji 30 rokov a mali päť detí: Oliviu (zomrela v siedmich rokoch), Tessu, Thea, Opheliu a Lucy. Olivii neskôr venoval knihu Kamoš obor. S manželkou sa rozviedli v roku 1983, dôvodom bola o 22 rokov mladšia  Felicity d'Abreu Crosland,ktorú si po rozvode vzal.

Zomrel 23. novembra v roku 1990 na leukémiu vo svojom dome v Great Missendene, Buckinghamshire. Jeho vdova pokračovala v jeho neúnavnej charitatívnej činnosti prostredníctvom nadácie nesúcej jeho meno.

(Foto: Carl Van Vechten)


The Vicar of Nibbleswicke (Puffin Books)

Korean edition of THE VICAR OF NIBBLESWICKE is Roald Dahl's last work. Illustrated by Quentin Blake, translated by Jang Mi Ran. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
7,79 € 8,20 €

Danny the Champion of the World

This is a new edition of the well-loved story of Danny and his father who outwit their greedy, rich neighbour, Mr Victor Hazell. It comes with a great new cover by Quentin Blake as well as a whole new exciting end section about Roald Dahl and his world.
6,56 € 6,90 €

Dirty Beasts

A collection of (mainly) grisly beasts out for human blood, ranging from Gocky-Wock the crocodile to Sting-A-Ling the scorpion. Described in verse with all Dahl's usual gusto and illustrated in suitably lurid style by Quentin Blake.
9,79 € 10,31 €

Georges Marvellous Medicine

George has a grizzly old Grandma with revolting eating habits. When he can't stand her any longer, George decides to cure her nastiness for good. He concocts a very special medicine which is as nasty as she is - with explosive results.
5,65 € 5,95 €

The Twits

Mr and Mrs Twit are extremely nasty, so the Muggle-Wump monkeys and the Roly-Poly Bird hatch an ingenious plan to give them the ghastly surprise they deserve! This edition has a great new Quentin Blake cover as well as a new author biography.
5,65 € 5,95 €

Fantastic Mr Fox

Boggis, Bunce and Bean are the meanest three farmers you could meet. They are determined to get Mr Fox - but he has other plans! This includes additional fun pages at the end of the story in which you can learn all about the World's No.1 Storyteller.
5,65 € 5,95 €

James and the Giant Peach

An enormous escaped rhinoceros from London Zoo has eaten James's parents. And it gets worse! James is packed off to live with his two really horrible aunts, Sponge and Spiker. Poor James is miserable, until something peculiar happens and James finds himself on the most wonderful and extraordinary journey he could ever imagine ...
5,65 € 5,95 €

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie Bucket finds a Golden Ticket which wins him a whole day at Willie Wonka's chocolate factory in this captivating favourite by Roald Dahl.
5,04 € 5,31 €

... und Noch ein Kuesschen!

Roald Dahl (1916-1990) absolvierte eine kaufmännische Lehre, ging dann 1936 für die Shell Oil Company nach Tanganjika und meldete sich bei Ausbruch des zweiten Weltkriegs als Pilot bei der Royal Air Force. Nach dem Krieg lebte er als freier Schriftsteller und Drehbuchautor abwechselnd in den USA und in England.
12,24 € 12,88 €

La Potion Magique de Georges Bouillon

La plupart des grand-mres sont d'adorables vieilles dames, gentilles et serviables. Hélas, ce n'est pas le cas de la grand-mre de Georges ! Grincheuse, égoste, elle ressemble une sorcire et elle a des gots bizarres : elle aime se régaler de limaces, de chenilles... Un jour, alors qu'elle vient une fois de plus de le terroriser, Georges décide de lui préparer une potion magique. Une potion aux effets surprenants.. et durables!, - Retrouvez tout le génie et l'humour de Roald Dahl dans cette histoire irrévérencieuse qui dépeint les relations entre les générations comme personne !
8,46 € 8,90 €

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Every time Mr Fox steals a chicken from the farm, Farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean grow wild with rage! They’re the nastiest crooks in the valley, and they’ve concocted a cunning plan to dig him out of his hole once and for all. But it never occurs to them that Mr Fox has a fantastic plan of his own . . . Releasing October 2009, Wes Anderson and Twentieth Century Fox bring to life Roald Dahl’s classic tale in breathtaking stop-motion animation. With a cast that includes George Clooney, Meryl Streep and Bill Murray, this film is guaranteed to delight Dahl fans of every age.
6,60 € 6,95 €

Completely Unexpected Tales

Take a pinch of unease. Stir it into a large dollop of the macabre, add a generous helping of dark and stylish wit, garnish with the bizarre and what do you have? Roald Dahl at his brilliant, hypnotizing best, cooking up some of the most unusual stories ever told. Here in one volume are "Tales of the Unexpected and More Tales of the Unexpected", making this a superb compendium of vengeance, surprise and dark delight.
11,36 € 11,96 €


Five-year old Matilda longs for her parents to be good and loving and understanding, but they are none of these things. They are perfectly horrid to her. Matilda invents a game of punishing them each time they treat her badly and she soon discovers she has supernatural powers.
5,65 € 5,95 €


Slavná povídka mistra pointy Roalda Dahla "Čubka", jejíž děj se točí okolo parfému nabitého feromony, vychází samostatně v originálně řešené knize, která je malým uměleckým artefaktem. Autorkami výtvarného konceptu, ilustrací a typografie je mladé designérské duo Štěpánka Bláhovcová a Anna Citterbardová. Součástí knihy je vložený flakon se vzorkem hříšné vůně.
17,29 € 18,20 €

Fantastic Mr Fox

Boggis, Bunce and Bean are the nastiest and meanest farmers you could meet - and they hate Mr Fox! They're determined to catch him and lie outside his hole, ready to shoot, starve or dig him out. Clever Mr Fox has other plans and manages to outwit the nasty farmers.
6,60 € 6,95 €

Georges Marvellous Medicine

Young George mixes a medicine to make his nasty grandmother more likable, and once she drinks it she grows to immense proportions. George's father wants the formula to breed a race of super-size livestock, but George can't duplicate the recipe. His fourth try is a potion that shrinks the drinker to nothing - and greedy Grandma drinks it with expected results!
6,60 € 6,95 €