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Charles Dickens
Spisovateľ, tvorca anglického kritického realizmu, publicista a novinár Charles Dickens sa narodil 7. februára v roku 1812.

Romány tohto velikána svetovej literatúry sa vyznačujú bohatosťou scén, až sentimentálnym súcitom s utrpením chudobných, ostrou kritikou spoločenských nedostatkov a nespravodlivosti. Spisovateľ viktoriánskej éry Spojeného kráľovstva (obdobie 1837-1901) sa vo svojich literárnych dielach, ale aj vo verejnom živote zaoberal hlavne sociálnymi pomermi a s nimi súvisiacou zločinnosťou a súdnym systémom. Dickensove dielo je poznačené jeho trpkým a neradostným detstvom v rodine malého úradníka, ktorý sa pre svoje dlhy dostal do väzenia a až nečakané dedičstvo pomohlo rodine z finančných problémov. Malý Charles Dickens teda už vo svojich dvanástich rokoch pracoval ako robotník v továrni. Táto práca a návštevy vo väzení zanechali v jeho vnímavej duši pocit poníženia a odporu, s ktorým sa často stretávame v jeho neskoršej tvorbe, najmä v románe David Copperfield.
      Charles John Huffam Dickens sa narodil 7. februára 1812 v Portsmouthe. Vďaka svojej húževnatosti a vytrvalosti sa z veľmi chudobného chlapca vypracoval na skutočnú hviezdu literárneho neba. Vzdelanie nadobudol vlastnou usilovnosťou, lebo náruživo čítal staré romány a navštevoval Britské múzeum. Ako 15-ročný sa stal pisárom v kancelárii právneho zástupcu. Naučil sa rýchlopis a v roku 1835 sa stal súdnym a parlamentným spravodajcom časopisu Morning Cronicle.
      Literárnu dráhu začal Dickens v roku 1833 drobnými časopiseckými črtami a poviedkami, ktoré písal pod pseudonymom Boz. Zachytával v nich londýnske prostredie a postavy i z nižších spoločenských vrstiev. Boli to práce plné humoru a vtipov a medzi čitateľmi veľmi obľúbené. Keď v roku 1836 svoje črty vydal knižne ako Bozove črty, nakladateľ ho vyzval k spolupráci na humoristickom seriáli, z čoho vznikla kniha Pamäti Klubu Pickwickovcov. Toto prvé rozsiahle dielo ho preslávilo, ľudový humor a nezabudnuteľné postavy si získali nesmiernu popularitu.
      Román Oliver Twist a nezabudnuteľné zážitky chudobného chlapca, ako aj filmové spracovanie románu obletelo celý svet. Dickens je autorom aj ďalších literárnych titulov, napríklad Malá Dorritka, Pochmúrny dom, Nádejné vyhliadky, Starožitnícky sklep, Barnaby Rudge či historický román z obdobia protikatolíckych nepokojov okolo roku 1780. Americké poznámky napísal po prvej návšteve Spojených štátov amerických (USA). Napísal aj Vianočné knihy s rozprávkami, ako Vianočná pieseň, Novoročné zvony, atď. Pre detského čitateľa vyšlo na Slovensku z tejto oblasti v roku 1999 unikátne dielo Evanjelium podľa Dickensa. Autor v ňom rozpráva evanjeliá svojim desiatim deťom prosto a ľudsky, tak, aby sa im vštepili hlboko do duše i srdca. Dickens považoval toto svoje rozprávanie za súkromnú vec a po celý život ho odmietal publikovať. Kniha uzrela svetlo sveta až po jeho smrti a prológ k slovenskému vydaniu napísal Milan Rúfus.
      Dickens, slávny nielen v Európe, ale aj v USA, ktoré navštívil dvakrát (v rokoch 1841 a 1867) usporadúval turné, na ktorých čítal svoje diela, lebo miloval živý kontakt s čitateľmi. Zomrel náhle 9. júna 1870 vo veku 58 rokov v Gadshill pri písaní svojho posledného románu Záhada Edwina Drooda. Pochovali ho vo Westminsterskom opátstve.
      Britská Kráľovská mincovňa prišla 6. decembra 2011 s neobvyklým nápadom, ako si pripomenúť 200. narodeniny spisovateľa Charlesa Dickensa - vydala novú mincu s portrétom autora, vytvoreného z názvov niektorých jeho najslávnejších beletristických diel.
(Zdroj TASR, foto: wikipedia - Emanuel Müller-Baden)


A Christmas Tree

A Christmas Tree was written in the year 1850 by Charles Dickens. This book is one of the most popular novels of Charles Dickens, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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Barnaby Rudge

Barnaby Rudge was written in the year 1841 by Charles Dickens. This book is one of the most popular novels of Charles Dickens, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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David Copperfield

David Copperfield is the novel that draws most closely from Charles Dickens's own life. Its eponymous hero, orphaned as a boy, grows up to discover love and happiness, heartbreak and sorrow amid a cast of eccentrics, innocents, and villains. Praising Dickens's power of invention, Somerset Maugham wrote: "There were never such people as the Micawbers, Peggotty and Barkis, Traddles, Betsey Trotwood and Mr. Dick, Uriah Heep and his mother. They are fantastic inventions of Dickens's exultant imagination...you can never quite forget them."
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Doctor Marigold

Doctor Marigold was written in the year 1865 by Charles Dickens. This book is one of the most popular novels of Charles Dickens, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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Dombey and Son

Dombey and Son was written in the year 1848 by Charles Dickens. This book is one of the most popular novels of Charles Dickens, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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Great Expectations

Great Expectations is a novel by Charles Dickens first serialised in All the Year Round from 1 December 1860 to August 1861. It is regarded as one of his greatest and most sophisticated novels, and is one of his most enduringly popular, having been adapted for stage and screen over 250 times.Great Expectations is written in a semi-autobiographical style, and is the story of the orphan Pip, writing his life from his early days of childhood until adulthood. The story can also be considered semi-autobiographical of Dickens, like much of his work, drawing on his experiences of life and people.The action of the story takes place from Christmas Eve, 1812, when the protagonist is about seven years old, to the winter of 1840.
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Hard Times

Hard Times was written in the year 1850 by Charles Dickens. This book is one of the most popular novels of Charles Dickens, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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Hunted Down

One might not necessarily think of Dickens as a mystery writer, but detectives and criminals do figure into much of his work. This...gathers a dozen of his stories featuring cops of one kind or another
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Little Dorrit

Upon its publication in 1857, Little Dorrit immediately outsold any of Dickens’s previous books. The story of William Dorrit, imprisoned for debt in Marshalsea Prison, and his daughter and helpmate, Amy, or Little Dorrit, the novel charts the progress of the Dorrit family from poverty to riches. In his Introduction, David Gates argues that “intensity of imagination is the gift from which Dickens’s other great attributes derive: his eye and ear, his near-universal empathy, his ability to entertain both a sense of the ridiculous and a sense of ultimate significance.”
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Martin Chuzzlewit

Martin Chuzzlewit was written in the year 1844 by Charles Dickens. This book is one of the most popular novels of Charles Dickens, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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Mugby Junction

Mugby Junction was written in the year 1866 by Charles Dickens. This book is one of the most popular novels of Charles Dickens, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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Nobody's Story

Nobody's Story was written in the year 1853 by Charles Dickens. This book is one of the most popular novels of Charles Dickens, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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Oliver Twist

Set in Victorian London, this is a tale of a spirited young innocent's unwilling but inevitable recruitment into a scabrous gang of thieves. Masterminded by the loathsome Fagin, the underworld crew features some of Dickens' most memorable characters, including the vicious Bill Sikes, gentle Nancy, and the juvenile pickpocket known as the Artful Dodger.
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Our Mutual Friend

A satiric masterpiece about the allure and peril of money, Our Mutual Friend revolves around the inheritance of a dust-heap where the rich throw their trash. When the body of John Harmon, the dust-heap’s expected heir, is found in the Thames, fortunes change hands surprisingly, raising to new heights “Noddy” Boffin, a low-born but kindly clerk who becomes “the Golden Dustman.” Charles Dickens’s last complete novel, Our Mutual Friend encompasses the great themes of his earlier works: the pretensions of the nouveaux riches, the ingenuousness of the aspiring poor, and the unfailing power of wealth to corrupt all who crave it. With its flavorful cast of characters and numerous subplots, Our Mutual Friend is one of Dickens’s most complex—and satisfying—novels.
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Sketches by Boz

Sketches by Boz is a collection of short pieces published by Charles Dickens in 1836. Dickens' career as a writer of fiction truly began with this collection in 1833, when he started writing humorous sketches for The Morning Chronicle, using the pen-name "Boz". The first edition was accompanied by illustrations by George Cruikshank.The sketch "Mr. Minns and his Cousin" (originally titled "A Dinner at Poplar Walk") was the first piece of fiction that Dickens ever had published.
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Somebody's Luggage

Somebody's Luggage was written in the year 1862 by Charles Dickens. This book is one of the most popular novels of Charles Dickens, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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