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Umberto Eco
Umberto Eco (5.1.1932 - 19.2.2016) bol taliansky spisovateľ, estetik a teoretik umenia semiotického zamerania, medievalista a spisovateľ.

Umberto Eco je synom Giulia Eca a Giovanny Bisio. Jeho otec, účtovník a veterán troch vojen pochádzal z rodiny s trinástimi deťmi. Ecov dedo bol údajne najdúchom, priezvisko Eco dostal od jedného štátneho zamestnanca a je pravdepodobne akronymom: ex - caelis oblatus - "ponúkaný nebesami."

Keď vypukla 2. svetová vojna Umberto Eco sa aj s matkou presťahoval do malej osady v horách. Po maturite naňho začal otec naliehať, aby sa stal právnikom, tak mladý Eco nastúpil na univerzitu v Turíne. Aj napriek otcovim námietkam Eco zanechal štúdium práv a začal sa venovať stredovekej filozofii a literatúre, v roku 1954 získal doktorát z filozofie. Potom sa stal vydavateľom a dostal tak príležitosť pozrieť sa na modernú kultúru cez média. V roku 1956 publikoval prvú knihu, kde zverejnil svoje tézy, v rovnakom roku začal rozvíjať sieť avantgardných spisovateľov, hudobníkov a maliarov. Mnoho spisovateľov sa neskôr združilo do skupiny 63. V roku 1959 začal pracovať pre Verri, kde publikoval každý mesiac stĺpik venovaný avantgardným myšlienkam a lingvistickému experimentu. Počas týchto rokov začal Eco rozvíjať svoje myšlienky na ,,otvorený text“. V septembri roku 1962 sa oženil s nemeckou učiteľkou umenia Renatou Ramge, s ňou má dve deti, syna a dcéru.

Napriek tomu, že sa jeho pozícia novinára zdala istá, v ďalších rockoch nastalo v jeho živote mnoho zmien. Jeho spisy sa objavili v rôznych vydaniach a v roku 1964 sa Eco presťahoval do Milána, kde sa stal lektorom, o rok neskôr bol vo Florencii zvolený profesorom vizuálnej komunikácie a v roku 1971 sa stal profesorom náuky o znakoch na univerzite v Bologni. Počas 70. rokov publikoval niekoľko diel o náuke o znakoch. V marci v roku 1978 začal písať svoj prvý román Meno ruže. Román bol publikovaný v roku 1980 a takmer hneď bolo meno Umberto Eco známe po celom svete. (Jeho vydavateľstvo malo v pláne predať 30 000 kópií tohoto titulu, dodnes ich predali cez deväť miliónov). Ihneď po dopísaní prvého románu, začal Eco kompletovať svoju ďalšiu prácu – Foucaultove kyvadlo. Ďalší okamžitý úspech druhého románu, zaradil Eca medzi dôležitých svetových autorov. A aj keď Eco tvrdil, že už nemá plány písať ďalší román, o pár rokov neskôr vydal už tretí, Ostrov včerajšieho dňa.

Teraz sa Eco teší z úspešného života. V lete žije v kopcovitej oblasti blízko Riminy, na panstve zo 17. storočia, ktoré slúžilo ako jezuitská škola a zvyšok roku v Miláne a na cestách. Doteraz získal viac ako 27 titulov a mnoho cien prestížnych svetových univerzít, je považovaný za chodiacu encyklopédiu. Mnohí by ho mohli považovať za strohého vedca, vie si však vychutnať radosti života, má rád jedlo, alkohol (hlavne whisky), nevyhýba sa cigaretám, miluje jazz a hrá na trúbku.

(Foto: Ufficio Stampa Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria)


Inventing the Enemy

Underscores the writer s profound erudition, lively wit, and passion for ideas of all shapes and sizes . . . Eco s pleasure in such explorations is obvious and contagious. "Booklist" " Inventing the Enemy" covers a wide range of topics on which Eco has written and lectured over the past ten years: from a disquisition on the theme that runs through his recent novel "The Prague Cemetery" every country needs an enemy, and if it doesn t have one, must invent it to a discussion of ideas that have inspired his earlier novels (and in the process he takes us on an exploration of lost islands, mythical realms, and the medieval world); from indignant reviews of James Joyce s "Ulysses "by fascist journalists of the 1920s and 1930s, to an examination of Saint Thomas Aquinas s notions about the soul of an unborn child, to censorship and violence and WikiLeaks. These are essays full of passion, curiosity, and obsession by one of the world s most esteemed scholars and critically acclaimed, best-selling novelists. True wit and wisdom coexist with fierce scholarship inside Umberto Eco, a writer who actually knows a thing or two about being truly human. "Buffalo News" "Thought provoking . . . nuanced . . . the collection amply shows off Eco's sophisticated, agile mind." " Publishers Weekly""
12,83 € 13,50 €

The Island of the Day Before

After a violent storm in the South Pacific in the year 1643, Roberto della Griva finds himself shipwrecked-on a ship. Swept from the Amaryllis, he has managed to pull himself aboard the Daphne, anchored in the bay of a beautiful island. The ship is fully provisioned, he discovers, but the crew is missing. As Roberto explores the different cabinets in the hold, he remembers chapters from his youth: Ferrante, his imaginary evil brother; the siege of Casale, that meaningless chess move in the Thirty Years' War in which he lost his father and his illusions; and the lessons given him on Reasons of State, fencing, the writing of love letters, and blasphemy. In this fascinating, lyrical tale, Umberto Eco tells of a young dreamer searching for love and meaning; and of a most amazing old Jesuit who, with his clocks and maps, has plumbed the secrets of longitudes, the four moons of Jupiter, and the Flood.
12,83 € 13,50 €

The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana

Yambo, a sixtyish rare-book dealer who lives in Milan, has suffered a loss of memory-he can remember the plot of every book he has ever read, every line of poetry, but he no longer knows his own name, doesn't recognize his wife or his daughters, and remembers nothing about his parents or his childhood. In an effort to retrieve his past, he withdraws to the family home somewhere in the hills between Milan and Turin. There, in the sprawling attic, he searches through boxes of old newspapers, comics, records, photo albums, and adolescent diaries. And so Yambo relives the story of his generation: Mussolini, Catholic education and guilt, Josephine Baker, Flash Gordon, Fred Astaire. His memories run wild, and the life racing before his eyes takes the form of a graphic novel. Yambo struggles through the frames to capture one simple, innocent image: that of his first love. A fascinating, abundant new novel-wide-ranging, nostalgic, funny, full of heart-from the incomparable Eco.
14,20 € 14,95 €

The Name of the Rose

Umberto Eco s first novel, an international sensation and winner of the Premio Strega and the Prix Medicis Etranger awards The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. His tools are the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Aquinas, the empirical insights of Roger Bacon all sharpened to a glistening edge by wry humor and a ferocious curiosity. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey, where the most interesting things happen at night. Like the labyrinthine library at its heart, this brilliant novel has many cunning passages and secret chambers . . . Fascinating . . . ingenious . . . dazzling. "Newsweek
12,83 € 13,50 €

Numero Zero

"From the best-selling author of The Name of the Rose and The Prague Cemetery, a novel about the murky world of media politics, conspiracy, and murder. A newspaper committed to blackmail and mud slinging, rather than reporting the news. A paranoid editor, walking through the streets of Milan, reconstructing fifty years of history against the backdrop of a plot involving the cadaver of Mussolini's double. The murder of Pope John Paul I, the CIA, red terrorists handled by secret services, twenty years ofbloodshed, and events that seem outlandish until the BBC proves them true. A fragile love story between two born losers, a failed ghost writer, and a vulnerable girl, who specializes in celebrity gossip yet cries over the second movement of Beethoven's Seventh. And then a dead body that suddenly appears in a back alley in Milan. Set in 1992 and foreshadowing the mysteries and follies of the following twenty years, Numero Zero is a scintillating take on our times from the best-selling author of The Nameof the Rose and Foucault's Pendulum".
14,73 € 15,50 €

The Prague Cemetary

The #1 international bestseller, from Umberto Eco, author of "The Name of the Rose" Vintage Eco . . . the book is a triumph. "New York Review of Books" Nineteenth-century Europe from Turin to Prague to Paris abounds with the ghastly and the mysterious. Jesuits plot against Freemasons. Italian republicans strangle priests with their own intestines. French criminals plan bombings by day and celebrate Black Masses at night. Every nation has its own secret service, perpetrating forgeries, plots, and massacres. Conspiracies rule history. From the unification of Italy to the Paris Commune to the Dreyfus Affair to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Europe is in tumult and everyone needs a scapegoat. But what if, behind all of these conspiracies, both real and imagined, lay one lone man? [Eco] demonstrates once again that his is a voice that compels our attention "San Francisco Chronicle" Choreographed by a truth that is itself so strange a novelist need hardly expand on it to produce a wondrous tale . . . Eco is to be applauded for bringing this stranger-than-fiction truth vividly to life. "New York Times" Classic Eco, with a difference. "Los Angeles Times".
12,83 € 13,50 €

Turning Back the Clock

The time: 2000 to 2005, the years of neoconservatism, terrorism, the twenty-four-hour news cycle, the ascension of Bush, Blair, and Berlusconi, and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. In this series of provocative, passionate, and wittyessays, Umberto Eco examines a wide range of phenomena, from Harry Potter, the Tower of Babel, talk shows, and the Enlightenment to "The Da Vinci Code/" What led us, he asks, into this age of hot wars and media populism, and how was it sold to us as progress?In "Turning Back the Clock, " the bestselling author and respected scholar turns his famous intellect toward events both local and global to look at where our troubled world is headed."
11,88 € 12,50 €

Numero Zero

1945, Lake Como. Mussolini and his mistress are captured and shot by local partisans. The precise circumstances of II Duce's death remain shrouded in confusion and controversy. 1992, Milan. Colonna, a depressed hack writer, is offered a fee he can't refuse to ghost-write a memoir. His subject: a fledgling newspaper financed by a powerful media magnate. As Colonna gets to know the team, he learns the paranoid theories of Braggadocio, who is convinced that Mussolini's corpse was a body-double and part of a wider Fascist plot. It's the scoop he desperately needs. The evidence? He's working on it. Colonna is sceptical. But when a body is found, stabbed to death in a back alley, and the paper is shut down, even he is jolted out of his complacency. Fuelled by conspiracy theories, Mafiosi, love, corruption and murder, Numero Zero reverberates with the clash of forces that have shaped Italy since the Second World War. This gripping novel from the author of The Name of the Rose is told with all the power of a master storyteller.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Il nome della rosa

Il nome della rosa
21,66 € 22,80 €

The Name Of The Rose

The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey where extraordinary things are happening under the cover of night. A spectacular popular and critical success, The Name of the Rose is not only a narrative of a murder investigation but an astonishing chronicle of the Middle Ages.
8,50 € 8,95 €

Chronicles of a Liquid Society

Umberto Eco was an international cultural superstar. A celebrated essayist as well as novelist, in this, his last collection, he explores many aspects of the modern world with irrepressible curiosity and wisdom. A crisis in ideological values, a crisis in politics, unbridled individualism – the familiar backdrop to our lives: a ‘liquid society’ where it’s not easy to find a polestar, though stars and starlets are not lacking. In these pieces, written by Eco as articles for his regular column in l’Espresso magazine, he brings his dazzling erudition and keen sense of the everyday to bear on topics such as popular culture and politics, being seen, conspiracies, the old and the young, mobile phones, mass media, racism, good manners and the crisis in ideological values. It is a final gift to his readers – astute, witty and illuminating.
22,75 € 23,95 €

A rózsa neve

"Nosza, adok én teneked sok latint és kevés nőt, teológiát dögivel és vért, literszám, mint a Grand Guignolban, hogy te kifakadj: "Ez hamis, ez becsapás!" És ekkor kell a hatalmamba kerülnöd, beleborzonganod Isten végtelen mindenhatóságába, melynek a világ rendje semmi. És azután rájönnöd, ha ügyes vagy, hogy hogyan is húztalak be a csőbe, elvégre én minden egyes lépésnél szóltam neked, figyelmeztettelek, hogy a kárhozatba viszlek; csak hát az ördögi paktumokban épp az a szép, hogy az ember úgy írja alá őket, hogy nagyon is tudja, kivel paktál. Mi másért érdemelné ki a poklot? Mivel pedig azt akartam, hogy az egyetlen igazán izgalmas dolog, vagyis a metafizikai borzongás, kellemes hatást keltsen, nem maradt más hátra, mint hogy a legmetafizikusabb és legfilozofikusabb cselekménymintát: a detektívregényt válasszam."
14,07 € 14,81 €

L'isola del giorno prima

L'isola del giorno prima
19,95 € 21,00 €

Chronicles of a Liquid Society

Umberto Eco was an international cultural superstar. A celebrated essayist as well as novelist, in this, his last collection, he explores many aspects of the modern world with irrepressible curiosity and wisdom written in his uniquely ironic voice. Written by Eco as articles for his regular column in l'Espresso magazine, he brings his dazzling erudition, incisiveness and keen sense of the everyday to bear on topics such as popular culture and politics, unbridled individualism, conspiracies, the old and the young, mobile phones, mass media, racism, good manners and the crisis in ideological values. It is a final gift to his readers - astute, witty and illuminating.
13,25 € 13,95 €

A tegnap szigete

A tegnap szigete afféle megtalált kézirat. Descartes-ból, Galileiből és Spinozából, Marinóból és John Donne-ból, Vermeerből, Arcimboldóból és mindenféle furcsaságokból összegyúrt, mégis szívgyönyörködtetően eredeti olvasmány. Egy barokk ifjúról szól, akit sorsa a spanyolok ostromolta Casale hős várvédőjéből szabadgondolkodó párizsi szerelmessé, majd a Bastille foglyává, Mazarin titkos ügynökévé és végül déltengeri hajótörötté tesz. Végül? Hajótörése nem szokványos: "mióta világ a világ, alighanem egyetlen olyan képviselője vagyok emberi fajunknak, aki egy elhagyatott hajón szenvedett hajótörést" - írja a hajdani ifjú, Roberto de la Grive a lakatlannak tetsző hajón. A lakatlan hajó pedig egy szigettől (az "antipódus-délkör" vonalán túli legendás Salamon-szigettől?) nem messze horgonyoz, és minden földi jóval roskadásig meg van rakva, de ketrecbe zárt trópusi madarakon kívül egy lélek sincs rajta. Valóságos kísértethajó. Jobban mondva... Roberto egyre furább jeleit észleli egy titokzatos Másik nemkülönben titokzatos jelenlétének. Ki lehet az? A gyerekkorától a fantáziájában élő Hasonmás, aki miatt alkalmasint bajba, majd tengerre került? Az ilyen és ehhez hasonló kérdésekre választ kap az olvasó. A végső válaszokat azonban mintha a Tegnap szigete kínálná. Át kéne jutni. De hogyan? Roberto nem tud úszni. Vajon sikerül-e? A regényhős gyakorol, gyakorlás közben leveleket ír Szíve Hölgyének, emlékezik, és képzeleg. Végül úgy dönt, hogy a saját kezébe veszi sorsát. Ajtót nyit a Képtelenség Palotáján. Belép a tulajdon regényébe.
15,32 € 16,13 €

On the Shoulders of Giants

The final collection of essays from the internationally acclaimed and bestselling author of The Name of the Rose and The Prague Cemetery, on the subjects of art and culture. In this collection of essays we find Umberto Eco's perennial areas of interest explored in a lively and engaging style, accompanied by beautiful reproductions of the art he discusses. In these wide-ranging pieces he explores the roots of our civilization, changing ideas of beauty, our obsession with conspiracies and the emblematic heroes of the great narrative, amongst other fascinating topics. Umberto Eco was one of the most influential, and entertaining, intellectuals of the last century, as well as being a critically acclaimed and bestselling writer of both fiction and non-fiction.
32,25 € 33,95 €