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Packeta - Doručenie na adresu

19. 12.

Balík na poštu

19. 12.


19. 12.

Slovenská pošta - na adresu

19. 12.

Kuriér SPS

19. 12.

Balíkovo (Alzaboxy)

19. 12.

Doručenie na predajňu

19. 12.

Osobný odber v sklade

23. 12.

Packeta - Výdajné miesto a Z-BOX

19. 12.

Cornelia Funke


Reckless IV: The Silver Tracks

Jacob and Fox may not have found Jacob's brother Will, but they have found something even more unexpected in the Mirrorworld: happiness. Just as they give up the search to enjoy their new life together, Will appears. But now Jacob isn't sure he can trust his own brother. Travelling with Jacob and Fox's deadly enemies, Will is on his way to Nihon, beautiful land of sea serpents and samurai, talking forests and magnificent foxes, in pursuit of another magical Mirror. The pair can only follow. If they are fortunate, what they find could save them. If they are not, they will find painful truths, terrible risks and a greater danger than they could ever have imagined.
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16,61 € 16,95 €

Reckless I: The Petrified Flesh

Jacob has uncovered the doorway to another world, hidden behind a mirror. It is a place of dark magic and enchanted objects, scheming dwarves and fearsome ogres, fairies born from water and men born from stone. Here, he hunts for treasure and seeks adventure in the company of Fox - a beautiful, shape shifting girl, who guides and guards him. But now Jacob's younger brother has followed him into the mirrored world, and all that was freedom has turned to fear. Because a deadly curse has been spoken; and Jacob must risk his life to reverse it, before his brother is turned to stone forever... Revised and updated by Cornelia Funke, The Petrified Flesh is the first book in the thrilling Reckless series.
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11,95 €

The Wizard of Oz

A stunningly beautiful hardback edition of the most famous journey in the world. Follow the yellow brick road! Dorothy thinks she is lost forever when a terrifying tornado crashes through Kansas and whisks her and her dog, Toto, far away to the magical land of Oz. To get home Dorothy must follow the yellow brick road to Emerald City and find the wonderfully mysterious Wizard of Oz. Together with her companions the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion whom she meets on the way, Dorothy embarks on a strange and enchanting adventure. Also in Puffin Clothbound Classics: 9780241411148 Black Beauty 9780241411155 Dracula 9780241411162 The Secret Garden 9780241411193 A Christmas Carol 9780241411216 Treasure Island
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18,95 €

Pans Labyrinth: The Labyrinth of the Faun

Fans of dark fairy-tales like The Hazel Woodand The Cruel Princewill relish this atmospheric and absorbing book based on Guillermo del Toros critically acclaimed movie. Oscar winning writer-director Guillermo del Toro and New York Timesbestselling author Cornelia Funke have come together to transform del Toros hit movie Pans Labyrinthinto an epic and dark fantasy novel for readers of all ages, complete with haunting illustrations and enchanting short stories that flesh out the folklore of this fascinating world. This spellbinding tale takes readers to a sinister, magical, and war-torn world filled with richly drawn characters like trickster fauns, murderous soldiers, child-eating monsters, courageous rebels, and a long-lost princess hoping to be reunited with her family. A brilliant collaboration between masterful storytellers thats not to be missed.
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20,95 €

Reckless III: The Golden Yarn

The third book in Cornelia Funke's internationally bestselling Reckless series After a perilous encounter with an Alder Elf, Jacob must journey into the enchanted Mirrorworld once again. Together with Fox, his beautiful shapeshifting friend, Jacob has no choice but to follow his brother on the trail of the Dark Fairy, who has fled deep into the East: to a land of folklore, Cossacks, spies, time-eating witches and flying carpets. But what exactly is the Dark One running from? The third book in the series, The Golden Yarn is a thrilling tale of courage and fear, jealousy and forbidden desire; in which love has the power both to save a life - and to destroy it.
12,95 €

Reckless II: Living Shadows

Jacob has saved his brother from the Mirrorworld, but now he will pay a terrible price. A fairy's curse is burning in his heart, and to break the spell he must embark upon a perilous journey - with his trusty friend Fox by his side - to seek out the only treasure that could save him. Jacob's search for the golden crossbow will lead him across hundreds of miles by land and sea, to an invisible, enchanted palace within the Dead City. It will bring him face to face with vicious beasts, bloodthirsty giants, and a deadly stone faced rival. It will test his courage like never before. Living Shadows is the second book in the thrilling Reckless series.
11,95 €

Pan's Labyrinth

THE SUNDAY TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER This enthralling novel, inspired by the 2006 film, illustrates that fantasy is the sharpest tool to explore the terrors and miracles of the human heart You shouldn't come in here. You could get lost. It has happened before. I'll tell you the story one day, if you want to hear it. In fairy tales, there are men and there are wolves, there are beasts and dead parents, there are girls and forests. Ofelia knows all this, like any young woman with a head full of stories. And she sees right away what the Capitan is, in his immaculate uniform, boots and gloves, smiling: a wolf. But nothing can prepare her for the fevered reality of the Capitan's eerie house, in the midst of a dense forest which conceals many things: half-remembered stories of lost babies; renegade resistance fighters hiding from the army; a labyrinth; beasts and fairies. There is no one to keep Ofelia safe as the labyrinth beckons her into her own story, where the monstrous and the human are inextricable, where myths pulse with living blood ...
12,69 € 12,95 €

Pan's Labyrinth The Labyrinth of the Faun

THE SUNDAY TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER This enthralling novel, inspired by the 2006 film, illustrates that fantasy is the sharpest tool to explore the terrors and miracles of the human heart You shouldn't come in here. You could get lost. It has happened before. I'll tell you the story one day, if you want to hear it. In fairy tales, there are men and there are wolves, there are beasts and dead parents, there are girls and forests. Ofelia knows all this, like any young woman with a head full of stories. And she sees right away what the Capitan is, in his immaculate uniform, boots and gloves, smiling: a wolf. But nothing can prepare her for the fevered reality of the Capitan's eerie house, in the midst of a dense forest which conceals many things: half-remembered stories of lost babies; renegade resistance fighters hiding from the army; a labyrinth; beasts and fairies. There is no one to keep Ofelia safe as the labyrinth beckons her into her own story, where the monstrous and the human are inextricable, where myths pulse with living blood...
17,50 €

Kísértetvadászok forró nyomon

A kísértetvadászok, Lebbencs Hedvig, Tomi és Hugó újabb megbízást kapnak. Ezúttal Fontos Ferenc szállodaigazgató úr kéri a segítségüket. A Tenger Gyöngyei Szállodában furcsa dolgok történnek. A csapokból forró víz lövell ki, a légkondicionáló is összevissza működik, és a vendégeket kiszámíthatatlan tűzszellemek fenyegetik! A három kísértetszakértő úgy érzi, ezt a problémát egy szempillantás alatt meg tudják oldani. De óriásit tévedtek! Az előkelő szálloda negyedik emeletén az egyik legveszélyesebb kísértet vert tanyát, akit csak ismerünk, egy úgynevezett ISZLEVIKI, azaz ISZonyú LEgyőzhetetlen VIllám KÍsértet!
8,89 €

Kísértetvadászok jeges nyomon

Lúdbőr-veszély! Tomi a pincébe lépve egy valódi kísértetbe botlik! Zöld szemű és ragacsos és velőtrázó a sikolya. Tomi a tapasztalt kísértetvadász, Lebbencs Hedvig segítségét kéri. Hugó, a kísértet azonban a legkevésbé sem veszélyes, cserébe ő maga is jó nagy pácban van: egy HUK (Határozottan Undorító Kísértet) megkaparintotta az otthonát. Hol kísértsen így Hugó? Tomi, Hedvig és Hugó elhatározzák, hogy együtt elűzik a HUK-ot - ami egy igazán veszélyes és fagyos vállalkozásnak ígérkezik! Cornelia Funke a német nyelvű gyerek- és ifjúsági irodalom egyik legismertebb, legkedveltebb szerzőjének számít. Gyerekregényei több tízmillió példányban fogynak szerte a világon.
8,89 €

Lovci prízrakov v hrôzostrašnom ohni

Z hotela "Perla pláže" stúpa hustý dym. Hostí ohrozujú nevypočítateľné ohňové prízraky! Lovci prízrakov sú však onedlho na mieste, pripravení ihneď uplatniť všetky poznatky a triky známej expertky na strašidlá Hedvigy Rascovicovej. Tá sa spolu so svojimi asistentmi, školákom Tomom Tomských a PNEP-om Hugom, nebojácne vypraví do páchnucich, dusivých výparov, a malý ohňový prízrak je onedlho zajatý. Ukáže sa však, že tá skutočne nebezpečná úloha na nich ešte len čaká.
6,95 €

Atramentové srdce

Meggie žije so svojím otcom v starom dome, keď sa jednej upršanej noci objaví pred ich dverami neznámy muž. Varuje jej otca pred Kaprikornom, a preto hneď za svitania opúšťajú dom, aby si našli nový úkryt u tety Elinor. Keď otca unesú, Meggie s Elinor sa ho vyberú hľadať a len postupne sa dozvedajú o tajomstvách, ktoré pred nimi ukrýva. Atramentové srdce je nádherne vyrozprávaný príbeh o knihe, o zázraku čítania a o význame, ktorým príbehy obohacujú náš život. Kto z nás si neželal, aby ožili jeho obľúbené postavy z knihy? V Atramentovom srdci sa tento sen stáva skutočnosťou. Meggie, Mo, ale aj ostatní za to zaplatia vysokú cenu. Náherný rozprávkový svet a temná zloba kráčajú ruka v ruke a zdá sa, že spočiatku sa zlu darí o čosi lepšie. V Nemecku sa Atramentové srdce dočkalo už 23. vydania, a keď sa príbeh prehupol cez oceán, neušiel pozornosti Hollywoodu a stal sa celosvetovým bestsellerom.
9,19 €

Lovci prízrakov na mrazivej stope

V pivnici sedí slizký prízrak! Tom chce už iba jedno: uniknúť. Tu mu však ponúkne svoju pomoc skúsená lovkyňa prízrakov Hedviga Rascovicová. Keď sa s prízrakom zoznámia bližšie, nezdá sa Tomovi až taký hrôzostrašný. Všetci traja spoločne vytvoria neporaziteľný tím lovcov prízrakov a onedlho dostanú prvú objednávku: majú sa vydať po mrazivej stope...
6,95 €

Lacná kniha Lovci prízrakov na mrazivej stope (-70%)

V pivnici sedí slizký prízrak! Tom chce už iba jedno: uniknúť. Tu mu však ponúkne svoju pomoc skúsená lovkyňa prízrakov Hedviga Rascovicová. Keď sa s prízrakom zoznámia bližšie, nezdá sa Tomovi až taký hrôzostrašný. Všetci traja spoločne vytvoria neporaziteľný tím lovcov prízrakov a onedlho dostanú prvú objednávku: majú sa vydať po mrazivej stope...
2,09 € 6,95 €

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The Thief Lord

Winter has come early to Venice. Two orphaned children are on the run, hiding among the crumbling canals and misty alleyways of the city. Befriended by a gang of street children and their mysterious leader, the Thief Lord, they shelter in an old, disused cinema. On their trail is a bungling detective, obsessed with disguises and the health of his pet tortoises. But a greater threat to the boys' new-found freedom is something from a forgotten past - a beautiful magical treasure with the power to spin time itself.
9,75 € 9,95 €

Emma und der Blaue Dschinn

Cornelia Funke und Kerstin Meyer: eine Welt voller Geheimnisse und Magie Eines Nachts findet Emmas Hund Tristan am Strand eine Flasche, und als Emma den Korken herauszieht, steigt eine Rauchsäule empor: Karim, der Blaue Dschinn. Aber Emma hat einen traurigen Geist befreit, der keine Wünsche mehr erfüllen kann, seit ihm der heimtückischste aller Gelben Dschinns seinen Nasenring gestohlen hat. Also reisen Emma und Tristan mit dem Flaschengeist ins Morgenland - auf einem fliegenden Teppich! Und das ist erst der Anfang einer Reihe aufregender Abenteuer ...
16,99 €