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Isabel Allendeová
Autorka románu Dom duchov, ktorý bol s veľkým úspechom sfilmovaný, písala aj rozprávky.

Allende Llona, sa narodila v Čile diplomatovi Tomásovi Allendemu, synovcovi Salvadora Allendeho (čilský prezident v rokoch 1970 - 1973), a Francisce Llone. V roku 1945 sa rodičia rozišli a matka sa s deťmi odsťahovala naspäť do Čile. V rokoch 1953 až 1958 bývali v Bolívii a neskôr v Bejrúte, kde Allendeová doštudovala na súkromnej anglickej škole. V roku 1958 sa vrátila do Čile, kde dokončila štúdium žurnalistiky a stretla svojho prvého manžela, Miguela Fríasa, za ktorého sa vydala v roku 1962.

V rokoch 1959 až 1965 pracovala pre OSN v Santiagu a neskôr v Bruseli. V roku 1963 sa jej narodila dcéra Paula a po návrate do Čile v roku 1966 sa narodil syn Nicolás.

Začiatkom roka 1967 začala pracovať pre časopis Paula a neskôr písala pre detský časopis Mampato. V tom čase uverejnila dve rozprávky La abuela Panchita a Lauchas y Lauchones. Zároveň pracovala pre Kanal 7 a 13 čílskej televízie.

V roku 1973 mala v Santiagu premiéru jej hra El emperador (slov. Vládca) a v septembri toho roku došlo v Čile k štátnemu prevratu na čele s generálom Augustom Pinochetom. Allendeová s rodinou sa kvôli nepriaznivej situácii v krajine presťahovala do Venezuely. Tam pracovala pre noviny „El Nacional“ v Caracase a vyučovala na škole.

V roku 1981 zomrel vo veku 99 rokov jej starý otec. Začala mu písať list, z ktorého sa vyvinul manuskript k jej slávnemu románu Dom duchov (La casa de espíritus). Kniha slávi dodnes veľký úspech a v roku 1993 ju sfilmoval dánsky režisér Bille August.

Allendeová navštívila v roku 1988 Kaliforniu, kde stretla svojho terajšieho manžela Willieho Gordona. Žijú spolu v San Rafael. V roku 2003 získala Allendeová americké štátne občianstvo.

Jej kniha Paula (vydaná 1994) je spomienkou na detstvo strávené v Santiagu a roky strávené v exile. Napísala ju vo forme listu svojej dcére Paule, ktorá v tom čase ležala v kóme v nemocnici (umrela v roku 1992 na porfýriu - dedičné alebo získané ochorenie charakterizované poruchou enzýmov zodpovedných za tvorbu hému).

Isabel Allendeová je významnou predstaviteľkou magického realizmu.

(Foto: Paal Leveraas)


Japanese Lover

From internationally bestselling author Isabel Allende comes an exquisitely crafted love story and multigenerational epic that sweeps from present-day San Francisco to Poland and the United States during WWII. In 1939, as Poland falls under the shadow of the Nazis and the world goes to war, young Alma Belasco's parents send her away to live in safety with an aunt and uncle in their opulent mansion in San Francisco. There she meets Ichimei Fukuda, the son of the family's Japanese gardener, and between them a tender love blossoms. Following Pearl Harbor, the two are cruelly pulled apart when Ichimei and his family - like thousands of Japanese Americans - are declared enemies by the US government and relocated to internment camps. Throughout their lifetimes, Alma and Ichimei reunite again and again, but theirs is a love they are forever forced to hide from the world. Decades later, Alma is nearing the end of her long and eventful life. Irina Bazili, a care worker struggling to come to terms with her own troubled past, meets the older woman and her grandson, Seth, at Lark House nursing home. As Irina and Seth forge a friendship, they become intrigued by a series of mysterious gifts and letters sent to Alma, and learn about Ichimei and this extraordinary secret passion that has endured for nearly seventy years.
10,40 € 10,95 €

Ein diskretes Wunder - Erzählungen

Es ist Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Im strengbewachten Guggenheimmuseum in Bilbao feiern Elena und Pedro eines Nachts ein orgiastisches Fest. Aber wie sind sie hineingekommen? Ein Wunder? Magie? Sinnliche, unerhörte Geschichten erzählt hier Isabel Allende, Geschichten voller Liebe und Erotik, Leidenschaft und übermütigem Humor, Geschichten von starken und eigenwilligen Frauen - und von liebestrunkenen Männern, die nicht immer wissen, wie das Herz einer Frau zu gewinnen ist.
5,93 € 6,24 €


"Hör mir zu, Paula, ich erzähle dir eine Geschichte, damit du nicht so verloren bist, wenn du wieder aufwachst." Das Unfaßbare geschah im Dezember 1991, als lsabel Allendes Tochter Paula plötzlich schwer erkrankte und kurz darauf ins Koma fiel. Eine heimtückische Stoffwechselkrankheit hatte die lebensfrohe junge Frau jäh niedergeworfen, im Herbst 1992 starb sie. Das Schicksal ihrer Tochter wurde für lsabel Allende zur schwersten Prüfung ihres Lebens. Um die Hoffnung nicht zu verlieren, schrieb sie, der Tochter zur Erinnerung um sich selbst zur Tröstung, "das Buch ihres Lebens - in doppelter Hinsieht" (Bayerischer Rundfunk), ihr persönlichstes und intimstes Buch "eine Hymne auf das Leben" (stern)
12,34 € 12,99 €

Eva Luna

**The remarkable novel from the multi-million-bestselling author of The House of the Spirits and The Japanese Lover** Meet the unforgettable Eva Luna: a lover, a writer, a revolutionary and above all, a storyteller. Eva Luna is the daughter of a professor's assistant and a snake-bitten gardener - born poor, orphaned at an early age and working as a servant. Eva is a naturally gifted and imaginative storyteller who meets people from all walks of life. Though she has no wealth, she trades her stories like currency with people who are kind to her. As she shares her stories, she introduces an eccentric cast of characters: the Lebanese emigre who takes her in, her Catholic godmother who believes in saints, a street urchin who grows up to be the leader of the guerrilla struggle, a celebrated trans cabaret star and a young refugee whose flight from postwar Europe will change Eva's life forever. As Eva tells her story, Isabel Allende brings to life a complex South American country - the rich, the poor, the sophisticated - in a novel that celebrates the power of imagination and storytelling. Praise for Isabel Allende's Eva Luna: `Vibrant, colourful characters; the ordinary fused with the grotesque; a Latin American setting, tropical this time; vivid, elegant narrative. The narrator, Eva Luna, is herself a story-teller in the Allende tradition' Guardian `An evident affection for words, compassion for the oppressed and the inarticulate, the daring ambition to draw cross-sections of whole societies . . . Allende's work glows' New York Times `Sumptuous . . . a tale that spans forty years and moves from a surreal jungle to a modern-day urban capital where even the most apolitical are driven to risky anti-government activities' Chicago Tribune `Allende rearranges reality with a blend of memories, mysticism and imagination' The Philadelphia Inquirer `A remarkable novel, one in which a cascade of stories tumbled out before the reader, stories vivid and passionate and human' Washington Post `Magnificent . . . Allende is a prodigious fabulist, weaving extraordinary tales' Publishers Weekly
10,93 € 11,50 €

Of Love and Shadows

Irene Beltran is a force to be reckoned with. As a magazine journalist - an unusual profession for a woman with her privileged upbringing - she is constantly challenging the oppressive regime. Her investigative partner is photographer Francisco Leal, the son of impoverished Spanish Marxist emigres. They are an inseparable team, and - despite Irene's engagement to an army captain - form a passionate connection. When an assignment leads them to uncover an unspeakable crime, they are determined to reveal the truth in a national overrun by terror and violence. Together they will risk everything for justice - and ultimately to embrace the passion that binds them. Praise for Isabel Allende's Of Love and Shadows: `[Allende] can just as deftly depict loving tenderness as convey the high fire of eroticism. And when you've successfully mingled sex and politics with a noble cause, how can you go wrong? New York Times Book Review `Allende is a born storyteller' Chicago Tribune `The people in Of Love and Shadows are real, their triumphs and defeats are so faithful to the truth of human existence, that we see the world in miniature. This is precisely what fiction should do' Washington Post `We are by turns enchanted and entertained . . . Allende has married the world of magic and political evil most credibly' LA Times Book Review
10,93 € 11,50 €

A japán szerető

Különleges szerelmi történettel és két nő finoman megrajzolt portréjával lepi meg olvasóit a chilei Isabel Allende, amint kitárja a kaliforniai Lark House kapuját. A madárfüttytől hangos kör­nyezetben álló Pacsirta-ház nem véletlenül kapta a nevét. Itt talál állást a fiatal Irina, akit Moldáviából vetett a sors a tengerentúlra. A nyolcvanon túl járó Alma Lengyelországból került Amerikába évtizedekkel ezelőtt, és az élete végéhez közeledve maga döntött úgy, hogy jómódú, szerető fia családját elhagyva az idősek otthoná­ban tölti az időt, ami számára megadatik. Másképp telnek napjai, mint a többieké. Valakitől rendszeresen kap levelet, kísérőül hozzá három szál gardéniát, gyakran kocsiba ül, elutazik néhány napra, mintha titkos találkára menne. Eltűnései rejtélyesek az őt gyakran meglátogató fiú unokája és Irina számára, ám ahogy telik az idő, és ahogy Alma egyre jobban megszereti a lányt, lassan beavatja őket nem mindennapi múltjába. A két fiatal így szerez tudomást a japán szeretőről, egy csaknem hét évtizedig tartó, mindent kibíró szerelemről, mialatt köztük is formálódik valami, ami túlmutat a barátságon. Isabel Allende a tőle megszokott derűvel és bölcs iróniával elmélkedik sorsról, életről, mulasztásokról, és arról, hogy legalább próbáljuk meg pótolni, ami még pótolható.
12,23 € 12,87 €

Mayas Notebook

The author of `The House of the Spirits' returns with a gritty yet transcendent tale of teenage addiction. Abandoned by her parents as a baby, Maya has been brought up by her tough grandmother Nini and her gentle grandfather Popo. But at school, the teenage Maya finds herself drawn towards the wrong crowd. Before she knows what's happened, Maya's life has turned into one of drug addiction and crime. Things go from bad to worse as Maya disappears into the criminal underworld. To save her from her old associates, Nini sends Maya to a remote island off the coast of Chile. Safe amongst her new neighbours, Maya feels compelled to write her story and slowly she begins to heal. But can she learn to live with her scars, and will her past ever catch up with her?
13,25 € 13,95 €

La Ciudad de las Bestias

Alexander Cold es un muchacho americano de quince aos que parte al Amazonas con su abuela Kate, periodista especializada en viajes. La expedición se interna en la selva en busca de una extraa bestia gigantesca. Junto con su compaera de viaje, Nadia Santos, y un centenario chamán indígena, Alex conocerá un mundo sorprendente. El universo ya conocido de Isabel Allende se amplía en La Ciudad de las Bestias con nuevos elementos de realismo mágico, aventura y naturaleza. Los jóvenes protagonistas, Nadia y Alexander, se internan en la inexplorada selva amazónica llevando de la mano al lector en un viaje sin pausa por un territorio misterioso donde se borran los límites entre la realidad y el sueo, donde hombres y dioses se confunden, donde los espíritus andan de la mano con los vivos.
12,34 € 12,99 €

The House of the Spirits

In one of the most important and beloved Latin American works of the twentieth century, Isabel Allende weaves a luminous tapestry of three generations of the Trueba family, revealing both triumphs and tragedies. Here is patriarch Esteban, whose wild desires and political machinations are tempered only by his love for his ethereal wife, Clara, a woman touched by an otherworldly hand. Their daughter, Blanca, whose forbidden love for a man Esteban has deemed unworthy infuriates her father, yet will produce his greatest joy: his granddaughter Alba, a beautiful, ambitious girl who will lead the family and their country into a revolutionary future. The House of the Spirits is an enthralling saga that spans decades and lives, twining the personal and the political into an epic novel of love, magic, and fate.
7,13 € 7,50 €

A Long Petal of the Sea

'A powerful love story spanning generations... Full of ambition and humanity' Sunday Times 'One of the strongest and most affecting works in Allende's long career' New York Times Book Review Victor Dalmau is a young doctor when he is caught up in the Spanish Civil War, a tragedy that leaves his life - and the fate of his country - forever changed. Together with his sister-in-law, he is forced out of his beloved Barcelona and into exile in Chile. There, they find themselves enmeshed in a rich web of characters who come together in love and tragedy over the course of four generations, destined to witness the battle between freedom and repression as it plays out across the world. 'A masterful work of historical fiction about hope, exile and belonging' Independent Online 'A defiantly warm and funny novel, by somebody who has earned the right to argue that love and optimism can survive whatever history might throw at us' Daily Telegraph 'Allende's style is impressively Olympian and the payoff is remarkable' Guardian
9,98 € 10,50 €

Long Petal of the Sea

September 3, 1939, the day of the Spanish exiles' splendid arrival in Chile, the Second World War broke out in Europe. Victor Dalmau is a young doctor when he is caught up in the Spanish Civil War, a tragedy that leaves his life - and the fate of his country - forever changed. Together with his sister-in-law, the pianist Roser, he is forced out of his beloved Barcelona and into exile. When opportunity to seek refuge arises, they board a ship chartered by the poet Pablo Neruda to Chile, the promised 'long petal of sea and wine and snow'. There, they find themselves enmeshed in a rich web of characters who come together in love and tragedy over the course of four generations, destined to witness the battle between freedom and repression as it plays out across the world. A masterful work of historical fiction that soars from the Spanish Civil War to the rise and fall of Pinochet, A Long Petal of the Sea is Isabel Allende at the height of her powers.
15,15 € 15,95 €

A Long Petal of the Sea

'A powerful love story spanning generations... Full of ambition and humanity' Sunday Times 'One of the strongest and most affecting works in Allende's long career' New York Times Book Review Victor Dalmau is a young doctor when he is caught up in the Spanish Civil War, a tragedy that leaves his life - and the fate of his country - forever changed. Together with his sister-in-law, he is forced out of his beloved Barcelona and into exile in Chile. There, they find themselves enmeshed in a rich web of characters who come together in love and tragedy over the course of four generations, destined to witness the battle between freedom and repression as it plays out across the world. 'A masterful work of historical fiction about hope, exile and belonging' Independent Online 'A defiantly warm and funny novel, by somebody who has earned the right to argue that love and optimism can survive whatever history might throw at us' Daily Telegraph 'Allende's style is impressively Olympian and the payoff is remarkable' Guardian
12,30 € 12,95 €

Lacná kniha El Plan Infonito (-95%)

El plan infinito narra la historia de Gregory Reeves, un gringo que se hace a sí mismo en el difícil mundo de los hispanos de California. Gregory quiere llevar a la práctica el peculiar «plan infinito» que se trazó a sí mismo en su infancia. Sin embargo, para conseguirlo debe recorrer un duro camino lleno de obstáculos: la marginación social, el racismo, el brutal contraste entre pobreza y riqueza, la guerra de Vietnam... Ésta es una de las novelas más logradas y apasionantes de la gran escritora chilena.
0,77 € 15,47 €

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Lacná kniha Les Pygmejů (-90%)

Ve třetím díle trilogie zavítáme s hlavními hrdiny obou předchozích dílů – Města Netvorů a Království Zlatého draka – Alexandrem Coldem, jeho babičkou Kate a přítelkyní Nadiou Santosovou do rovníkové Afriky. Dějištěm příběhu je Keňa.
0,86 € 8,60 €

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Lacná kniha Dcéra Šťasteny (-90%)

Hlavnou hrdinkou románu Dcéra šťasteny je Eliza Sommersová. Slušné a krehké dievča, prichádzajúce do Kalifornie v časoch vrcholiacej zlatej horúčky. Krutosť, ktorá v týchto časoch a v tomto prostredí vládla, ju prinúti zmeniť svoje správanie a rozmýšľať nad životnými hodnotami. Verný obraz amerického juhu, precízne vykreslené postavy a postavičky, dômyselná kompozícia a predstavivosť Allendeovej predurčujú tento román, aby sa zaradil medzi obľúbené diela slovenských čitateľov. Knihu preložila Eva Palkovičová.
0,83 € 8,27 €

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Lacná kniha El Reino de Dragon de Oro (-95%)

Isabel Allende nos invita de nuevo a vivir una aventura junto a Alex, su abuela Kate y Nadia, los protagonistas de La Ciudad de las Bestias, a través de una narración que combina sabiamente la acción trepidante con la búsqueda del equilibrio entre cuerpo y mente. La estatua del Dragón de Oro permanece oculta en un reino peque?o y misterioso, enclavado en la cordillera del Himalaya. Y según cuenta la leyenda, este magnífico objeto, un poderoso instrumento de adivinación incrustado de piedras preciosas, preserva la paz de estas tierras. Una paz que ahora, por la codicia en el alma de los hombres, puede verse perturbada. En El Reino del Dragón de Oro, Isabel Allende nos invita a entrar en una doble aventura. Alexander Cold, su abuela Kate y Nadia Santos, los protagonistas de La Ciudad de las Bestias, han vuelto a reunirse. Viviremos con ellos sus peripecias y vicisitudes en la belleza desnuda, limpia, de las monta?as y los valles del Himalaya en compa?ía de nuevos amigos. Pero la pluma mágica de Allende también nos descubre el valor y la sencillez de las ense?anzas budistas a través del lama Tensing, maestro y guía espiritual de Dil Bahadur, el joven heredero del reino, a quien conduce por la senda del budismo y ha dado a conocer el valor de la compasión, de la naturaleza, de la vida, de la paz.
0,73 € 14,51 €

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