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Isabel Allendeová
Autorka románu Dom duchov, ktorý bol s veľkým úspechom sfilmovaný, písala aj rozprávky.

Allende Llona, sa narodila v Čile diplomatovi Tomásovi Allendemu, synovcovi Salvadora Allendeho (čilský prezident v rokoch 1970 - 1973), a Francisce Llone. V roku 1945 sa rodičia rozišli a matka sa s deťmi odsťahovala naspäť do Čile. V rokoch 1953 až 1958 bývali v Bolívii a neskôr v Bejrúte, kde Allendeová doštudovala na súkromnej anglickej škole. V roku 1958 sa vrátila do Čile, kde dokončila štúdium žurnalistiky a stretla svojho prvého manžela, Miguela Fríasa, za ktorého sa vydala v roku 1962.

V rokoch 1959 až 1965 pracovala pre OSN v Santiagu a neskôr v Bruseli. V roku 1963 sa jej narodila dcéra Paula a po návrate do Čile v roku 1966 sa narodil syn Nicolás.

Začiatkom roka 1967 začala pracovať pre časopis Paula a neskôr písala pre detský časopis Mampato. V tom čase uverejnila dve rozprávky La abuela Panchita a Lauchas y Lauchones. Zároveň pracovala pre Kanal 7 a 13 čílskej televízie.

V roku 1973 mala v Santiagu premiéru jej hra El emperador (slov. Vládca) a v septembri toho roku došlo v Čile k štátnemu prevratu na čele s generálom Augustom Pinochetom. Allendeová s rodinou sa kvôli nepriaznivej situácii v krajine presťahovala do Venezuely. Tam pracovala pre noviny „El Nacional“ v Caracase a vyučovala na škole.

V roku 1981 zomrel vo veku 99 rokov jej starý otec. Začala mu písať list, z ktorého sa vyvinul manuskript k jej slávnemu románu Dom duchov (La casa de espíritus). Kniha slávi dodnes veľký úspech a v roku 1993 ju sfilmoval dánsky režisér Bille August.

Allendeová navštívila v roku 1988 Kaliforniu, kde stretla svojho terajšieho manžela Willieho Gordona. Žijú spolu v San Rafael. V roku 2003 získala Allendeová americké štátne občianstvo.

Jej kniha Paula (vydaná 1994) je spomienkou na detstvo strávené v Santiagu a roky strávené v exile. Napísala ju vo forme listu svojej dcére Paule, ktorá v tom čase ležala v kóme v nemocnici (umrela v roku 1992 na porfýriu - dedičné alebo získané ochorenie charakterizované poruchou enzýmov zodpovedných za tvorbu hému).

Isabel Allendeová je významnou predstaviteľkou magického realizmu.

(Foto: Paal Leveraas)


Lacná kniha Sum Of Our Days (-90%)

A brilliant memoir from the celebrated Chilean novelist on friends, family and life in California, her adopted home. Isabel Allende has sold more than 50 million copies of her books worldwide. The most beloved and successful of her books, 'The House of the Spirits', was based on her Chilean childhood, and her autobiographical works include the deeply moving 'Paula' -- a family history written at the bedside of her daughter while she lay in a coma -- and the fascinating 'My Invented Country', which explored the events of her native Chile where she lived until Pinochet's military coup. Now, in 'The Sum of the Days', we have Isabel describe in an exceptionally vivid, human and deeply personal way her life in California where she has lived for more than 25 years. The first page picks up from where Paula ends -- her daughter never did wake up from her coma and died in 1992 -- when Allende recounts spreading Paula's ashes in her favourite part of the woods by their home. It is fair to say that Isabel has never recovered from losing her daughter but has managed to survive by keeping her husband, son, grandchildren as well as close friends -- kindred spirits -- central to her life.' The Sum of the Days', based on Allende's own journals and daily correspondence with her mother in Chile, reveals the author to be a dazzling, generous, warm and hysterically funny matriarch within her swirl of family and friends.
0,80 € 7,95 €

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Lacná kniha House of the Spirits (-90%)

As a girl, Clara del Valle can read fortunes, make objects move as if they had lives of their own, and predict the future. Following the mysterious death of her sister, Rosa the Beautiful, Clara is mute for nine years. When she breaks her silence, it is to announce that she will be married soon to the stern and volatile landowner Esteban Trueba. Set in an unnamed Latin American country over three generations, The House of the Spirits is a magnificent epic of a proud and passionate family, secret loves and violent revolution.
1,10 € 10,99 €

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Lacná kniha The House of the Spirits (-70%)

In one of the most important and beloved Latin American works of the twentieth century, Isabel Allende weaves a luminous tapestry of three generations of the Trueba family, revealing both triumphs and tragedies. Here is patriarch Esteban, whose wild desires and political machinations are tempered only by his love for his ethereal wife, Clara, a woman touched by an otherworldly hand. Their daughter, Blanca, whose forbidden love for a man Esteban has deemed unworthy infuriates her father, yet will produce his greatest joy: his granddaughter Alba, a beautiful, ambitious girl who will lead the family and their country into a revolutionary future. The House of the Spirits is an enthralling saga that spans decades and lives, twining the personal and the political into an epic novel of love, magic, and fate.
2,25 € 7,50 €

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Lacná kniha Sum Of Our Days (-50%)

A brilliant memoir from the celebrated Chilean novelist on friends, family and life in California, her adopted home. Isabel Allende has sold more than 50 million copies of her books worldwide. The most beloved and successful of her books, 'The House of the Spirits', was based on her Chilean childhood, and her autobiographical works include the deeply moving 'Paula' -- a family history written at the bedside of her daughter while she lay in a coma -- and the fascinating 'My Invented Country', which explored the events of her native Chile where she lived until Pinochet's military coup. Now, in 'The Sum of the Days', we have Isabel describe in an exceptionally vivid, human and deeply personal way her life in California where she has lived for more than 25 years. The first page picks up from where Paula ends -- her daughter never did wake up from her coma and died in 1992 -- when Allende recounts spreading Paula's ashes in her favourite part of the woods by their home. It is fair to say that Isabel has never recovered from losing her daughter but has managed to survive by keeping her husband, son, grandchildren as well as close friends -- kindred spirits -- central to her life.' The Sum of the Days', based on Allende's own journals and daily correspondence with her mother in Chile, reveals the author to be a dazzling, generous, warm and hysterically funny matriarch within her swirl of family and friends.
3,98 € 7,95 €

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Lacná kniha Cuentos de Eva Luna (-70%)

Una nia solitaria se enamora del amante de su madre y practica misteriosas ceremonias rituales; una mujer permanece medio siglo encerrada en un sótano, víctima de un caudillo celoso; en el fragor de una batalla, un hombre viola a una muchacha y mata a su padre... Estas son algunas de las historias reunidas en este volumen que recupera, con pulso vibrante, los inolvidables protagonistas de la novela Eva Luna: Rolf Carlé, la Maestra Inés, el Benefactor... Veintitrés relatos de amor y violencia secretamente entrelazados por un fino hilo narrativo y un rico lenguaje que recrea azarosas peripecias en un mundo sensual y mágico. Veintitrés cuentos memorables de Isabel Allende escritos con exquisita precisión y profundo conocimiento del alma humana, con un tono siempre contenido, casi secreto, en contraste con las extraordinarias imágenes, el paisaje exuberante y las extravagantes pasiones que determinan el destino de los personajes.
4,39 € 14,64 €

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Lacná kniha Mi Pais Inventado (-70%)

La deslumbrante prosa de Isabel Allende esta vez se podrá al servicio de sus recuerdos íntimos y de la visión de su Chile natal. Según confiesa la propia autora, su voluntad era armar la idea que tenía de su país como si se tratara de un gran rompecabezas formado por hombres, mujeres y paisajes. Así, rememorará la casa de la infancia, poblada de mascotas semisalvajes y de fantasmas, de vida en permanente estado de ebullición, donde destaca sobre todas la figura de su abuelo. Más tarde vendrá el abandono del país y la aparición de la nostalgia, tema central de la obra. En su conjunto se trata de un libro ameno, lleno de amor y de humor que reconstruye, desde la evocación, la vida, la felicidad aorada y los espacios más queridos de esta excelente autora chilena.
4,67 € 15,57 €

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Lacná kniha El Bosque de los Pigmeos (-70%)

Nadia e Alexander viajar para o coraçao da África com a avó Kate, que encomendou uma grande história. Seu encontro com o irmao Fernando, um missionário que está a procura de dois companheiros desaparecidos, marca o início deste novo destino.
3,93 € 13,11 €

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Lacná kniha El Bosque de los Pigmeos (-90%)

Nadia e Alexander viajar para o coraçao da África com a avó Kate, que encomendou uma grande história. Seu encontro com o irmao Fernando, um missionário que está a procura de dois companheiros desaparecidos, marca o início deste novo destino.
1,31 € 13,11 €

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Lacná kniha Království Zlatého draka (-90%)

Román Království Zlatého draka je druhou částí plánované trilogie pro mládež, nazvané Memorias de águila y jaguar (Vzpomínky orla a jaguára). Setkáváme se v něm opět s hlavními hrdiny předchozí knihy Město netvorů – chlapcem Alexandrem Coldem, jeho babičkou Kate a kamarádkou Nadiou Santosovou, kteří se vydávají vstříc novým dobrodružstvím. Tentokrát je čeká cesta do odlehlé oblasti Himalájí, kam je Kate vyslána časopisem National Geographic na další expedici do malého království, v němž je ukryta vzácná socha Zlatého draka, která dokáže předpovídat budoucnost. Sochu se však zároveň pokoušejí uloupit dva newyorští mafiáni a jejich plány ovlivní i život Alexe, Nadii a budoucího krále země, jenž pod vedením buddhistického mnicha Tensinga právě prochází závěrečnou etapou duchovní i fyzické přípravy. Kromě napínavého příběhu, v němž se opět střetává dobro se zlem, kniha nenásilnou formou přináší i poučení o buddhistickém učení a principech východní filozofie.
0,86 € 8,60 €

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Lacná kniha Mi Pais Inventado (-95%)

La deslumbrante prosa de Isabel Allende esta vez se podrá al servicio de sus recuerdos íntimos y de la visión de su Chile natal. Según confiesa la propia autora, su voluntad era armar la idea que tenía de su país como si se tratara de un gran rompecabezas formado por hombres, mujeres y paisajes. Así, rememorará la casa de la infancia, poblada de mascotas semisalvajes y de fantasmas, de vida en permanente estado de ebullición, donde destaca sobre todas la figura de su abuelo. Más tarde vendrá el abandono del país y la aparición de la nostalgia, tema central de la obra. En su conjunto se trata de un libro ameno, lleno de amor y de humor que reconstruye, desde la evocación, la vida, la felicidad aorada y los espacios más queridos de esta excelente autora chilena.
0,78 € 15,57 €

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Dům duchů

Audiokniha Dům duchů je nejlepší ukázkou románového magického realismu a okamžitě se zařadil mezi nejúspěšnější díla 20. století. Jedná se o groteskní až dojemný příběh rodiny chilského senátora Estebana Trueby na pozadí složité doby v Chile od počátku 20. století až po fašistický převrat v roce 1973.
Predaj skončil
12,78 €

A Long Petal of the Sea

In the late 1930s, civil war grips Spain. When General Franco and his Fascists succeed in overthrowing the government, hundreds of thousands are forced to flee in a treacherous journey over the mountains to the French border. Among them is Roser, a pregnant young widow, who finds her life intertwined with that of Victor Dalmau, an army doctor and the brother of her deceased love. In order to survive, the two must unite in a marriage neither of them desires. Together with two thousand other refugees, Roser and Victor embark on the SS Winnipeg, a ship chartered by the poet Pablo Neruda, to Chile: "the long petal of sea and wine and snow." As unlikely partners, the couple embraces exile as the rest of Europe erupts in world war. Starting over on a new continent, they face trial after trial, but they will also find joy as they patiently await the day when they might go home. Through it all, their hope of returning to Spain keeps them going. Destined to witness the battle between freedom and repression as it plays out across the world, Roser and Victor will find that home might have been closer than they thought all along. A masterful work of historical fiction about hope, exile, and belonging, A Long Petal of the Sea shows Isabel Allende at the height of her powers.
9,23 € 9,72 €

The Soul of a Woman

The wise, warm, defiant new book from literary legend Isabel Allende – a meditation on power, feminism and what it means to be a woman When I say that I was a feminist in kindergarten, I am not exaggerating. As a child, Isabel Allende watched her mother, abandoned by her husband, provide for her three small children. As a young woman coming of age in the late 1960s, she rode the first wave of feminism. She has seen what has been accomplished by the movement in the course of her lifetime. And over the course of three marriages, she has learned how to grow as a woman while having a partner, when to step away, and the rewards of embracing one's sexuality. So what do women want? To be safe, to be valued, to live in peace, to have their own resources, to be connected, to have control over their bodies and lives, and above all, to be loved. On all these fronts, there is much work to be done, and this book, Allende hopes, will 'light the torch of our daughters and granddaughters with mine. They will have to live for us, as we lived for our mothers, and carry on with the work still left to be finished.'
12,83 € 13,50 €


One extraordinary woman. One hundred years of history. One unforgettable story. Violeta comes into the world on a stormy day in 1920, the first daughter in a family of five boisterous sons. From the start, her life is marked by extraordinary events. The ripples of the Great War are still being felt, even as the Spanish flu arrives on the shores of her South American homeland almost at the moment of her birth. Told in the form of a letter to someone Violeta loves above all others, this is the story of a hundred-year life – of devastating heartbreak and passionate affairs, poverty and wealth, terrible loss and immense joy. Bearing witness to a century of history, it is a life shaped by the fight for women's rights, the rise and fall of tyrants and, ultimately, not one but two pandemics. Through the eyes of a woman whose unforgettable passion, determination and sense of humour will carry her through a lifetime of upheaval, Isabel Allende once more brings us an epic that is both fiercely inspiring and deeply emotional.
11,88 € 12,50 €

Lacná kniha Sum Of Our Days (-95%)

A brilliant memoir from the celebrated Chilean novelist on friends, family and life in California, her adopted home. Isabel Allende has sold more than 50 million copies of her books worldwide. The most beloved and successful of her books, 'The House of the Spirits', was based on her Chilean childhood, and her autobiographical works include the deeply moving 'Paula' -- a family history written at the bedside of her daughter while she lay in a coma -- and the fascinating 'My Invented Country', which explored the events of her native Chile where she lived until Pinochet's military coup. Now, in 'The Sum of the Days', we have Isabel describe in an exceptionally vivid, human and deeply personal way her life in California where she has lived for more than 25 years. The first page picks up from where Paula ends -- her daughter never did wake up from her coma and died in 1992 -- when Allende recounts spreading Paula's ashes in her favourite part of the woods by their home. It is fair to say that Isabel has never recovered from losing her daughter but has managed to survive by keeping her husband, son, grandchildren as well as close friends -- kindred spirits -- central to her life.' The Sum of the Days', based on Allende's own journals and daily correspondence with her mother in Chile, reveals the author to be a dazzling, generous, warm and hysterically funny matriarch within her swirl of family and friends.
0,40 € 7,95 €

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Lacná kniha El Zorro (-95%)

Quién se escondía bajo el disfraz del célebre forajido y justiciero? Detrás de la máscara del Zorro hay una historia de valentía, justicia y amor. Una novela que desenmascara a uno de los personajes más emblemáticos de todos los tiempos: El Zorro.
0,78 € 15,51 €

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