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John Carré strana 3 z 6


Single & Single

A török hegyekben hidegvérrel agyonlőnek egy vállalati jogászt olyan bűnökért, amelyeket nemhogy nem követett el, de még csak nem is ért. Egy gyerekzsúrokon fellépő amatőr bűvészt bankjában kérdőre vonnak, hogy legyen szíves elmagyarázni, hogyan kerü lt több millió font a számlájára. Egy orosz teherhajót feltartóztatnak a Fekete-tengeren. Egy ünnepelt és befolyásos londoni pénzügyi szakember nyom nélkül eltűnik. Egy angol vámtiszt korrupció és gyilkosságok nyomára bukkan. A keleti vadkapitalizmus lassan, de biztosan eléri a nyugati világot, útja során mindenütt meghasonult embereket, eltiport holttesteket és korrumpált lelkeket hagyva maga után. Egy új világ van születőben. John le Carré 1999-ben megjelent szövevényes és bravúrosan megírt regénye - amelyet most új fordításban vehet kezébe az olvasó - döbbenetes utazás a modern ember szívébe és a jelenkor legmélyebb bugyraiba.
10,36 € 10,90 €

A Most Wanted Man (anglicky)

A half-starved young Russian man in a long black overcoat is smuggled into Hamburg at dead of night. He has an improbable amount of cash secreted in a purse round his neck. He is a devout Muslim. Or is he? He says his name is Issa. Annabel, an idealistic young German civil rights lawyer, determines to save Issa from deportation. Soon her client's survival becomes more important to her than her own career. In pursuit of Issa's mysterious past, she confronts the incongruous Tommy Brue, the sixty-year-old scion of Brue Freres, a failing British bank based in Hamburg. A triangle of impossible loves is born. Meanwhile, scenting a sure kill in the so-called War on Terror, the spies of three nations converge upon the innocents. Poignant, compassionate, peopled with characters the reader never wants to let go, A MOST WANTED MAN is alive with humour, yet prickles with tension until the last heart-stopping page. It is also a work of deep humanity, and uncommon relevance to our times.
13,35 € 14,05 €

Our Game

Le Carre's post-Cold War masterpiece, filled with suspense, betrayal, desire and drama. The Cold War is over and retired secret servant Tim Cranmer has been put out to pasture, spending his days making wine on his Somerset estate. But then he discovers that his former double agent Larry - dreamer, dissolute, philanderer and disloyal friend - has vanished, along with Tim's mistress. As their trail takes him to the lawless wilds of Russia and the North Caucasus, he is forced to question everything he stood for. Set in a fragmented, uncertain post-Soviet world, le Carre's brutal story of falsehoods and betrayal shows men playing dangerous games beyond their control.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Night Manager TV Tie-in

This is a special edition of le Carre's first post-Cold War novel, to tie in with the new major BBC series starring Hugh Laurie and Tom Hiddleston, with a new afterword by the author. At the start of it all, Jonathan Pine is merely the night manager at a luxury hotel. But when a single attempt to pass on information to the British authorities - about an international businessman at the hotel with suspicious dealings - backfires terribly, and people close to Pine begin to die, he commits himself to a battle against powerful forces he cannot begin to imagine. In a chilling tale of corrupt intelligence agencies, billion-dollar price tags and the truth of the brutal arms trade, John le Carre creates a claustrophobic world in which no one can be trusted.
11,35 € 11,95 €

The Night Manager - Éjszakai szolgálat

A hidegháborút követő években a kémkedés új szintre lép. A fegyver- és drogcsempészet legkönyörtelenebb szereplői elképzelhetetlen mértékű hatalomra és gazdagságra tettek szert, ráadásul a Whitehall és Washington sötét zugaiban titkos szövetségre léptek a hírszerzéssel. Az egyik legelvetemültebb bűnszervezet feje egy Roper nevű, érinthetetlen angol férfi. Jonathan Pine, a brit haderő egykori katonája kész harcolni az ellenséggel. Ő az az ember, aki képes Roper közelébe férkőzni, így részben kötelességből, részben személyes bosszújától fűtve elindul a hozzá vezető veszedelmes labirintusban. Küldetése Nyugat-Cornwall szikláitól Észak-Québecig és a Karib-térségig, majd Panama dzsungeleibe és egy láthatatlan világba vezeti. John le Carré ezzel az 1993-ban írt regénnyel nyitotta meg az új világrendet bemutató műveinek sorát, és tovább erősítette a kémregények műfajában felépített, sok évtizedes hírnevét. A kötetből készített televíziós sorozatot 2016-ban mutatja be az AMC, Hugh Laurie, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Hollander és Olivia Colman főszereplésével.
13,50 € 14,21 €

Our Kind of Traitor Film Tie-in

An English couple, Perry and Gail, are taking an off-peak holiday on the Caribbean island of Antigua. By seeming chance they bump into a Russian millionaire called Dima who owns a peninsula and a diamond-encrusted gold watch. He also has a tattoo on his right thumb, and wants a game of tennis. What else he wants propels the young lovers on a tortuous journey through Paris to a safe house in the Swiss Alps, to the murkiest cloisters of the City of London and its unholy alliance with Britain's Intelligence Establishment.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Zrádce mezi námi

Británie zabředla do hospodářské krize. Mladý oxfordský akademik s levicovými sklony a jeho přítelkyně advokátka odlétají mimo sezónu na dovolenou na karibský ostrov Antigua. Tam zdánlivou náhodou potkávají ruského milionáře Dimu, jenž vlastní poloostrov a zlaté hodinky posázené diamanty. Rovněž má na pravém palci tetování a touží si zahrát tenis. Kvůli jeho dalšímu přání absolvují mladí milenci složitou cestu přes Paříž a konspirační úkryt ve švýcarských Alpách až do nejtemnějších zákoutí londýnského City i s jeho bezostyšným spojenectvím s britskými tajnými službami.
15,58 € 16,40 €

The Pigeon Tunnel - Stories from My Life

'Out of the secret world I once knew, I have tried to make a theatre for the larger worlds we inhabit. First comes the imagining, then the search for reality. Then back to the imagining, and to the desk where I'm sitting now.' The Pigeon Tunnel, John le Carre's memoir and his first work of non-fiction, is a thrilling journey into the worlds of his 'secret sharers' - the men and women, who inspired some of his most enthralling novels - and a testament to the author's extraordinary engagement with the last half-century. The reader is swept along not just by the chilling winds of the Cold War or by the author's frightening journeys into places of terrible violence but, most importantly, by the author's inimitable voice. In this astonishing work we see our world, both public and private, through the eyes of one of this country's greatest writers. 'No other writer has charted - pitilessly for politicians but thrillingly for readers - the public and secret histories of his times' Guardian 'John le Carre is as recognizable a writer as Dickens or Austen' Financial Times 'When I was under house arrest I was helped by the books of John le Carre ...they were a journey into the wider world . ..These were the journeys that made me feel that I was not really cut off from the rest of humankind' Aung San Suu Kyi
15,19 € 15,99 €

A titkos zarándok

A berlini fal leomlott, a hidegháborús időknek vége. A szovjet kém leleplezését követően Szolgálattá átkeresztelt Körönd vén rókája, az Oroszország Házat is megjárt, visszavonulására készülő Ned hírszerzői pályafutásának utolsó állomásaként a sarratti Óvodát vezeti, ahol a jövő kémeit képezi ki. A kiképzés végét ünneplő vacsorára meghívja mentorát, George Smiley-t. Végső búcsújában a legendás és mindörökké kiismerhetetlen díszvendég elmereng a titkosügynöki hivatáson, s miközben Ned diákjaival együtt Smiley-t hallgatja, felidézi pályafutásának legfontosabb, hol komikus, hol tragikus, hol pedig fájdalmasan hiábavaló epizódjait, amelyek hosszú ideje kísértik a titkos világ zarándokát. A sötétség mélyére vezető, magányos utazása során Ned keresztül-kasul bejárja a Körönd kasztrendszerét és a hidegháborús idők titkos világát Hamburgtól, Gdanskon és Bejrúton át egészen a Távol-Keletig, újabb és újabb poklokat ismerve meg. Emlékeiben utoljára lépnek színre John le Carré Karla-trilógiájának klasszikus alakjai "a Ned életét uraló Smiley mellett Bill Haydon, az örökös túlélő Toby Esterhase, valamint az enervált Peter Guillam", s egyszerre elevenedik meg a tragikus múlt, és sejlik fel a még tragikusabbnak festő jövő. John le Carré novelláskötete nem csupán a Körönd, a hidegháború és egy titkosügynöki pálya bravúrosan megrajzolt fináléja, hanem egyúttal egy olyan életé, amelyre a hiábavalóság, a dicstelenség és a kínzó bűntudat árnyéka vetül.
12,15 € 12,79 €

The Tailor of Panama

'A work of rare brilliance' The Times Charmer, fabulist and tailor to Panama's rich and powerful, Henry Pendel loves to tell stories. But when the British spy Andrew Osnard - a man of large appetites, for women, information and above all money - walks into his shop, Henry's fantastical inventions take on a life of their own. Soon he finds himself out of his depth in an international game he can never hope to win. Le Carré's savage satire on the espionage trade is set in a corrupt universe without heroes or honour, where the innocent are collateral damage and treachery plays out as tragic farce. 'A tour de force in which almost every convention of the classic spy novel is violated' The New York Times Book Review
11,35 € 11,95 €

The Pigeon Tunnel

THE SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER 'Out of the secret world I once knew, I have tried to make a theatre for the larger worlds we inhabit. First comes the imagining, then the search for reality. Then back to the imagining, and to the desk where I'm sitting now.' From his years serving in British Intelligence during the Cold War, to a career as a writer that took him from war-torn Cambodia to Beirut on the cusp of the 1982 Israeli invasion, to Russia before and after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, John le Carre has always written from the heart of modern times. In this, his first memoir, le Carre is as funny as he is incisive - reading into the events he witnesses the same moral ambiguity with which he imbues his novels.Whether he's writing about the parrot at a Beirut hotel that could perfectly mimic machine gun fire, or visiting Rwanda's museums of the unburied dead in the aftermath of the genocide, or celebrating New Year's Eve with Yasser Arafat, or interviewing a German terrorist in her desert prison in the Negev, or watching Alec Guinness preparing for his role as George Smiley, or describing the female aid worker who inspired the main character in his The Constant Gardener, le Carre endows each happening with vividness and humour, now making us laugh out loud, now inviting us to think anew about events and people we believed we understood. Best of all, le Carre gives us a glimpse of a writer's journey over more than six decades, and his own hunt for the human spark that has given so much life and heart to his fictional characters. 'No other writer has charted - pitilessly for politicians but thrillingly for readers - the public and secret histories of his times' Guardian 'John le Carre is as recognizable a writer as Dickens or Austen' Financial Times 'When I was under house arrest I was helped by the books of John le Carre ...they were a journey into the wider world ...These were the journeys that made me feel that I was not really cut off from the rest of humankind' Aung San Suu Kyi
11,35 € 11,95 €

Noční recepční

Předloha úspěšné televizní série s Tomem Hiddlestonem a Hughem Lauriem Bývalý příslušník britské armády Jonathan Pine – nyní noční recepční v luxusním curyšském hotelu – se nečekaně ocitá tváří v tvář Richardu Onslowu Roperovi, miliardáři a navenek velkému filantropovi, který ve skutečnosti řídí ilegální obchod se zbraněmi. Jeho praktiky odhalil už před lety v Káhiře – a následky nese dodnes. Zpravodajské služby však tentokrát chtějí Ropera dostat za každou cenu. Nebezpečná dvojí hra může začít…
14,72 € 15,49 €

A Legacy of Spies

Peter Guillam, staunch colleague and disciple of George Smiley of the British Secret Service, otherwise known as the Circus, has retired to his family farmstead on the south coast of Brittany when a letter from his old Service summons him to London. The reason? His Cold War past has come back to claim him. Intelligence operations that were once the toast of secret London are to be scrutinised by a generation with no memory of the Cold War. Somebody must be made to pay for innocent blood once spilt in the name of the greater good. Interweaving past with present so that each may tell its own story, John le Carre has given us a novel of superb and enduring quality.
16,10 € 16,95 €

A Legacy of Spies

Peter Guillam, staunch colleague and disciple of George Smiley of the British Secret Service, otherwise known as the Circus, has retired to his family farmstead on the south coast of Brittany when a letter from his old Service summons him to London. The reason? His Cold War past has come back to claim him. Intelligence operations that were once the toast of secret London are to be scrutinised by a generation with no memory of the Cold War. Somebody must be made to pay for innocent blood once spilt in the name of the greater good. Interweaving past with present so that each may tell its own story, John le Carre has given us a novel of superb and enduring quality.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Call for the Dead

After a routine security check by George Smiley, civil servant Samuel Fennan apparently kills himself. When Smiley finds Circus head Maston is trying to blame him for the man's death, he begins his own investigation, meeting with Fennan's widow to find out what could have led him to such desperation. But on the very day that Smiley is ordered off the enquiry he receives an urgent letter from the dead man. Do the East Germans - and their agents - know more about this man's death than the Circus previously imagined? Le Carre's debut novel, Call for the Dead, introduced the tenacious and retiring George Smiley in a gripping tale of espionage and deceit.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Dědictví špionů

Peter Guillam, kolega a žák George Smileyho z britské tajné služby, známé též jako Cirkus, odchází na odpočinek na rodinnou farmu na jih Anglie, avšak náhle obdrží dopis od bývalého zaměstnavatele, který ho předvolává zpátky do Londýna. Důvod? Studená válka vrhá svůj stín. Zpravodajské operace, jež dříve byly chloubou londýnského centra, jsou nyní hodnoceny generací, která už studenou válku nezažila. Někdo musí zaplatit za prolití nevinné krve ve jménu velké věci. Špion, který se přišel ohřát, znovu ožívá.
11,39 € 11,99 €