John Carré
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
A Russian mole has infiltrated the British establishment - and the spymaster Smiley must dig them out...
George Smiley, formerly of the Secret Intelligence Service, is contemplating his new life in retirement when he is called back on an unexpected mission. His task is to hunt down an agent implanted by Moscow Central at the very heart of the Circus - one who has been buried deep there for years. The dogged, troubled Smiley can discount nobody from being the traitor, even if it is one of those closest to him.
Utolsó regényében John le Carré figyelme a titkosszolgálat belső működésére irányul: arra a világra, amely hatvan éven át meghatározta írásművészetét.
Julian Lawndsley maga mögött hagyta menő londoni állását egy nyugodtabb élet kedvéért, és egy tengerparti kisvárosba költözött, hogy könyvesboltot nyisson. Egy este, nem sokkal azután, hogy a városba érkezett, különös látogatója akad: Edward, a lengyel emigráns, aki a városszéli birtokon, Ezüstfényben él. Gyanúsan sokat tud Julian családjáról, és mintha túl nagy figyelmet szentelne a férfi szerény vállalkozásának.
Mindeközben Londonban a titkosszolgálat egyik vezetője levelet kap, amelyben arra figyelmeztetik, hogy valaki a Szolgálat információit szivárogtatja. A nyomok éppen abba az álmos kisvárosba vezetnek, ahol Julian él.
Az Ezüstfény az ártatlanság és a tapasztalás, a közszolgálat és a személyes erkölcsök találkozásának megkapó története. John le Carré, korunk legnagyobb krónikása, arra keresi a választ utánozhatatlan hangon írt regényében, hogy mivel tartozunk azoknak, akik a legközelebb állnak hozzánk.
Na stiahnutie
7,55 €
Jeden musí z kola ven - audiokniha
Musí špehovat špehy. A odhalit krtka tak, aby neodhalil sám sebe.
Fiasko operace Svědectví na území normalizačního Československa špičkám londýnské MI6 napoví, že uvnitř něco nehraje. V ústředí jejich zpravodajské služby řádí počátkem 70. let dvojitý agent čili „krtek“ řízený Moskvou. Nové kolektivní vedení instituce proto povolá osobu donedávna nežádoucí: předčasně penzionovaného, manželkou zrazeného, zato ostříleného kozáka George Smileyho. Je na něm, aby s mravenčí pílí i buldočí vervou vyšetřil, ke komu vedou nitky zrady. Špionážní freska z éry klasických telefonů, mikrofilmů a mrtvých schránek, v níž si řadoví agenti vydělávají o dost prozaičtěji než supermani z bondovek, obnažuje soukolí výzvědné centrály důvěrně přezdívané Cirkus. Smileymu a jeho lidem nezbývá než rozpoutat sérii úskoků, neboť vše nasvědčuje tomu, že nitky konspirace vedou k jednomu z nadřízených…
Nejslavnější román klasika žánru byl roku 2011 podruhé zfilmován, a to s Garym Oldmanem, Tobym Jonesem, Colinem Firthem, Benedictem Cumberbatchem a Tomem Hardym v hlavních rolích. Snímek Švéda Tomase Alfredsona s působivou výpravou v severském stylu však na rozdíl od předlohy začíná blamáží v Maďarsku.
Délka nahrávky: 17 hodin 10 minut
Čte Martin Zahálka
dostupné aj ako:
Agent na cizím hřišti
Nat je veteránem britské tajné služby. V sedmačtyřiceti letech by čekal, že ho pošlou na odpočinek, ale on dostane nový tým a nový úkol: dohlížet na aktivitu ruských agentů řízených Moskvou. Nežije však jen svou prací; stará se o svou maželku, právničku a levicovou intelektuálku, a relaxuje u badmintonu, hry, v níž i přes svůj střední věk exceluje. Právě při badmintonu se seznámí s rozhněvaným mladým mužem, který nenávidí Brexit, Trumpa a vůbec celou post-reaganovskou a post-thatcherovskou konzervativní politiku. Nat mu představí manželku a mladík oba dva přesvědčí svými radikálními postoji, že současná pravicová agenda, jak britská, tak americká, jsou čiré zlo. Navíc Nat zjistí, že za Trumpovým vítězstvím v prezidentských volbách, stejně jako za Brexitem, není nikdo jiný než Putin…
Špionážní román Agent na cizím hřišti není jen napínavým vyprávěním osmaosmdesátiletého spisovatele, ale dílem tak aktuálním, že zcela neomylně drží prst na tepu doby – a ten prst se jedinkrát nezachvěje.
Nakladatelství Argo vydává autorovy starší i nové romány, naposledy kupř. i „memoár“ Holubí tunel v překladu Michaela Žantovského nebo špionážní román Malá bubenice v překladu Jiřího Hanuše.
„Přední špionážní autor své doby. Možná všech dob.“ – Time
Na stiahnutie
11,78 €
Agent Running in the Field
'The British spy thriller at its unputdownable best' Observer
Nat, a veteran of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service, thinks his years as an agent runner are over. But MI6 have other plans. To tackle the growing threat from Moscow Centre, Nat is put in charge of The Haven, a defunct substation of London General with a rag-tag band of spies. His weekly badminton session with the young, introspective, Brexit-hating Ed, offers respite from the new job. But it is Ed, of all unlikely people, who will take Nat down the path of political anger that will ensnare them all.
'A rich, beautifully written book studded with surprises. Narrative is a black art, and Le Carre is its grandmaster' Spectator
'Blisteringly contemporary' Economist
'Subtle, wry and seamless, it's an utter joy, from first page to last' Daily Mail
'A very classy entertainment about political ideals and deception . . . laced with fury at the senseless vandalism of Brexit and of Trump' Guardian
'A fine piece of storytelling' Times
The Night Manager
In The Night Manager, an ex-soldier helps British Intelligence penetrate the secret world of ruthless arms dealers.
At the start of it all, Jonathan Pine is merely the night manager at a luxury hotel. But when a single attempt to pass on information to the British authorities - about an international businessman at the hotel with suspicious dealings - backfires terribly, and people close to Pine begin to die, he commits himself to a battle against powerful forces he cannot begin to imagine.
In a chilling tale of corrupt intelligence agencies, billion-dollar price tags and the truth of the brutal arms trade, John le Carre creates a claustrophobic world in which no one can be trusted.
'Le Carre is the equal of any novelist now writing in English' Guardian
'A marvellously observed relentless tale' Observer
'Complex and intense ... page-turning tension' San Francisco Chronicle
'When I was under house arrest I was helped by the books of John le Carre ... they were a journey into the wider world ... These were the journeys that made me feel that I was not really cut off from the rest of humankind' Aung San Suu Kyi
'One of those writers who will be read a century from now' Robert Harris
The Secret Pilgrim
The eighth of John le Carre's espionage novels to feature his most enduring and well-loved character, George Smiley, The Secret Pilgrim is a gripping feat of narrative brilliance.
The Cold War is over and Ned has been demoted to the training academy. He asks his old mentor, George Smiley, to address his passing-out class. There are no laundered reminiscences; Smiley speaks the truth - perhaps the last the students will ever hear. As they listen, Ned recalls his own painful triumphs and inglorious failures, in a career that took him from the Western Isles of Scotland to Hamburg and from Israel to Cambodia. He asks himself: Did it do any good? What did it do to me? And what will happen to us now? In this late Smiley novel, the great spy gives his own humane and unexpected answers.
'Consummate and enthralling'
Špion, který přišel z chladu (audiokniha)
Kdo chce přežít studenou válku, musí být tvrdší než železná opona…
Podzim 1961. Protože útěk z čerstvě zazděného východního Berlína skončil katastrofou a tamní rozvědka síť jeho kontaktů postřílela, je agent britské MI6 Alec Leamas nadřízenými poslán k ledu. Přesněji odložen do knihovny. Stane se z něj ztroskotanec s opileckými sklony, který dluží, kam se podívá, a přesto s ním stále cloumá vztek i chuť se úhlavnímu východoněmeckému soupeři Mundtovi pomstít. Jenže to by znamenalo vydat se opět do jámy lvové v roli přeběhlíka a zosnovat v NDR složitou zpravodajskou hru, jež by Mundta v očích jeho tajné služby zkompromitovala coby dvojitého agenta. Kolik vrstev lží a přetvářky bude zapotřebí, aby vyhořelý pěšák studené války v misi uspěl? A neuškodí si za Zdí věčným britským lpěním na morálce?
Podle knihy, kterou magazín Time zařadil mezi 100 nejvýznamnějších světových románů, natočil režisér Martin Ritt slavný špionážní thriller ve stylu noir (1965). Hlavní role se ujal Richard Burton, nominovaný za svůj výkon na Oscara. Postavu východoněmeckého vyšetřovatele Kardena ve filmu ztvárnil exulant Jiří Voskovec.
interpret: Martin Zahálka
délka nahrávky:9 hodin 30 minut
dostupné aj ako:
The Honourable Schoolboy
George Smiley, now acting head of the Circus, must rebuild its shattered reputation after one of the biggest betrayals in its history. Using the talents of journalist and occasional spy Jerry Westerby, Smiley launches a risky operation uncovering a Russian money-laundering scheme in the Far East. His aim: revenge on Karla, head of Moscow Centre and the architect of all his troubles.
In the second part of John le Carre's Karla Trilogy, the battle of wits between Smiley and his Soviet adversary takes on an even more dangerous dimension.
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
Alec Leamas is tired. It's the 1960s, he's been out in the cold for years, spying in the shadow of the Berlin Wall for his British masters. Now Control wants to bring him in at last - but only after one final assignment. He must travel deep into the heart of Communist Germany and betray his country, a job that he will do with his usual cynical professionalism. But when George Smiley tries to help a young woman Leamas has befriended, it may prove the worst thing he could ever have done.
Le Carre's breakthrough work of 1963 was an award-winning number one global bestseller and brought him international renown, redefining the spy story as a gritty and terrible tale of men who are caught up in politics beyond their imagining.
A Murder of Quality
THE SECOND GEORGE SMILEY NOVELStella Rode has twice disturbed the ancient cloisters of Carne School: firstly by being the wrong sort, with her doyleys and china ducks, and secondly by being murdered. George Smiley is asked by an old Service friend to investigate. Smiley knows that Stella feared her husband would murder her, but as he probes further beneath Carne's respectable veneer, he uncovers far more than a simple crime of passion.
In his second novel, le Carre moves outside the world of espionage to reveal the secrets at the heart of another particularly English institution. The result is a pitch-perfect murder mystery, with Smiley as master detective. 'Beautifully intelligent, satiric and witty' Daily Telegraph
The Secret Pilgrim
The Cold War is over and Ned has been demoted to the training academy. He asks his old mentor, George Smiley, to address his passing-out class. There are no laundered reminiscences; Smiley speaks the truth - perhaps the last the students will ever hear. As they listen, Ned recalls his own painful triumphs and inglorious failures, in a career that took him from the Western Isles of Scotland to Hamburg and from Israel to Cambodia. He asks himself: Did it do any good? What did it do to me? And what will happen to us now?
In this eighth Smiley novel, the great spy gives his own humane and unexpected answers.
Call for the Dead
THE FIRST GEORGE SMILEY NOVELAfter a routine security check by George Smiley, civil servant Samuel Fennan apparently kills himself. When Smiley finds Circus head Maston is trying to blame him for the death, he begins his own investigation, meeting Fennan's widow to find out what led him to such desperation. On the very day Smiley is ordered off the enquiry he receives an urgent letter from the dead man.
Do the East Germans - and their agents - know more about this man's death than the Circus previously imagined? Le Carre's first book, Call for the Dead, introduced the tenacious and retiring spy George Smiley in a gripping tale of espionage and deceit. 'Intelligent, thrilling, surprising ... makes most cloak-and-dagger stuff taste of cardboard' Sunday Telegraph'Brilliant.
Realistic. Constant suspense' Observer
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
A mole, implanted by Moscow Centre, has infiltrated the highest ranks of the British Intelligence Service, almost destroying it in the process. And so former spymaster George Smiley has been brought out of retirement in order to hunt down the traitor at the very heart of the Circus - even though it may be one of those closest to him.
The first part of le Carre's acclaimed Karla Trilogy, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy sees the beginning of the stealthy Cold War cat-and-mouse game between the taciturn, dogged Smiley and his wily Soviet counterpart.
A Perfect Spy
'The best English novel since the war' Philip Roth
Magnus Pym - ranking diplomat, consummate Englishman, loving husband, secret agent - has vanished. Has he defected? Gone to ground? As the hunt for Pym intensifies, the secrets of his life are revealed: the people he has loved and betrayed, the unreliable con-man father who made him, the two mentors who moulded and shaped him, and now wish to claim this perfect spy as their own.
Described by le Carre as his most autobiographical novel, A Perfect Spy is a devastating portrayal of a man who has played different roles for so long, he no longer knows who he is.
'Le Carre understood that espionage is an extreme version of the human comedy, even the human tragedy. A Perfect Spy will very likely remain his greatest book' New Yorker
Smileys People
The concluding part of John le Carre's celebrated Karla Trilogy, Smiley's People sees the last confrontation between the indefatigable spymaster George Smiley and his great enemy, as their rivalry comes to a shattering end. A Soviet defector has been assassinated on English soil, and George Smiley is called back to the Circus to clear up - and cover up - the mess. But what he discovers sends him delving into the past, on a trail through Hamburg and Paris to Cold War Berlin - and a final showdown with his elusive nemesis, Karla.
'An enormously skilled and satisfying work' Newsweek'We are all Smiley's people, a kind of secular god of intelligence' New YorkerTHE SEVENTH GEORGE SMILEY NOVEL