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Henning Mankell
Henning Mankell (1948-2016) je najčítanejší švédsky autor. Na celom svete sa predalo tridsať miliónov jeho kníh. Veľa cestoval a žil striedavo vo Švédsku a v Mozambiku. Preslávil sa sériou o komisárovi Wallanderovi, v ktorej sa odráža jeho snaha o pochopenie nášho strašného sveta a hľadanie spôsobov, ako ho zmeniť.

Before the Frost

In woodland outside Ystad, the police make a horrific discovery: a severed head, and hands locked together in an attitude of prayer. A Bible lies at the victim's side, the pages marked with scribbled corrections. A string of macabre incidents, including attacks on domestic animals, have been taking place, and Inspector Wallander fears that these disturbances could be the prelude to attacks on humans on an even more alarming scale. Linda Wallander, in preparation to join the police force, arrives at Ystad. Exhibiting some of the hallmarks of her father - the maverick approach, the flaring temper - she becomes entangled in a case involving a group of religious extremists who are bent on punishing the world's sinners. Following on from the enormous success of the Kurt Wallander mysteries, Henning Mankell has begun an outstanding new chapter in crime writing.
8,50 € 8,95 €

Nepokojný muž

V zime 2008 počas svojej každodennej prechádzky vysoký námorný dôstojník vo výslužbe H?kan von Enke zmizne. Detektív Wallander sa vydáva na stopu páchateľa. Nitky hľadania ho vedú do minulosti, do čias studenej vojny, pôsobenia pravicových extrémistov a nájomných vrahov z východnej Európy. Zdá sa, že sa dostal na stopu veľkého tajomstva. Henning Mankell je najčítanejším švédskym spisovateľom a do dnešného dňa sa na celom svete predalo viac než tridsať miliónov jeho kníh v preklade do štyridsiatich jazykov.
13,21 € 13,90 €

Die weise Löwin

Bei der Aufklärung eines Mordfalls kommt Wallander einem Komplott gegen Nelson Mandela auf die Spur....
12,09 € 12,73 €

Der Mann, der lächelte

Ein befreundeter Anwalt bittet ihn um Hilfe, weil sein Vater nachts mit dem Auto tödlich verunglückt ist. Der Sohn des...
12,09 € 12,73 €

Italian Shoes

Once a successful surgeon, Frederick Welin now lives in self-imposed exile on an island in the Swedish archipelago. Nearly twelve years have passed since he was disgraced for attempting to cover up a tragic mishap on the operating table. One morning in the depths of winter, he sees a hunched figure struggling towards him across the ice. His past is about to catch up with him. The figure approaching in the freezing cold is Harriet, the only woman he has ever loved, the woman he abandoned in order to go and study in America forty years earlier. She has sought him out in the hope that he will honour a promise made many years ago. Now in the late stages of a terminal illness, she wants to visit a small lake in northern Sweden, a place Welin's father took him once as a boy. He upholds his pledge and drives her to this beautiful pool hidden deep in the forest. On the journey through the desolate snow-covered landscape, Welin reflects on his impoverished childhood and the woman he later left behind. However, once there Welin discovers that Harriet has left the biggest surprise until last. Italian Shoes is as compelling as it is disturbing. Through his anti-hero Welin, Mankell tackles ageing and death with sensitivity and acuity, and as with the critically acclaimed Depths, delivers a moving tour-de-force on the frailty of mankind.
8,50 € 8,95 €

The Pyramid

When Kurt Wallander first appeared in Faceless Killers back in 1990, he was a senior police officer, just turned forty, with his life in a mess. His wife had left him, his father barely acknowledged him; he ate badly and drank alone at night. The Pyr amid chronicles the events that led him to such a place. We see him in the early years, doing hours on the beat whilst trying to solve a murder off-duty; witness the beginnings of his fragile relationship with Mona, the woman he has his heart set on marrying; and learn the reason behind his difficulties with his father. These thrilling tales provide a fascinating insight into Wallander's character, and demand to be read in one sitting. From the stabbing of a neighbour in 1969 to a light aircraft accident in 1989, every story is a vital piece of the Wallander series, showing Mankell at the top of his game. Featuring an introduction from the author, The Pyramid is an essential read for all fans of Kurt Wallander.
4,75 € 5,00 €

The Man from Beijing

One cold January day the police are called to a sleepy little hamlet in the north of Sweden where they discover a savagely murdered man lying in the snow. As they begin their investigation they notice that the village seems eerily quiet and deserted. Going from house to house, looking for witnesses, they uncover a crime unprecedented in Swedish history. When Judge Birgitta Roslin reads about the massacre, she realises that she has a family connection to one of the couples involved and decides to investigate. A nineteenth-century diary and a red silk ribbon found in the forest nearby are the only clues. What Birgitta eventually uncovers leads her into an international web of corruption and a story of vengeance that stretches back over a hundred years, linking China and the USA of the 1860s with modern-day Beijing, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, and coming to a shocking climax in London’s Chinatown. The Man from Beijing is both a gripping and perceptive political thriller and a compelling detective story. It shows Henning Mankell at the height of his powers, handling a broad historical canvas and pressing international issues with his exceptional gifts for insight and chilling suspense.
8,08 € 8,50 €

Vrahovia bez tváre

Opustená farma, krvavé jatky, starý muž, ktorého utýrali a ubili na smrť. Jeho žena leží pri ňom na zemi polomŕtva. Jedného chladného januárového rána o o piatej hodine zavolajú vyšetrovateľa Wallandera na miesto činu. Myslí si, že je to rutinný výjazd. Keď však dorazí na farmu, nájde dve obete nezmyselného násilia. Tak to vyzerá na začiatku. Wallanderov život je v troskách, žena ho opustila, dcéra sa s ním nerozpráva a ani jeho starnúci otec nemá preňho pochopenie. Stále pracuje, zle sa stravuje, noci prepije sám v opustenom byte. Teraz však musí zabudnúť na svoje problémy a pustiť sa do boja s časom. Henning Mankell (nar. 1948, Štokholm) je najčítanejší švédsky autor. Na celom svete sa predalo tridsať miliónov jeho kníh. Veľa cestuje, žije striedavo vo Švédsku a v Mozambiku. Preslávil sa sériou o komisárovi Wallanderovi, v ktorej sa odráža jeho „snaha o pochopenie nášho strašného sveta a hľadanie spôsobov, ako ho zmeniť".
12,26 € 12,90 €

Die fünfte Frau

Kriminalroman. Ausgezeichnet mit dem Deutschen Krimi-Preis, Kategorie International 1999Erscheinungsjahr: 2010Dtsch. v. Butt, WolfgangGewicht: 414 gr / Abmessungen: 191 mm x 120 mm x 29 mmVon Mankell, Henning / Übersetzt v. Butt, Wolfgang"''Wo keine Gerechtigkeit ist, muß sie geschaffen werden'', dachte die Frau, und Wallander wußte, daß Mord zwar ein Versuch ist, die Welt wieder zurechtzurücken, aber die Tragödie genau darin liegt, daß dieser Versuch zum Scheitern verurteilt ist."Der schwedische Autor Henning Mankell hat einen spannenden Detektivroman geschrieben. Aber dieses Buch ist noch mehr: ein Roman über das Verhältnis zwischen Männern und Frauen, ein psychologischer Roman und ein Gesellschaftsroman.Henning Mankell, einer der meistgelesenen schwedischen Romanciers, hat einen modernen Detektivroman von atemberaubender Spannung geschrieben. Aber dieses Buch ist noch mehr: ein Roman über das Verhältnis zwischen Männern und Frauen, ein psychologischer Roman und ein Gesellschaftsroman.Wallander, Kriminalkommissar bei der Mordkommission im südschwedischen Ystad, ist ein wohltuend normaler Mann. Er schläft zuwenig und ißt zuviel Fastfood, er ist geschieden, hat Probleme mit seinem Vater, eine erwachsene Tochter und eine Freundin in Riga, er denkt mit Wehmut an die Zeit, in der man die Strümpfe noch stopfte, anstatt sie wegzuwerfen, und er ist zutiefst beunruhigt über die zunehmende Gewalt in seinem Distrikt. Gerade hat er eine Reihe besonders grausamer Morde aufzuklären, bei denen es selbst erfahrenen Polizisten kalt den Rücken hinunterläuft.
13,21 € 13,90 €


In 1878, aspiring entomologist Hans Bengler travels to the Kalahari Desert in hopes of making a name for himself by discovering a previously unknown insect or two. There he encounters a boy named Molo, an orphan whose family has been killed by European colonists. Bengler "civilizes" the boy by rechristening him Daniel, teaching him to pray to the Christian god, and finally bringing him home to Sweden. The boy is bewildered and awed by the new land, cut off from his culture and the spirits of his family, and Bengler finds that raising a child across a great cultural divide is more difficult than he imagined. A psychological drama of one boy's struggle to find his place in a new land far from home, "Daniel" is a compelling novel for our modern globalized world.
8,08 € 8,50 €

Troubled Man

Every morning Hakan von Enke takes a walk in the forest near his apartment in Stockholm. However, one winter's day he fails to come home. It seems that the retired naval officer has vanished without trace. Detective Kurt Wallander is not officially involved in the investigation but he has personal reasons for his interest in the case as Hakan's son is engaged to his daughter Linda. A few months earlier, at Hakan's 75th birthday party, Kurt noticed that the old man appeared uneasy and seemed eager to talk about a controversial incident from his past career that remained shrouded in mystery. Could this be connected to his disappearance? When Hakan's wife Louise also goes missing, Wallander is determined to uncover the truth. His search leads him down dark and unexpected avenues involving espionage, betrayal and new information about events during the Cold War that threatens to cause a political scandal on a scale unprecedented in Swedish history. The investigation also forces Kurt to look back over his own past and consider his hopes and regrets, as he comes to the unsettling realisation that even those we love the most can remain strangers to us. And then an even darker cloud appears on the horizon...The return of Kurt Wallander, for his final case, has already caused a sensation around the globe. "The Troubled Man" confirms Henning Mankell's position as the king of crime writing.
8,54 € 8,99 €

Der Chinese

An einem frostigen Januartag 2006 macht die Polizei von Hudiksvall eine entsetzliche Entdeckung. In einem kleinen Dorf sind neunzehn Menschen auf bestialische Weise ermordet worden. Die Polizei vermutet dahinter die Tat eines Wahnsinnigen. Als Richterin Birgitta Roslin in der Zeitung von der Tat liest, ist ihr sofort klar, dass die Pflegeeltern ihrer Mutter unter den Mordopfern sind. Mehr noch: Sie erkennt, dass die Polizei eine falsche Spur verfolgt, und beginnt selbst zu recherchieren. Ein Hinweis führt nach China, wo Birgitta auf grausame Machenschaften der politischen Führungselite stößt.
13,55 € 14,26 €

Riga kutyái

"Kurt Wallander szobájában ült az ystadi rendőrőrsön és ásított. Ebben a pillanatban Martinsson lépett a szobába. - Pár perccel ezelőtt érdekes hívásom volt - kezedte. Fülkéből hívtak. Egy férfihang azt állította, hogy egy mentőcsónak sodródik hamarosan partra, benne két halott férfi. Sem a saját nevét nem mondta meg, sem azt, hogy kik a halottak. Csak letette. A boncolás igen hamar kiderítette, hogy a két halott valószínűleg orosz. - Ha megbocsátod a cinizmusomat - mondta Mörth -, ez a két fiú valószínűleg megőrült, amikor agyonlőtték őket. Ugyanis előtte olyan kínzásban volt részük, amilyen a nagykönyvben meg van írva. Wallander fél nyolckor kocsijába ült és hazahajtott. A szél elállt, és egyszerre hidegebb lett." Kik ezek a halottak? Hová tűnt a mentőcsónak? Wallander felügyelőt ezúttal Kelet-Európába vezetik a szálak. A 90-es évek Lettországa még tele van a szovjet rendszer fenyegető árnyaival.
12,79 € 13,46 €

Die Brandmauer

Hacker planen den globalen Crash: die Weltwirtschaft soll ins Chaos gestürzt werden. Wallanders neunter Fall Zwei junge Mädchen überfallen einen Taxifahrer, betäuben ihn mit einem Hammer und töten ihn mit einem Küchenmesser. Als die Polizei sie verhört, zeigen sie keinerlei Schuldgefühl. Wallander kann es kaum fassen. Finden junge Menschen heutzutage wirklich nichts dabei, jemanden hinterrücks zu ermorden? Kurz darauf geschehen die merkwürdigsten Dinge: ein Mann fällt vor einem Bankautomaten tot um. Seine Leiche wird aus der Pathologie gestohlen und wieder an den ursprünglichen Fundort transportiert. In ganz Schonen geht das Licht aus. In der Transformatorstation liegt eine verkohlte Leiche. Wallander ist sich sicher, daß etwas anderes, Größeres, hinter all dem steckt ...
10,74 € 11,31 €


When Kurt Wallander first appeared in "Faceless Killers", he was a senior police officer, just turned forty, with his life in a mess. His wife had left him, his father barely acknowledged him; he ate badly and drank alone at night. "The Pyramid" chronicles the events that led him to such a place. We see him in the early years, doing hours on the beat whilst trying to solve a murder off-duty; witness the beginnings of his fragile relationship with Mona, the woman he has his heart set on marrying; and learn the reason behind his difficulties with his father. These thrilling tales provide a fascinating insight into Wallander's character, from the stabbing of a neighbour in 1969 to a light aircraft accident in 1989, every story is a vital piece of the Wallander series, showing Mankell at the top of his game. Featuring an introduction from the author, "The Pyramid" is an essential read for all fans of Kurt Wallander.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Le Chinois

Une tache écarlate sur la neige. Plus loin, une jambe... En tout, dix-neuf personnes massacrées à l'arme blanche à Hesjövallen. Selon les médias, un psychopathe a frappé. Pour la juge Birgitta Roslin, tout est trop bien organisé. Sa seule piste: un ruban rouge chinois. Indice qui la mène jusqu'à Pékin, dans les familles des émigrés du siècle dernier. Les humiliés auraient-ils pris leur revanche ?
16,25 € 17,10 €