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Lucy Maud Montgomery

Je autorkou jednej z najobľúbenejších dievčenských postáv v literatúre, Anny Shirleyovej, čiže Anny zo Zeleného domu.

Lucy Maud Montgomeryová bola kanadská spisoveteľka, narodila sa 30. Novembra v roku 1874, v Cliftone, na Ostrove princa Edwarda v Kanade. Jej rodičia boli Hugh John Montgomery a Clara Woolner Macneill. Keď mala Lucy Maud necelé dva roky, umrela jej matka na tuberkulózu. Lucin otec sa rozhodol, že sa presťahuje do západnej Kanady, kde sa neskôr znovu oženil. Lucy zostala na farme svojich prarodičov v Cavendishi. Tu ako 9-ročná začala písať prózu.

V školskom roku 1893 – 1894 študovala na Prince of Wales College a získala učiteľskú licenciu. Potom, v roku 1898, začala učiť na škole Lower Bedeyue. Vtom istom roku jej zomrel starý otec. Hneď sa vrátila do Cavendishu, aby sa starala o svoju babičku. Zostala tam trinásť rokov, okrem rokov 1901 až 1902. Pracovala ako korektorka pre The Daily Echo v Halifaxe. Počas tohto pobytu písala aj tvorila svoje knižky.

V roku 1905 napísala svoju prvú knihu Anna zo Zeleného domu. Poslala ju do mnohých vydavateľstiev, ale vo všetkých jej ju odmietli. Rukopis tejto knihy uložila do krabice a zabudla naň. Znova ho našla v roku 1907 a to už mala väčšie šťastie. Našla vydavateľa, ktorý zariadil, aby Anna Shirleyová uvidela svetlo sveta v knižnej podobe. O rok neskôr sa stalo.

Keď v roku 1911 zomrela Lucy babička, vydala sa za reverenda Ewena MacDonalda, s ktorým bola tajne zasnúbená od roku 1906. Spolu sa presťahovali do Leaskdale v Ontariu. Tu sa im neskôr narodili ich tri deti. Chester narodil sa v r. 1912, Hugh sa narodil mŕtvy v r. 1914 a Stuart v r. 1915. Lucy Maud tu napísala väčšinu svojich kníh.

Po svadbe už nikdy na ostrove Princa Edwarda nežila. Chodievala tam už len na návštevu. Svojimi príbehmi preslávila tento ostrov. Odohrávali sa tu všetky okrem jedného.

Lucy Maud Montgomeryová zomrela v Toronte 24. apríla v roku 1942, ale jej telo bolo pochované na ostrove Princa Edwarda v Cevendishi.

(foto: wikipedia)


Anna ze Summerside

Anna po skončení studií na univerzitě otevírá novou životní kapitolu a přijme místo ředitelky střední školy v Summerside. To ji načas vzdálí od milovaného Gilberta, který se rozhodl vystudovat medicínu. Prostřednictvím Anniných dopisů Gilbertovi poznáme její studenty, kolegyni i všechny strasti a radosti, jež vedení střední školy obnáší. Ačkoli se z ní stala ředitelka, pořád je to Anna: chytrá, nezdolná a optimistická rusovláska s hlavou plnou snů.
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Anna ze Zeleného domu

Nejslavnější kanadská kniha (nejen) pro děti, přeložená do více než čtyřiceti jazyků, převedená na filmové plátno i na divadelní prkna, kterou čtenáři po celém světě milují už více než sto let, to je Anna ze Zeleného domu. A čím že si rusovláska Anna čtenáře získala? Především svou bezprostředností, obrovskou fantazií, laskavým srdcem, ale hlavně nezdolným optimismem, se kterým zdolává všechny nezdary.
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Anna z ostrova

Ve třetím pokračování Anny ze Zeleného domu se Anně splní její velký sen: odejde studovat do města na univerzitu. V novém prostředí opět najde řadu spřízněných duší a nouzi nemá ani o nápadníky. Dokáže si však Anna správně vybrat? Zvítězí její vzletné ideály, nebo srdce a to, co doopravdy cítí?
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Anne of Avonlea

Following Anne of Green Gables (1908), the book covers the second chapter in the life of Anne Shirley. This book follows Anne from the age of 16 to 18, during the two years that she teaches at Avonlea school. It includes many of the characters from Anne of Green Gables, as well as new ones like Mr Harrison, Miss Lavendar Lewis, Paul Irving, and the twins Dora and Davy.
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Anne of Green Gables

Marilla Cuthbert and Matthew Cuthbert, middle-aged siblings who live together at Green Gables, a farm in Avonlea, on Prince Edward Island, decide to adopt a boy from an orphan asylum in Nova Scotia as a helper on their farm. Through a series of mishaps, the person who ends up under their roof is a precocious girl of eleven named Anne Shirley. Anne is bright and quick, eager to please but dissatisfied with her name, her pale countenance dotted with freckles, and with her long braids of red hair. Being a child of imagination, however, Anne takes much joy in life, and adapts quickly, thriving in the environment of Prince Edward Island.
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Anne of the Island

This is the continuing story of Anne Shirley and the third book in the Anne of Green Gables series. Anne attends Redmond College in Kingsport, where she is studying for her BA. The book is dedicated to "all the girls all over the world who have "wanted more" about ANNE." There was a gap of six years between the publications of Anne of Avonlea and the publication of this book.
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Chronicles of Avonlea

Chronicles of Avonlea is a collection of short stories by L. M. Montgomery, related to the Anne of Green Gables series. It features an abundance of stories relating to the fictional Canadian village of Avonlea, and was first published in 1912.
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Emily of New Moon

Similar to her earlier and more famous Anne of Green Gables series, the Emily novels depicted life through the eyes of a young orphan girl, Emily Starr, who is raised by her relatives after her father dies of consumption. The series was less romanticized and more realistic than the Anne novels. Montgomery considered Emily to be a character much closer to her own personality than Anne, and some of the events which occur in the Emily series happened to Montgomery herself. Emily is described as having black hair, purply violet eyes, pale skin and a unique and enchanting "slow" smile.
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Emily's Quest

Emily Starr and Teddy Kent have been friends since childhood, and as Teddy is about to leave to further his education as an artist, Emily believes that their friendship is blossoming into something more. On his last night at home, they vow to think of each other when they see the star Vega of the Lyre.As Emily grows as a writer and learns to deal with the loneliness of having her closest friends gone, life at New Moon changes. Mr. Carpenter, Emily's most truthful critic and favorite teacher dies (warning Emily, even as he dies to "Beware --- of --- italics."). She becomes closer to Dean Priest, even as she fears he wants love when she only has friendship to give. Worst of all, Emily and Teddy become distant as he focuses on building his career and she hides her feelings behind pride.
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Rainbow Valley

Anne Shirley is grown up, has married her beloved Gilbert and now is the mother of six mischievous children.These boys and girls discover a special place all their own, but they never dream of what will happen when the strangest family moves into an old nearby mansion.The Meredith clan is two boys and two girls, with a minister father but no mother-and a runaway girl named Mary Vance.Soon the Meredith kids join Anne's children in their private hideout to carry out their plans to save Mary from the orphanage,to help the lonely minister find happiness, and to keep a pet rooster from the soup pot.There's always an adventure brewing in the sun-dappled world of Rainbow Valley.
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Rilla of Ingleside

Anne's children were almost grown up, except for pretty, high-spirited Rilla. No one could resist her bright hazel eyes and dazzling smile. Rilla, almost fifteen, can't think any further ahead than going to her first dance at the Four Winds lighthouse and getting her first kiss from handsome Kenneth Ford. But undreamed-of challenges await the irrepressible Rilla when the world of Ingleside becomes endangered by far-off war. Her brothers go off to fight, and Rilla brings home an orphaned newborn in a soup tureen. She is swept into a drama that tests her courage and leaves her changed forever.
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The Story Girl

The Story Girl narrates the adventures of a group of young cousins and their friends who live in a rural community on Prince Edward Island, Canada.
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Anne's House of Dreams

A chronicle of Anne’s early married life, as she and her childhood sweetheart Gilbert Blythe begin to build their life together.
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Emily Climbs

Emily Byrd Starr longs to attend Queen's Academy to earn her teaching license, but her tradition-bound relatives at New Moon refuse. She is instead offered the chance to go to Shrewsbury High School with her friends, on two conditions. The first is that she board with her disliked Aunt Ruth, but it is the second that causes Emily difficulties. Emily must not write a word during her high-school education. At first, Emily refuses the offer, unable to contemplate a life without any writing. Cousin Jimmy changes the condition slightly, saying that she cannot write a word of "fiction". Emily does not think this much of an improvement but it turns out to be an excellent exercise for her budding writing career. Although Emily clashes with Aunt Ruth and Evelyn Blake, the school's would-be writer, she starts to develop her powers of storytelling. Through a series of adventures, Emily is furnished with materials to write stories and poems, and even sees success with the short story "The Woman Who Spanked the King." In the meantime, Emily also begins to see romantic possibilities for her life. She and Teddy Kent draw closer, but due to misunderstandings and interference from Teddy's mother, the romance stalls. Emily also refuses a proposal from Perry Miller, and continues her long-lasting friendship with Dean Priest. At the end of the novel, Emily, now a budding young writer, chooses to remain at her beloved New Moon rather than leaving for New York with famous writer Janet Royal.
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The Blue Castle

Valancy lives a drab life with her overbearing mother and prying aunt. Then a shocking diagnosis from Dr. Trent prompts her to make a fresh start. For the first time, she does and says exactly what she feels. As she expands her limited horizons, Valancy undergoes a transformation, discovering a new world of love and happiness. One of Lucy Maud Montgomery's only novels intended for an adult audience, The Blue Castle is filled with humour and romance.
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A legnagyobb ajándék

A legnagyobb ajándék című válogatás nyolc, ma már klasszikusnak számító történetet tartalmaz, olyan népszerű írók tollából, mint Charles Dickens, L. M. Montgomery vagy Louisa May Alcott. Igazi időutazásra invitálnak a szerzők, az ókori világtól kezdve egészen a 20. századi amerikai kisvárosok miliőjéig kalauzolva az olvasókat. Az itt megjelenő írások közös vonása, hogy bár eltérő korokban és helyszíneken játszódnak, az év egyik legcsodálatosabb időszakáról, a karácsony állandó varázsáról és örök értékeiről mesélnek. A kötetben található novellák és elbeszélések többsége most először jelenik meg magyar nyelven.  
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