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George Orwell
Jeho bestsellery sa dostali do učebníc. 1984 aj Zvieracia farma. Svoj pseudonym si zvolil podľa rieky. Vlastným menom sa volal Eric Arthur Blair, narodil sa 25. Júna 1903 v Indii a poznáme ho pod menom George Orwell.

Narodil sa v rodine koloniálneho úradníka, ktorý pracoval v štátnych službách pre Odbor s opiátmi. Jeho rodina patrila do typickej strednej vrstvy. Keď sa s ním a s jeho dvomi sestrami matka presťahovala do Oxfordshir v Anglicku, rodina sa rozpadla. Svoj pseudonym si zvolil podľa rieky Orwell, ktorá tam preteká.
Keď mal šesť rokov, rodičia ho poslali do malej anglickej školy v Henley, učitelia ho odporučili do St Cyprian's School, v Eastbourne kde získal štipendium. Neskôr vyštudoval prestížnu súkromnú strednú školu Eton.

Po škole slúžil v Indickej imperiálnej polícii v Barme od roku 1922 až do 1927. Práve službe sa vrátil späť do Anglicka a začal sa živiť ako novinár a esejista. Spočiatku žil ako tulák v najchudobnejších vrstvách Paríža a Londýna. Intenzívne politické a sociálne nepokoje, ktoré sužovali Európu, zmenili Orwella na vášnivého socialistu, odporcu fašizmu, zástancu rovnosti a na spisovateľa.
Už v 30. rokoch napísal niekoľko románov. A Clergyman's Daughter, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Coming Up for Air, Road to Wigan Pier. V týchto knihách opisuje trápenie tých najspodnejších spoločenských vrstiev.
Po vypuknutí španielskej občianskej vojny sa do nej zapojil ako dobrovoľník, bojoval za republikánsku stranu v légiách POUM (Partido Obrero de Unificacion Marxista - sesterská protistalinistická strana nezávislej Labouristickej strany založenej v roku 1935, jej členom sa stal v roku 1938). Prežil nadšenie z fungujúceho španielskeho socialistického štátu, no čoskoro pocítil znechutenie z intríg a z fanatizmu jednotlivých zložiek ľavice. Stalinisti podporovaní Sovietskym zväzom porazili anarchistov a POUM a týmto zásahom ukončili revolúciu.
20. mája 1937 bol Orwell postrelený fašistickým ostreľovačom do krku, preto musel predčasne opustiť front. Keďže boli spolu s manželkou Eileen zatknutí za členstvo v „Trotskyit“, v júni 1937 Španielsko opustili. Neskôr boli prenasledovaní políciou, ktorá zatýkala všetkých členov POUM. O rok neskúr ochorel na tuberkulózu.
Počas vojny bol pevne presvedčený, že nastávajúci kapitalistický systém nemá šancu prežiť. Navrhol a obhajoval rozsiahle zoštátnenie majetku, obmedzenie výsad bohatých, obmedzenie maximálnych príjmov, slobodu kolóniám, avšak úplne odmietal stalinistický socializmus.

Orwell písal články do New English Weekly až do roku 1940. Počas 2. svetovej vojny sa stal členom domobrany a v roku 1941 začal pracovať pre BBC na programoch o Indii a Východnej Ázii. Po finančne príťažlivej ponuke prijal miesto v Tribune ako literárny spravodajca. Písal do pravidelnej rubriky „As I Please“.
V roku 1944 Orwell dokončil svoju antistalinistickú alegóriu Zvieracia farma, ktorá patrí k jeho najznámejším dielam. Dielo bolo publikované nasledujúci rok s veľkým úspechom. Po tejto knihe sa Orwell konečne ocitol finančne zabezpečený. Od roku 1945 sa stal vojnovým korešpondentom a neskôr pravidelne prispieval do Manchester Evening News. Bol blízkym priateľom vydavateľa a majiteľa Davida Astora, ktorého Orwellove myšlienky ho silno ovplyvňovali a tým menili smerovanie novín.

Po smrti manželky sa presťahoval na ostrov Jura a tu napísal jedno zo svojich najvýznamnejších diel 1984.
21. Januára 1950, zomrel v Londýne na tuberkulózu.

(foto: BNUJ)


Animal Farm

Under the feckless husbandry of Mr Jones, the Manor Farm has fallen into disrepair. Pushed into hardship, the animals decide to stage a revolt, and, led by two young pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, they overthrow Mr Jones and drive him away from the farm. In the subsequent struggle for power, it is Napoleon who emerges as a victor: he renames the place "Animal Farm", gets rid of his enemies and, by the way he behaves - expecting to be glorifi ed above the others and turning the screw on his fellow beasts in order to keep them subjugated - begins to resemble more and more the former rulers of the farm, the hated humans. Written during the Second World War and published in 1945, this allegorical novel is a carefully constructed critique of the Russian Revolution and a sharp satire of the abuse of power. It remains unsurpassed both as a document of its time and as a testament to the versatility and creative genius of George Orwell. This new edition contains notes and extra material for students
7,55 € 7,95 €

Farma zvířat

Farma zvířat je alegorický satirizující román George Orwella, ukazující formou bajky politické vztahy a děje mezi lidmi. Autor se důsledně vyhýbá vysvětlujícím komentářům, ale vzhledem k době napsání díla je nejzjevnější podobenství se stalinistickou degenerací Sovětského svazu. V příběhu se objevuje skupinka zvířat, která se vzbouří a vyžene lidi z farmy, na které žije, a vede ji sama. Jejich vláda se však postupně zvrhne v brutální tyranii. Tento román byl napsán v průběhu 2. světové války a vydán srpnu roku 1945. Ačkoliv nebyl do konce 50. let příliš úspěšným, dnes je jedním z nejznámějších děl autora, stejně jako např. antiutopický román 1984. Doslov Bohuslav Blažek.
9,74 € 10,25 €

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1984 Nineteen Eighty-Four

Ravaged by years of war and civil conflict, Britain has changed its name to Airstrip One and become part of Oceania - one of the three totalitarian blocks dominating the world - ruled by a mysterious leader called Big Brother who keeps the population in thrall through strict surveillance and brutal police repression. In a society where the individual is suppressed and turned into an "unperson" for not conforming, and where not only personal thought, but also historical record and language itself are constantly being manipulated by the ruling regime, Ministry of Truth worker Winston Smith tries to make sense of the rebellious thoughts and passions that are stirring inside him, and finds himself impotent against the inexorable machine that surrounds him and threatens to crush him at any time. Arguably the greatest dystopian novel of all time and the most influential post-war work of fiction - which enriched the English language with words such as "Newspeak", "doublethink" and "thoughtcrime" - Nineteen Eighty-Four is a riveting read and a groundbreaking exploration of mass surveillance, censorship and mind control, which has a deep resonance with the world we live in.
7,55 € 7,95 €

Animal Farm

When the downtrodden animals of Manor Farm overthrow their master, Mr Jones, and take over the farm themselves, they imagine it is the beginning of a life of freedom and equality. But gradually a cunning, ruthless elite among them, masterminded by the pigs Napoleon and Snowball, starts to take control. Soon the other animals discover that they are not all as equal as they thought, and find themselves hopelessly ensnared as one form of tyranny is replaced with another. Orwell's chilling 'fairy story' is a timeless and devastating satire of idealism betrayed by power and corruption.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Animal Farm

A new edition of Orwell's savage satire of the Soviet Revolution, introduced and annotated by his biographer, D.J. Taylor First published in 1945, just as the allied forces had begun to parcel up the post-war world, Orwell's satire of the Soviet Revolution was instantly acclaimed as a Cold War classic. Set in the English countryside in the early years of the twentieth century, this is the story of a rebellion that fails, carried out by revolutionaries who all too swiftly turn into the thing they were trying to destroy. This new edition includes an introduction and extensive end-notes, and an appendix containing original responses to the novel as well as letters and documents from the period in which Animal Farm was written.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Down and Out in Paris and London

THE AUTHORATITIVE TEXT 'You can live on a shilling a day in Paris if you know how. But it is a complicated business' As a struggling writer in his twenties, Orwell lived as a down-and-out among the poorest members of society. In this, his early memoir, Orwell recalls with vivid clarity his time working as a penniless dishwasher in Paris, pawning clothes to buy a day's worth of bread and wine, sleeping in bug-infested bunks, trading survival skills and cigarette butts with fellow tramps, and trudging between London's workhouse spikes for a few hours' sleep and tea. With all of the sensitivity and compassion that Orwell is known and loved for, he exposed the hardships of poverty and gave readers an unprecedented look at life lived on the fringes of society. This vivid account is an enduring call to support the world's most vulnerable people and exemplifies his belief that 'The greatest of evils and the worst of crimes is poverty.' WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY KERRY HUDSON
10,93 € 11,50 €

Nineteen Eighty-Four

A new edition of Orwell's timeless dystopian classic, introduced and annotated by his biographer, D.J. Taylor Since its first publication in 1949, Orwell's devastating expose of the totalitarian mind has established itself as the most influential political satire of the modern age. Winston Smith's doomed rebellion against the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, and a world corrupted by technology and the perversion of language, is as relevant now as it ever was. This new edition includes an introduction and extensive end-notes, and an appendix containing original responses to the novel and several of Orwell's essays from the period in which Nineteen Eighty-Four was written.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Homage to Catalonia

THE AUTHORATITIVE TEXT 'There are occasions where it pays better to fight and be beaten than not to fight at all' Both a memoir of Orwell's experiences during the Spanish Civil War and a heartfelt tribute to those who died, Homage to Catalonia is an extraordinary first-hand record of him time on the frontline. Written with all of the depth, passion and deep human understanding that defines Orwell's writing this is a vivid account of the battles that were faced by ordinary working people as they fought for both their lives and their ideologies. Although Orwell was himself near-fatally wounded he finds both bleak and comic notes in his experience which is recorded with such clarity and depth that this short work has become one of his best known.
10,93 € 11,50 €


"Üdvözlet az egyformaság korából, a magányosság korából, a Nagy Testvér korából, a duplagondol korából" - írja a naplójába Winston Smith, a lázadó, a gondolatbűnöző, aki nem hajlandó elismerni, hogy a 2x2 a Párt akarata szerint lehet három vagy öt. Talán valóban "csak" keserű üdvözlet lesz ez a regény a jövőben, örök emlékeztető a totalitárius XX. századra, és persze szellemes szatíra, mint a nagy példakép, Swift Gulliver-e. Talán. De most még a zsigereinkben érezzük, mit jelent a Nagy Testvér, a gondolatbűn, a gondolatrendőrség, az újbeszél, a duplagondol; s az óceániai Párt három jelmondata is hátborzongatóan ismerős: A háború: Béke A szabadság: Szolgaság A tudatlanság: Erő S bár sok mindent be tudunk helyettesíteni a történelem valós alakjaival, eszméivel, intézményeivel, ebben a regényben mégis az írói fantázia a leglenyűgözőbb; 1948-ban, betegen, kiábrándultan Orwell olyan regényvilágot alkotott, amely borzongató realitásával rabul ejti az olvasót akkor is, ha közben könnyedén - talán túlságosan is könnyedén - azt mondja: Orwell jóslata, hála istennek, nem teljesedett be.
6,13 € 6,45 €

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Nineteen Eighty-Four

George Orwell's masterwork, now in the Penguin Clothbound Classics series with a cover designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith 'Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past' Hidden away in the Record Department of the sprawling Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith skilfully rewrites the past to suit the needs of the Party. Yet he inwardly rebels against the totalitarian world he lives in, which demands absolute obedience and controls him through the all-seeing telescreens and the watchful eye of Big Brother, symbolic head of the Party. In his longing for truth and liberty, Smith begins a secret love affair with a fellow-worker Julia, but soon discovers the true price of freedom is betrayal. George Orwell's dystopian masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four is perhaps the most pervasively influential book of the twentieth century.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Animal Farm

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. George Orwell's fable of revolutionary farm animals - the steadfast horses Boxer and Clover, the opportunistic pigs Snowball and Napoleon, and the deafening choir of sheep - who overthrow their elitist human master only to find themselves subject to a new authority, is one of the most famous warnings ever written. Rejected by such eminent publishing figures as Victor Gollancz, Jonathan Cape and T.S. Eliot due to its daringly open criticism of Stalin, Animal Farm was published to great acclaim by Martin Secker and Warburg on 17 August 1945. One reviewer wrote 'In a hundred years' time perhaps Animal Farm ... may simply be a fairy story: today it is a fairy story with a good deal of point.' Seventy-five years since its first publication, Orwell's immortal satire remains an unparalleled masterpiece and more relevant than ever.
3,75 € 3,95 €

Homage to Catalonia

'This is the story of one man who went to Spain with an intellectual sympathy for socialist doctrine and came back...with a fervent, almost religious belief in its necessity' Both a memoir of Orwell's experiences during the Spanish Civil War and a heartfelt tribute to those who died, Homage to Catalonia is an extraordinary first-hand record of him time on the frontline. Written with all of the depth, passion and deep human understanding that defines Orwell's writing this is incredible work of non-fiction tells of the battles that were faced by ordinary working people as they fought for both their lives and their ideologies. Although Orwell was himself near-fatally wounded he finds both bleak and comic notes in his experience which is recorded with such clarity and depth that this short work has become one of his best known.
3,75 € 3,95 €

2x Orwell (1984, Zvířecí statek)

Soubor dvou dosud vydaných knih George Orwella v dárkovém boxu za výhodnou cenu. Jedná se o knihy 1984 a Zvířecí statek.
26,02 € 27,39 €

Lacná kniha Deníky I (1931–1940) (-90%)

První souborně vydané deníkové dílo slavného prozaika a esejisty nám umožní nahlédnout přímo pod ruku tvůrce - George Orwell ve svých každodenních záznamech glosuje aktuální politickou situaci, růst zeleniny a snůšku slepic na své zahradě, ale v odbo čkách rozvíjí též hlubší filozofické úvahy a analýzy. Kniha obsahuje deníkové zápisky od roku 1931, kdy se autor ještě účastnil poklidného česání chmele, až do roku 1940, když již zuřila druhá světová válka.
2,19 € 21,89 €

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