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Edgar Poe
Bol jedným z troch detí páru kočovných hercov Elizabeth a Davida Poeových. Jeho otec mal alkoholické sklony a opustil matku ešte pred Edgarovým narodením.

Matka zomrela v roku 1811 ako 24 ročná na tuberkulózu a zanechala po sebe tri siroty: malého Edgara, jeho mentálne postihnutú sestru Rosalie a brata Williama, ktorý rovnako ako otec, mal alkoholické sklony a predčasne zomrel.

Ako trojročná sirota bol Edgar zverený do útulku v Richmonde, kde sa ho po relatívne krátkej dobe ujala rodina Allanovcov, veľkoobchodníkov s tabakom; odtiaľ plynie Poeove prostredné meno Allan. Rodina istý čas bývala v Liverpoole a tajomné Anglicko sa tak stalo mladému Edgarovi zdrojom inšpiráce po celý život. Dodalo jeho neskorším dielam onu fantasknú, tak typicky poeovskú hrôzostrašnosť.

Edgar študoval literatúru na University of Virginia, kde však začal piť a narobil si veľa dlhov ako hráč. Kvôli tomu sa neskôr rozišiel so svojim nevlastným bratom, ktorý ich za Edgara odmietal platiť. Poe sa vo finančnej kríze zapísal na vojenskú akadémiu vo West Pointe,  ukázal sa však ako nedisciplinovaný vojak a čoskoro bol prepustený. Po jeho prepustení sa rozhádal s adoptívnym otcom.

Jeho prvý úspech prišiel v roku 1834, keď získal hlavnú cenu na súťaži, ktorú organizoval baltimorský týždenník Saturday Visitor so svojim príbehom Rukopis nájdený vo fľaši.. Neskôr vstúpil do richmondského Souther Literary Messenger a v roku 1835 sa stal jeho hlavným šéfredaktorom.

O rok neskôr sa oženil so svojou trinásťročnou sesterenicou Virginiou Clemm (zomrela predčasne o jedenásť rokov neskôr.). Alkohol a drogy spôsobovali Poeovi intenzívne stavy depresie a neskôr aj stratu zamestnania. Roku 1845 uverejnil Havrana, ktorý doslova ohromil vtedajšiu verejnosť. Poe v tom čase zažil krátke obdobie slávy a mondénnych úspechov. Jeho alkoholové a drogové dlhy ho však z tohto postavenia skoro stačili uvrhnúť späť do zúfalej biedy.

Poeova smrť bola hodná diel, ktorým sa venoval, 3. októbra v roku 1849 ho našli opitého (a pravdepodobne aj pod vplyvom omamných látok) na baltimorskom chodníku v blízkosti Light Street. Ihneď ho previezli do nemocnice, ale z kómy sa 4 dni neprebral a v ranných hodinách, 7. októbra v roku 1849, zomrel.

Edgar Allan Poe bol obdarovaný vysokou inteligenciou, bol veľmi zdvorilý, ale tiež až prehnane prudký a divoký; len tak sa v jeho hlave mohli zrodiť tie najkurióznejšie myšlienky, aké kedy prešli ľudskou mysľou.

Už od detstva čítal diela Lorda Byrona, Samuela Tylora Coleridge a väčšinu romantických autorov svojej doby. Hlbšie sa takisto zaoberal kozmológiou, prírodnými vedami a mysticizmom. Tieto svoje znalosti následne používal pri písaní svojich diel, kedy dokázal s matematickou presnosťou dosiahnúť geniálny efekt a zanechať tak v čitateľovi dopredu psychologicky premyslenú impresiu (väčšinou strachu či hnusu, často ale aj humoru a prekvapenia).

Ešte počas svojho života stratil všetky ženy, ktoré miloval, a znešváril sa so všetkými ľuďmi, ktorí by mu boli v ťažkých okamžikoch schopní pomôcť. Žil v takpovediac nepretržitej biede, aj keď za už počas svojho života dočkal istej slávy (najmä svojimi žurnalistickými prácami).
(Zdroj wikipédia)


The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe is credited with having pioneered the short story, having perfected the tale of psychological horror, and having revolutionised modern poetics. The entirety of Poe's body of imaginative work encompasses detective tales, satires, fables, fantasies, science fiction, verse dramas, and some of the most evocative poetry in the English language. This omnibus edition collects all of Poe's fiction and poetry in a single volume, including The Fall of the House of Usher, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Pit and the Pendulum,. The Raven, Annabel Lee, the full-length novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket and much more. The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe is part of Barnes & Noble's Leatherbound Classics. Each title in the series presents a classic work in an attractively designed edition bound in genuine bonded leather. These books make elegant additions to any home library.
45,55 € 47,95 €

The Complete Tales and Poems

One of the most original American writers, Edgar Allen Poe shaped the development of both the detectvie story and the science-fiction story. Some of his poems—"The Raven," "The Bells," "Annabel Lee"—remain among the most popular in American literature. Poe's tales of the mmacabre still thrill readers of all ages. Here are familiar favorites like "The Purloined Letter," "The Fall of the House of Usher," and "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," together with less-known masterpieces like "The Imp of the Perverse," "The Narrative of A. Gordon Pym," and "Ligeia," which is now recognised as one of the first science-fiction stories, a total of seventy-three tales in all, plus fifty-three poems and a generous sampling of Poe's essays, criticism and journalistic writings.
21,51 € 22,64 €

The Raven and Other Selected Poems

HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. ' "...Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!" Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore." ' This selection of Edgar Allan Poe's poetical works includes some of his best-known pieces, including the triumphant, gleeful 'The Bells', the tragic ode 'Annabel Lee' and his famous gothic tour de force, 'The Raven'. Some present powerful, nightmarish images of the macabre and bizarre, while others have at their heart a profound sense of love, beauty and loss. All are linguistic masterpieces that demonstrate Poe's gift for marrying rhythm, form and meaning. An American writer of primarily prose and literary criticism, Edgar Allen Poe never ceased writing poetry throughout his turbulent life, and is today regarded as a central figure of American literary romanticism. He died in 1849.
3,47 € 3,65 €

The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.`It was unnecessary for all to perish, when, by the death of one, it was possible, and even probable, that the rest might be finally preserved.'Travelling aboard a whaling vessel, a young stowaway is swept up in myriad misadventures - mutiny, shipwreck, cannibalism - narrowly escaping numerous brushes with death. This rousing story of a daring sea voyage also presents its antihero with a host of psychological dilemmas, and offers an important insight into Poe's work as a whole.The only complete novel by infamous gothic horror writer Edgar Allan Poe, `The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket' has inspired other classic tales of maritime adventure, such as Herman Melville's `Moby-Dick' and Jules Verne's `Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea'.
3,47 € 3,65 €

The Complete Stories

Edgar Allan Poe's gift for the macabre influenced Baudelaire and French symbolism, Freudian analysis, the detective novel and the Hollywood film. His psychologically profound stories, which comprise this book, represent the darker side of the 19th-century American sensibility.
14,63 € 15,40 €

The Penguin Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe

The Fall of the House of Usher, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Gold-Bug - some of the most famous tales of terror and the most macabre detective stories ever written. Acknowledged master of suspense, Poe was also a poet and - as his stories of mesmerism and time travel prove - a pioneer of science fiction. In this collection, probing to the depths of the human psyche, Poe's haunted genius will chill and enthral you.
23,53 € 24,77 €

Pád domu Usherů a další povídky - The Fall of the House of Usher and other Tales

Dvojjazyčné vydání obsahuje povídky Pád domu Usherů, Ukradený dopis, Zlaty skarabeus a Pád do Maelstromu
10,72 € 11,28 €

Jáma a kyvadlo a jiné povídky

Sugestivní vyprávění o obsedantních vášních a závislostech, hrůze z předčasného pohřbu, o starém ponurém domě, jenž se i s posledními potomky šlechtického rodu pomalu rozpadá, o vězni, který je odsouzen ke strašlivě krutému trestu smrti, napíná a děsí čtenáře už více než sto padesát let. Výbor povídek slavného amerického prozaika Edgara Allana Poea (1809–1849) představuje sedmadvacet fantastických, mystických, hororových, tragikomických, groteskních i detektivních příběhů. Poe je považován za zakladatele detektivního žánru a mezi povídkami najdeme i příběhy, které můžeme označit za rané science-fiction. Tento mistr hororu umí barvitě zachytit pocity a duševní rozpoložení vypravěče, vyděsit, fascinovat tehdejšími moderními objevy a teoriemi i udržovat v napětí při logickém a deduktivním pátrání po vrazích. Jeho příběhy proto díky své nadčasovosti nestárnou a získávají si srdce čtenářů i dnes.
18,99 € 19,99 €

The Selected Works of Edgar Allan Poe

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. `True! Nervous, very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses, not destroyed, not dulled them.' This ultimate collection of the infamous author's works includes `The Raven', `The Fall of the House of Usher' and `The Tell-Tale Heart'. They focus on the internal conflict of individuals, the power of the dead over the living, and psychological explorations of darker human emotion. An American writer of fantastical, bizarre and sometimes disturbing short stories, Poe wrote in the first half of the nineteenth century. Preoccupied with delving into the darker reaches of the human psyche, Poe is inventor of the detective story and master of the macabre.
6,39 € 6,73 €

The Pit and the Pendulum and Other Tales

Since their first publication in the 1830s and 1840s, Edgar Allan Poe's extraordinary Gothic tales have established themselves as classics of horror fiction and have also created many of the conventions which still dominate the genre of detective fiction. As well as being highly enjoyable, Poe's tales are works of very real intellectual exploration. Abandoning the criteria of characterization and plotting in favor of blurred boundaries between self and other, will and morality, identity and memory, Poe uses the Gothic to question the integrity of human existence. Indeed, Poe is less interested in solving puzzles or in moral retribution than in exposing the misconceptions that make things seem "mysterious" in the first place. Attentive to the historical and political dimensions of these very American tales, this critical edition selects twenty-four tales and places the most popular -- "The Pit and the Pendulum," "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The Masque of the Red Death," "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," and "The Purloined Letter" -- alongside less well-known travel narratives, metaphysical essays, and political satires.
21,38 € 22,50 €

Edgar Allan Poe Short Stories

One of the greatest writers of the gothic fantastic, Poe's dark, masterful stories inspired a generation of writers. With his macabre twists of fate and fascination with science and invention his work led to the detective stories of Sherlock Holmes, the weird horror of H.P. Lovecraft and the grim, tortured tales of Stephen King.
23,70 € 24,95 €

A kút és az inga - Helikon Zsebkönyvek 72.

Az Edgar Allan Poe novelláiból készült két korábbi válogatás a Helikon Kiadó zsebkönyv sorozatának legsikeresebb, legkeresettebb darabjai közé tartozik. A kút és az inga címmel most megjelenő harmadik Poe-kötetben - az előzőkhöz hasonlóan - öt izgalmas, misztikus hangulatú novella olvasható. A jól ismert címadó darab a spanyol inkvizíció áldozatának az életben maradásért folytatott küzdelmét tárja elénk; a Dr. Kátrány és Toll professzor módszere című írás hőse egy elmegyógyintézetbe látogat el; A Maelström poklában című novellában szereplő halász testvérpár egy hatalmas tengeri vihart és egy pokoli örvényt igyekszik túlélni; a Történet a Rongyos hegyekből egy különös látomás döbbenetes következményeiről tudósít; a Metzengerstein két, évszázadok óta viszálykodó család harcának végkifejletét meséli el.
4,60 € 4,84 €

The Raven

One of the most famous poems in the English language, "The Raven" first appeared in the January 29, 1845 edition of the "New York Evening Mirror." It brought Edgar Allan Poe, then his mid-thirties and a well-known poet, critic and short story writer, his first taste of celebrity on a grand scale.
5,69 € 5,99 €

Tales and Poems

This mesmerising, macabre collection contains Edgar Allan Poe's best-known poetry, including 'The Raven', 'Annabel Lee' and 'Lenore', and a selection of his very best stories, along with his finest tales from the last decade of his tragically short life. Many of these stories and poems explore the familiar Poe themes of murder, obsession and love, but this volume also contains many overlooked tales of the fantastic, black comedies, parodies and hoaxes, such as 'The Unparalleled Adventure of Hans Pfaall', 'Mesmeric Revolution', 'Hop-Frog', and 'The Imp of the Perverse'. This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of Tales and Poems features an afterword by David Pinching. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
11,88 € 12,50 €

Tales of Mystery and Imagination

This collection of Poe's work contains some of the most exciting and haunting stories ever written. They range from the poetic to the mysterious to the darkly comic, yet all possess the genius for the grotesque that defines Poe's writing. They are peopled with neurotics and social outcasts, obsessed with nameless terrors or preoccupied with seemingly unsolvable mysteries. 'The Tell-Tale Heart' and 'The Fall of the House of Usher' are key works in the horror canon, while in the 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' and 'The Mystery of Marie Roget' we find the origins of modern detective fiction. Collectively, these tales represent the best of Edgar Allan Poe's prose work before his premature death in 1849. This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Mystery and Imagination feature With an afterword by Jonty Claypole. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
11,88 € 12,50 €

A fekete macska - Helikon Zsebkönyvek 3.

Edgar Allan Poe lehelt életet a detektívtörténetekbe vélte Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. És ki lehetne nagyobb szakértő ez ügyben Sherlock Holmes kalandjainak megalkotójánál? A fekete macska és más történetek a krimi atyjának tartott Poe legjobb és leghíresebb novelláit adja közre: misztikum, titok és sötét erők elevenednek meg a hátborzongató (bűn)eseteket feldolgozó elbeszélésekben. A C. Auguste Dupin, a világirodalom megannyi zseniális detektívjének mintájául szolgáló alak különös gyilkosság nyomába ered A Morgue utcai kettős gyilkosságban, Az ellopott levélben pedig a királynő levelére kell rábukkannia. A kötet címadó novellája egy horrorisztikus eszközökkel elkövetett, szörnyű bűn feszéltséggel és félelemmel vegyes izgalommal teli lelepleződésének története, míg A vörös halál álarca és Az egy hordó amontillado már a tudományos-fantasztikus irodalomra emlékeztető írások. Poe a 19. századi amerikai irodalom legkülönösebb figurája, akit lírai-allegorikus költészete mellett a mesteri logikával megszerkesztett detektívtörténetei és bűnügyi novellái emeltek a világirodalom nagyjai közé.
3,98 € 4,19 €