Kamila Shamsie
Burnt Shadows
In a prison cell in the US, a man stands trembling, naked, fearfully waiting to be shipped to Guantanamo Bay. How did it come to this? He wonders August 9th, 1945, Nagasaki. Hiroko Tanaka steps out onto her veranda, taking in the view of the terraced slopes leading up to the sky. Wrapped in a kimono with three black cranes swooping across the back, she is twenty-one, in love with the man she is to marry, Konrad Weiss. In a split second, the world turns white. In the next, it explodes with the sound of fire and the horror of realisation. In the numbing aftermath of a bomb that obliterates everything she has known, all that remains are the bird-shaped burns on her back, an indelible reminder of the world she has lost. In search of new beginnings, she travels to Delhi two years later. There she walks into the lives of Konrad's half-sister, Elizabeth, her husband James Burton, and their employee Sajjad Ashraf, from whom she starts to learn Urdu. As the years unravel, new homes replace those left behind and old wars are seamlessly usurped by new conflicts. But the shadows of history - personal, political - are cast over the entwined worlds of the Burtons, Ashrafs and the Tanakas as they are transported from Pakistan to New York, and in the novel's astonishing climax, to Afghanistan in the immediate wake of 9/11. The ties that have bound them together over decades and generations are tested to the extreme, with unforeseeable consequences. Sweeping in its scope and mesmerising in its evocation of time and place, "Burnt Shadows" is an epic narrative of disasters evaded and confronted, loyalties offered and repaid, and loves rewarded and betrayed.
Home Fire
LONGLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2017 'Elegant and evocative ... A powerful exploration of the clash between society, family and faith in the modern world' Guardian 'There is high, high music in the air at the end of Home Fire' New York Times Isma is free. After years spent raising her twin siblings in the wake of their mother's death, she is finally studying in America, resuming a dream long deferred. But she can't stop worrying about Aneeka, her beautiful, headstrong sister back in London - or their brother, Parvaiz, who's disappeared in pursuit of his own dream: to prove himself to the dark legacy of the jihadist father he never knew. Then Eamonn enters the sisters' lives. Handsome and privileged, he inhabits a London worlds away from theirs. As the son of a powerful British Muslim politician, Eamonn has his own birthright to live up to - or defy. Is he to be a chance at love? The means of Parvaiz's salvation? Two families' fates are inextricably, devastatingly entwined in this searing novel that asks: what sacrifices will we make in the name of love? A contemporary reimagining of Sophocles' Antigone, Home Fire is an urgent, fiercely compelling story of loyalties torn apart when love and politics collide - confirming Kamila Shamsie as a master storyteller of our times.
Teplo domova
Úskalí věrnosti, lásky a víry na příběhu přistěhovalecké rodiny ve Velké Británii
Isma je volná. Vyrostla v Londýně a po matčině smrti se roky starala o mladší sourozence, dvojčata Aneeku a Parvaize. Nyní přijala pozvání své profesorky do Ameriky, kde si konečně může splnit sen, který na dlouhou dobu odložila. Nedokáže se ale přestat strachovat o svou krásnou a tvrdohlavou sestru Aneeku, která studuje práva v Londýně, ani o bratra Parvaize, jenž se zničehonic rozhodl dokázat, že je právoplatným synem svého otce, džihádisty, kterého ovšem nikdy nepoznal. Parvaiz se dostal až do Sýrie a své nešťastné sestry nechal daleko za sebou. Co pro něj mohou udělat? Co by měly udělat? Vypovídá bratrovo rozhodnutí také něco o jejich vlastních životech?
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Napínavý príbeh prisťahovaleckej rodiny, ktorej rozhodnutie medzi láskou a vernosťou má zdrvujúce následky.
Isma je voľná. Po rokoch starostlivosti o mladších súrodencov po matkinej smrti prijala pozvanie svojej mentorky z Ameriky a vracia sa k svojmu snu o štúdiu. Nedokáže sa však prestať strachovať o svoju nádhernú, tvrdohlavú sestru Aneeku, žijúcu v Londýne, a o brata Parvaiza, ktorý zmizol snažiac sa dokázať, že nezabudol na dedičstvo svojho džihádistického otca, hoci ho nikdy nestretol. Keď sa brat objaví na druhom konci sveta, Ismine najhoršie predtuchy sa naplnia.
Vtedy do života sestier vstupuje Eamonn. Syn mocného politika s povinnosťou dostáť otcovskému odkazu. Možno uňho hľadať lásku? Môže im pomôcť zachrániť Parvaiza? Osudy dvoch rodín sa náhle a nerozlučne preplietajú v príbehu o obetách, ktoré sme schopní priniesť v mene lásky.
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Home Fire
“Ingenious… Builds to one of the most memorable final scenes I’ve read in a novel this century.” —The New York Times
The suspenseful and heartbreaking story of an immigrant family driven to pit love against loyalty, with devastating consequences
Isma is free. After years of watching out for her younger siblings in the wake of their mother’s death, she’s accepted an invitation from a mentor in America that allows her to resume a dream long deferred. But she can’t stop worrying about Aneeka, her beautiful, headstrong sister back in London, or their brother, Parvaiz, who’s disappeared in pursuit of his own dream, to prove himself to the dark legacy of the jihadist father he never knew. When he resurfaces half a globe away, Isma’s worst fears are confirmed.
Then Eamonn enters the sisters’ lives. Son of a powerful political figure, he has his own birthright to live up to—or defy. Is he to be a chance at love? The means of Parvaiz’s salvation? Suddenly, two families’ fates are inextricably, devastatingly entwined, in this searing novel that asks: What sacrifices will we make in the name of love?
Duckling - A Fairy Tale Revolution
Kamila Shamsie retells 'The Ugly Duckling'. A Fairy Tale Revolution is here to remix and revive our favourite stories. These twists on familiar tales make the perfect Christmas gift.
'A duck unlike other ducks. A raincloud-duck, with the heart of a lion, who struck out into the world on her own...'
On the farm, some eggs are hatching. A flock of sweet ducklings are popping out. But one duckling looks different from all the others...
Cast out and all alone, this odd duckling will need all her bravery and curiosity to survive. Her journey is a search for belonging, but what she finds is the right to be different.
Teplo domova
Napínavý príbeh prisťahovaleckej rodiny, ktorej rozhodnutie medzi láskou a vernosťou má zdrvujúce následky.
Isma je voľná. Po rokoch starostlivosti o mladších súrodencov po matkinej smrti prijala pozvanie svojej mentorky z Ameriky a vracia sa k svojmu snu o štúdiu. Nedokáže sa však prestať strachovať o svoju nádhernú, tvrdohlavú sestru Aneeku, žijúcu v Londýne, a o brata Parvaiza, ktorý zmizol snažiac sa dokázať, že nezabudol na dedičstvo svojho džihádistického otca, hoci ho nikdy nestretol. Keď sa brat objaví na druhom konci sveta, Ismine najhoršie predtuchy sa naplnia. Vtedy do života sestier vstupuje Eamonn. Syn mocného politika s povinnosťou dostáť otcovskému odkazu. Možno uňho hľadať lásku? Môže im pomôcť zachrániť Parvaiza?
Osudy dvoch rodín sa náhle a nerozlučne preplietajú v príbehu o obetách, ktoré sme schopní priniesť v mene lásky.
Na stiahnutie
8,99 €
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A fiúk hazatérnek
„Mindig is sóvárgással elegy mohósággal nézte a fiúkat az apjukkal. Ha valamelyik apa tett feléje egy gesztust - megpaskolta a tarkóját, kimondta a fiam szót, meghívta egy futballmeccsre -, ő visszahúzódott, egyszerre szégyenkezve és félve, ami egyre rosszabb lett az évek múlásával, amikor lányok és fiúk világa szétvált, s ő már nem ikertestvérnek érezte magát, hanem az egyetlen hímneműnek egy olyan házban, amely minden titkot ismert, amit nők osztanak meg egymással, de semmit abból, amire az apák tanítják a fiaikat." Isma szabad. Anyjuk halála után évekig nevelte két ikertestvérét, és most folytathatja régóta dédelgetett álmát - Amerikában tanulhat. Mégis egyre nyugtalankodik Londonban élő, szép és önfejű húga, Aneeka miatt, és a fivérük, Parvaiz miatt, akinek nyoma veszett, aki méltóvá akar válni sosem látott dzsihádista apja sötét örökségéhez. És belép a nővérek életébe Eamonn. Nagy hatalmú brit muszlim politikus fia, neki is fel kell nőnie születési előjogához - vagy szembe kell szállnia vele. A két család sorsa kibogozhatatlanul, gyilkosan egybefonódik ebben a szenvedélyes hangvételű, perzselő regényben. A fiúk hazatérnek Szophoklész Antigoné című tragédiájának elsöprő erejű modern feldolgozása. Shamsie szívszorító beleérzéssel, ádázul és makacsul teszi fel újra meg újra a kérdést: Ki mondja meg, mi helyes és mi nem, amikor az embert darabokra szaggatja a szeretet és a politika összeférhetetlensége? És miféle áldozatokra vagyunk képesek a szeretetért?
Na stiahnutie
5,92 €
Vypálené stíny
9. srpen 1945, Nagasaki. Hiroko Tanaka stojí na terase svého domu. Má na sobě kimono s černými jeřáby a přemýšlí o nadcházející svatbě s Konradem Weissem. Pak, zničehonic, se jí svět rozplyne před očima. Hiroko přežije atomový výbuch, ale jako jedinou vzpomínku na to, co kdysi milovala, má do zad vypálené obrysy majestátních ptáků z kimona. Vypraví se hledat nový život ke Konradovým příbuzným do Dillí, kde se zamiluje do Sajída Ašarafa. Ale ztráta vlasti, staré rány i nové světové konflikty se odrážejí v životě rodiny, kterou osud zavede do Indie, Pákistánu i do New Yorku.
18,38 €
18,75 €
A fiúk hazatérnek
Isma szabad. Anyjuk halála után évekig nevelte két ikertestvérét, és most folytathatja régóta dédelgetett álmát - Amerikában tanulhat. Mégis egyre nyugtalankodik Londonban élő, szép és önfejű húga, Aneeka miatt, és a fivérük, Parvaiz miatt, akinek nyoma veszett, aki méltóvá akar válni sosem látott, dzsihádista apja sötét örökségéhez.
És belép a nővérek életébe Eamonn. Nagy hatalmú brit muszlim politikus fia, neki is fel kell nőnie születési előjogához - vagy szembe kell szállnia vele. A két család sorsa kibogozhatatlanul, gyilkosan egybefonódik ebben a szenvedélyes hangvételű, perzselő regényben.
A fiúk hazatérnek Szophoklész Antigoné című tragédiájának elsöprő erejű modern feldolgozása. Shamsie szívszorító beleérzéssel, ádázul és makacsul teszi fel újra meg újra a kérdést: Ki mondja meg, mi helyes és mi nem, amikor az embert darabokra szaggatja a szeretet és a politika összeférhetetlensége? És miféle áldozatokra vagyunk képesek a szeretetért?
Burnt Shadows
In a prison cell in the US, a man stands trembling, naked, fearfully waiting to be shipped to Guantánamo Bay. How did it come to this? he wonders...
August 9th, 1945, Nagasaki. Hiroko Tanaka steps out onto her veranda, taking in the view of the terraced slopes leading up to the sky. Wrapped in a kimono with three black cranes swooping across the back, she is twenty-one, in love with the man she is to marry, Konrad Weiss.
In a split second, the world turns white. In the next, it explodes with the sound of fire and the horror of realisation. In the numbing aftermath of a bomb that obliterates everything she has known, all that remains are the bird-shaped burns on her back, an indelible reminder of the world she has lost.
In search of new beginnings, she travels to Delhi two years later. There she walks into the lives of Konrad's half-sister, Elizabeth, her husband James Burton, and their employee Sajjad Ashraf, from whom she starts to learn Urdu. As the years unravel, new homes replace those left behind and old wars are seamlessly usurped by new conflicts. But the shadows of history - personal, political - are cast over the entwined worlds of the Burtons, Ashrafs and the Tanakas as they are transported from Pakistan to New York, and in the novel's astonishing climax, to Afghanistan in the immediate wake of 9/11. The ties that have bound them together over decades and generations are tested to the extreme, with unforeseeable consequences.
Sweeping in its scope and mesmerising in its evocation of time and place, Burnt Shadows is an epic narrative of disasters evaded and confronted, loyalties offered and repaid, and loves rewarded and betrayed.
11,27 €
11,50 €
Teplo domova
Úskalí věrnosti, lásky a víry na příběhu přistěhovalecké rodiny ve Velké Británii.
Isma je volná. Vyrostla v Londýně a po matčině smrti se roky starala o mladší sourozence, dvojčata Aneeku a Parvaize. Nyní přijala pozvání své profesorky do Ameriky, kde si konečně může splnit sen, který na dlouhou dobu odložila. Nedokáže se ale přestat strachovat o svou krásnou a tvrdohlavou sestru Aneeku, která studuje práva v Londýně, ani o bratra Parvaize, jenž se zničehonic rozhodl dokázat, že je právoplatným synem svého otce, džihádisty, kterého ovšem nikdy nepoznal. Parvaiz se dostal až do Sýrie a své nešťastné sestry nechal daleko za sebou.
Co pro něj mohou udělat? Co by měly udělat? Vypovídá bratrovo rozhodnutí také něco o jejich vlastních životech?
Predaj skončil
10,79 €
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Burnt Shadows
In a prison cell in the US, a man stands trembling, naked, fearfully waiting to be shipped to Guantanamo Bay. How did it come to this? he wonders August 9th, 1945, Nagasaki. Hiroko Tanaka steps out onto her veranda, taking in the view of the terraced slopes leading up to the sky. Wrapped in a kimono with three black cranes swooping across the back, she is twenty-one, in love with the man she is to marry, Konrad Weiss. In a split second, the world turns white. In the next, it explodes with the sound of fire and the horror of realisation. In the numbing aftermath of a bomb that obliterates everything she has known, all that remains are the bird-shaped burns on her back, an indelible reminder of the world she has lost. In search of new beginnings, she travels to Delhi two years later. There she walks into the lives of Konrad's half-sister, Elizabeth, her husband James Burton, and their employee Sajjad Ashraf, from whom she starts to learn Urdu. As the years unravel, new homes replace those left behind and old wars are seamlessly usurped by new conflicts. But the shadows of history - personal, political - are cast over the entwined worlds of the Burtons, Ashrafs and the Tanakas as they are transported from Pakistan to New York, and in the novel's astonishing climax, to Afghanistan in the immediate wake of 9/11. The ties that have bound them together over decades and generations are tested to the extreme, with unforeseeable consequences. Sweeping in its scope and mesmerising in its evocation of time and place, Burnt Shadows is an epic narrative of disasters evaded and confronted, loyalties offered and repaid, and loves rewarded and betrayed.
16,27 €
16,60 €
Lacná kniha Burnt Shadows (-90%)
In a prison cell in the US, a man stands trembling, naked, fearfully waiting to be shipped to Guantanamo Bay. How did it come to this? he wonders August 9th, 1945, Nagasaki. Hiroko Tanaka steps out onto her veranda, taking in the view of the terraced slopes leading up to the sky. Wrapped in a kimono with three black cranes swooping across the back, she is twenty-one, in love with the man she is to marry, Konrad Weiss. In a split second, the world turns white. In the next, it explodes with the sound of fire and the horror of realisation. In the numbing aftermath of a bomb that obliterates everything she has known, all that remains are the bird-shaped burns on her back, an indelible reminder of the world she has lost. In search of new beginnings, she travels to Delhi two years later. There she walks into the lives of Konrad's half-sister, Elizabeth, her husband James Burton, and their employee Sajjad Ashraf, from whom she starts to learn Urdu. As the years unravel, new homes replace those left behind and old wars are seamlessly usurped by new conflicts. But the shadows of history - personal, political - are cast over the entwined worlds of the Burtons, Ashrafs and the Tanakas as they are transported from Pakistan to New York, and in the novel's astonishing climax, to Afghanistan in the immediate wake of 9/11. The ties that have bound them together over decades and generations are tested to the extreme, with unforeseeable consequences. Sweeping in its scope and mesmerising in its evocation of time and place, Burnt Shadows is an epic narrative of disasters evaded and confronted, loyalties offered and repaid, and loves rewarded and betrayed.
1,66 €
16,60 €
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