Irvine Welsh



Audiokniha Trainspotting, kterou napsal Irvine Welsh. Feťák Mark Renton alias Rentboy a jeho kámoši z edinburského sídliště se potácejí v životě ode zdi ke zdi nebo spíš od dávky k dávce. Spojují je krádeže a potyčky s policií, sexuální eskapády, kamarádství i zrady, blaho ze super fetu i bolesti z propadů do absťáku. Vypadnout z bludného kruhu bezradné existence není hračka – ne každému se to podaří a někteří o to ani nestojí.
Na stiahnutie
15,96 €


OLD TRUTHS HAVE NEW CONSEQUENCES Ray Lennox is determined to move on from his darkest days. The former detective has left Edinburgh for a fresh start in Brighton. Soon, his fixations and addictions have been replaced with quiet evenings and a rigorous fitness regime. Then Lennox meets Mathew Cardingworth. Rich, smooth-talking and immaculately dressed, he presents himself as a successful, and respectable, property developer. Yet their encounter reawakens memories that have haunted Lennox for decades, sending him into a spiral of confusion and rage. Lennox has no choice – he must confront the events of his childhood. But the more he identifies the links between Cardingworth, the disappearance of a group of foster care boys and the violence of his past, the more he finds himself asking: What will he sacrifice to achieve resolution at last?
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18,95 €


A beautiful hardback edition of the seminal novel that changed the face of British fiction. Choose us. Choose life. Choose mortgage payments; choose washing machines; choose cars; choose sitting oan a couch watching mind-numbing and spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fuckin junk food intae yir mooth. Choose rotting away, pishing and shiteing yersel in a home, a total fuckin embarrassment tae the selfish, fucked-up brats ye've produced. Choose life.
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21,95 €

The Long Knives

Justice can be a blunt instrument "Men like him usually tell the story. In business. Politics. Media. But not this time: I repeat, he is not writing this story." Ritchie Gulliver MP is dead. Castrated and left to bleed in an empty Leith warehouse. Vicious, racist and corrupt, many thought he had it coming. But nobody could have predicted this. After the life Gulliver has led, the suspects are many: corporate rivals, political opponents, the countless groups he's offended. And the vulnerable and marginalised, who bore the brunt of his cruelty - those without a voice, without a choice, without a chance. As Detective Ray Lennox unravels the truth, and the list of brutal attacks grows, he must put his personal feelings aside. But one question refuses to go away... Who are the real victims here?
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17,95 €

Kalhoty po mrtvém

Další a patrně poslední návrat k hrdinům Trainspottingu ke čtenáři opět přivádí starou známou čtveřici – Marka, Begbieho, Simona, Spuda. Všichni jsou zas o něco starší, v nových životních rolích. Mark vydělává slušné peníze pořádáním tanečních parties; nikde nezakotvil, cestuje po celém světě, ale ve světě letišť a hotelů spokojenost a spočinutí nenachází. Z Franka Begbieho se překvapivě stal uznávaný umělec, který dokáže zapomenout na staré křivdy a při náhodném setkání už nemá potřebu se Markovi pomstít. Simon i Spud mají vlastní projekty na hraně zákona i za ní; černý obchod s lidskými orgány je ale velké sousto i na ně. Opětovné shledání někdejších přátel nevede k idylickému vzpomínání, ale ke sledu nehod a krizí, který nemůže dopadnout dobře. Jeden z nich z tohoto románu nevyvázne živý. Někdo z nich nosí kalhoty mrtvého muže. Zběsile rychlý, přisprostle zábavný a znepokojivě dojemný návrat ke staré partě z Trainspottingu.
Na sklade 1Ks
21,89 €

Dead Men's Trousers

*THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER* Mark Renton is finally a success. An international jet-setter, he now makes significant money managing DJs, but the constant travel, airport lounges, soulless hotel rooms and broken relationships have left him dissatisfied with his life. He's then rocked by a chance encounter with Frank Begbie, from whom he'd been hiding for years after a terrible betrayal and the resulting debt. But the psychotic Begbie appears to have reinvented himself as a celebrated artist and - much to Mark's astonishment - doesn't seem interested in revenge. Sick Boy and Spud, who have agendas of their own, are intrigued to learn that their old friends are back in town, but when they enter the bleak world of organ-harvesting, things start to go so badly wrong. Lurching from crisis to crisis, the four men circle each other, driven by their personal histories and addictions, confused, angry - so desperate that even Hibs winning the Scottish Cup doesn't really help. One of these four will not survive to the end of this book. Which one of them is wearing Dead Men's Trousers?
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12,95 €

Rave: Vintage Minis

Irvine Welsh, 'poet laureate of the chemical generation', exposes the seamy underbelly of rave's utopian dream. Lloyd, our permanently pilled-up protagonist, pushes his weekends to breaking point and beyond in this frazzled trip through Scottish clubland. He experiences the vertiginous uppers and downers of the Second Summer of Love, dabbles in a spot of disc jockeying and closes in, gradually, on some kind of redemption... Selected from Irvine Welsh's novel Ecstasy. VINTAGE MINIS: GREAT MINDS. BIG IDEAS. LITTLE BOOKS. A series of short books by the world's greatest writers on the experiences that make us humanAlso in the Vintage Minis series:Home by Salman RushdieDreams by Sigmund FreudEating by Nigella LawsonWork by Joseph Heller
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6,95 €

Dead Men's Trousers

Mark Renton is finally a success. An international jet-setter, he now makes significant money managing DJs, but the constant travel, airport lounges, soulless hotel rooms and broken relationships have left him dissatisfied with his life. He's then rocked by a chance encounter with Frank Begbie, from whom he'd been hiding for years after a terrible betrayal and the resulting debt. But the psychotic Begbie appears to have reinvented himself as a celebrated artist and - much to Mark's astonishment - doesn't seem interested in revenge. Sick Boy and Spud, who have agendas of their own, are intrigued to learn that their old friends are back in town, but when they enter the bleak world of organ-harvesting, things start to go so badly wrong. Lurching from crisis to crisis, the four men circle each other, driven by their personal histories and addictions, confused, angry - so desperate that even Hibs winning the Scottish Cup doesn't really help. One of these four will not survive to the end of this book. Which one of them is wearing Dead Men's Trousers? Fast and furious, scabrously funny and weirdly moving, this is a spectacular return of the crew from Trainspotting.
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15,50 €


Hrdinové Trainspottingu se vracejí na místo činu, do Edinburghu: Mark Renton z Amsterdamu, Simon Williamson z Londýna, Frank Begbie z vězení... Leith je příliš malý, než aby na sebe nenarazili. Všichni jsou o pár let starší, ze společné minulosti jako by přetrvaly hlavně křivdy, je lepší mít se před ostatními na pozoru - hlavně před Begbiem. Heroin je minulostí, finanční nouze je však věčná. Simon je odhodlaný prorazit v pornoprůmyslu, a groteskní peripetie natáčení pornofilmu Welsh s gustem líčí na mnoha stránkách svého románu. v pozadí však cítíme jiné téma: všichni hrdinové dospívají do věku, kdy rekapitulují dosavadní život, což nevede k radostným úvahám. Porno se stalo východiskem pro nový napjatě očekávaný film Dannyho Boyla, režiséra legendárního Trainspottingu, který dostal název T2 Trainspotting.
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21,89 €

Porno - Trainspotting 2 Film Tie-in

Now a major film directed by Danny Boyle reuniting the cast of Trainspotting. Years on from Trainspotting, Sick Boy is back in Edinburgh after a long spell in London. Having failed spectacularly as a hustler, pimp, husband, father and businessman, Sick Boy taps into an opportunity which to him represents one last throw of the dice. However, to realise his ambitions within the Adult industries, Sick Boy must team up with old pal and fellow exile Mark Renton. Still scheming, still scamming, Sick Boy and Renton soon find out that they have unresolved issues to address concerning the unhinged Frank Begbie, the troubled, drug-addled Spud, but, most of all, with each other. T2 Trainspotting was previously published as Porno.
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9,95 €


Semmit se szeretek (kivéve a narkót), semmit se gyűlölök (kivéve azt, ami visszatart tőle), és nem félek semmitől (kivéve attól, hogy nem jön össze a dolog). Mark Renton pocsékul érzi magát. Rosszul van a heroinelvonástól, a leszokási kísérletektől, saját magától, a barátaitól, és attól is, hogy Európa AIDS-fővárosában, Edinburgh-ban él. Hiába hivatott többre, ugyanúgy nem lát semmiféle jövőt ebben a környezetben, mint valóban menthetetlen függőkből, pitiáner, de veszélyes bűnözőkből és narcisztikus szélhámosokból álló ismeretségi köre, így egyik napról a másikra, torokszorító sorscsapások és komikus svindlik közt hánykolódva él. Ez azonban sokáig már nem mehet így tovább: a történet vége vészesen közeleg, a kérdés csak az, neki lesz-e beleszólása. Irvine Welsh 1993-as regénye mára kultkönyvvé vált és trilógiává bővült, 2017-ben pedig mozikba kerül klasszikus filmváltozatának folytatása is, de intézményesülése ellenére mániákus vehemenciája éppoly letaglózó, mint közel negyedszázaddal ezelőtt.
Na stiahnutie
6,45 €

Pornó - Trainspotting 2.

Begbie, Spud, most meg Renton - mind visszatértek az életembe, vissza Simon David Williamson lenyűgöző drámájának színpadára. Mondjuk az első két szánalmas lúzer az egész emberi fajra nézve sértést jelent, Renton viszont... 10 év telt el a Trainspotting nagy balhéja óta, de a Beteg Srác még mindig pocsékul érzi magát. Londonban megbukott mint üzletember, férj és apa, és most, minden egyéb lehetőségből kifogyva, a leithi kikötőben kocsmárosként próbál szerencsét. Mikor azonban felbukkan egy régi haver és egy új csaj, úgy dönt, a pornóbizniszből fog meggazdagodni. Hamarosan Renton is megjelenik a képben, és Simon a régi sérelmeken (látszólag) túllépve közös balhéba kezd vele. Úgy tűnik, ezúttal minden összejön - de vajon képes lesz-e Simon féken tartani a frissen szabadult, egyre pszichopatább Begbie-t, míg beteljesíti a saját bosszúját? Sikerül-e összehozni a nagy dobást, és végre bekerülni a nagymenők közé? Bárhogy is alakul, ez a kokaintól és szextől fűtött ego-trip élete legnagyobb bulijának ígérkezik...
Na stiahnutie
7,30 €

Decent Ride

This book is shortlisted for the 2015 Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse prize for comic fiction. A rampaging force of nature is wreaking havoc on the streets of Edinburgh, but has top shagger, drug-dealer, gonzo-porn-star and taxi-driver, 'Juice' Terry Lawson, finally met his match in Hurricane 'Bawbag'? Can Terry discover the fate of the missing beauty, Jinty Magdalen, and keep her idiot-savant lover, the man-child Wee Jonty, out of prison? Will he find out the real motives of unscrupulous American businessman and reality-TV star, Ronald Checker? And, crucially, will Terry be able to negotiate life after a terrible event robs him of his sexual virility, and can a new fascination for the game of golf help him to live without...A Decent Ride? A Decent Ride sees Irvine Welsh back on home turf, leaving us in the capable hands of one of his most compelling and popular characters, 'Juice' Terry Lawson, and introducing another bound for cult status, Wee Jonty MacKay: a man with the genitals and brain of a donkey. In his funniest, filthiest book yet, Irvine Welsh celebrates an un-reconstructed misogynist hustler - a central character who is shameless but also, oddly, decent -and finds new ways of making wild comedy out of fantastically dark material, taking on some of the last taboos. So fasten your seatbelts, because this is one ride that could certainly get a little bumpy...
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7,95 €

Lacná kniha Blade Artist (-50%)

Jim Francis has finally found the perfect life - and is now unrecognisable, even to himself. A successful painter and sculptor, he lives quietly with his wife, Melanie, and their two young daughters, in an affluent beach town in California. Some say he's a fake and a con man, while others see him as a genuine visionary. But Francis has a very dark past, with another identity and a very different set of values. When he crosses the Atlantic to his native Scotland, for the funeral of a murdered son he barely knew, his old Edinburgh community expects him to take bloody revenge. But as he confronts his previous life, all those friends and enemies - and, most alarmingly, his former self - Francis seems to have other ideas. When Melanie discovers something gruesome in California, which indicates that her husband's violent past might also be his psychotic present, things start to go very bad, very quickly. The Blade Artist is an elegant, electrifying novel - ultra violent but curiously redemptive - and it marks the return of one of modern fiction's most infamous, terrifying characters, the incendiary Francis Begbie from Trainspotting
Na sklade 1Ks
6,75 € 13,50 €

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itul románu Filth (špína, svinstvo, hnus), zvolil autor tak, aby se dal vykládat na mnoho způsobů: jde o slangové označení policie, protože hlavní hrdina je policista, jde o označení svinstva, které nosí v břiše (tasemnice) i v duši, je to vlastnost, která nejvíc charakterizuje hlavního hrdinu? Policista Bruce se ve vnitřním monologu, do kterého vstupuje i cizopasník, kterého v sobě nosí, odhaluje jako bezskrupulózní mizera, což neznamená, že by žil v prostředí plném andělů. Welsh nezůstává nic dlužen své pověsti kronikáře lidské spodiny, jenž ve snaze o autenticitu nezavírá oči ani uši před špínou, kterou dokáže člověk zplodit.
U dodávateľa
21,89 €

A Decent Ride

This book is short-listed for the 2015 Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse prize for comic fiction. A rampaging force of nature is wreaking havoc on the streets of Edinburgh, but has top shagger, drug-dealer, gonzo-porn-star and taxi-driver, 'Juice' Terry Lawson, finally met his match in Hurricane 'Bawbag'? Can Terry discover the fate of the missing beauty, Jinty Magdalen, and keep her idiot-savant lover, the man-child Wee Jonty, out of prison? Will he find out the real motives of unscrupulous American businessman and reality-TV star, Ronald Checker? And, crucially, will Terry be able to negotiate life after a terrible event robs him of his sexual virility, and can a new fascination for the game of golf help him to live without...A Decent Ride? A Decent Ride sees Irvine Welsh back on home turf, leaving us in the capable hands of one of his most compelling and popular characters, 'Juice' Terry Lawson, and introducing another bound for cult status, Wee Jonty MacKay: a man with the genitals and brain of a donkey. In his funniest, filthiest book yet, Irvine Welsh celebrates an un-reconstructed misogynist hustler - a central character who is shameless but also, oddly, decent -and finds new ways of making wild comedy out of fantastically dark material, taking on some of the last taboos. So fasten your seatbelts, because this is one ride that could certainly get a little bumpy...
U dodávateľa
14,50 €

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