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Chicory and Endive

Chicory or common chicory is a popular salad leafy vegetable. Two major types of common chicory are radicchio chicory and Belgian endive or Witloof chicory. Scientific name of common chicory is Cichorium intybus. Endive is a leafy salad vegetable belonging to the genus Cichorium. Scientific name of endive is Cichorium endivia and it belongs to the family Asteraceae, the Daisy family. There is a wild variety of endive called ‘wild endive’ which is Cichorium pumilum. Endive is mainly grown for its edible leaves which may be consumed in its raw or cooked form. Raw leaves are used in salads. It can be cooked by stir-frying, boiling, steaming and many other ways like cooking any other leafy vegetable.
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0,86 €

Fenugreek and Mustard

Scientific name of fenugreek greens is Trigonella foenum-graecum. It belongs to the family Fabaceae. Fenugreek is considered to be a native of Eastern Europe and Ethiopia. It is widely cultivated in India and Mediterranean countries. Common name of fenugreek greens is Greek hay. Scientific name of mustard greens is Brassica juncea. It belongs to the family Brassicaceae. All members of Brassicaceae are believed to be originated in the region comprising of Western Europe, the Mediterranean region and the temperate regions of Asia.
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0,86 €

Foraging For Beginners

So, in this book, you will learn: •How foraging came to be •Benefits of foraging and why you should also be doing it •Hazards of foraging so that you do not harm yourself or your loved ones •Safety precautions to take so that you know what you are getting into •Warning signs of poisonous plants so you know what not to eat •And much more! If you are someone who wants to learn about Foraging in the Wild and don’t know where to start, or in need of a new adventure while trying to identify edible plants suitable for consumption and not run the risk of consuming poisonous plants, then this Foraging for Beginners is the book for you. With more and more people removed far away from nature, there are some of us who have not forgotten the thrill of foraging for local native plants in the backyard. This book is designed to try to also get you interested in foraging. The forager's lifestyle is not an easy one, but it's immensely profitable. No one's going to ship the wild food to your doorstep but going out and getting these foods yourself can have many benefits. So, in this book, you will learn: •How foraging came to be •Benefits of foraging and why you should also be doing it •Hazards of foraging so that you do not harm yourself or your loved ones •Safety precautions to take so that you know what you are getting into •Warning signs of poisonous plants so you know what not to eat •And much more! This book will get you started in little or no time. So, click the Buy Now button to get yours now
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4,13 €

Danke! Ziele erreichen mit dem Zauberwort

Das bringt Ihnen dieses Buch: Sie unterstützen zertifizierte Klimaschutz-Projekte, erhalten schnell kompakte Informationen und Checklisten von Experten (Übersicht und Pressestimmen in der Buchvorschau) sowie in der Praxis erprobte Ratschläge, die auch dank AddOn Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg führen. Denn für jeden Menschen ist Wertschätzung wichtig und so ist es nicht erstaunlich, dass ehrliche Dankbarkeit wahre Wunder wirkt: Wer sich von anderen entsprechend wertgeschätzt fühlt, wird automatisch offener und zugänglicher für dessen Wünsche. Der Grund dafür ist unser Gehirn, das aufgrund von Zuspruch das Belohnungszentrum aktiviert und gleichzeitig das Angstzentrum hemmt. Ehrliche Dankbarkeit wirkt sich also unmittelbar positiv auf die Kreativität, Motivation und Beziehungsfähigkeit eines anderen Menschen aus. Aber Dankbarkeit und Lob sind keine Einbahnstraße und schon gar keine Manipulationstechniken, die man beliebig an- und ausschalten kann: Nur wenn der Dank auch wirklich ernst gemeint ist, wirkt er nachhaltig. Dabei gilt die alte Regel: Wer andere Menschen stärkt, ermutigt und motiviert kommt am Ende seinen Zielen einen großen Schritt näher, schließlich erhält er, was er gibt, hundertfach zurück. Unsere Ratgeber richten sich vor allem an Einsteiger. Leser, die vertiefende Informationen suchen, können diese umsonst als AddOn mit individuellen Inhalten nach Wunsch erhalten. Möglich wird dieses Konzept durch ein besonders effizientes, innovatives Digital-Verfahren. Der Verlag engagiert sich auch gemeinnützig in zahlreichen, gut dokumentierten Projekten, z.B. zum Klimaschutz, und unterstützt durch seine Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Englische die Qualität von neuronalem Maschinenlernen und die Völkerverständigung. Herausgeberin Simone Janson ist Vorständin, Verlegerin und Bestseller-Autorin. Sie war außerdem eine der 20 wichtigsten deutschen Bloggerinnen und Kolumnistin renommierter Medien - mehr zu ihr in Wikipedia.
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8,04 €


Elephant foot yam is a popular tuber vegetable in tropics and subtropics. It is also known as “white spot giant arum”, “stink lily”, and “sweet yam”. In India, it is known by various names such as Oal, Suran, Zimmikanda/Jimmikand, Kuch.
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0,86 €

Blueberry and Bilberry

Scientific name of high bush blueberry is Vaccinium corymbosum and low bush blueberry is Vaccinium angustifolium. It belongs to the family Ericaceae. Blueberries are one of the highly nutritious berry fruits and are known for its nutrient density. Blueberry fruits are, as the name suggests, blue or purple coloured. Scientific name of bilberry is Vaccinium myrtillus. Dwarf bilberry is Vaccinium caespitosum. Other related species are Vaccinium deliciosum (Cascade bilberry), Vaccinium membranaceum (mountain bilberry), Vaccinium ovalifolium (oval-leaved bilberry) and Vaccinium uliginosum (bog bilberry/northern bilberry).
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0,86 €

Garden Cress, Water Cress and Land Cress

Scientific name of garden cress is Lipidium sativum and it belongs to the family Brassicaceae. All members of Brassicaceae are believed to be originated in the region comprising of Western Europe, the Mediterranean region and the temperate regions of Asia. Though all Brassica vegetables are biennial in growth habit, they are grown as annuals for food purposes. Garden cress is grown as a cool season annual. Scientific name of watercress is Nasturtium officinale. Watercress belongs to the family Brassicaceae, the cabbage family (syn. Cruciferae). In other words, watercress is a Brassica vegetable or a cruciferous vegetable. All Brassica vegetables are biennial in their growing habit but for food purposes they are grown as annuals. Brassica vegetables believed to be originated in the region comprising of Western Europe, the Mediterranean region and the temperate regions of Asia Scientific name of land cress is Barbarea verna and it belongs to the family Brassicaceae. Land cress plants are grown for their nutritious leaves. Seeds are used for making sprouts which are used as microgreens.
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0,86 €


Mulberry plant is a woody perennial plant. Scientific name of mulberry is Morus spp.. White mulberry is known as Morus alba, red mulberry is known as Morus rubra, and black mulberry is known as Morus nigra. Mulberry belongs to the family Moraceae. Mulberry plants are mainly grown for their fruits and for sericulture purposes. Sericulture is the culture of silk worms where mulberry leaves are used as fodders for silk worms.
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0,86 €

Nutrient-Rich Berries

Berries are considered as the most nutritious plant-based foods as all types of edible berry fruits are excellent source of easily digestible dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. In fact, several scientific studies have confirmed the fact that berries such as strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries and blueberries are the most nutritious antioxidant rich foods available today. Since these berries are antioxidant rich, they have anti-cancer properties as well. Antioxidants are capable of scavenging the free radicals present within our body and thus capable of reducing free radical damage of our body cells. That is how regular berry consumption prevents lifestyle diseases such as cancer, obesity, and diabetes
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6,10 €

Passion Fruit

Passion fruit is a popular tropical fruit. Scientific name of Passion fruit is Passiflora edulis. It belongs to the family of Passifloraceae. Passion fruit is originated in Brazil. Now, passion fruits are distributed and cultivated in several tropical regions of the world including South Africa, Kenya, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Indonesia, Florida, Sri Lanka, and India. There are two types of passion fruits based on fruit color. These are yellow passion fruits and purple passion fruits.
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0,86 €


Scientific name of common pumpkins, which are rounded with smooth skin and yellow colour, is Cucurbita pepo. Scientific name of large cultivars of pumpkins and squashes (giant pumpkins) is Cucurbita maxima. Scientific name of winter cultivars of pumpkins and squashes is Cucurbita moschata. Pumpkins are actually a group of squash plants, fruits of which may be small-, medium- or large-sized with round or elongated shape and with smooth or ribbed skin. Fruit colour varies from green to greenish yellow to deep yellow to orange to red color. Fruit has a thick shell which contains seeds and pulp. Numerous pumpkin cultivars are available in the market that varies in shape, size and colour of flesh. Most parts of the pumpkin are edible, including the fleshy shell, pumpkin seeds, the young leaves, and the pumpkin flowers.
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0,86 €

Sapota or Sapodilla

Sapota is a highly popular tropical fruit. Scientific name of sapota or sapodilla is Manilkara zapota or Achras sapota. It belongs to the family of Sapotaceae. Sapodilla is believed to be a native of Mexico and other tropical countries of South America. Sapodilla trees are perennial, slow-growing, evergreen fruit trees. These plants are of tropical growth habit and can grow to more than 15 meters tall with a trunk diameter of 1 meter under good cultural conditions. Grafted cultivars of sapota are dwarf and suitable for home gardens.
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0,86 €


Tomato plants are suited for growing in a wide range of climates. It can be grown in greenhouses throughout the year. Tomato plants are suitable for hydroponic growing also. Tomato is the one of the most popular and largest cultivated vegetables with variations in size, colour and shape. Size varies from small (tiny tomatoes) to large (plum tomatoes) while shape varies from round, oblong and globe. Tomatoes are available in many colours also such as green, pink, red, yellow, and orange. Tomatoes are also one of the largest canned vegetables. Tomatoes are also known for its highest nutritional value. Tomato is counted among the top 50 nutrient-dense, plant-based foods.
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0,86 €

21 Culinary Herbs

The book ’21 Culinary Herbs’ explains in detail growing practices and nutritional information of following 21 herbs: Spinach, Malabar Spinach or Ceylon Spinach, Mustard Spinach Tendergreen, New Zealand Spinach, Ginger, Turmeric, Rhubarb, Parsley, Peppermint, Spearmint, Japanese Mint, Bergamot Orange Mint, Horse Mint, Field Mint or Corn Mint, Apple Mint, Asparagus, Chives, Onions, Garlic, Leek, and Celery.
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2,61 €

5 Popular Perennial Vegetables

Generally cultivated crops are grouped into any of the three categories based on their growing cycle. These categories are annuals, biennials and perennials. Annuals complete both their vegetative and reproductive life cycles within a season or a year. Biennials complete their vegetative growth phase during first growing season or first year and produce seeds during the second season or second year. That is, biennials complete their life cycles within two seasons or within two years. While perennials are those crops which may take one or more years to complete their vegetative phase before embarking on a continuum of reproductive cycles, yielding economically significant crop produce. That is, perennials grow for several years without compromising on their economic value. Similarly, perennial vegetables are those crops that produce edible portion that can be used as a vegetable continuously for several years.
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1,74 €

Patchouli Herb

Scientific name of Patchouli is Pogostemon patchouli (Syn. Pogostemon cablin). Patchouli belongs to mint family i.e. Labiatae or Lamiaceae. Patchouli is a tropical, perennial aromatic herb which is mainly grown for its aromatic leaves. Patchouli oil, a highly fragrant essential oil, is extracted from its dried herbage. Patchouli is also known as Stink Weed or Pucha Pot (Putcha-Pat). There are several species of patchouli under cultivation such as Pogostemon patchouli, Pogostemon commosum, Pogostemon hortensis, Pogostemon heyneasus and Pogostemon plectranthoides. However, Pogostemon patchouli yields the highest quality patchouli oil and is, therefore, widely cultivated for commercial purposes.
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0,86 €

Seaweeds As Vegetables

With the advent of organic food and organic farming revolution, seaweeds are now increasingly becoming popular as a naturally-grown vegetable. It is also popular as an organic salad component and as a snack food item across the whole world. Nutritional information and food significance of about 11 popular seaweeds are briefed in this small book for informational purposes only.
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2,61 €

Vitamin-Rich Vegetables

We need vitamins in small quantities for healthy living and staying fit. Vitamins are required to regulate body metabolism and tissue building. Requirement of vitamins increases with the increase in age. Insufficient amount of vitamins in the body results in vitamin deficiency diseases. This small booklet is intended to provide some insights into vitamin-rich vegetables.
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0,86 €

Amaranth, Arugula and Portulaca

Amaranth greens are popular leafy greens throughout the world. Several cultivars of amaranth plant are used as leafy vegetables; some are with green leaves, some with greenish-red leaves while others are with red leaves. However, all cultivars are grown only during the summer and the rainy seasons. Scientific name of arugula is Eruca sativa. Arugula belongs to the family Brassicaceae, the cabbage family (syn. Cruciferae). All members of Brassicaceae are believed to be originated in the region comprising of Western Europe, the Mediterranean region and the temperate regions of Asia. Scientific name of portulaca greens is Portulaca oleracea. Portulaca belongs to the family Portulacaceae. It is believed to be originated in the Indian subcontinent. Common names of portulaca are Common purslane, verdolaga, red root, or parsley.
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0,86 €

V kategórii literatúry Hobby - ostatné nájdete knihy a príručky pre rôzne koníčky a záujmy, ktoré vám pomôžu objaviť nové zážitky a zábavu. Bez ohľadu na to, či máte záujem o ručné práce, zbieranie, kutilstvo alebo iné hobby, tu nájdete literatúru, ktorá vás inšpiruje a poskytuje užitočné návody.

V našej zbierke nájdete knihy zamerané na rôzne hobby, ako sú maľovanie, keramika, výroba šperkov, kreslenie, šitie, záhradníctvo a mnoho ďalších. Sme tu, aby sme vám poskytli podrobné pokyny, tipy a techniky, aby ste mohli rozvíjať svoje zručnosti a talenty.