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Aloe Vera

Scientific name of Aloe is Aloe vera. Aloe is an evergreen perennial succulent plant that belongs to the family Liliaceae. Aloe is a hardy perennial plant that is tropical and succulent in habit and can successfully be cultivated in arid climates. Aloe Vera is also known as True (vera means ‘true’) aloe, Chinese Aloe, Indian Aloe, and Barbados Aloe. It is also called as first-aid plant owing to its healing properties to cure wounds and burns.
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0,86 €

Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts

Scientific name of Broccoli is Brassica oleracea var. italic. The edible portion of a broccoli is its immature buds and thick fleshy flower stalk. There are two types of broccoli available in the market: green sprouting broccoli and purple-colored broccoli. Green sprouting broccoli contains a group of green, immature buds and thick fleshy flower stalk forming a head while purple-colored broccoli forms curds and look like cauliflower. Scientific Name of Brussels Sprouts is Brassica oleracea var. Gemmifera. It is a tall- stemmed Cole crop where axillary buds forming in the axis of each leaf are used as vegetables.
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0,86 €


Zucchini is a type of summer squash grown as a summer vegetable for its tender, edible spongy fruits. It is the most popular and widely grown summer squash vegetable. Scientific name of zucchini is Cucurbita pepo. It belongs to the gourd family of vegetables, i.e. Cucurbitaceae. Zucchini is also called as courgette.
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0,86 €

Cranberry, Lingonberry, Huckleberry

Scientific name of cranberry is Vaccinium oxycoccos and it belongs to the family Ericaceae, the family of blueberry, bilberry, lingonberry and huckleberry. Vaccinium oxycoccos is native to Europe. There is another species of cranberry with scientific name Vaccinium macrocarpon which is native to North America. Scientific name of lingonberry is Vaccinium vitis-idaea. It is also known as mossberry, foxberry, bearberry, partridgeberry, mountain cranberry or cowberry. Lingonberry plants are grown for its red coloured acidic fruits. Huckleberry is another berry plant from the family Ericaceae and is widely cultivated for its edible fruits. There are different types of huckleberry plants belonging to two separate plant genus, namely Gaylussacia and Vaccinium.
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0,86 €

Cucumbers and Gherkins

Cucumbers and gherkins are a group of cucurbitaceous vegetables that are mainly used as salad vegetables. Cucumbers are large fruits while gherkins are small fruits. Scientific name of cucumber is Cucumis sativus. Gherkins are known as ‘small cucumbers’ as it belongs to the same family as cucumber and its scientific name is same as that of cucumber i.e. Cucumis sativus, but cultivar is different. Cucumbers: Cucumbers are mainly used as summer season salad vegetables. Cucumber fruits have cooling and strengthening properties and also capable of quenching thirst during summer months. Gherkins: Gherkins are small, prickly, cylindrical green fruits which are with thin green rinds and white flesh. Small immature fruits of gherkins are used for pickling and hence it is commonly called as ‘pickling cucumbers’.
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0,86 €

Nutritious Sweet Potatoes

Recent scientific studies reveal one important fact regarding our nutrition: Cruciferous vegetables, dark leafy greens, citrus fruits, berries, and of course, our humble sweet potatoes are the most nutritious foods on the planet Earth. Isn’t it surprising that sweet potatoes are also featured in the list as one of the nutrient-dense foods? A tuber vegetable that we all ignored so far...
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0,86 €

Parasitic Plants

There are always some exceptions found in the nature. For example, there are a group of plants called ‘parasitic plants’ which are unable to perform photosynthesis, a characteristic function of majority members of the plant kingdom. These parasitic plants depend on other living plants for their food and nutritional requirements. Parasitic plants that depend totally on other plants for their food and nutritional requirements are known as total parasites or holoparasites or obligately parasitic plants. Parasitic plants that depend partially on other plants for their food and nutritional requirements are called partial parasites or hemiparasites.
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0,86 €


Recent scientific studies reveal one important fact regarding our nutrition: Cruciferous vegetables, dark leafy greens, citrus fruits and berries like strawberries and blackberries are the most nutritious foods on the planet Earth. Yes, these fruits and vegetables are nothing but only nutrients and water. Among the fruits, citrus fruits and berries provide a wholesome nutrition to human body. So if you are looking for a healthier lifestyle, start today to include one or more of these foods in your daily diet.
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0,86 €

3 Nutritious Specialty Cucurbits

Scientific name of spine gourd is Momordica dioica. Spine gourd is a cucurbitaceous vegetable which is closely related to bitter gourd. However, it is not bitter in taste as bitter gourd. As in case of other cucurbitaceous vegetables (cucurbits) which mainly include melons and gourds, spine gourd is also grown as a summer vegetable in tropical and subtropical countries.Zucchini is a type of summer squash grown as a summer vegetable for its tender, edible long fruits. It is the most popular, widely grown and economically important summer squash vegetable. Scientific name of zucchini is Cucurbita pepo.Gherkins are known as ‘small cucumbers’ as it belongs to the same family as cucumber. Scientific name of gherkin is same as that of cucumber i.e. Cucumis sativus, but cultivar is different. Gherkin is a cucurbitaceous plant grown for its small, prickly, cylindrical green fruits which are with thin green rinds and white flesh. Gherkin is a tropical gourd plant and is climbing in growth habit. Small immature fruits of gherkins are used for pickling and hence it is commonly called as pickling cucumber.
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0,86 €

Bell Peppers

This small book on "Bell Peppers" explains in detail ideal growing practices and nutritional information of various types of bell peppers such as green bell peppers, red bell peppers, orange bell peppers, white bell peppers, and purple bell peppers. Bell peppers are also known as sweet peppers because they are non-pungent unlike other chili peppers. In some parts of the world, bell peppers are known as capsicums and/or capsicum vegetables.
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2,61 €

Chile Peppers

This small book explains in detail about various domesticated and wild species of Chile pepper plants. Though there are about 30 species of Chile pepper plants have been recognized so far, only FIVE species such as Capsicum annum, Capsicum chinense, Capsicum frutescens, Capsicum baccatum and Capsicum pubescens have been commercially exploited till date. This book gives some basic insights into various Chile pepper plants, their specific features, and their growing practices.
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2,61 €

Nightshade Vegetables

The word “nightshade” is often used in herbal medicines to refer a poisonous species of plant, but a highly regarded medicinal plant, belonging to the plant family Solanaceae. This plant is often called ‘deadly nightshade’ because of its toxic properties. Common name of this medicinal plant is ‘belladonna.’ Nightshade family is mainly known for its toxic and poisonous member plants and many of them are medicinal plants. However, the nightshade family i.e. Solanaceae family includes some of the most popular and economically important vegetable plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, tomatillos, brinjals or eggplants, chile peppers, bell peppers and jalapeno peppers also. These vegetables are very popular among consumers and are used by the whole world on daily basis. These vegetables are often referred as ‘nightshade vegetables’ or ‘Solanaceous vegetables.’ In other words, ‘Nightshade Vegetables’ are a group of vegetables belonging to the plant family Solanaceae.
Na stiahnutie
6,97 €


Parsley (Petroselinum crispum formerly known as Petroselinum hortense) is a biennial herbal spice crop belongs to the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). It can successfully be cultivated both in tropical and temperate climates. Commercially it is grown as an annual and its economically significant part is its aromatic leaves. Parsley is believed to be originated in the region comprising of Europe and western Asia.
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1,74 €

Chicory and Endive

Chicory or common chicory is a popular salad leafy vegetable. Two major types of common chicory are radicchio chicory and Belgian endive or Witloof chicory. Scientific name of common chicory is Cichorium intybus. Endive is a leafy salad vegetable belonging to the genus Cichorium. Scientific name of endive is Cichorium endivia and it belongs to the family Asteraceae, the Daisy family. There is a wild variety of endive called ‘wild endive’ which is Cichorium pumilum. Endive is mainly grown for its edible leaves which may be consumed in its raw or cooked form. Raw leaves are used in salads. It can be cooked by stir-frying, boiling, steaming and many other ways like cooking any other leafy vegetable.
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0,86 €

Fenugreek and Mustard

Scientific name of fenugreek greens is Trigonella foenum-graecum. It belongs to the family Fabaceae. Fenugreek is considered to be a native of Eastern Europe and Ethiopia. It is widely cultivated in India and Mediterranean countries. Common name of fenugreek greens is Greek hay. Scientific name of mustard greens is Brassica juncea. It belongs to the family Brassicaceae. All members of Brassicaceae are believed to be originated in the region comprising of Western Europe, the Mediterranean region and the temperate regions of Asia.
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0,86 €

Higgyetek bennünk

"Hihetetlen történetünk, avagy mire képes egy szupermenedzser - ez a könyv teljes pompájában meséli el a Liverpool-sztorit." Jordan Henderson A Liverpool FC 2020-ban káprázatos teljesítménnyel megnyerte az Egyesült Királyság első ligáját, a Premier League-et. A focitörténelemben először fordult elő, hogy ugyanaz a brit csapat egyidejűleg birtokolja a BL-győzelmet, a Szuperkupát és a FIFA-klubvilágbajnoki címet. Ez pazar, elsöprő diadal a futball világában. Jürgen Klopp újraélesztette a csapatot, amikor az már harminc éve nem szerzett országos bajnoki címet. A Higgyetek bennünk pengeéles, megvilágító erejű képben összegzi a játékosok, az edzők és a klubvezetők gondolatait. Mindenki megszólal a riportokban, a rajongók, a háttéremberek és a kulcsfigurák, így a csapatkapitány, Jordan Henderson és természetesen maga Klopp is. Kihagyhatatlan kötet a Liverpool FC és Jürgen Klopp rajongóinak - azoknak, akik élnek-halnak a fociért, valamint a kimagasló üzleti és vezetői teljesítmények iránt érdeklődőknek. Melissa Reddy Dél-Afrikában született. Az Independent focirovatának főállású újságírója, emellett a BBC, a Sky Sports és a Premier League Productions számára is készít tudósításokat európai focieseményekről.
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6,68 €

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A mester - Roger Federer

Roger Federer lenyűgöző karrierje „Federer úgy teniszezik, ahogy Michelangelo fest.” - Martina Navratilova Roger Federert minden idők egyik legkiemelkedőbb sportemberének tartják, sokan rajonganak érte - pályája az állhatatosság és a kitartás jelképe, alakja mégis végtelenül közvetlen. Hogyan lett a lobbanékony, kétes stílusérzékű, hirtelenszőke tinédzserből minden idők egyik legnagyobb versenyzője? Ez a történet nem a sorsról szól, hanem a lankadatlan akaraterőről. Christopher Clarey húsz éven át mindenhová követte Federert, illetve interjúkat készített az őt legközelebbről ismerőkkel, edzőivel és jelentősebb riválisaival. A mester a nagy képet és az intim részleteket egyaránt bemutatja: ez a könyv Federer pályájának tökéletes foglalata. „Senkit nem láttam olyan szépen játszani, mint Roger Federert. Clarey gazdag, olvasmányos és alapos könyvéből kiderül, hogyan lett Federerből az egyik legnagyobb teniszbajnok - és hogy ez mennyivel nehezebb volt, mint amilyen könnyű teljesítménynek Federer kifelé mutatta.” - Billie Jean King „Roger Federer úgy teniszezik, ahogy Michelangelo fest: minden ecsetvonása tökéletes, és a végeredmény remekmű. Christopher Clarey könyve ezt a munkásságot ragadja meg.” - Martina Navratilova „Christopher Clarey ritka madár: egyfelől valódi bennfentes, másfelől képes az objektivitásra. A mester káprázatos részletességű karriertörténet - olyan muníciót ad a sportrajongóknak, amely évtizedeken át kitart.” - Jim Courier „Clarey a tökéletes szerző ehhez az anyaghoz - számára Roger Federer pályafutása igazi jutalomjáték. Ennél jobban nem lehet megközelíteni a nagy teniszező életét, személyiségét, karaktervonásait. Clarey közel merészkedik, de csak annyira, hogy ne menjen az összkép rovására. Beszélgetéseken, anekdotákon keresztül, árnyaltan mutatja be Federert. Csupa olyasmit tudunk meg, amit eddig sehol sem olvashattunk. Méltányos, átgondolt újságírói teljesítmény ez a kötet.” - Chris Evert Christopher Clarey legendás sportriporter, a New York Times Eugene L. Scott-díjas és Alan Trengove-díjas tenisz szakírója, aki rendszeresen szerepel az ESPN-en. Két könyvet írt a Davis-kupáról 1997-ben és 1999-ben.
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6,20 €

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Foraging For Beginners

So, in this book, you will learn: •How foraging came to be •Benefits of foraging and why you should also be doing it •Hazards of foraging so that you do not harm yourself or your loved ones •Safety precautions to take so that you know what you are getting into •Warning signs of poisonous plants so you know what not to eat •And much more! If you are someone who wants to learn about Foraging in the Wild and don’t know where to start, or in need of a new adventure while trying to identify edible plants suitable for consumption and not run the risk of consuming poisonous plants, then this Foraging for Beginners is the book for you. With more and more people removed far away from nature, there are some of us who have not forgotten the thrill of foraging for local native plants in the backyard. This book is designed to try to also get you interested in foraging. The forager's lifestyle is not an easy one, but it's immensely profitable. No one's going to ship the wild food to your doorstep but going out and getting these foods yourself can have many benefits. So, in this book, you will learn: •How foraging came to be •Benefits of foraging and why you should also be doing it •Hazards of foraging so that you do not harm yourself or your loved ones •Safety precautions to take so that you know what you are getting into •Warning signs of poisonous plants so you know what not to eat •And much more! This book will get you started in little or no time. So, click the Buy Now button to get yours now
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4,13 €


Az ötszörös Grand Slam-győztes Marija Sarapova magával ragadó, elbűvölő és őszinte elbeszélése a küzdelmes útról, amely az ismeretlenségből a teniszcsillaggá válásig vitte őt. Ebben a lebilincselően izgalmas önéletrajzi írásban Sarapova felidézi a bámulatos sikerhez vezető utat, és közben a játékát jellemző, kérlelhetetlenül őszinte, félelmet nem ismerő, ádáz, provokatív stílusban kommentálja a történéseket. A Megállíthatatlan tele van olyan izgalmas történetekkel, amelyek átívelnek egy egész pályafutást a szibériai kezdetektől a fontos, és a szerző egész karrierjét meghatározó mérkőzéseken át a visszatérésért folytatott küzdelemig. Ez a könyv a kitartásról szóló inspiráló történet, amelyet áthat a bátorság és az őszinteség. Sarapova történetét épp ezek teszik felejthetetlenné.
Na stiahnutie
14,00 €

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Pýtate sa, čo s voľným časom? Potom Vás táto kategória určite inšpiruje. Skúsili ste už fotografovať, prípadne sa chcete naučiť fotografie upravovať digitálne? Pre tých, ktorí milujú autá je tu skvelý výber auto-moto titulov a pravidiel cestnej premávky. Hlavu si môžete precvičiť nad krížovkami, alebo vo voľnom čase pestovať záhony v záhradke. Všetky užitočné rady z chovateľstva, stavby, rybolovu, ručných prác či remesiel nájdete práve tu.