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E-knihy - Jazykové učebnice, slovníky strana 6 z 18

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Latinská čítanka pro studující dějin křesťanského umění

Čítanka představuje pestrou paletu latinských textů, s nimiž je možné se setkat v oboru dějin umění. Užitek však přinese všem, kdo si chtějí aktivovat základní poznatky o latinské mluvnici na materiálu ne textů pro výuku zjednodušených, ale autentických, s nesnázemi proměnných způsobů psaní, zkratek, dobových a žánrových zvláštností jazyka ap. Zastoupeny jsou: biblická čtení, kronikářská a životopisná literatura včetně legend, rozmanité latinské nápisy z Prahy i dalších míst v Čechách, texty antických a renesančních autorů, kteří psali o výtvarném umění, texty o předmětech uměleckého zobrazování, texty o hudbě a texty liturgické, latinské texty editorů památek a pramenů i samy prameny k církevnímu majetku v Čechách, včetně výboru ze zakládací listiny litoměřické kapituly.
Na stiahnutie
5,00 €

Rozbor nynější spisovné angličtiny

Třídílný Rozbor nynější spisovné angličtiny čelného představitele Pražské jazykovědné školy Bohumila Trnky je závažný metodologický text této školy, který knižně a v ucelené podobě vychází v tomto vydání vůbec poprvé. Bohumil Trnka, první z žáků Viléma Mathesia, zakladatele pražské funčně-strukturální jazykovědné tradice a Pražského lingvistického kroužku, v Rozboru jako jediném svém díle celostně uskutečňuje svou koncepci jazykového systému jakožto soustavy čtyř hierarchicky uspořádaných rovin, z nichž popisuje s výjimkou nejvyššího promluvového plánu všechny tři roviny nižší: fonologickou, morfologickou a syntaktickou. Širší odborná veřejnost neměla toto význačné lingvistické pojednání doposud možnost poznat, neboť bylo publikováno pouze v podobě skript pro posluchače Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy (poprvé – a po jednotlivých dílech – v letech 1953, 1954 a 1956). Knižně – a anglicky – vyšel pouze Trnkův rozbor roviny fonologické, a to u nás (1935) a v revidovaném vydání japonském (1936) a americkém (1968).
Na stiahnutie
8,00 €

dostupné aj ako:

1000 hebrejských slovíček

Učte se důležitá slovíčka pomocí veselých obrázků! Zapamatujete si je rychleji a vštípí se vám i mnohem hlouběji do paměti! Ilustrace znázorňují běžné životní situace, které denně prožíváme, obsahují postavy a věci, se kterými se denně setkáváme. Ať již jde o domácnost, město, školu, přírodu, zábavu, cestování, sport ad. Obrázky jsou popsány, za slovíčky následuje výslovnost a český význam. Každý tematický celek je doplněn typickými frázemi. Na konci knihy se nachází souhrnný slovníček. Příručka je určena jak dětem, tak dospělým. Zábavnou formou pomůže začátečníkovi zvládnout základní slovní zásobu.
Na stiahnutie
7,79 €

Angličtina pro aktivní seniory

Chtěli jste se vždycky naučit anglicky, ale nenaskytla se Vám ta správná příležitost? Nikdy není pozdě začít! Cizí jazyk se můžete učit v každém věku. S Angličtinou pro seniory zvládnete základní témata a gramatiku, získáte jistotu ve vyjadřování a hravě se domluvíte na cestách, v obchodě nebo třeba v restauraci.
Na stiahnutie
9,26 €

Robinson Crusoe

Sám na pustom ostrove uprostred oceánu... Je vôbec možné zostať nažive medzi divokými šelmami, nebezpečnými morskými tvormi a kanibalmi? Čítajte príbeh Robinsona, ktorý prežil na opustenom tropickom ostrove neuveriteľných 28 rokov, a študujte pri tom angličtinu! Kniha rozpráva o mladom mužovi, ktorý sa napriek želaniu rodičov vydáva za svojím snom. Túži totiž po dobrodružstvách a cestovaní okolo sveta po mori. Pre túto túžbu spozná na vlastnej koži ozajstné nebezpečenstvo, zažije rolu obchodníka, farmára, otroka, pirátskeho kapitána, ale hlavne sa ocitne na pustom ostrove, kde sa začne jeho boj o prežitie. Musí zháňať potravu, zaobstarať si strechu nad hlavou, postaviť loď, vyrobiť si oblečenie a riad...Príbeh je spracovaný pre začiatočníkov a mierne pokročilých čitateľov, ktorí si chcú vyskúšať, ako si poradia so súvislým textom v angličtine. Slovenský zrkadlový preklad umožní záujemcom obratom skontrolovať, či cudzojazyčnému textu správne porozumeli. Cvičenia na konci knihy sú vhodné na overenie získaných znalostí.
Na stiahnutie
7,00 €

Začínáme s arabštinou

Víte, čím se liší hidžáb od nikábu? Umíte správně nakupovat v súku? Ochutnali jste už někdy kardamomovou kávu? Tušíte, čemu říkáme „Manhattan pouště“ a kdo jsou chalífové? Odpovědi na tyto a další otázky o arabském jazyce a kultuře najdete v knize. Velice pěkná a bohatě ilustrovaná příručka pro všechny, kteří se buď teprve chtějí seznámit s arabštinou anebo již ovládají základy tohoto exotického jazyka. Díky publikaci: • se naučíte základní slova a výrazy, • obohatíte si slovní zásobu pomocí cvičení a zábavných her, • nacvičíte si psaní arabských písmen. S Edikou už před vámi arabština nebude skrývat žádná tajemství!
Na stiahnutie
10,25 €

Příručka pro babičku a dědečka

Hlídání vnoučat může být činnost hravá, poučná a zábavná pro všechny! V této knize naleznete inspiraci pro desítky aktivit prováděných společně s vnoučaty. Kempování v obýváku, zahradní olympiáda, výroba rodinných novin, společná příprava ovocného koláče, honba za čtyřlístky, zažehlování korálků, zábavné výlety, říkanky?… Nechybí ani instrukce k péči o velmi malé děti, s ohledem na to, co se za posledních 30 let v této oblasti změnilo. Autorka je spisovatelka, redaktorka a dvojnásobná maminka, která tuto knihu napsala ve spolupráci se svou matkou (dvojnásobnou babičkou) a svým tchánem (pětinásobným dědečkem).
Na stiahnutie
11,23 €

Jane Eyre / Jana Eyrová

Nejznámější dílo Charlotty Brontëové, román o statečné mladé ženě, které bylo tolik nepřáno osudem a která se přesto dočkala svého štěstí, patří mezi vrcholy anglické literatury. Autorka dokázala perfektně vykreslit proměnu křehké mladé dívky v sebevědomou ženu, jež nedbá společenských pravidel a jde si za tím, po čem její srdce touží. Na poměry viktoriánské doby, kdy byl napsán, byl román velice pokrokový. Romantickou milostnou zápletku a typicky romantického hlavního hrdinu, charizmatického pana Rochestera, doplnily realistické prvky a okořenily gotické motivy v podobě nevysvětlitelných tajemství a pochmurného okolí, které panuje v Thornfieldu. Publikace nabízí zkrácenou verzi románu, která je určena pro mírně pokročilé studenty angličtiny. Zájemce se díky ní seznámí s mistrovským dílem anglické literatury a také si procvičí angličtinu. V knize najde zkrácenou a upravenou verzi románu v jazyce originálu a také zrcadlový český překlad. Audionahrávka ve formátu MP3, na níž text vypráví rodilá mluvčí, je zdarma na stránkách nakladatelství.
Na stiahnutie
9,75 €

English Irregular Verbs

Kniha English Irregular Verbs je určena středně pokročilým studentům angličtiny. V 10 lekcích nabízí studentům řadu cvičení a závěrem rozsáhlý souhrnný test s klíčem, pomocí nichž si mohou osvojit tvary minulého času a příčestí minulého u 131 nepravidelných sloves. Studenti si zároveň osvěží znalost anglických časů, vedlejších vět a dalších slovesných forem v angličtině. Cílem cvičebnice je naučit studenty používat anglická nepravidelná slovesa v ústním i písemném projevu naprosto plynule a bez zaváhání.
Na stiahnutie
5,50 €

Robinson Crusoe

Učte se anglicky s nejznámějším trosečníkem všech dob! Příběh Robinsona, který prožil na opuštěném tropickém ostrově neuvěřitelných 28 let, je zpracován pro začátečníky a mírně pokročilé studenty angličtiny. Mohou si tak vyzkoušet, jak si poradí se souvislým textem v cizím jazyce. Zrcadlový český překlad umožní čtenářům obratem zkontrolovat, zda anglickému textu správně porozuměli. Cvičení na konci knihy jsou vhodná pro ověření získaných znalostí. Audionahrávka ve formátu MP3, na které příběh vypráví rodilý mluvčí, je zdarma ke stažení na webu.
Na stiahnutie
7,30 €

German Short Stories for Beginners

What is the most challenging thing about learning German?It's finding helpful and engaging reading material that you can actually understand… That is precisely what motivated us to write this book.How is a student supposed to learn when language instructors love providing materials that are tough expert-level literature with tons of grammar and rules? That style of book for new language learners can be overwhelming, and lead you to flip back and forth between a dictionary and your book… constantly!Not an effective use of your time nor the best way to learn.  Is this how children learn their language skills? No.Enter German Stories for Beginners Vol. 1:  You will find 10 easy-to-read, engaging, and fun stories that will help you to expand your vocabulary and give you the tools to improve your grasp of the German language.Improve your comprehension, grow your vocabulary and spark your imagination with these ten unconventional German short stories!All stories are written using vocabulary that you could easily use in your day-to-day conversations.The stories are written with beginner German learners in mind. With that said, it is highly recommended to have a basic understanding of German to achieve maximum enjoyment and effectiveness of the lessons.This program is excellent for those who want to get an introduction to the language or brush up on their German language skills.How to Read German Short Stories for Beginners: Each story contains an important lesson in the German language involving an interesting and entertaining story with realistic dialogues and day-to-day situations.A summary in German and in English of what you just read, both to review the lesson and for you to gauge your comprehension of what the tale was about.At the end of those summaries, you'll be provided with a list of vocabulary found in the lesson, as well as phrases that you may not have understood the first time!Finally, you'll be given clever comprehension questions in German, so you can prove that you learned something in the stories. Even if you have tried multiple times to learn German these short stories will give you the jumpstart you need to finally grasp the language!Act now and grab your copy of German Short Stories and start learning the fun way!
Na stiahnutie
2,53 €

Conversational German Dialogues

When face-to-face with a real German speaker, do you freeze? Do you know how to ask for directions in German or communicate if there's an emergency? If your answer to any of the previous questions was 'Yes', then this book is for you! If there's anything more challenging than learning the grammar rules of a new language, it's knowing what to say and having the courage to speak with confidence. We know how you feel - You always try to avoid making embarrassing mistakes or not getting your message through correctly, but it will happen anyway. 'How do I get out of this situation?',  You may ask yourself, but have yet to find a straight-forward answer. Until now.  We have compiled 50 German Stories along with their translations, providing new German speakers with the necessary tools to begin effectively studying how to set a meeting, how to check into a hotel and even what to say during an emergency! Our German dialogues get straight to the point saving you precious time. There's no benefit learning words and phrases you will never actually use! If you want to learn German quickly and have a ton of fun along the way, obviously, this book is for you! How Conversational German Dialogues works: •       Each new chapter will have a fresh, new story between two or more people who wish to solve a common, day-to-day problem that you will most likely experience in real life. •       A German version of the conversation will take place first, followed by an English translation. This ensures that you fully understood just what it was that they were saying! •       Before and after the main section of the book, we shall provide you with an introduction and conclusion that will offer you important strategies, tips and tricks to allow you to get the absolute most out of this learning material. •       That's about it! Simple, useful and incredibly helpful; you will NOT need another conversational German book once you have started reading and studying this one! Focus on getting from zero to conversationally fluent, so you can: Travel or live in Germany or any German speaking country without relying on Google Translate Join German conversations with your German speaking coworkers, friends, or family members Date German-speakers without embarrassing yourself Stop getting passed over for jobs or promotions for less-qualified people who are bilingual We want you to feel confident while learning German; after all, there should never be a language barrier stopping you from traveling around the world and expanding your social circles! So look no further! Grab your copy of Conversational German Dialogues and start learning German right now!
Na stiahnutie
2,53 €

Conversational Italian Dialogues

When face-to-face with a real Italian speaker, do you freeze? Do you know how to ask for directions in Italian or communicate if there's an emergency? If your answer to any of the previous questions was 'Yes', then this book is for you! If there's anything more challenging than learning the grammar rules of a new language, it's knowing what to say and having the courage to speak with confidence. We know how you feel - You always try to avoid making embarrassing mistakes or not getting your message through correctly, but it will happen anyway. 'How do I get out of this situation?',  You may ask yourself, but have yet to find a straight-forward answer. Until now.  We have compiled 50 Italian Stories along with their translations, providing new Italian speakers with the necessary tools to begin effectively studying how to set a meeting, how to check into a hotel and even what to say during an emergency! Our Italian dialogues get straight to the point saving you precious time. There's no benefit learning words and phrases you will never actually use! If you want to learn Italian quickly and have a ton of fun along the way, obviously, this book is for you! How Conversational Italian Dialogues works: • Each new chapter will have a fresh, new story between two or more people who wish to solve a common, day-to-day problem that you will most likely experience in real life. • A Italian version of the conversation will take place first, followed by an English translation. This ensures that you fully understood just what it was that they were saying! • Before and after the main section of the book, we shall provide you with an introduction and conclusion that will offer you important strategies, tips and tricks to allow you to get the absolute most out of this learning material. • That's about it! Simple, useful and incredibly helpful; you will NOT need another conversational Italian book once you have started reading and studying this one! Focus on getting from zero to conversationally fluent, so you can: Travel or live in Italy or any Italian speaking country without relying on Google Translate Join Italian conversations with your Italian speaking coworkers, friends, or family members Date Italian-speakers without embarrassing yourself Stop getting passed over for jobs or promotions for less-qualified people who are bilingual We want you to feel confident while learning Italian; after all, there should never be a language barrier stopping you from traveling around the world and expanding your social circles! So look no further! Grab your copy of Conversational Italian Dialogues and start learning Italian right now!
Na stiahnutie
2,53 €

Intermediate Spanish Short Stories

Grow your vocabulary & improve your Spanish skills with these 10 engaging intermediate Spanish short stories! Intermediate Spanish Stories Volume 2 is packed with even more breathtaking tales to catapult you to Spanish speaking fluency! There are so many reasons to learn a new language. Just imagine the experience of real latin culture and fun activities with locals that you will never forget for the rest of your life. The best way to learn a new language is by reading and building a strong base of vocabulary. In this intermediate Spanish book you will find yourself mesmerized page after page to each captivating story that will keep you so engaged you'll practically forget you're even learning Spanish! In this book you will find: 10 engaging short stories that range from an outer space voyage, life lessons and enchanted books! Filled with unexpected plot twists among other topics that you will find easy to understand and relate to.The stories are broken down into manageable chapters, so you always make progress with the story. Carefully written stories with you as an intermediate level reader in mind, using easy to understand grammar and commonly used words so you can enjoy reading while learning new grammatical structures without being overwhelmed.Tons of natural dialogues in each story that you would actually use in an everyday conversation, which will significantly improve your speaking and comprehension ability at the same time! At the end of each chapter there is a comprehensive guide specially designed for intermediate level readers. You will find a vocabulary list of some of the words from the story as well as a summary in Spanish and English to make sure that you understand the tale completely. Chapter by chapter you will find yourself effortlessly reading each story. Not struggling like in boring reads or basic Spanish textbooks. You will become captivated by reading the dialogue of the characters and learn how to express yourself in different contexts. Most importantly you will see massive growth through new Spanish words that will get you closer to your goal of becoming fully conversational! Enjoy the book and remember to have fun on your Spanish learning journey! Act now and grab your copy of Intermediate Spanish Short Stories Volume 2 right now!
Na stiahnutie
2,53 €

Conversational Brazilian Portuguese Dialogues

When face-to-face with a real Portuguese speaker, do you freeze? Do you know how to ask for directions in Portuguese or communicate if there's an emergency?  If your answer to any of the previous questions was 'Yes', then this book is for you! If there's anything more challenging than learning the grammar rules of a new language, it's knowing what to say and having the courage to speak with confidence. We know how you feel - You always try to avoid making embarrassing mistakes or not getting your message through correctly, but it will happen anyway. 'How do I get out of this situation?',  You may ask yourself, but have yet to find a straight-forward answer. Until now.  We have compiled 50 Portuguese Stories along with their translations, providing new Portuguese speakers with the necessary tools to begin effectively studying how to set a meeting, how to check into a hotel and even what to say during an emergency! Our Brazilian Portuguese dialogues get straight to the point saving you precious time. There's no benefit learning words and phrases you will never actually use! If you want to learn Portuguese quickly and have a ton of fun along the way, obviously, this book is for you! How Conversational Brazilian Portuguese Dialogues works: •       Each new chapter will have a fresh, new story between two or more people who wish to solve a common, day-to-day problem that you will most likely experience in real life. •       A Portuguese version of the conversation will take place first, followed by an English translation. This ensures that you fully understood just what it was that they were saying! •       Before and after the main section of the book, we shall provide you with an introduction and conclusion that will offer you important strategies, tips and tricks to allow you to get the absolute most out of this learning material. •       That's about it! Simple, useful and incredibly helpful; you will NOT need another conversational Portuguese book once you have started reading and studying this one! Focus on getting from zero to conversationally fluent, so you can: Travel or live in Brazil or any Portuguese speaking country without relying on Google Translate Join Portuguese conversations with your Portuguese speaking coworkers, friends, or family members Date Portuguese-speakers without embarrassing yourself Stop getting passed over for jobs or promotions for less-qualified people who are bilingual We want you to feel confident while learning Portuguese; after all, there should never be a language barrier stopping you from traveling around the world and expanding your social circles! So look no further! Grab your copy of Conversational Brazilian Portuguese Dialogues and start learning Portuguese right now!
Na stiahnutie
2,53 €

Conversational French Dialogues

When face-to-face with a real French speaker, do you freeze? Do you know how to ask for directions in French or communicate if there's an emergency? If your answer to any of the previous questions was 'Yes', then this book is for you! If there's anything more challenging than learning the grammar rules of a new language, it's knowing what to say and having the courage to speak with confidence. We know how you feel - You always try to avoid making embarrassing mistakes or not getting your message through correctly, but it will happen anyway. 'How do I get out of this situation?',  You may ask yourself, but have yet to find a straight-forward answer. Until now.  We have compiled 50 French Stories along with their translations, providing new French speakers with the necessary tools to begin effectively studying how to set a meeting, how to check into a hotel and even what to say during an emergency! Our French dialogues get straight to the point saving you precious time. There's no benefit learning words and phrases you will never actually use! If you want to learn French quickly and have a ton of fun along the way, obviously, this book is for you! How Conversational French Dialogues works: •       Each new chapter will have a fresh, new story between two or more people who wish to solve a common, day-to-day problem that you will most likely experience in real life. •       A French version of the conversation will take place first, followed by an English translation. This ensures that you fully understood just what it was that they were saying! •       Before and after the main section of the book, we shall provide you with an introduction and conclusion that will offer you important strategies, tips and tricks to allow you to get the absolute most out of this learning material. •       That's about it! Simple, useful and incredibly helpful; you will NOT need another conversational French book once you have started reading and studying this one! Focus on getting from zero to conversationally fluent, so you can: Travel or live in France or any French speaking country without relying on Google Translate Join French conversations with your French speaking coworkers, friends, or family members Date French-speakers without embarrassing yourself Stop getting passed over for jobs or promotions for less-qualified people who are bilingual We want you to feel confident while learning French; after all, there should never be a language barrier stopping you from traveling around the world and expanding your social circles! So look no further! Grab your copy of Conversational French Dialogues and start learning French right now!
Na stiahnutie
2,53 €

1000 mondat németül

Kedves Tanuló! 15 témakörből álló német nyelvű társalgást dolgoztam ki. Ezt a feldolgozást teljesen kezdők is használhatják, mivel a mondatok után fonetikusan is szerepelnek a mondatok. Összegyűjtöttem azokat a kifejezéseket és mondatokat, melyek a külföldre utazó magyar turistáknak nélkülözhetetlenek, és a leggyak-rabban használatosak. A mondatok megtanulása után már önállóan is elolvashat német nyelvű szövegeket, beszélgethet külföldi rokonaival, ismerőseivel. Az egész anyag 2-3 hónap alatt megtanulható.
Na stiahnutie
4,22 €

Conversational Russian Dialogues

When face-to-face with a real Russian speaker, do you freeze? Do you know how to ask for directions in Russian or communicate if there's an emergency? If your answer to any of the previous questions was 'Yes', then this book is for you! If there's anything more challenging than learning the grammar rules of a new language, it's knowing what to say and having the courage to speak with confidence. We know how you feel - You always try to avoid making embarrassing mistakes or not getting your message through correctly, but it will happen anyway. 'How do I get out of this situation?',  You may ask yourself, but have yet to find a straight-forward answer. Until now.  We have compiled 50 Russian Stories along with their translations, providing new Russian speakers with the necessary tools to begin effectively studying how to set a meeting, how to check into a hotel and even what to say during an emergency! Our Russian dialogues get straight to the point saving you precious time. There's no benefit learning words and phrases you will never actually use! If you want to learn Russian quickly and have a ton of fun along the way, obviously, this book is for you! How Conversational Russian Dialogues works: •       Each new chapter will have a fresh, new story between two or more people who wish to solve a common, day-to-day problem that you will most likely experience in real life. •       A Russian version of the conversation will take place first, followed by an English translation. This ensures that you fully understood just what it was that they were saying! •       Before and after the main section of the book, we shall provide you with an introduction and conclusion that will offer you important strategies, tips and tricks to allow you to get the absolute most out of this learning material. •       That's about it! Simple, useful and incredibly helpful; you will NOT need another conversational Russian book once you have started reading and studying this one! Focus on getting from zero to conversationally fluent, so you can: Travel or live in Russia or any Russian speaking country without relying on Google Translate Join Russian conversations with your Russian speaking coworkers, friends, or family members Date Russian-speakers without embarrassing yourself Stop getting passed over for jobs or promotions for less-qualified people who are bilingual We want you to feel confident while learning Russian; after all, there should never be a language barrier stopping you from traveling around the world and expanding your social circles! So look no further! Grab your copy of Conversational Russian Dialogues and start learning Russian right now!
Na stiahnutie
2,53 €

Intermediate Spanish Short Stories

Grow your vocabulary & improve your Spanish skills with these 10 engaging Intermediate Spanish short stories! There are so many reasons to learn a new language. Just imagine the experience of real latin culture and fun activities with locals that you will never forget for the rest of your life. The best way to learn a new language is by reading and building a strong base of vocabulary. In this Spanish book you will find yourself glued to every single page of each captivating story that will keep you so engaged you'll basically forget you're even learning Spanish! In this book you will find: •    10 engaging short stories that range from life lessons, ghost stories and even an alien invasion! Filled with unexpected plot twists among other topics that you will find easy to understand and relate to. •    The stories are broken down into manageable chapters, so you always make progress with the story. •    Carefully written stories with you as an intermediate level reader in mind, using easy to understand grammar and commonly used words so you can enjoy reading while learning new grammatical structures without being overwhelmed. •    Tons of natural dialogues in each story that you would actually use in an everyday conversation, which will significantly improve your speaking and comprehension ability at the same time! •    At the end of each chapter there is a comprehensive guide specially designed for intermediate level readers. You will find a vocabulary list of some of the words from the story as well as a summary in Spanish and English to make sure that you understand the tale completely. Chapter by chapter you will find yourself effortlessly reading each story. Not struggling like in boring reads or basic Spanish textbooks. You will become captivated by reading the dialogue of the characters and learn how to express yourself in different contexts. Most importantly you will see massive growth through new Spanish words that will get you closer to your goal of becoming fully conversational! Act now and grab your copy of Intermediate Spanish Short Stories and start learning Spanish the fun way!
Na stiahnutie
2,61 €

Táto kategória je určená pre všetkých, ktorí sa chcú naučiť nové jazyky, zdokonaliť sa v jazykových zručnostiach alebo jednoducho rozšíriť svoje jazykové schopnosti.

Jazykové učebnice sú navrhnuté tak, aby vás postupne a systematicky previedli štúdiom cudzieho jazyka. Nájdete tu učebnice pre začiatočníkov, pokročilých a jazykové materiály pre rôzne úrovne jazykových znalostí. Učebnice sa zameriavajú na rôzne jazyky, vrátane angličtiny, nemčiny, francúzštiny, španielčiny, taliančiny, čínštiny, japončiny a ďalších.

Okrem učebníc tu nájdete aj rôzne slovníky, slovníčky a frázy, ktoré vám pomôžu rozšíriť váš slovník a zlepšiť vaše konverzačné schopnosti. Nájdete tu aj praktické príručky a materiály, ktoré vám umožnia rýchlo a efektívne získavať nové jazykové vedomosti.

Nájdete tu učebnice a príručky, gramatiku a slovnú zásobu, obchodnú a profesnú angličtinu, slovníky a multimédiá.