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The Rolling Stones In the Beginning

NEW, EXPANDED EDITION CONTAINING NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN PHOTOGRAPHS. In 1965 the Rolling Stones were big and about to be huge, when Bent Rej was given unprecedented access to a year in the eye of the rock 'n' roll storm, accompanying the band on its first full European outing: the Satisfaction tour. The Rolling Stones In the Beginning is Rej's collection of more than 300 intimate photographs of the band on stage, on the road and at home, documenting a year in the life of the Rolling Stones as they enjoyed their first taste of popular success. Long a fan favourite, this brand new edition offers an even closer look into the making of music history with images recently unearthed from Rej's archives.
46,50 € 48,95 €

Lou Reed

Reedův životopis od Anthonyho DeCurtise vznikal až po Reedově smrti v roce 2013, má tedy oproti starším biografiím jednu velkou výhodu: možnost zachytit celý umělcův život až do smrti. Další nezpochybnitelnou výhodou je autorem přiznané dlouholeté přátelství s Lou Reedem. DeCurtis ve své knize nabízí komplexní pohled na Lou Reeda. Představuje ho jako umělce, ale i jako člověka, a zároveň svým způsobem i jako symbol. Čtenář tak má výtečnou možnost seznámit se s Lou Reedem takovým, jakým skutečně byl. Anebo se tomu alespoň v maximální možné míře přiblížit.
31,30 € 32,95 €

William S. Burroughs and the Cult of Rock 'n' Roll

William S. Burroughs's fiction and essays are legendary, but his influence on music's counterculture has been less well documented-until now. Examining how one of America's most controversial literary figures altered the destinies of many notable and varied musicians, William S. Burroughs and the Cult of Rock 'n' Roll reveals the transformations in music history that can be traced to Burroughs. A heroin addict and a gay man, Burroughs rose to notoriety outside the conventional literary world; his masterpiece, Naked Lunch, was banned on the grounds of obscenity, but its nonlinear structure was just as daring as its content. Casey Rae brings to life Burroughs's parallel rise to fame among daring musicians of the 1960s, '70s, and '80s, when it became a rite of passage to hang out with the author or to experiment with his cut-up techniques for producing revolutionary lyrics (as the Beatles and Radiohead did). Whether they tell of him exploring the occult with David Bowie, providing Lou Reed with gritty depictions of street life, or counseling Patti Smith about coping with fame, the stories of Burroughs's backstage impact will transform the way you see America's cultural revolution-and the way you hear its music.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Wild Thing

Almost 50 years after his lonely death, Hendrix is the abiding symbol of musical genius cut tragically short. Wild Thing will be the first biography to bring together the splendour and sadness of his brief life, and to attempt to unravel the circumstances of his death. Hendrix revolutionised classic rock, inventing a whole new vocabulary for the guitar. Onstage he pushed the boundaries of Sixties permissiveness, fellating the strings of the guitar with his tongue, lying it flat and straddling it, even setting fire to it. Yet in private he was polite, shy and sweet-natured. Norman will explore these contradictions in a narrative that takes us from Hendrix's roots in Seattle to his louche and glamorous life in Mayfair, when London was the world's most 'swinging' capital and then back to the US with the series of historic outdoor rock festivals that rounded out the decade. Wild Thing will be a celebration of matchless artistry, and a gripping chronicle of those now mythical times. But it will also investigate the peculiar conditions of his death, part whodunnit as it tells the most cautionary of rock 'n' roll parables. After all these years of rumour and speculation, Jimi's ghost may finally be laid to rest.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Drazí II. Dopisy Bohuslava Martinů rodině v Poličce z let 1932 a 1933

Monografie je druhým svazkem edice zabývající se korespondencí českého hudebního skladatele Bohuslava Martinů s jeho rodinou v Poličce, obsahuje 56 korespondenčních dokumentů (dopisy, pohlednice) z let 1932 a 1933. Jedná se o korespondenci jednostrannou, dochovaly se pouze dopisy Bohuslava Martinů adresované matce a sourozencům, v nichž sám Martinů komentuje svou životní i profesní cestu, aby v první řadě své informace, záměry či postoje sděloval nejbližším rodinným příslušníkům, ale často jejich prostřednictvím i širšímu okruhu přátel v Poličce a v Československu. V české verzi jsou rukopisné dopisy Martinů představeny v podobě diplomatického přepisu, čili formou co možná nejbližší originálu, zároveň publikace obsahuje i jejich faksimile. Dopisy jsou doplněny poznámkovým aparátem.
20,09 € 21,15 €

Sára Sándor

Hogyan is lehetne beszélni Sára Sándorról, aki ízig-vérig vizuális művész volt? Képekkel, képekben! Életét és művészetét az igazság keresésének és feltárásának igénye, valamint a mindenkori alávetettek iránti szolidaritás vezérelte. Az életmű legfontosabb pontjait összefogó reprezentatív album méltó emléket kíván állítani a sokoldalú - rendező, operatőr, fotós, tévéigazgató - művésznek. A kötetben gazdagon illusztrált írások és közel 200 fotó eleveníti fel kivételes személyiségét és művészetét.
23,90 € 25,16 €

Dan Horyna - Přežil jsem sám sebe

Unikátní vzpomínky legendárního zpěváka a uznávaného existenciálního psychoterapeuta. Dan Horyna – rocková legenda osmdesátých let s neodmyslitelnou přezdívkou Zeppelin. Frontman metalové kapely Vitacit a Merlin. Ještě než z něj vyrostla rocková hvězda, patřil k talentovaným atletům. Byl mistr republiky na 1500 metrů, mířil na olympiádu, ale nakonec s atletikou skončil. Stále nebyl sám se sebou spokojený – chtěl víc. V pouhých sedmnácti letech mu křídla přistřihl komunistický žalář, kde skončil kvůli improvizovanému vystoupení na Karlově mostě, které bylo vyhodnoceno jako provokace komunistického režimu. Horyna byl sice za dva měsíce propuštěn, ale v hledáčku policie už zůstal. Po návratu z vězení byl vyhozen ze školy a ztratil veškeré jistoty, které do té doby měl. Postupně přičichl k drogám, které ho během dvanácti let několikrát dostaly na pokraj života a smrti. Charismatický zpěvák patřil k první pervitinové generaci v Česku. S drogovým démonem bojoval celkem třikrát a kvůli drogám se mu rozpadla tři manželství. Východisko z drogové závislosti našel až díky pobytu v léčebně Červený Dvůr, který mu pomohl v hledání smyslu života. Dnes už přes deset let působí jako vyhledávaný terapeut, vyznává buddhismus a sám úspěšně pomáhá drogově i alkoholově závislým lidem.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

This new critical biography provides a complete picture of German novelist, playwright and poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The book offers fresh, thought-provoking interpretations of all the major works, including novels such as The Sorrows of Young Werther and The Elective Affinities, plays such as Egmont and Iphigenia in Tauris, and Goethe's greatest work, Faust. Alongside these works the incidents of his life are analysed, including his love affairs and his meetings with the great people of the age, such as Napoleon Bonaparte. Jeremy Adler shows how Goethe's encyclopedic interest in many fields influenced later thinkers such as Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud, Emile Durkheim and Susan Sontag. Goethe has often been called the last Renaissance man. This biography shows that Goethe was in fact the first of the moderns - a maker of modernity.
16,10 € 16,95 €

David Bowies Diamond Dogs

After his breakthrough with Ziggy Stardust and before his U.S. pop hits "Fame" and "Golden Years" David Bowie produced a dark and difficult concept album set in a post-apocalyptic "Hunger City" populated by post-human "mutants." Diamond Dogs includes the great glam anthem "Rebel Rebel" and utterly unique songs that combine lush romantic piano and nearly operatic singing with scratching, grungy guitars, creepy, insidious noises, and dark, pessimistic lyrics that reflect the album's origins in a projected Broadway musical version of Orwell's 1984 and Bowie's formative encounter with William S. Burroughs. In this book Glenn Hendler shows that each song on Diamond Dogs shifts the ground under you as you listen, not just by changing in musical style, but by being sung by a different "I" who directly addresses a different "you." Diamond Dogs is the product of a performer at the peak of his powers but uncomfortable with the rock star role he had constructed. All of the album's influences looked to Bowie like ways of escaping not just the Ziggy role, but also the constraints of race, gender, sexuality, and nationality. These are just some of the reasons many Bowie fans rate Diamond Dogs his richest and most important album of the 1970s.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Dmitry Shostakovich

Dmitry Shostakovich was one of the most successful composers of the twentieth century - a musician who adapted as no other to the unique pressures of his age. By turns vilified and feted by Stalin during the Great Purge, Shostakovich twice came close to the whirlwind of political repression and he remained under political surveillance all his life, despite the many privileges and awards heaped upon him in old age. Yet Shostakovich had a remarkable ability to work with, rather than against, prevailing ideological demands, and it was this quality that ensured both his survival and his posterity. Pauline Fairclough's absorbing new biography offers a vivid portrait that goes well beyond the habitual cliches of repression and suffering. Featuring quotations from previously unpublished letters as well as rarely-seen photographs, Fairclough provides a fresh insight into the music and life of a composer whose legacy, above all, was to have written some of the greatest and most cherished music of the last century.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Herecké balady a romance, 2. vydanie

Vyprávění o životních osudech a láskách velkých českých hereckých osobností, jako byli Oldřich Nový, Karel Höger, Zdeněk Štěpánek, Petr Čepek, František Peterka, Hana Vítová, Gabriela Vránová, Olga Scheinpflugová, Slávka Budínová, Petr Haničinec a další legendy českého divadla a filmu. Obnovené vydání úspěšné knihy.
17,81 € 18,75 €

Jimmy Page - The Definitive Biography

Founder of one of the most influential and successful rock bands of all time, legendary Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page has nevertheless remained an enigma. In this definitive and comprehensive biography of his life so far, Chris Salewicz draws on his own interviews with Page and those closest around him to unravel the man behind the mystery. Having sold over 300 million copies worldwide, Led Zeppelin was the biggest band of the '70s and has been loved by the legions ever since. From his own conversations with Jimmy, the rest of Led Zeppelin, old girlfriends, tour managers and session musicians to name but a few, Salewicz reveals the many trials and tribulations which transformed the middle class boy from the Surrey suburbs into one of rock's most enigmatic frontmen. Detailed, thrilling and expertly researched, Salewicz discovers a man who was prepared to die for his art; who justified heroin use so he could harness its narcotic focus whilst making albums, and who overcame numerous death threats during this time. A warrior magician, Salewicz delves into the many skeletons and eccentricities in Page's closet, contextualising him against a background of London gangsters, deaths, and power struggles which Page has continued to rail against to this day, even within his own band. As entertaining as it is insightful, and from a writer who experienced first-hand the Led Zeppelin furore, this promises to be as close to a Jimmy Page autobiography as fans can get.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Daisy Jones & The Six

Everyone knows DAISY JONES & THE SIX, but nobody knows the reason behind their split at the absolute height of their popularity . . . until now. Daisy is a girl coming of age in L.A. in the late sixties, sneaking into clubs on the Sunset Strip, sleeping with rock stars, and dreaming of singing at the Whisky a Go Go. The sex and drugs are thrilling, but it's the rock 'n' roll she loves most. By the time she's twenty, her voice is getting noticed, and she has the kind of heedless beauty that makes people do crazy things. Also getting noticed is The Six, a band led by the brooding Billy Dunne. On the eve of their first tour, his girlfriend Camila finds out she's pregnant, and with the pressure of impending fatherhood and fame, Billy goes a little wild on the road. Daisy and Billy cross paths when a producer realizes that the key to supercharged success is to put the two together. What happens next will become the stuff of legend. The making of that legend is chronicled in this riveting and unforgettable novel, written as an oral history of one of the biggest bands of the seventies. Taylor Jenkins Reid is a talented writer who takes her work to a new level with Daisy Jones & The Six, brilliantly capturing a place and time in an utterly distinctive voice.
13,59 € 14,30 €

Spice Girls

Intimate and revealing, Spice Girls is the definitive story of the world's most iconic girl group. Through compelling new research and interviews, Sunday Times best-selling biographer Sean Smith reveals what life was really like for five fiercely independent and ambitious young women who were propelled to international fame in the 90s with unstoppable momentum. Quickly establishing themselves as the biggest success in British pop music since The Beatles, they were adored and admired in equal measure: the Spice Girls made a connection with millions of young women across the globe who were inspired by their enthusiasm for life and their famous Girl Power philosophy. The fab five became one of the most successful music acts in history, with more than 85 million record sales world-wide and nine UK number one singles.Throughout the years, their lives have garnered unprecedented levels of media interest and fans have keenly followed their ups and downs - the personal conflicts, celebrity break-ups, controversies and parenthood. One thing's for sure: they are never boring. In 2019, the prospect of their reunion tour has led to an outpouring of adoration and excitement, proving that the Spice Girls truly are an enduring cultural phenomenon.
18,00 € 18,95 €


"It's a piece of art that I am really proud of..."-Rihanna "The book is a rollicking and sumptuous autobiography, told largely with intimate images."-Vogue Rihanna invites you into her world with this stunning visual autobiography. From her Barbados childhood to her worldwide tours, from iconic fashion moments to private time with friends and family, the book showcases intimate photographs of her life as an artist, performer, designer, and entrepreneur. Many of these images have never before been published. This large-format book is 504 pages with 1,050 color images on 3 paper stocks and 7 single- and double-page gatefolds, 9 bound-in booklets, 1 tip-in sheet, and a double-sided, removable poster.
142,50 € 150,00 €

Rihanna Pop Star FxP Edition

Clear the coffee table! Rihanna invites you into her world with this stunning visual autobiography that comes with a limited edition stand created in collaboration with the artists The Haas Brothers. About the book: From her Barbados childhood to her worldwide tours, from iconic fashion moments to private time with friends and family, the book showcases intimate photographs of her life as an artist, performer, designer, and entrepreneur. Many of these images have never before been published. This oversized limited edition has both a front and back cover. It is 504 pages with 1,050 color images on 3 paper stocks and 7 single- and double-page gatefolds, 9 bound-in booklets, 1 tip-in sheet, and a double-sided, removable poster. About the limited edition stand: Rihanna has created a distinctive stand to cradle the book inspired by her own tattooed hands, in collaboration with the artists The Haas Brothers. The die cut, green-coated steel stand is named This Sh*t is Heavy because the book weighs in at 16 pounds. Packed full of over 1,000 photographs of her life as a musician, performer, designer, and entrepreneur, this limited edition book and stand is the perfect gift for the favorite Rihanna lover in your life. Rihanna will have you reading out of the palms of her hands.
180,50 € 190,00 €

For Your Consideration - Keanu Reeves

With an acting career spanning 30 years though you wouldn t know it from his immortal look Keanu Reeves has a body of work like one of his motorcycles at the end of a demon ride up the Pacific Highway: long overdue for attention. For an actor who s been in so many mega-hits and equally mega misses, it can be tough to track his accomplishments. But true fans know that Keanu is so much more than his Bill and Ted persona, both onscreen and off. He s the type to start his own publishing company, reread Hamlet, write a grown-up children s book, photobomb people s weddings, eat lunch alone in the park while looking very sad, and give away his salary to the film crew. For Your Consideration: Keanu Reeves examines the ways in which Keanu strives to be kind and excellent in work and in life. The authors also explore various Internet conspiracies about his age, help you identify which Sad Keanu meme you are, give you the Keanu and Winona Ryder fanfic your heart desires, and much, much more.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Ladislav Mrkvička

Herec, který proslul svou zásadovostí, ale i prudkou a vzpurnou povahou, jež mu nejednou zkomplikovaly úspěšnou kariéru, takový byl i je Ladislav Mrkvička v očích svých diváků. Znají ho z mnoha filmových a televizních rolí, ale nebyl jen poručíkem Stejskalem, pobočníkem majora Zemana, nehrál jen žokeje, i když mu koně přirostli k srdci. Byl vynikajícím divadelním hercem, který svůj talent rozvinul naplno především v Divadle Na zábradlí pod vedením legendárního režiséra Evalda Schorma. I jeho menší role byly nezapomenutelné -, známe přeci dobře to staré úsloví, že není malých rolí, a právě na Ladislava Mrkvičku sedí přesně. Přinášíme portrét umělce, který se nejednou dostal do konfliktu s establishmentem a riskoval konec kariéry - která ani nemusela začít, jak se ostatně dočtete. Sledujeme jeho kroky od studií až k Národnímu divadlu, působení v rozhlasu, televizní tvorbě pro děti a mládež nebo v úspěšných inscenacích na prknech menších pražských divadel. Trochu s humorem a nadhledem, tak jak si to ne právě snadná umělecká cesta tohoto „malého herce velkých rolí“ žádá.
11,56 € 12,17 €

Two Riders Were Approaching: The Life & Death of Jimi Hendrix

It is widely considered in music, there are two eras-before Hendrix and after Hendrix. Regarded as the greatest guitarist of all time, Jimi Hendrix is the embodiment of rock 'n' roll. His career only spanned four years but in that time he managed to influence generations of musicians from Freddie Mercury to the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Slash. Born Johnny Allan Hendrix in Seattle in 1942, Jimi had a difficult childhood living in the care of relatives with only sporadic visits to his mother. Music became his sanctuary and in the mid-60s he had his career breakthrough creating The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Renowned for his incredible performances, Jimi played the guitar like never before. Famous for playing the guitar with his teeth and lighting his instrument on fire, Hendrix's innovative and experimental sound won over UK rock royalty and legions of US fans. But there was a dark side to Hendrix, he would become angry and violent after days of mixing alcohol and illicit drugs. Tragically in 1970 he was found dead in a London flat. The real reason behind his death is still disputed. Hendrix managed to change music forever in just four years. With access to key members of Jimi's circle, critically acclaimed writer Mick Wall will deliver an explosive and celebratory biography offering fans a chance to see the real Hendrix and learn the truth behind his untimely death.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Biografie zo sveta filmu a hudby sú fascinujúcou kategóriou literatúry, ktorá sa zameriava na skúmanie života a kariéry osobností zo sveta filmu a hudby. Tieto biografie nám ponúkajú jedinečný pohľad do života slávnych hercov, režisérov, hudobníkov a ďalších tvorcov, a ukazujú nám ich cestu k úspechu, ale aj výzvy, s ktorými sa stretávali.

V biografiách zameraných na film sa dozvieme viac o slávnych hercoch a herečkách, ako napríklad ich detstve, vzdelaní, prvých krokoch vo svete filmu a postupnom stúpaní k vrcholom ich kariéry. Tieto príbehy nám tiež poskytujú pohľad do zákulisia filmových štúdií, natáčacích procesov a vzťahov medzi hercami a režisérmi. Biografie filmových tvorcov a režisérov nám zase umožňujú spoznať ich tvorivý proces, ich vízie a prístup k filmovému umeniu.

Biografie v oblasti hudby sa zameriavajú na životy hudobných ikon, ako sú speváci, skladatelia, hudobní producenti a ďalší umelci. Tieto knihy nám poskytujú podrobný pohľad na ich pôvod, rodinné prostredie, hudobné začiatky a cestu k úspechu. Okrem toho sa dozvieme aj o ich hudobných vplyvoch, tvorivých procesoch, vzniku ikonických albumov a koncertných tour. Biografie hudobníkov nám tak ponúkajú hlbšie porozumenie ich hudobnému odkazu a významu pre populárnu kultúru.

Tieto biografie sú často napísané na základe rozsiahlych rozhovorov so samotnými osobnosťami, ich rodinnými príslušníkmi, priateľmi a spolupracovníkmi. Autori týchto kníh sa snažia čitateľom priblížiť emocionálne a profesionálne aspekty života týchto osobností, a tak nám umožňujú získať hlbší vhľad do ich osobnosti a životného príbehu.