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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - História strana 49 z 58

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.

Decoding Chomsky - Science and Revolutionary Politics

A fresh and fascinating look at the philosophies, politics, and intellectual legacy of one of the twentieth century's most influential and controversial minds Occupying a pivotal position in postwar thought, Noam Chomsky is both the founder of modern linguistics and the world's most prominent political dissident. Chris Knight adopts an anthropologist's perspective on the twin output of this intellectual giant, acclaimed as much for his denunciations of US foreign policy as for his theories about language and mind. Knight explores the social and institutional context of Chomsky's thinking, showing how the tension between military funding and his role as linchpin of the political left pressured him to establish a disconnect between science on the one hand and politics on the other, deepening a split between mind and body characteristic of Western philosophy since the Enlightenment. Provocative, fearless, and engaging, this remarkable study explains the enigma of one of the greatest intellectuals of our time.
26,13 € 27,50 €

Adam Smith

Adam Smith is now widely regarded as 'the father of modern economics' and the most influential economist who ever lived. But what he really thought, and what the implications of his ideas are, remain fiercely contested. Was he an eloquent advocate of capitalism and the freedom of the individual? Or a prime mover of 'market fundamentalism' and an apologist for inequality and human selfishness? Or something else entirely? Jesse Norman's brilliantly conceived \book gives us not just Smith's economics, but his vastly wider intellectual project. Against the turbulent backdrop of Enlightenment Scotland, it lays out a succinct and highly engaging account of Smith's life and times, reviews his work as a whole and traces his influence over the past two centuries. But this book is not only a biography. It dispels the myths and debunks the caricatures that have grown up around Adam Smith. It explores Smith's ideas in detail, from ethics to law to economics and government, and the impact of those ideas on thinkers as diverse as Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich Hayek. Far from being simply an economist, Adam Smith emerges as one of the founders of modern social psychology and behavioural theory. Far from being a doctrinaire 'libertarian' or 'neoliberal' thinker, he offers a strikingly modern evolutionary theory of political economy, which recognises the often complementary roles of markets and the state. At a time when economics and politics are ever more polarized between left and right, this book, by offering a Smithian analysis of contemporary markets, predatory capitalism and the 2008 financial crash, returns us to first principles and shows how the lost centre of modern public debate can be recreated. Through Smith's work, it addresses crucial issues of inequality, human dignity and exploitation; and it provides a compelling explanation of why he remains central to any attempt to defend, reform or renew the market system.
26,13 € 27,50 €

Biografický slovník Českých zemí Fi-Fň

Sedmnáctý sešit Biografického slovníku českých zemí předkládá čtenářům životopisy osobností, jejichž jméno začíná písmeny Fi–Fl, a představuje další svazek rozsáhlého encyklopedického projektu, který vzniká ve spolupráci dnes už s více než stovkou autorů z akademických, univerzitních a dalších pracovišť pod vedením Biografického oddělení Historického ústavu AV ČR. V jeho rámci bude zpracováno na 25 000 biogramů osobností všech dob a oborů lidské činnosti spjatých s českými zeměmi – bez rozdílu etnického původu, jež se narodily, žily a pracovaly v uvedeném teritoriu, a to i pokud zde strávily jen část svého života.
15,64 € 16,46 €

Albert ze Šternberka

Rádce a diplomat ve službách Karla IV., osobnost středoevropské politiky 14. století Mezi důležité spolupracovníky císaře Karla IV. patřil nejvýznamnější příslušník moravské větve rodu Šternberků. Albert absolvoval úspěšnou církevní kariéru, byl olomouckým kanovníkem, poté biskupem v severoněmeckém Zvěříně a v Litomyšli. V roce 1368 se stal magdeburským arcibiskupem a dosáhl tím vrcholu své církevní dráhy, kterou završil opět jako litomyšlský biskup. Albert byl významným diplomatem a důvěrným rádcem císaře Karla, ale také zakladatelem klášterů augustiniánů kanovníků ve Šternberku a kartuziánů v Tržku u Litomyšle. Kniha historiků Davida Papajíka a Tomáše Somera sleduje všechny aspekty Albertova života a působení, včetně správy rodových statků či rozboru vzácných uměleckých děl spojených s Albertovou osobou.
23,27 € 24,49 €

Calamity: The Many Lives of Calamity Jane

A fascinating new account of the life and legend of the Wild West's most notorious woman: Calamity Jane Martha Jane Canary, popularly known as Calamity Jane, was the pistol-packing, rootin' tootin' "lady wildcat" of the American West. Brave and resourceful, she held her own with the men of America's most colorful era and became a celebrity both in her own right and through her association with the likes of Wild Bill Hickok and Buffalo Bill Cody. In this engaging account, Karen Jones takes a fresh look at the story of this iconic frontierswoman. She pieces together what is known of Canary's life and shows how a rough and itinerant lifestyle paved the way for the scattergun, alcohol-fueled heroics that dominated Canary's career. Spanning Canary's rise from humble origins to her role as "heroine of the plains" and the embellishment of her image over subsequent decades, Jones shows her to be feisty, eccentric, transgressive-and very much complicit in the making of the myth that was Calamity Jane.
25,18 € 26,50 €

Válečný chirurg

Publikace Válečný chirurg seznamuje čtenáře s profesními začátky Františka Buriana, zakladatele poúrazové plastické chirurgie. Kniha shrnuje období od roku 1912 do poloviny 20. let. František Burian prožil balkánské války v letech 1912 a 1913 jako dobrovolník v srbském Bělehradu a v bulharské Sofii, kde léčil zraněné vojáky z válečných poranění. Burian velmi pečlivě doplňoval chorobopisy, překresloval rentgenové snímky, aby mohl jednotlivá poranění dokumentovat, a tak v Bulharsku začal rozvíjet nový obor – rekonstrukční plastickou chirurgii –, obor, který jej oslovil na pražské chirurgické klinice. Po vstupu do první světové války působil Burian v uherském Temešváru, kde vedl chirurgické oddělení ve vojenské nemocnici. V kontaktu se svou rodinou je po celou dobu prostřednictvím dopisů, proto významnou část textu tvoří korespondence, kterou si Burian vyměňoval se svou manželkou během obou válek. Z dopisů se mimo osobních sdělení dozvídáme o konkrétních zraněních vojáků a léčebných postupech, také ale o morálních dilematech lékaře uprostřed války a vzniku nového lékařského oboru.
19,65 € 20,68 €

Čas strany

Mění se spolu s ekonomikou i režim v Číně? To je klíčová otázka, která zajímá celý svět. K jejímu zodpovězení je nutné pochopit, jak dnes funguje základní politická složka země Komunistická strana Číny. Pomoci s tím může kniha oceňovaného australského žurnalisty, která poskytuje zasvěcený pohled na poměry v centru moci i na úrovni řadové stranické buňky. Že režim zůstává nadále tuhý, autor dokládá množstvím absurdních zákazů postihujících umění, sdělovací prostředky a nejnověji pochopitelně internet. Při popisu čínského hospodářského rozvoje Callick upozorňuje i na jeho rub v podobě vzniku nového druhy bídy a střetů mezi chudými a bohatými při velkých developerských projektech. V publikaci samozřejmě nechybí ani pohled na odpor proti režimu, i když pokud jde o naději na demokratický zvrat, zůstává autor spíše skeptický.
14,69 € 15,46 €

Piráti Karibiku

Bolívariánská revoluce ve Venezuele obrátila světovou pozornost k Hugu Chávezovi jako čelnému vyzyvateli neoliberalismu a americké zahraniční politiky. Tariq Ali – někdejší dopisovatel Guardianu, čerpající své informace z první ruky i osobních setkání s Chávezem – ukazuje, jak Chávezův pohled polarizoval Latinskou Ameriku, a zkoumá americké nepřátelství vůči jeho vládě. Ali srovnává kubánský a venezuelský revoluční proces, pojednává o výrazném vlivu Fidela Castra na Huga Cháveze, bolívijského prezidenta Eva Moralese a – v tomto aktualizovaném vydání – také na ekvádorského prezidenta Rafaela Correu. Piráti Karibiku, obohaceni četnými odkazy na kulturu Jižní Ameriky, nás provázejí světem ostře rozděleným na privilegované a chudé, kontinentem, který je znovu na pochodu...
14,69 € 15,46 €

Living with Leonardo

Living with Leonardo is a set of highly focused memoirs, a personal journey interwoven with historical research that encapsulates the author’s relationship with Leonardo da Vinci over more than half a century. We learn of his encounters with the vast population that surrounds Leonardo: great and lesser academics, collectors and curators, devious dealers and unctuous auctioneers, major scholars and authors and pseudohistorians and fantasists; but also how he has grappled with swelling legions of ‘Leonardo loonies’, walked on the eggshells of vested interests in academia and museums, and fended off fusillades of non-Leonardos, sometimes more than one a week. Kemp leads us through his thinking on the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa, retells his part in the identification of the stolen Buccleuch Madonna and explains his involvement with and his theories on the two major Leonardo discoveries of the last 100 years, one of which plummeted into controversy (La Bella Principessa), while the other underwent a rapid ascent into widespread acceptance (Salvator Mundi). We learn firsthand of the thorny questions that surround attribution, the scientific analyses that support the experts’ interpretations, and the continuing importance of connoisseurship. Throughout, from the most scholarly interpretations to the popularity of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code, we are reminded of Leonardo’s rare genius and wonder at how an artist from 500 years ago continues to make such compelling posthumous demands on all those who engage with him. Table of Contents Preface and Acknowledgements Introduction: Art History in Action Prologue: a Sketch of Leonardo 1. The Last Supper and the First Steps 2. The “Original” Last Supper 3. Looking at Lisa 4. The Stolen Madonna 5. The Beautiful Princess 6. Ugly Arguments 7. The Saviour 8. Science and Seeing 9. Codices and Computers 10. Exhibitions 11. Codes and Conjectures
24,23 € 25,50 €

Raising Trump

In Raising Trump, Ivana Trump reflects on her extraordinary life and the raising of her three children--Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka--and recounts the lessons she taught her children as they were growing up. As her former husband takes his place as the 45th President of the United States, his children have also been thrust into the media spotlight--but it is Ivana who raised them and proudly instilled in them what she believes to be the most important life lessons: loyalty, honesty, integrity, and drive. Raising Trump is a non-partisan, non-political book about motherhood, strength, and resilience. Though Ivana writes about her childhood in communist Czechoslovakia, her escape from the regime and relocation to New York, her whirlwind romance, and her great success as a businesswoman, the focus of the book is devoted to Ivana's raising of her children. Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, and Ivanka Trump will all contribute their own memories to the book. "Every day, people ask me how I raised such great kids. They are truly amazed when I tell them that there was no magic to their upbringing. I was a tough and loving mother who taught them the value of a dollar, not to lie, cheat, or steal, respect for others, and other life lessons that I'll share now in Raising Trump, along with unfiltered personal stories about Don, Eric, and Ivanka from their early childhood to becoming the 'first sons and daughter.'" --Ivana Trump
24,23 € 25,50 €

Avenue Of Spies

The best-selling author of "The Liberator" brings to life the incredible true story of an American doctor in Paris, and his heroic espionage efforts during World War II The leafy Avenue Foch, one of the most exclusive residential streets in Nazi-occupied France, was Paris's hotbed of daring spies, murderous secret police, amoral informers, and Vichy collaborators. So when American physician Sumner Jackson, who lived with his wife and young son Phillip at Number 11, found himself drawn into the Liberation network of the French resistance, he knew the stakes were impossibly high. Just down the road at Number 31 was the "mad sadist" Theodor Dannecker, an Eichmann protege charged with deporting French Jews to concentration camps. And Number 84 housed the Parisian headquarters of the Gestapo, run by the most effective spy hunter in Nazi Germany. From his office at the American Hospital, itself an epicenter of Allied and Axis intrigue, Jackson smuggled fallen Allied fighter pilots safely out of France, a job complicated by the hospital director's close ties to collaborationist Vichy. After witnessing the brutal round-up of his Jewish friends, Jackson invited Liberation to officially operate out of his home at Number 11--but the noose soon began to tighten. When his secret life was discovered by his Nazi neighbors, he and his family were forced to undertake a journey into the dark heart of the war-torn continent from which there was little chance of return. Drawing upon a wealth of primary source material and extensive interviews with Phillip Jackson, Alex Kershaw recreates the City of Light during its darkest days. The untold story of the Jackson family anchors the suspenseful narrative, and Kershaw dazzles readers with the vivid immediacy of the best spy thrillers. Awash with the tense atmosphere of World War II's Europe, "Avenue of Spies" introduces us to the brave doctor who risked everything to defy Hitler."
23,28 € 24,50 €

The First Nazi

General Erich Ludendorff was one of the most important military individuals of the last century, yet today, he is one of the least known. One of the top two German generals of World War I, Ludendorff dominated not only his superior-General Paul von Hindenburg-but also Germany's head of state, Kaiser Wilhelm II. For years, Ludendorff was the military dictator of Germany. He not only commanded all aspects of World War I, he refused every opportunity to make peace; he antagonised the Americans until they declared war; he sent Lenin into Russia to forge a revolution to shut down the Russian front; and pushed for total military victory in 1918 in a rabid slaughter known as "The Ludendorff Offensive." Shortly after Germany lost the War in 1918, Ludendorff created the murderous legend that Germany had lost the war only because Jews had conspired on the home front. He soon forged an alliance with Hitler, endorsed the Nazis, and wrote maniacally about how Germans needed a new world war to redeem the Fatherland. This savage man had staggering designs to build a gigantic state that would dwarf even the British Empire. Quite simply, Ludendorff wanted the world and was instrumental in both world wars and the Russian Revolution, changing the 20th century beyond recognition.
23,28 € 24,50 €

Letters for the Ages

Here are some of the best of Churchill's letters, many of a more personal and intimate nature, presented in chronological order, with a preface to each letter explaining the context. The recipients include a vast range of people, including his schoolmaster, his American grandmother and former President Eisenhower. They are taken from within the Churchill Archive in Cambridge, where there is a mass of Churchill's correspondence. Several of the letters included have never appeared in book form before. Winston Churchill has become an iconic figure greatly loved the world over, but maybe especially these days in the USA. Churchill understood the power of words and he used his writing to sustain and complement his political career, publishing over 40 books and receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953. This volume concentrates on his more intimate words. It seeks to show the private man behind the public figure and introduce fresh light on Churchill's character and personality by capturing the drama, immediacy, storms, depressions, passions and challenges of Churchill's extraordinary career. Churchill was neither a god nor a demon. Through these letters we see him as a human being with human emotions, frailties and a large ego. He was not always right. He held strong opinions and was often provocative. These letters take us into his world and allow us to follow the changes in his motivations and beliefs as he navigates his 90 years. There are intimate letters to his parents, his teacher at Harrow, Louis de Souza (Boer Secretary of State for War), his wife Clementine, Prime Minister Asquith, Lord Northcliffe, Anthony Eden, President Roosevelt, Eamon De Valera, the French Socialist Prime Minister Léon Blum and Charles De Gaulle. These are letters of a personal nature and are most illuminating. They are enhanced by facsimiles of the letters and images which appear throughout the book, helping the reader to envisage a sense of Churchill in his most private moments.
22,33 € 23,50 €

Hitler - Volume I: Ascent 1889-1939

Despite his status as the most despised political figure in history, there have only been four serious biographies of Hitler since the 1930s. Even more surprisingly, his biographers have been more interested in his rise to power and his methods of leadership than in Hitler the person: some have even declared that the Fuhrer had no private life. Yet to render Hitler as a political animal with no personality to speak of, as a man of limited intelligence and poor social skills, fails to explain the spell that he cast not only on those close to him but on the German people as a whole. In the first volume of this monumental biography, Volker Ullrich sets out to correct our perception of the Fuhrer. While charting in detail Hitler's life from his childhood to the eve of the Second World War against the politics of the times, Ullrich unveils the man behind the public persona: his charming and repulsive traits, his talents and weaknesses, his deep-seated insecurities and murderous passions. Drawing on a wealth of previously neglected or unavailable sources, this magisterial study provides the most rounded portrait of Hitler to date. Ullrich renders the Fuhrer not as a psychopath but as a master of seduction and guile - and it is perhaps the complexity of his character that explains his enigmatic grip on the German people more convincingly than the cliched image of the monster. This definitive biography will forever change the way we look at the man who took the world into the abyss.
22,33 € 23,50 €

My Life

President Bill Clinton's My Life is the strikingly candid self-portrait of a world leader who decided in early life to devote his intellectual and political gifts, and his extraordinary capacity for hard work, to serving the people of America and the entire world population. It is the fullest, most concretely detailed, most nuanced account of a presidency ever written, and a testament to the positive impact that his work and his political ideals had on America and on the world. Here is the life of a great national and international figure, revealed with all his talents and contradictions. Filled with fascinating moments and insights, it is told openly, directly, in President Clinton's immediately recognisable voice. A fascinating journey through American politics, and one of the world's most famous politicians, and popular presidents.
22,33 € 23,50 €

The Tudors in Love

Why did Henry VIII marry six times? Why did Anne Boleyn have to die? Why did Elizabeth I’s courtiers hail her as a goddess come to earth? The dramas of courtly love have captivated centuries of readers and dreamers. Yet too often they’re dismissed as something existing only in books and song – those old legends of King Arthur and chivalric fantasy. Not so. In this ground-breaking history, Sarah Gristwood reveals the way courtly love made and marred the Tudor dynasty. From Henry VIII declaring himself as the ‘loyal and most assured servant’ of Anne Boleyn to Elizabeth I’s poems to her suitors, the Tudors re-enacted the roles of the devoted lovers and capricious mistresses first laid out in the romances of medieval literature. The Tudors in Love dissects the codes of love, desire and power, unveiling romantic obsessions that have shaped the history of this nation.
22,33 € 23,50 €

Washingtoni emlékeim

Az ??amerikai Délről jövő, alabamai fekete értelmiségi családból származó Condoleezza Rice 2000-ben került George W. Bush kampánystábjába. A republikánusok győzelme után 2001-től nemzetbiztonsági tanácsadóként, 2005-től 2009-ig pedig külügyminiszterként volt tagja az elnök első és második adminisztrációjának. Memoárjában e nyolc mozgalmas évéről mesél: azokról a legfelső szinten zajló vitákról, amelyek a 2001. szeptember 11-i terrortámadások után az afganisztáni és az iraki katonai beavatkozásokhoz vezettek, továbbá az amerikai kormányzat első számú diplomatájaként tett folyamatos utazásairól is, amelyek során közös nevezőt kellett találnia a szemben álló felek között, mérsékelnie a diktatórikus rezsimek által jelentett veszélyt, vagy épp előmozdítania a demokratikus kormányok hatalomra kerülését szerte a világon. Visszaemlékezései révén egy több száz éves demokratikus hagyománnyal rendelkező ország diplomáciájának napi működését ismerhetjük meg, közelképeket kapva olyan vezető politikusokról, tárgyalópartnerekről vagy diktátorokról, akikről naponta hallunk a hírekben, és beléphetünk azokba a tárgyalószobákba, ahol emberek millióinak sorsát meghatározó, történelmi döntések születnek.
15,27 € 16,07 €

Törvény, jog, igazság

"Széll Kálmán Terv. Széll Kálmán tér. Hosszú évtizedek után néhány éve került be ismét a köztudatba Széll Kálmán alakja. Mivel igen keveset tudtunk róla, még az is felmerült, hogy a ma számára érdektelen, korszakában átlagos politikusról lenne szó. Holott az előző századforduló miniszterelnöke korának nem csupán legfontosabb politikai vezetői közé tartozott, de pályafutása is igen sokban különbözött a dualizmus kori magyar politikusokétól. Igaz, a Széll alakjával kapcsolatos lekicsinylő értékelések valahol érthetőek, hiszen 1943-ban jelent meg róla utoljára életrajzi munka, s az sem felelt meg a modern tudományosság elvárásainak. Kötetünkben Széll hosszú és sokoldalú közéleti pályafutásának minden fontos elemét feldolgozták történész szerzőink. A tudományos pontossággal megírt tanulmányok nem csupán Széll életének legismertebb korszakaival foglalkoznak. Az államháztartást stabilizáló pénzügyminiszter és az ellenzékkel békés viszonyt kialakító miniszterelnök mellett megismerhetjük a bankárt, a korszerűen gazdálkodó földbirtokost vagy a pályája csúcsán már túljutott, tekintélyes veterán államférfit is. Aki tehát kíváncsi arra, ki volt , és mit tett Széll Kálmán, kötetünkben találhatja meg a ma elérhető legalaposabb válaszokat. Kívánom az Olvasónak, hogy haszonnal forgassa a 2015-ben éppen száz évvel ezelőtt elhunyt egykori pénzügyminiszter és miniszterelnök Széll Kálmán életét és munkásságát bemutató kötetet." (ifj. Bertényi Iván)
15,27 € 16,07 €

Szálasi Ferenc - Politikai életrajz

A szerző minden tekintetben reális képet kínál olvasóinak Szálasi politikai életrajzának megírásakor, kitér életének ismert és rejtélyes mozzanataira, milyen volt (magán)emberként, miért hagyta ott a biztos karrierrel kecsegtető katonai pályát, miért lett politikus. A monográfia hatalmas mennyiségű, köztük számos új forráson alapul, annotált névmutató és illusztrációk egészítik ki.
15,27 € 16,07 €

Biografie z kategórie história sa zameriavajú na opis a skúmanie životov významných historických osobností. Tieto knihy nám ponúkajú pohľad do života a príbehov jednotlivcov, ktorí zohrali dôležitú úlohu vo vývoji spoločnosti, politiky, vedy, umenia alebo iných oblastí.

V biografiách sa často rozoberajú naratívne aspekty životov jednotlivcov, od ich raného detstva a rodinného prostredia až po ich dospelosť a významné činy. Autori týchto kníh sa zaoberajú históriou a využívajú primárne a sekundárne zdroje, ako sú denníky, listy, rozhovory, oficiálne dokumenty a vedecké štúdie, aby rekonštruovali životné príbehy týchto osobností.

Historické životopisy nám umožňujú preniknúť do mysle a srdca týchto osobností a porozumieť ich motivácií, rozhodnutiam a vplyvu na svet okolo nich. Tieto knihy nám tiež poskytujú historický kontext a rámec, v ktorom tieto osobnosti pôsobili, a umožňujú nám vidieť, ako ich životné príbehy zapadajú do širších dejín.