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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Politika strana 6 z 8

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.


When Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union in 1985, the USSR. was one of the world's two superpowers. By 1989, his liberal policies of perestroika and glasnost had permanently transformed Soviet Communism, and had made enemies of radicals on the right and left. By 1990 he, more than anyone else, had ended the Cold War, and in 1991, after barely escaping from a coup attempt, he unintentionally presided over the collapse of the Soviet Union he had tried to save. In the first comprehensive biography of the final Soviet leader, William Taubman shows how a peasant boy became the Soviet system's gravedigger, how he clambered to the top of a system designed to keep people like him down, how he found common ground with America's arch-conservative president Ronald Reagan, and how he permitted the USSR and its East European empire to break apart without using force to preserve them. Throughout, Taubman portrays the many sides of Gorbachev's unique character that, by Gorbachev's own admission, make him "difficult to understand." Was he in fact a truly great leader, or was he brought low in the end by his own shortcomings, as well as by the unyielding forces he faced? Drawing on interviews with Gorbachev himself, transcripts and documents from the Russian archives, and interviews with Kremlin aides and adversaries, as well as foreign leaders, Taubman's intensely personal portrait extends to Gorbachev's remarkable marriage to a woman he deeply loved, and to the family that they raised together. Nuanced and poignant, yet unsparing and honest, this sweeping account has all the amplitude of a great Russian novel.
17,05 € 17,95 €

Ján Langoš. Od samizdatov a VPN k dikumentom ŠtB a ÚPN

Monografia Ján Langoš. Od samizdatov a VPN k dokumentom ŠtB a ÚPN, ktorú napísal historik Patrik Dubovský, prináša mozaiku aktivít Jána Langoša od 80. rokov minulého storočia, keď sa angažoval v nonkonformných skupinách najmä pri tvorbe kultúrno-občianskych samizdatov a v Hnutí za občiansku slobodu. Autor predstavuje Jána Langoša ako neľahostajného človeka a občana s vyhraneným kritickým postojom k pálčivým spoločenským a morálnym témam, ako boli devastácia životného prostredia, antisemitizmus, chartistické hnutie či aktivity neoficiálnej cirkvi. Nad týmito, ale aj nad ďalšími témami sa Ján Langoš veľmi otvorene zamýšľal v samizdatovej tvorbe, ako i v neformálnych diskusiách. Občianske aktivity a myšlienky Jána Langoša kontinuálne našli uplatnenie v hnutí Verejnosť proti násiliu (VPN) a po zmene režimu najmä pri vyrovnávaní sa s reprezentantmi komunistickej moci, nomenklatúrou KSČ a jej represívnou zložkou ako Štátna bezpečnosť a jej tajní spolupracovníci. Langošova ochota zapojiť sa do reforiem spoločnosti sa prejavila jeho prácou vo Federálnom zhromaždení, vo VPN ako politickej strane a tiež po voľbách v roku 1990 v náročnej funkcii federálneho ministra vnútra. Na poste federálneho ministra sa Ján Langoš podstatne zaslúžil o očistu ministerstva vnútra od príslušníkov ŠtB a komunistických kádrov a presadil lustračný zákon. Po rozdelení ČSFR Ján Langoš s priateľmi založil Stálu konferenciu občianskeho inštitútu, stál sa poslancom Národnej rady SR a podieľal sa najmä na presadení zákona o slobodnom prístupe k informáciám. Zároveň sa stál predsedom Demokratickej strany (DS), ktorá v rámci Slovenskej demokratickej koalície (SDK) v roku 1998 vytvorila novú politickú garnitúru. Vyvrcholením aktivít Jána Langoša bola inštitucionalizovanie jeho dlhoročného plánu – vytvoriť právny a spoločenský základ na vyrovnanie sa s oboma totalitami našich dejín. V tomto duchu kniha zaznamenáva dramatický čas, keď sa Jánovi Langošovi v lete 2002 podarilo v NR SR presadiť zákon o pamäti národa a o zriadení Ústavu pamäti národa (ÚPN). Po prvých rokov fungovania ÚPN sa táto pamäťová inštitúcia stabilizovala a rozvinula svoje poslanie, no Ján Langoš v júni 2006 tragicky zomiera. Uzatvoril sa tak oblúk od zápasu s režimom ŠtB a KSČ až po etablovanie ÚPN a sprístupnenie dokumentov obávanej ŠtB verejnosti.
18,00 € 18,95 €

The Strongman : Vladimir Putin and the Struggle for Russia

Vladimir Putin has turned Russia from fledgling democracy into a police state, and in 2020 a constitutional change gave him the means to stay in power until 2036. In this acclaimed political biography, former BBC Moscow correspondent Angus Roxburgh charts the dramatic fight for Russia's future under Putin. Roxburgh shows how the former KGB man evolved from reformer to autocrat, how he sought the West's respect but earned its fear and contempt. Drawing on dozens of exclusive interviews in Russia, where he worked for a time as a Kremlin insider advising Putin on press relations, as well as in the US and Europe, Roxburgh also argues that the West threw away chances to bring Russia in from the cold, by failing to understand its fears and aspirations following the collapse of communism. This updated edition includes new chapters on Putin and Donald Trump, on Russia's wars in Ukraine and Syria, and on Putin's ruthless attempt to rout all political opposition.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Red Roulette

In the headline-making and bestselling tradition of Bill Browder's Red Notice comes a unique and incendiary memoir from an entrepreneur who rose to the zenith of power and money in 21st century China and whose wife was disappeared - and then mysteriously reappeared four years later on the eve of Red Roulette's publication and global media coverage about it. As Desmond Shum was growing up impoverished in China, he vowed his life would be different. Through hard work and sheer tenacity, he earned an American college degree and returned to his native country to establish himself in business. There, he met his future wife, the highly intelligent and equally ambitious Whitney Duan who was determined to make her mark within China's male-dominated society. Whitney and Desmond formed an effective team and, aided by relationships they formed with top members of China's Communist Party, the so-called Red Aristocracy, he vaulted into China's billionaire class. Soon they were developing the massive air cargo facility at Beijing International Airport, and they followed that feat with the creation of one of Beijing's premier hotels. They were dazzlingly successful, travelling in private jets, funding multi-million-dollar buildings and endowments, and purchasing expensive homes, vehicles and art. But in 2017, their fates diverged irrevocably when Desmond, while living overseas with his son, learned that his now ex-wife Whitney had vanished along with three co-workers. In Red Roulette Desmond Shum pulls back the curtain on China's ruling elite and reveals the real truth of what is happening inside China's wealth-making machine. This is both Desmond's story and Whitney's, because she has not been able to tell it herself.
18,00 € 18,95 €


Vladimir Putin is a pariah to the West. Alone among world leaders, he has the power to reduce the United States and Europe to ashes in a nuclear firestorm and has threatened to do so. He invades his neighbours, most recently Ukraine, meddles in western elections and orders assassinations inside and outside Russia. The regime he heads is autocratic and corrupt. Yet many Russians continue to support him. Despite western sanctions, the majority have been living better than at any time in the past. By fair means or foul, under Putin's leadership, Russia has once again become a force to be reckoned with. Philip Short's magisterial biography explores in unprecedented depth the personality of its enigmatic and ruthless leader and demolishes many of our preconceptions about Putin's Russia. Since becoming President in 2000, his obsession has been to restore Russia's status as a great power, unbound by western rules. What forces and experiences shaped him? What led him to challenge the American-led world order that has kept the peace since the end of the Cold War? To explain is not to justify. Putin's regime is dark. He pursues his goals relentlessly by whatever means he thinks fit. But on closer examination, much of what we think we know about him turns out to rest on half-truths. This book is as close as we will come to understanding Russia's ruler. It also makes us revise long-held assumptions about the course of global politics since the end of the Cold War.
18,00 € 18,95 €

The Hong Kong Diaries

The diaries of the last British Governor of Hong Kong, published on the 25th anniversary of the handover In June 1992 Chris Patten went to Hong Kong as the last British governor, to try to prepare it not (as other British colonies over the decades) for independence, but for handing back in 1997 to the Chinese, from whom most of its territory had been leased 99 years previously. Over the next five years he kept this diary, which describes in detail how Hong Kong was run as a British colony and what happened as the handover approached. The book gives unprecedented insights into negotiating with the Chinese, about how the institutions of democracy in Hong Kong were (belatedly) strengthened and how Patten sought to ensure that a strong degree of self-government would continue after 1997. Unexpectedly, his opponents included not only the Chinese themselves, but some British businessmen and civil service mandarins upset by Patten's efforts, for whom political freedom and the rule of law in Hong Kong seemed less important than keeping on the right side of Beijing. The book concludes with an account of what has happened in Hong Kong since the handover, a powerful assessment of recent events and Patten's reflections on how to deal with China - then and now.
18,95 € 19,95 €

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt

This classic biography is the story of seven men--a naturalist, a writer, a lover, a hunter, a ranchman, a soldier, and a politician--who merged at age forty-two to become the youngest President in history. The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt begins at the apex of his international prestige. That was on New Year's Day, 1907, when TR, who had just won the Nobel Peace Prize, threw open the doors of the White House to the American people and shook 8,150 hands. One visitor remarked afterward, "You go to the White House, you shake hands with Roosevelt and hear him talk--and then you go home to wring the personality out of your clothes." The rest of this book tells the story of TR's irresistible rise to power. During the years 1858-1901, Theodore Roosevelt transformed himself from a frail, asthmatic boy into a full-blooded man. Fresh out of Harvard, he simultaneously published a distinguished work of naval history and became the fist-swinging leader of a Republican insurgency in the New York State Assembly. He chased thieves across the Badlands of North Dakota with a copy of Anna Karenina in one hand and a Winchester rifle in the other. Married to his childhood sweetheart in 1886, he became the country squire of Sagamore Hill on Long Island, a flamboyant civil service reformer in Washington, D.C., and a night-stalking police commissioner in New York City. As assistant secretary of the navy, he almost single-handedly brought about the Spanish-American War. After leading "Roosevelt's Rough Riders" in the famous charge up San Juan Hill, Cuba, he returned home a military hero, and was rewarded with the governorship of New York. In what he called his "spare hours" he fathered six children and wrote fourteen books. By 1901, the man Senator Mark Hanna called "that damned cowboy" was vice president. Seven months later, an assassin's bullet gave TR the national leadership he had always craved. His is a story so prodigal in its variety, so surprising in its turns of fate, that previous biographers have treated it as a series of haphazard episodes. This book, the only full study of TR's pre-presidential years, shows that he was an inevitable chief executive. "It was as if he were subconsciously aware that he was a man of many selves," the author writes, "and set about developing each one in turn, knowing that one day he would be President of all the people."
20,85 € 21,95 €
  • 5 /5

Gorbacsov titkai 2. kiadás

Zolczer János tévéproducer 2003-ban elhatározta, hogy Mihail Gorbacsov -a Szovjetúnió utolsó vezetője - közreműködésével bemutatja az 1980-as évek legfontosabb politikusait. Ezzel egyedűlálló újságírói produkciót hajtott véghez: több napra egy asztalhoz ültette a kor meghatározó politikusait. Együtt élt velük és közösen látogatták meg életük fontos helyszíneit. Gorbacsovval együtt heteket töltött George Busch elnöknél,Helmut Kohl kancellárnál, Simon Peresz államfőnél, Hans-Dietrich Genscher külügyminiszternél.....Így módjában volt az egyes történelmi eseményekről -hármasban!-kideríteni az "ojektív igazságot,,. Ilyen formában ez másnak még nem sikerült. A filmforgatás során közvetlen, személyes kapcsolat alakult ki a szerző és gorbacsov között,amely már húsz éve tart. Zolczer János 36 történetben meséli el a Szovjetúnió és a világ nagyhatalmainak,,szigoruan titkos" dolgait, azok működési mechanizmusát, a kommunizmus szörnyűségeit. A volt szovjet elnökkel közösen leplezik le a 80-as évek világpolitikáját.
21,42 € 22,55 €

Jacinda Ardern

Jacinda Ardern was swept to office in 2017 on a wave of popular enthusiasm dubbed 'Jacindamania'. In less than three months, she rose from deputy leader of the opposition to New Zealand's highest office. Her victory seemed heroic. Few in politics would have believed it possible; fewer still would have guessed at her resolve and compassionate leadership, which, in the wake of the horrific Christchurch mosque shootings of March 2019, brought her international acclaim. Since then, her decisive handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has seen her worldwide standing rise to the point where she is now celebrated as a model leader. In 2020 she won an historic, landslide victory and yet, characteristically, chose to govern in coalition with the Green Party. Jacinda Ardern: Leading with Empathy carefully explores the influences - personal, social, political and emotional - that have shaped Ardern. Peace activist and journalist Supriya Vani and writer Carl A. Harte build their narrative through Vani's exclusive interviews with Ardern, as well as the prime minister's public statements and speeches and the words of those who know her. We visit the places, meet the people and understand the events that propelled the daughter of a small-town Mormon policeman to become a committed social democrat, a passionate Labour Party politician and a modern leader admired for her empathy and courage.
22,75 € 23,95 €

Elizabeth and Margaret

They were the closest of sisters and the best of friends. But when, in a quixotic twist of fate, their uncle Edward VIII decided to abdicate the throne, the dynamic between Elizabeth and Margaret was dramatically altered. Forever more, Margaret would have to curtsey to the sister she called 'Lillibet'. And bow to her wishes. Elizabeth would always look upon her younger sister's antics with a kind of stoical amusement but Margaret's struggle to find a place and position inside the royal system - and her fraught relationship with its expectations - was often a source of tension. Famously, the Queen had to inform Margaret that the Church and government would not countenance her marrying a divorcee, Group Captain Peter Townsend, forcing Margaret to choose between keeping her title and royal allowances or her divorcee lover. From the idyll of their cloistered early life, through their hidden wartime lives, into the divergent paths they took following their father's death and Elizabeth's ascension to the throne, this book explores their relationship over the years. Andrew Morton, renowned bestselling author of Diana: Her True Story, offers unique insight into these two drastically different sisters - one resigned to duty and responsibility, the other resistant to it - and the lasting impact they have had on the Crown, the royal family and the way it has adapted to the changing mores of the twentieth century.
22,75 € 23,95 €


The dramatic story of a man who stood at the center of British intelligence operations, the ultimate spymaster of World War Two: Thomas Kendrick Thomas Kendrick (1881-1972) was central to the British Secret Service from its beginnings through to the Second World War. Under the guise of "British Passport Officer," he ran spy networks across Europe, facilitated the escape of Austrian Jews, and later went on to set up the "M Room," a listening operation which elicited information of the same significance and scope as Bletchley Park. Yet the work of Kendrick, and its full significance, remains largely unknown. Helen Fry draws on extensive original research to tell the story of this remarkable British intelligence officer. Kendrick's life sheds light on the development of MI6 itself-he was one of the few men to serve Britain across three wars, two of which while working for the British Secret Service. Fry explores the private and public sides of Kendrick, revealing him to be the epitome of the "English gent"-easily able to charm those around him and scrupulously secretive.
26,55 € 27,95 €

Margaret Thatcherová

Neuvěřitelně podrobný, fundovaný a zároveň neobyčejně živý popis zrození moci zosobněné ženou, která změnila Velkou Británii i svět konce 20. století. Autorizovaná biografie Margaret Thatcherové přináší neobyčejně barvitý obraz života jedné z nejmocnějších žen v historii lidstva. Fascinující pohled na intimní aspekty přeměny Velké Británie a světa ve druhé polovině dvacátého století vychází z mnoha dosud neznámých pramenů: osobních dopisů, deníků i výpovědí blízkých kolegů a přátel, kteří s autorem mluvili zcela otevřeně, neboť věděli, že jejich výpovědi bude publikovat až po smrti lady Thatcherové. Charles Moore ke své hrdince chová zřejmou úctu, v žádném případě však nezůstává nekritický. Svůj materiál třídí se smyslem pro detail i širší souvislosti a interpretuje jej se svébytným smyslem pro humor. První díl začíná narozením Margaret Richardsové v rodině metodistického kupce v anglickém venkovském městečku a končí vítězstvím Železné Lady ve válce o Falklandy roku 1982, kdy podle mnohých vystoupala až na vrchol moci.
52,20 € 54,95 €

Kissinger podle Kissingera - Úvahy o diplomacii, strategickém výhledu a umění vést

Legendární diplomat Henry Kissinger, poradce amerických prezidentů Richarda Nixona a Geralda Forda, stál uprostřed nejdůležitějších jednání studené války. Je rovněž autorem mnoha rozsáhlých publikací o mezinárodních vztazích, v nichž precizně rozebírá detaily a analyzuje relevantní historické paralely. Kniha Kissinger podle Kissingera je jiná. Je to záznam rozhovorů, které s Kissingerem vedl jeho blízký spolupracovník Winston Lord. Ze vzpomínání obou veteránů vzniklo koncentrované a názorné svědectví o umění diplomacie. Znalci Kissingerova díla ocení osobní zkušenost z hvězdných hodin americké politiky, ostatním kniha poslouží jako čtivý úvod do Kissingerova brilantního uvažování. „Kissingerovo myšlení vychází z klasického politického realismu. Není utopickým snílkem ani bezbřehým idealistou. Je realista a pragmatik, který věří, že prostředkem k dosažení bezpečnosti a prosperity států a jejich mírové koexistence je respekt k zájmům soupeře a rovnováha sil mezi klíčovými státními aktéry. Je v tom celý život konzistentní a podklady pro své úvahy čerpá ze studia a poznání evropských dějin.“ Alexandr Vondra, bývalý ministr zahraničí a ministr obrany, poslanec Evropského parlamentu
12,73 € 13,40 €

Vladimír Putin

Kdo je ve skutečnosti Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin? Autor této knihy odpovídá na položenou otázku z pozice nestranného badatele. Odložil všechna klišé a stereotypy, jež byly nakupeny kolem osoby ruského státníka a utvářejí jeho zjednodušený a jednostranný obraz. Frédéric Pons je realista, odpůrce historické manipulace, stoupenec objektivity a pravdivých faktů. Krok za krokem odhaluje osobnost Vladimira Putina od raného dětství do současnosti. Do detailů zachycuje jeho vývoj a myšlenkové zrání na životní cestě, odhaluje příčiny jeho rozhodování a konání ve všech etapách kariéry, v zásadních situacích, před které ho život i funkce postavily. Pons nevytváří žádnou legendu ani oslavný spisek; oprávněnost jeho kritiky vůči umělému, nekonstruktivnímu a nebezpečnému postoji Západu k Rusku logicky vyvěrá z jeho historické analýzy. Je věcným autorem, který se opírá o důkladné pramenné studium. Pracuje jemným a jasným stylem, je otevřený, nevyhýbá se ožehavým tématům. Pokud předkládá souvislosti a vyvozuje závěry, opět je nechává vyplynout z daných faktů. Prezidentův osobnostní portrét se Ponsovi podařilo zachytit na pozadí ruských dějin; události, jimiž si Rusko muselo projít, mu pomáhají osvětlit Putinovo myšlení a činy jako uvažování a konání vlastence, který hájí zájmy svého státu.
15,58 € 16,40 €


Leonid Brezhnev was leader of the Soviet Union for eighteen years, a term of leadership second only in length to that of Stalin. He presided over the Brezhnev Doctrine, which accelerated the Cold War, and led the Soviet Union through catastrophic foreign policy decisions such as the invasion of Afghanistan. To many in the West, he is responsible for the stagnation (and to some even collapse) of the Soviet Union. But much of this history has been based on the only two English-language biographies (both published before Brezhnev's death and without access to archival sources) and Brezhnev's own astonishingly untrue memoirs - written for propaganda purposes. Newly translated from German, Schattenberg's magisterial book systematically dismantles the stereotypical and one-dimensional view of Brezhnev as the stagnating Stalinist by drawing on a wealth of archival research and documents not previously studied in English. The Brezhnev that emerges is a complex one, from his early apolitical years, when he dreamed of becoming an actor, through his swift and surprising rise through the Party ranks. From his hitherto misunderstood role in Khrushchev's ousting and appointment as his successor, to his somewhat pro-Western foreign policy aims, deft consolidation and management of power, and ultimate descent into addiction and untimely death. For Schattenberg, this is the story of a flawed and ineffectual idealist - for the West, this biography makes a convincing case that Brezhnev should be reappraised as one of the most interesting and important political figures of the twentieth century.
31,83 € 33,50 €

The Chancellor : The Remarkable Odyssey of Angela Merkel

'An intimate, insightful portrait of an extraordinarily private leader' WALTER ISAACSON From the bestselling author of Enemies of the People An intimate and deeply researched account of the extraordinary rise and political brilliance of the most powerful - and elusive - woman in the world. Angela Merkel has always been an outsider. A pastor's daughter raised in Soviet-controlled East Germany, she spent her twenties working as a research chemist, only entering politics after the fall of the Berlin Wall. And yet within fifteen years, she had become chancellor of Germany and, before long, the unofficial leader of the West. Acclaimed author Kati Marton sets out to pierce the mystery of this unlikely ascent. With unparalleled access to the chancellor's inner circle and a trove of records only recently come to light, she teases out the unique political genius that is the secret to Merkel's success. No other modern leader has so ably confronted authoritarian aggression, enacted daring social policies and calmly unified an entire continent in an era when countries are becoming only more divided. Again and again, she's cleverly outmanoeuvred strongmen like Putin and Trump, and weathered surprisingly complicated relationships with allies like Obama and Macron. Famously private, the woman who emerges from these pages is a role model for anyone interested in gaining and keeping power while staying true to one's moral convictions. At once a riveting political biography, an intimate human portrait and a revelatory look at successful leadership in action, The Chancellor brings forth from the shadows one of the most extraordinary women of our time.
29,93 € 31,50 €

Bhutto Dynasty: The Struggle for Power in Pakistan

A major new investigation into the Bhutto family, examining their influence in Pakistan from the colonial era to the present day"Fluently written, impeccably researched and never short of extraordinary insights, this is a landmark publication."-Farzana Shaikh, Literary Review The Bhutto family has long been one of the most ambitious and powerful in Pakistan. But politics has cost the Bhuttos dear. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, widely regarded as the most talented politician in the country's history, was removed from power in 1977 and executed two years later, at the age of 51. Of his four children, three met unnatural deaths: Shahnawaz was poisoned in 1985 at the age of 27; Murtaza was shot by the police outside his home in 1996, aged 42; and Benazir Bhutto, who led the Pakistan Peoples Party and became Prime Minister twice, was killed by a suicide bomber in Rawalpindi in 2007, aged 54. Drawing on original research and unpublished documents gathered over twenty years, Owen Bennett-Jones explores the turbulent existence of this extraordinary family, including their volatile relationship with British colonialists, the Pakistani armed forces, and the United States.
26,13 € 27,50 €
  • 5 /5

Gustáv Husák

Nová Husákova biografie z pera historika Michala Macháčka sleduje dlouhou kariéru posledního prezidenta komunistického Československa od samých počátků, zaměřuje se na Husákův původ a rodinné zázemí, mládí, studia a vstup do Komunistické strany Československa, jeho působení za války a za Slovenského národního povstání, v poválečné politice, jeho odsouzení v procesu se slovenskými „buržoazními nacionalisty“, úspěšně završené úsilí o rehabilitaci a postupný návrat na mocenské výsluní.
23,27 € 24,49 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Dead Are Arising: The Life of Malcolm X

A landmark biography of one of the twentieth century's most compelling figures, rewriting much of the known narrative. Les Payne, the renowned Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist, embarked in 1990 on a nearly thirty-year-long quest to interview anyone he could find who had actually known Malcolm X - including siblings, classmates, friends, cellmates, FBI moles and cops, and political leaders around the world. His goal was ambitious: to transform what would become hundreds of hours of interviews into a portrait that would separate fact from fiction. The result is this magisterial work that conjures a never-before-seen world of its protagonist, whose title is inspired by a phrase Malcolm X used when he saw his followers stir with purpose to overcome the obstacles of racism. Setting his life not only within the political struggles of his day but also against the larger backdrop of American history, this remarkable masterpiece traces his path from street criminal to devoted moralist and revolutionary. An author who saw Malcolm X speak and could not stand the phrase 'we may never know', Payne writes cinematically from start to finish and delivers extraordinary revelations - from a hair-raising scene of Malcolm's clandestine meeting with the KKK, to a minute-by-minute account of his murder in Harlem in 1965, in which he makes the case for the complicity of the American government. Introduced by Payne's daughter and primary researcher, Tamara Payne, who, following her father's death, heroically completed the biography, The Dead Are Arising is a penetrating and riveting work that affirms the centrality of Malcolm X to the African American freedom struggle and the story of the twentieth century.
23,28 € 24,50 €

Kategória literatúry Biografie - Politika je fascinujúcim žánrom, ktorý ponúka vhľad do životných príbehov významných politických osobností. Tieto biografie umožňujú objaviť a porozumieť rozhodujúcim okamihom, výzvam, úspechom a neúspechom týchto výnimočných jednotlivcov, ktorí formovali politické dejiny.

V tejto kategórii môžeme nájsť biografie politických lídrov, prezidentov, premiérov, diktátorov, diplomatov a iných vplyvných osobností. Tieto príbehy nám poskytujú pohľad na ich politický vývoj, motivácie, stratégie a rozhodnutia, ktoré ich priviedli na významné miesta v politickom svete.

Biografie politických osobností nám umožňujú spoznať ich politické ideály, hodnoty a ich vplyv na spoločnosť. Sledujeme ich politickú kariéru, rozhodovacie procesy, vnútorné zápasy a vzťahy s inými politickými aktérmi. Získavame hlbší vhľad do politických udalostí, ktoré formovali ich vedenie a politické smerovanie.

Tieto biografie tiež odhaľujú osobné výzvy, ktorým sa politické osobnosti museli čeliť, ako aj ich schopnosť riadiť krízy a dosiahnuť politické zmeny. Získavame porozumenie ich politického prezierania, strategického myslenia a schopnosti vyvíjať vplyv na politické dianie.