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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Veda, vynálezy strana 5 z 6

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.

Failure Is Not an Option

This New York Times bestselling memoir of a veteran NASA flight director tells riveting stories from the early days of the Mercury program through Apollo 11 (the moon landing) and Apollo 13, for both of which Kranz was flight director. Gene Kranz was present at the creation of America's manned space program and was a key player in it for three decades. As a flight director in NASA's Mission Control, Kranz witnessed firsthand the making of history. He participated in the space program from the early days of the Mercury program to the last Apollo mission, and beyond. He endured the disastrous first years when rockets blew up and the United States seemed to fall further behind the Soviet Union in the space race. He helped to launch Alan Shepard and John Glenn, then assumed the flight director's role in the Gemini program, which he guided to fruition. With his teammates, he accepted the challenge to carry out President John F. Kennedy's commitment to land a man on the Moon before the end of the 1960s. Kranz recounts these thrilling historic events and offers new information about the famous flights. What appeared as nearly flawless missions to the Moon were, in fact, a series of hair-raising near misses. When the space technology failed, as it sometimes did, the controllers' only recourse was to rely on their skills and those of their teammates. He reveals behind-the-scenes details to demonstrate the leadership, discipline, trust, and teamwork that made the space program a success. A fascinating firsthand account by a veteran mission controller of one of America's greatest achievements, Failure is Not an Option reflects on what has happened to the space program and offers his own bold suggestions about what we ought to be doing in space now.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Code Like a Girl

Welcome to Code Like a Girl, where you'll get started on the adventure of coding with cool projects and step-by-step tips, from the co-author of the bestselling The Daring Book for Girls. Coding is about creativity, self-expression, and telling your story. It's solving problems and being curious, building things, making the world a better place, and creating a future. It's about you: whoever you are, wherever you're at, whatever you want. Nearly everything you encounter on a screen is made from code. You see, with code you can have an idea and put it into action: it's your voice and your vision. From the outside, tech and code may seem puzzling and mysterious, but when you get through the door and past the first few beginner steps and your code starts to work, it feels like magic. In this book, you'll learn how to: - Code with Scratch--projects like making a dog walk through the park, sending your friend a card, and devising a full-scoring game! - Build your own computer--really! - Create your own digital fortune-teller, with the Python language. - Make your own smartphone gloves. - Make light-up bracelets. - Code a motion sensor that tells you when someone enters your room. - And lots more!
22,75 € 23,95 €

The Creative Gene

The ferociously talented Hideo Kojima, creator of Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding, shares his perspective on the stories and movies that influence his work! Ever since he was a child, Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding creator Hideo Kojima was a voracious consumer of movies, music, and books. They ignited his passion for stories and storytelling, and the results can be seen in his groundbreaking, iconic video games. Now the head of independent studio Kojima Productions, Kojima's enthusiasm for entertainment media has never waned. This collection of essays explores some of the inspirations behind one of the titans of the video game industry, and offers an exclusive insight into one of the brightest minds in pop culture. Ever since he was a child, Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding creator Hideo Kojima was a voracious consumer of movies, music, and books. They ignited his passion for stories and storytelling, and the results can be seen in his groundbreaking, iconic video games. Now the head of independent studio Kojima Productions, Kojima's enthusiasm for entertainment media has never waned. This collection of essays explores some of the inspirations behind one of the titans of the video game industry, and offers an exclusive insight into one of the brightest minds in pop culture.
22,75 € 23,95 €

The Man from the Future

An exhilarating new biography of John von Neumann: the lost genius who invented our world The smartphones in our pockets and computers like brains. The vagaries of game theory and evolutionary biology. Self-replicating moon bases and nuclear weapons. All bear the fingerprints of one remarkable man: John von Neumann. Born in Budapest at the turn of the century, von Neumann is one of the most influential scientists to have ever lived. His colleagues believed he had the fastest brain on the planet - bar none. He was instrumental in the Manhattan Project and helped formulate the bedrock of Cold War geopolitics and modern economic theory. He created the first ever programmable digital computer. He prophesied the potential of nanotechnology and, from his deathbed, expounded on the limits of brains and computers - and how they might be overcome. Taking us on an astonishing journey, Ananyo Bhattacharya explores how a combination of genius and unique historical circumstance allowed a single man to sweep through so many different fields of science, sparking revolutions wherever he went. Insightful and illuminating, The Man from the Future is a thrilling intellectual biography of the visionary thinker who shaped our century.
23,70 € 24,95 €

Inovátoři - Jak skupinka vynálezců, hackerů, géniů a nadšenců stvořila digitální revoluci

V roce 2011 se z Isaacsonova převratného životopisu zakladatele Applu Steva Jobse stal globální fenomén a jedna z nejprodávanějších knih literatury faktu všech dob. Nyní Walter Isaacson přichází s příběhem lidí, kteří nástup Jobse a digitálního věku umožnili. Pokud chcete pochopit, jak k inovacím skutečně dochází a jak spolupráce vede ke kreativitě, pak jsou Inovátoři tou správnou volbou. Tato kniha má naději stát se klasickým textem o dějinách digitální revoluce a nepostradatelným průvodcem světem inovací. Isaacsonova mistrná sága začíná Adou Lovelaceovou, dcerou lorda Byrona, jež se ve čtyřicátých letech 19. století stala průkopnicí počítačového programování. Zkoumá fascinující osobnosti, které stvořily stávající digitální revoluci, jako například Vannevara Bushe, Alana Turinga, Johna von Neumanna, J. C. R. Licklidera, Douga Engelbarta, Roberta Noyce, Billa Gatese, Steva Wozniaka, Steva Jobse, Tima Bernerse-Lea a Larryho Page. Tento příběh vypráví o tom, jakým způsobem uvažovali a proč byli tak vynalézaví. Je také vyprávěním o jejich schopnosti spolupracovat a osvojit si umění týmové spolupráce, díky níž pak byli ještě kreativnější. Nacházíme se v éře, která inovace, tvořivost a týmovou spolupráci podporuje. Inovátoři nám ukazují, jak k těmto jevům dochází.
31,30 € 32,95 €

Karel Absolon: Objevitel, manažer, vědec

Karel Absolon byl významnou a nepřehlédnutelnou osobností. Jeho jméno zůstane spjato se zpřístupněním dna propasti Macochy, s archeologickými výzkumy korunovanými nálezem Věstonické venuše či s vybudováním pavilonu Anthropos v Brně. Spektrum jeho rozsáhlé činnosti doplňovaly zejména v počátcích jeho aktivního života i úspěchy v oboru zoologie, zvláště při výzkumu bezobratlých troglobiontních živočichů. Absolon byl však také osobou kontroverzní, kromě obdivovatelů měl i řadu odpůrců, za svými cíli a úspěchy šel mnohdy nekompromisně a tvrdě. V každém případě za sebou zanechal nejen mnoho speleologických, archeologických a zoologických objevů, ale i obrovské množství publikací, fotografií, rukopisů a dalších dokumentů, které po celou dobu své působnosti schraňoval. Absolonovo dílo je vskutku monumentální a čerpat z něj budou ještě mnohé další generace.
26,56 € 27,96 €

Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla

The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla is the definitive record of the pioneering work of one of the modern world's most groundbreaking inventors. During the early twentieth century, Tesla blazed the trail that electrical technology followed for decades afterward. Although he pioneered inventions like alternating current (AC), radio, wireless transmission, and X-rays, and worked with innovators like George Westinghouse and Thomas Edison, the once-celebrated Tesla was later largely forgotten by history. This beautiful leatherbound edition brings together many of the findings and theories that made this genius famous (and to some, infamous), showing not only the scope of Nikola Tesla's theories and inventions, but allowing contemporary readers to experience the visionary range of his thinking. In addition to its many detailed reproductions of Tesla's patents and inventions, this highly collectible book includes dozens of thought-provoking lectures and articles. The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla affords a rare glimpse of a true genius at work.
40,80 € 42,95 €

Einstein: The Man and his Mind

Albert Einstein is known by name and image throughout the world to people of all ages. He is probably the most well-known scientist of all time. Even though most people have only a vague idea of what he did, the attraction remains. The raison d'etre for this book is to convey a sense of familiarity with Einstein as a real person and with the essence of his contributions. This is accomplished through annotated full-page photographs of Einstein that tell the story of his scientific life. The book is written for the general public. It may appeal to Einstein scholars as well. This visual - and artistically beautiful - format differentiates Einstein: The Man And His Mind from all previous books about him. The images (mostly signed portrait photos) are supplemented by a selection of 53 rare letters, manuscripts, books, journals 51 original rare portraits 4 equations in Einstein's handwriting provided by what is likely the largest private Einstein collection in existence. This project has the support of two private US foundations The Sterling Foundation and The Antonia & Vladimer Kulaev Cultural Heritage Fund, Inc. All royalties will be donated to the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
67,93 € 71,50 €

Galileo Galilei

A zseniális itáliai tudós felfedezéseivel gyökeresen megváltoztatta a világegyetemről alkotott elképzeléseinket: ő jelentette ki elsőként, hogy a Föld nem az Univerzum középpontja, hanem ugyanúgy a Nap körül keringő égitest, mint társai. Eretneknek vélt nézetei miatt az inkvizíció börtönnel sújtotta, sőt, halálbüntetéssel fenyegette.
9,34 € 9,83 €

Rutherford and Fry’s Complete Guide to Absolutely Everything (Abridged)

In Rutherford and Fry's comprehensive guidebook, they tell the complete story of the universe and absolutely everything in it - skipping over some of the boring parts. This is a celebration of the weirdness of the cosmos, the strangeness of humans and the fact that amid all the mess, we can somehow make sense of life. Our brains have evolved to tell us all sorts of things that feel intuitively right but just aren't true: the world looks flat, the stars seem fixed in the heavenly firmament, a day is 24 hours... This book is crammed full of tales of how stuff really works. With the power of science, Rutherford and Fry show us how to bypass our monkey-brains, taking us on a journey from the origin of time and space, via planets, galaxies, evolution, the dinosaurs, all the way into our minds, and wrestling with some truly head-scratching questions that only science can answer: What is time, and where does it come from? Why are animals the size and shape they are? How horoscopes work (Spoiler: they don't, but you think they do) Does my dog love me? Why nothing is truly round? Do you need your eyes to see? 'A wonderfully engaging blend of wit, enthusiasm, clarity and knowledge.' Bill Bryson 'Like the universe itself, this book is multi-faceted, surprising and full of wonders. It's also funny, wise and exceedingly brainy. You really owe it to yourself to read it.' Tim Harford, author of How To Make The World Add Up THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'If only Adam Rutherford and Hannah Fry were on tap to all of us, all the time . . . The pair have such a gift for making life, numbers and the forces at work in the universe all the richer, stranger, funnier and more marvellous.' Stephen Fry
19,48 € 20,50 €

How I Learned to Understand the World

This is a book that contains very few numbers. Instead, it is about meeting people who have opened my eyes. It was facts that helped him explain how the world works. But it was curiosity and commitment that made the late Hans Rosling, author of worldwide bestseller Factfulness, the most popular researcher of our time. How I Learned to Understand the World is Hans Rosling's own story of how a young scientist learned became a revolutionary thinker, and takes us from the swelter of an emergency clinic in Mozambique, to the World Economic Forum at Davos. In collaboration with Swedish journalist Fanny Hargestam, Hans Rosling wrote his memoir with the same joy of storytelling that made a whole world listen when he spoke.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Genius Makers

Long dismissed as a technology of the distant future, artificial intelligence was a project once consigned to the fringes of the scientific community. Then two researchers changed everything. One was a 64-year-old computer science professor with a back problem so severe he could not drive or fly. The other was a 36-year-old neuroscientist and chess prodigy. Though they took very different paths, together they helped catapult AI to the forefront of our daily lives and, in the process, created a business worth billions. This is the story of that technological revolution and of the arms race it has sparked among companies that range from Google to Facebook to OpenAI. It's the story of growing international rivalry to achieve major new breakthroughs. And it's a story that shows both the inventive best of humankind and its darker side, as advances have been counter-balanced by issues of prejudice, bias and the invasion of privacy. New York Times Silicon Valley journalist Cade Metz draws on unparalleled access to all the major players to create an extraordinarily vivid account of a revolution over five decades in the making. And he poses the questions that will dominate the next half-century: where will AI take us next? Are systems with truly human intelligence on the horizon? And, if so, where does that leave us? 'One day soon, when computers are safely driving our roads and speaking to us in complete sentences, we'll look back at Cade Metz's elegant, sweeping Genius Makers as their birth story - the Genesis for an age of sentient machines.' Brad Stone, author of The Everything Store and The Upstarts
17,58 € 18,50 €

Power Play : Elon Musk, Tesla and the Bet of the Century

Inside the outrageous, come-from-behind story of Elon Musk and Tesla's bid to build the world's greatest car and the race to drive the future. Elon Musk is among the most controversial titans of Silicon Valley. To some he's a genius and a visionary and to others he's a mercurial huckster. Billions of dollars have been gained and lost on his tweets and his personal exploits are the stuff of tabloids. But for all his outrageous talk of mind-uploading and space travel, his most audacious vision is the one closest to the ground: the electric car. When Tesla was founded in the 2000s, electric cars were novelties, trotted out and thrown on the scrap heap by carmakers for more than a century. But where most onlookers saw only failure, a small band of Silicon Valley engineers and entrepreneurs saw potential and they pitted themselves against the biggest, fiercest business rivals in the world, setting out to make a car that was quicker, sexier, smoother, cleaner than the competition. Tesla would undergo a truly hellish fifteen years, beset by rivals, pressured by investors, hobbled by whistleblowers, buoyed by its loyal supporters. Musk himself would often prove Tesla's worst enemy--his antics repeatedly taking the company he had funded himself to the brink of collapse. Was he an underdog, an antihero, a conman, or some combination of the three? Wall Street Journal tech and auto reporter Tim Higgins had a front-row seat for the drama: the pileups, wrestling for control, meltdowns, and the unlikeliest outcome of all, success. A story of power, recklessness, struggle, and triumph, Power Play is an exhilarating look at how a team of eccentrics and innovators beat the odds... and changed the future.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Life Support

A powerful, moving account of an intensive care doctor's life on the frontline of the Covid-19 pandemic As a doctor running the intensive care unit at one of London's top hospitals, Jim Down has spent his life working as healthcare's last resort, where the unexpected is always around the corner, and life and death decisions are an everyday occurrence. But nothing had prepared Jim and his team for the events of spring 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic descended. In Life Support, he tells the extraordinary month-by-month story of how as the nation came to a standstill, he and his colleagues donned PPE, received an unprecedented influx of patients, transformed their hospital and took on the biggest challenge in the history of the NHS. The pandemic raised difficult questions for Jim: how do you fight a new disease? How do you go home at night to your wife and young children when you've spent all day around highly infectious patients? How do you tell a mother that her healthy young son has died, only days after falling ill? With warmth, honesty and humour, this book is a gripping, moving testament to the everyday heroism of the NHS staff in a global crisis, and an unforgettable insight into what was really happening in the wards as we clapped on our doorsteps.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Liftoff: Elon Musk And The Desperate Early Days That Launched Spacex

The dramatic inside story of the first four historic flights that launched SpaceX-and Elon Musk-from a shaky startup into the world's leading edge rocket company. SpaceX has enjoyed a miraculous decade. Less than 20 years after its founding, it boasts the largest constellation of commercial satellites in orbit, has pioneered reusable rockets, and in 2020 became the first private company to launch human beings into orbit. Half a century after the space race SpaceX is pushing forward into the cosmos, laying the foundation for our exploration of other worlds. But before it became one of the most powerful players in the aerospace industry, SpaceX was a fledgling startup, scrambling to develop a single workable rocket before the money ran dry. The engineering challenge was immense; numerous other private companies had failed similar attempts. And even if SpaceX succeeded, they would then have to compete for government contracts with titans such as Lockheed Martin and Boeing, who had tens of thousands of employees and tens of billions of dollars in annual revenue. SpaceX had fewer than 200 employees and the relative pittance of $100 million in the bank. In Liftoff, Eric Berger takes readers inside the wild early days that made SpaceX. Focusing on the company's first four launches of the Falcon 1 rocket, he charts the bumpy journey from scrappy underdog to aerospace pioneer. drawing upon exclusive interviews with dozens of former and current engineers, designers, mechanics, and executives, including Elon Musk. The enigmatic Musk, who founded the company with the dream of one day settling Mars, is the fuel that propels the book, with his daring vision for the future of space.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Peter 2.0

Peter, a brilliant scientist, is told that he will lose everything he loves. His husband. His family. His friends. His ability to travel the world. All will be gone. But Peter will not give up. He vows that this will not be the end and instead seeks a completely new beginning . . . Peter has Motor Neurone Disease, a condition universally considered by doctors to be terminal. He is told it will destroy his nerve cells and that within an average of two years, it will take his life too. But, face-to-face with death, he decides there is another way. Using his background in science and technology, he navigates a new path, one that will enable him not just to survive, but to thrive. This is the astonishing true story behind the primetime Channel 4 documentary, about Peter Scott-Morgan the first person to combine his very humanity with artificial intelligence and robotics to become a full Cyborg. His discovery means that his terminal diagnosis is negotiable, something that will rewrite the future. And change the world. By embracing love, life and hope rather than fear, tragedy and despair he will become Peter 2.0. 'A remarkable story . . . you're left desperate to take nothing for granted' Radio Times 'What's striking is Peter's constant optimism, bravery and his ability to find radical answers to problems that have confounded Britain's brightest minds' The Daily Telegraph 'Intriguing' The Times 'Fascinating and extremely moving' The Sun 'A remarkable account of what it means to be human and what technology can really achieve' The Sunday Telegraph
17,58 € 18,50 €

The Man from the Future

The smartphones in our pockets and computers like brains. The vagaries of game theory and evolutionary biology. Self-replicating moon bases and nuclear weapons. All bear the fingerprints of one remarkable man: John von Neumann. Born in Budapest at the turn of the century, von Neumann is one of the most influential scientists to have ever lived. His colleagues believed he had the fastest brain on the planet - bar none. He was instrumental in the Manhattan Project and helped formulate the bedrock of Cold War geopolitics and modern economic theory. He created the first ever programmable digital computer. He prophesied the potential of nanotechnology and, from his deathbed, expounded on the limits of brains and computers - and how they might be overcome. Taking us on an astonishing journey, Ananyo Bhattacharya explores how a combination of genius and unique historical circumstance allowed a single man to sweep through so many different fields of science, sparking revolutions wherever he went. Insightful and illuminating, The Man from the Future is a thrilling intellectual biography of the visionary thinker who shaped our century.
13,78 € 14,50 €

Broken Places and Outer Spaces

Nnedi Okorafor was never supposed to be paralyzed. A college track star and budding entomologist, Nnedi's lifelong battle with scoliosis was just a bump in her plan - something a simple surgery would easily correct. But when Nnedi wakes from the surgery to find she can't move her legs, her entire sense of who she is begins to waver. Confined to a hospital bed for months, unusual things begin to happen. Psychedelic bugs crawl her hospital walls; strange dreams visit her nightly. She begins to feel as if she's turning into a cyborg. Unsure if she'll ever walk again, Nnedi begins to put these experiences into writing, conjuring up strange, fantastical stories. What Nnedi discovers during her confinement would prove to be the key to her life as a successful science fiction writer: In science fiction, when something breaks, something greater often emerges from the cracks. While she may be bedridden, instead of stopping her journey Nnedi's paralysis opens up new windows in her mind, kindles her creativity and ultimately leads her to become more alive than she ever could have imagined. Nnedi takes the reader on a journey from her hospital bed deep into her memories, from her painful first experiences with racism as a child in Chicago to her powerful visits to her parents' hometown in Nigeria, where she got her first inkling that science fiction has roots beyond the West. This was not the Africa that Nnedi knew from Western literature - an Africa that she always read was a place left behind. The role of technology in Nigeria opened her eyes to future-looking Africa: cable TV and cell phones in the village, 419 scammers occupying the cybercafes, the small generator connected to her cousin's desktop computer, everyone quickly adapting to portable tech devices due to unreliable power sources. Nnedi could see that Africa was far from broken, as she'd been taught, and her experience there planted the early seeds of sci-fi - a genre that speculates about technologies, societies, and social issues - from an entirely new lens. In Broken Places & Outer Spaces, Nnedi uses her own experience as a jumping off point to follow the phenomenon of creativity born from hardship. From Frida Kahlo to Mary Shelly, she examines great artists and writers who have pushed through their limitations, using hardship to fuel their work. Through these compelling stories and her own, Nnedi reveals a universal truth: What we perceive as limitations have the potential to become our greatest strengths - far greater than when we were unbroken.
11,88 € 12,50 €

Privacy is Power

As the data economy grows in power, Carissa Veliz exposes how our privacy is eroded by big tech and governments, why that matters and what we can do about it. The moment you check your phone in the morning you are giving away your data. Before you've even switched off your alarm, a whole host of organisations have been alerted to when you woke up, where you slept, and with whom. As you check the weather, scroll through your 'suggested friends' on Facebook, you continually compromise your privacy. Without your permission, or even your awareness, tech companies are harvesting your information, your location, your likes, your habits, and sharing it amongst themselves. They're not just selling your data. They're selling the power to influence you. Even when you've explicitly asked them not to. And it's not just you. It's all your contacts too. Digital technology is stealing our personal data and with it our power to make free choices. To reclaim that power and democracy, we must protect our privacy. What can we do? So much is at stake. Our phones, our TVs, even our washing machines are spies in our own homes. We need new regulation. We need to pressure policy-makers for red lines on the data economy. And we need to stop sharing and to adopt privacy-friendly alternatives to Google, Facebook and other online platforms. Short, terrifying, practical: Privacy is Power highlights the implications of our laid-back attitude to data and sets out how we can take back control. If you liked The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, you'll love Privacy is Power because it provides a philosophical perspective on the politics of privacy, and it offers a very practical outlook, both for policymakers and ordinary citizens.
10,93 € 11,50 €

V kategórii Biografie - Veda, vynálezy ponúkame širokú škálu zaujímavých biografických kníh, ktoré sa zameriavajú na významné osobnosti v oblasti vedy a vynálezov. Tieto knihy vám umožnia priblížiť sa k životom a príbehom významných vedcov, objaviteľov a vynálezcov, ktorí svojimi príspevkami zmenili svet.

Nájdete tu životopisy osobností z rôznych oblastí vedy, vrátane fyziky, chémie, biológie, medicíny a mnohých ďalších. Snažíme sa zachytiť ich príbehy od ich raných začiatkov až po dosiahnutie ich najväčších vedeckých úspechov. V našich knihách sa dozviete o ich výskumoch, experimentoch, objavoch a vynálezoch, ktoré otvorili nové cesty a posunuli hranice poznania.

Každá biografia je napísaná s dôrazom na vedecké detaily a poskytuje vám vhľad do myšlienkových procesov a tvorivosti týchto výnimočných jednotlivcov. Sme presvedčení, že tieto príbehy môžu slúžiť ako inšpirácia pre každého, kto sa zaujíma o vedu, technológie a vynálezy.