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Nordic Cycle - Bicycle Adventures in the North

Ride through the fairytale-like snowy plains of Greenland and trailblaze across majestic Nordic mountary where signs of civilization appear vanished. This journey of experience combines radical touring, camping, and cooking the best of what local nature has to offer. By taking on some of the most treasured biking trails and terrains across the Nordic landscape, this book is a seated journey of discovery and escapism across the vast landscapes set to inspire your next trip.
31,30 € 32,95 €

Ještě jeden maraton

Běžci mívají sladké začátky. Jsou napumpováni euforií, žádná překážka není dost vysoká. Jenže po pár letech a tisícovkách kilometrů může váš vnitřní motor začít chladnout, až se úplně zastaví. Znovu ho nahodit není vůbec snadné. Poslední, co v takové chvíli potřebujete slyšet, jsou průpovídky, že věk je jenom číslo a že když člověk opravdu chce, dokáže všechno. Musíte na to jinak. Naštěstí nikdy nejste sami. Jsou tu kamarádi, kteří vám na trati symbolicky udávají tempo a směr. Jsou tu všichni, kdo od roku 1896 běželi maraton před vámi. I jejich příběhy posilují motivaci. Úspěšný autor Luboš Brabec se ve své třetí běžecké knize vydává proti proudu času, který tiká na našich stopkách. A snaží se hledat odpovědi na zdánlivě banální otázky. Jak restartovat zpohodlnělé tělo? Za kterými sny má smysl se hnát a za kterými už ne? Jak se mění běžecký svět kolem nás? A jak my? A kudy vlastně vede cílová čára možná posledního maratonu?
15,63 € 16,45 €

dostupné aj ako:

Cyclist - Ride

Explore 50 of the greatest, most thrilling road cycling routes the world has to offer, guided by the experts at the world's biggest road cycling magazine. Route maps, first-hand ride reports and truly breathtaking photography from the finest cycling photographers come together in this celebration of the world on two wheels. Covering the very best of Europe, from the twisting trails of northern Norway to the winding coast of southern Spain, this beautiful book also includes rides from as far afield as Vietnam, Ethiopia and Lebanon, as well as the USA.
35,10 € 36,95 €

The Perfect Run

'The Perfect Run is sure to increase your appreciation and enjoyment on the run, and that's a big payback' - Runner's World The "perfect" run, when you are in a full flow and feeling totally unstoppable, can be elusive, but this practical expert guide, written by a celebrated Runner's World writer Mackenzie Havey, will ensure you find it time and time again and in the process transform your running performances. At some point in every runner's career they experience the "perfect" run, when they are in full flow and feel totally unstoppable. Your worries about the day and physical aches and pains melt away. Your body and mind are in complete sync and the run feels effortless. Even still, the path to achieving the perfect run remains mysterious. It often materializes in the unlikeliest of circumstances-in adverse weather or on a day when everything else seems to be going wrong. Conversely, when we try hard to create the right conditions for that perfect run, it often doesn't come about. In The Perfect Run, Mackenzie L. Havey reveals everyone has the potential to enjoy more joyful and flow-driven running, no matter your experience, pace, or sporting ambitions. This ground-breaking book features insights from elite athletes, neuroscientists, coaches, and everyday runners to provide a road map for how to cultivate the right conditions for the "perfect" run. These ideas will not only help facilitate the potential for more successful running but, more significantly, can also be translated into other areas of your life to help provide a sense of calmness, self-control, and fulfillment far beyond the running trails.
14,20 € 14,95 €

The Rise of the Ultra Runners

Marathons are no longer enough. Pain is to be relished, not avoided. Hallucinations are normal. Ultra running defies conventional logic. Yet this most brutal and challenging sport is now one of the fastest-growing in the world. Why is this? Is it an antidote to modern life, or a symptom of a modern illness? Adharanand Finn travelled to the heart of the sport to find out - and to see if he could become an ultra runner himself. His journey took him from the deserts of Oman to the snow-capped peaks of the Rockies, and on to his ultimate goal, the 105-mile Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc. The Rise of the Ultra Runners is the electrifying, inspirational account of what he learned along the way. Through encounters with the sport's many colourful characters and his experiences of its soaring highs and crushing lows, Finn offers an unforgettable insight into what can be found at the boundaries of human endeavour.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Science of Running

Discover the hard science that will help you run faster, endure for longer, and avoid injury. Analyse your running style and learn how to enhance your gait for optimum efficiency and safety. Transform your performance with exercises targeting strength, flexibility, and recovery - each exercise annotated to reveal the muscle mechanics so you know you're getting it right. Understand the science behind your body's energy systems and how to train to maximise energy storage and conversion. Follow training and exercise programmes tailored to different abilities and distances, from 5K to marathon. Whether you are new to running or an experienced racer, this book will help you achieve your goals and stay injury-free.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Lacná kniha Hrajeme si na plavání (-50%)

Čtivá, praktická a stručná kniha o plavání pro děti od kojenců až po předškolní věk. Tolerantní a citlivý přístup autorky k dětem i k rodičům. Spousta praktických a vyzkoušených tipů, jak udělat plavání pro svoje ratolesti ještě pohodovější a jak si společně užít čas. Zkušenosti z první ruky: dlouholetá instruktorka plavání, zakladatelka plaveckého klubu Hastrmánek a zároveň maminka 3 dětí vás provede vším, co potřebujete o plavání svých dětí vědět. Dozvíte se, jak to na plavacích kurzech pro děti chodí a jak se na ně připravit. Inspirujete se příběhy dětí, které díky plavání překonaly své strachy nebo omezení, a příběhy rodičů, kteří v ně věřili. Dostanete doporučení, co dělat, když dítě zlobí nebo nespolupracuje. Dozvíte se, jak poznat dobrý bazén i plavecký kroužek, jaké jsou základní plavecké dovednosti a jak je podporovat. Pro pokročilejší jsou tu možnosti cvičení k jednotlivým plaveckým stylům a návrhy, jak je se svými dětmi dělat. Spoustu vyzkoušených tipů tady najdou i rodiče, kteří chtějí své děti sami vést k plavání a učit je. Cviky pro děti všech věkových kategorií jsou přehledně seřazené a názorně vysvětlené.
9,60 € 19,20 €

dostupné aj ako:

Mindful Thoughts for Runners

Mindful Thoughts for Runners explores the ways in which running offers us an opportunity to deepen our levels of awareness, lifting our souls as well as our endorphin levels! Part of the Mindful Thoughts series, this beautifully illustrated little book meditates on all aspects of running, including: Running rituals The running community Running for charity Dealing with injury The power of breath Listening to the body . . . and much more Running can be a spiritually enriching activity, as well as a physical one-reconnecting us to our breath, our bodies, and the natural world around us with every steady step. Author and environmentalist Tessa Wardley meditates on the holistic nature of running, through 25 focused reflections offering meaningful insights that every runner from barefoot to track will value and remember. If you like this, you might also be interested in Mindful Thoughts for Walkers . . .
12,30 € 12,95 €

The Yellow Jersey

From the winner of the Telegraph Sports Book Awards Cycling Book of the Year 2018 In 2019, the cycling world will celebrate the 100th anniversary of sport's most iconic and distinguished prize: the Yellow Jersey. Beautifully produced and packed full of interviews with riders such as Chris Froome, Thomas Voeckler and the oldest living wearer of the Yellow Jersey at 94, Antonin Rolland, The Yellow Jersey is a fitting celebration of the 'maillot jaune'. In 1919 the leading rider was first instructed to wear the Yellow Jersey, following a campaign from fans and journalists who were struggling to to identify the winning rider. 100 years on, the jersey has passed into almost sacred status. You'll never see an amateur rider wearing yellow - it is reserved purely for those who have sacrificed themselves in the world's greatest race. Cossins will take the reader on a journey to the origins of the jersey and its early winners. He'll explore the effect of wearing yellow as a motivator and occasionally as a curse. Beautifully produced with original photography, The Yellow Jersey is an exquisite tribute to the greatest trophy in sport.
28,45 € 29,95 €

Hýb sa

Beh ťa upokojí a zmení ti život Rozvedená Bella Mackie, zápasiaca s vážnymi psychickými problémami, sa ocitla na prahu tridsiatky v slzách a plná strachu zo všetkého vôkol. Ledva v sebe našla silu, aby vstala z gauča, nieto ešte aby si usporiadala vlastný život. Až kým jedného dňa nespravila niečo, čo nikdy predtým z vlastnej vôle neurobila - obula si tenisky a šla si zabehať. Bellu celých desať rokov natoľko paralyzovali obavy, že na šport ani nepomyslela. Jej prvý beh preto netrval dlho. Keď na druhý deň opäť vybehla von, samu ju to prekvapilo. Zabehala si aj ďalší. Ani sa nenazdala a prvý raz po rokoch mala zrazu lepšiu náladu, prestala sa ukrývať v dome a dala prednosť čerstvému vzduchu a neznámym uliciam. V knihe Hýb sa Bella otvorene a bez zábran opisuje, ako behom bojovala s paralyzujúcou úzkosťou a depresiou bez toho, aby sa vzdala svojich troch lások: alkoholu, cigariet a zmrzliny. Jej vtipná a dojemná motivačná kniha vás povzbudí, aby ste "pohli" so svojimi problémami a dali si život do poriadku - nech budú prvé kroky akokoľvek malé.
1,90 € 13,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Full Gas

Riding as fast as you could for as long as you could was the main tactic in the early days of road racing when Grand Tours could be won by hours. Now a minute’s delay thanks to a puncture could ruin a rider’s chances over a three-week race and the sport is described as nothing less than chess on wheels. The intricacies and complexities of cycling are what makes it so appealing: an eye for opportunity and a quick mind are just as crucial to success as a 'big engine' or good form. So how do you win a bike race? How do you cope with crosswinds, cobbles, elbows-out sprints, weaving your way through a teeming peloton? Why are steady nerves one of the best weapons in a rider’s arsenal and breakaway artists to be revered? Where do you see the finest showcase of tactical brilliance? Peter Cossins takes us on to the team buses to hear pro cyclists and directeurs sportifs explain their tactics: when it went right, when they got it wrong – from sprinting to summits, from breakaways to bluffing. Hectic, thrilling, but sometimes impenetrable – watching a bike race can baffle as much as entertain. Full Gas is the essential guide to make sense of all things peloton.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Around the World in 80 Days

The inspiring story of one man's record-breaking cycle around the world. On Monday 18th September 2017, Mark Beaumont pedalled through the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. 78 days, 14 hours and 40 minutes earlier he set off from the same point, beginning his attempt to circumnavigate the world in record time. Covering more than 18,000 miles and cycling through some of the harshest conditions one man and his bicycle can endure, Mark made history. He smashed two Guinness World Records and beat the previous record by an astonishing 45 days. Around the World in 80 Days is the story of Mark's amazing achievement - one which redefines the limits of human endurance. It is also an insight into the mind of an elite athlete and the physical limits of the human body, as well as a kaleidoscopic tour of the world from a very unique perspective; inspired by Jules Verne's classic adventure novel, Mark begins his journey in Paris and cycles through Europe, Russia, Mongolia and China. He then crosses Australia, rides up through New Zealand and across North America before the final 'sprint finish' thorough Portugal, Spain and France, all at over 200 miles a day. This is the story of a quite remarkable adventure, by a quite remarkable man.
12,30 € 12,95 €

The Rise Of The Ultra Runners

Marathons are no longer enough. Pain is to be relished, not avoided. Hallucinations are normal. Ultra running defies conventional logic. Yet this most brutal and challenging sport is now one of the fastest-growing in the world. Whis is this? Is it an antidote to modern life, or a symptom of a modern illness?Adharanand Finn travelled to the heart of the sport to find out - and to see if he could become an ultra runner himself. His journey took him from the deserts of Oman to the snow-capped peaks of the Rockies, and from a 24-hour track race in Tooting to his ultimate goal, the 105-mile Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc. The Rise of the Ultra Runners is the electrifying, inspirational account of what he learned along the way. Through encounters with the sport's many colourful characters and his experiences of its soaring highs and crushing lows, Finn offers an unforgettable insight into what can be found at the boundaries of human endeavour.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Cyclepedia - A Tour of Iconic Bicycle Designs

Architect and designer Michael Embacher's unique collection of more than 250 bicycles, the only one of its kind, was lovingly collected over many years and exhibited around the world. This new compact edition of Cyclepedia offers an expanded selection of Embacher's finest, most unusual and most coveted pieces, despite the fact that the collection is no longer intact. With a foreword by design guru Paul Smith and a history of bicycle design by Michael Zappe and Martin Strubreiter, this homage to the beauty of two wheels is a celebration of the fastest, lightest, most innovative - and most inventive - bicycles designed over the past century. This stunning, carefully curated selection features some of the rarest, most beautiful and most sought-after bicycles from around the world, including classic racing bikes from the Tour de France, high-tech machines that employ the latest advances in materials science, and eccentric bikes designed for unusual uses. With a redesigned layout that makes the most of Bernhard Angerer's colourful photography, this edition features ten new bicycles from Embacher's collection, including designs from Alex Singer, Alan, Textima and Puch. Published in a new and more accessible compact format, Cyclepedia is a cornucopia of all that bicycle design has to offer, the ultimate gift for cycling enthuasiasts everywhere.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Běhej, mami, běhej

Jediná opravdová běžecká kniha vytvořená komunitou žen pro ženy Doplněno o tipy a oblíbené tratě autorek pořadu Kilák Kniha Běhej, mami, běhej nabízí jednoduchý návod, jak začít s běháním od úplně prvních krůčků po první ultramaraton. Dozvíte se: -Jak běhání začlenit do vašeho rušného života a nezbláznit se -Jak se vyznat ve všem tom vybavení? Co skutečně potřebujete, vymoženosti, bez kterých se obejdete (ale stejně byste si je měly pořídit), a čeho se rozhodně zbavit a co nedělat -Jak předcházet zraněním a nemocem A mnoho dalších tipů založených na skutečných zkušenostech členek komunity Run Mummy Run. České vydání je navíc doplněné o tipy a oblíbené tratě Báry Hlaváčkové a Terezy Tobiášové z talkshow v běhu Kilák.
18,24 € 19,20 €

Lacná kniha Běhej, mami, běhej (-90%)

Jediná opravdová běžecká kniha vytvořená komunitou žen pro ženy Doplněno o tipy a oblíbené tratě autorek pořadu Kilák Kniha Běhej, mami, běhej nabízí jednoduchý návod, jak začít s běháním od úplně prvních krůčků po první ultramaraton. Dozvíte se: -Jak běhání začlenit do vašeho rušného života a nezbláznit se -Jak se vyznat ve všem tom vybavení? Co skutečně potřebujete, vymoženosti, bez kterých se obejdete (ale stejně byste si je měly pořídit), a čeho se rozhodně zbavit a co nedělat -Jak předcházet zraněním a nemocem A mnoho dalších tipů založených na skutečných zkušenostech členek komunity Run Mummy Run. České vydání je navíc doplněné o tipy a oblíbené tratě Báry Hlaváčkové a Terezy Tobiášové z talkshow v běhu Kilák.
1,92 € 19,20 €

dostupné aj ako:

Sky Runner

The competitive sport of skyrunning is spreading throughout the world as new competitions and events are announced in countries across the globe. Emelie Forsberg, one of the most successful trail/sky runners in the world, shares her passion for running and how to get the most out of her body. Each chapter in the book, looks at ways to develop your skills, as well as immerse yourself in the moment. Emelie shares stories, recipes, yoga, techniques and strength training exercises as she shares her experiences from her career and from life. Sky Runner is about much more than running in the mountains, it's about living an outdoors lifestyle and enjoying the thrill of running in nature. Most importantly Emelie shares how to listen to your body and build both your mental and physical strength sustainably. Regardless of whether you're running three kilometres or 50 kilometres, this book will help improve your attitude to running and give it deeper meaning, while motivating you to be your best self. Sky Runner is filled with spectacular photographs taken by one of the world's most legendary mountain athletes.
18,00 € 18,95 €

North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail

2,200 miles. 47 days. One remarkable journey. In July 2015, ultramarathon legend Scott Jurek smashed the world record for running the Appalachian Trail, the sprawling mountain path that runs nearly the entire length of the United States. For nearly seven weeks straight, Jurek battled the elements to run, hike and stumble 50 miles every single day. A tale of mind-boggling physical exertion, pressure and endurance, North reveals the extraordinary lengths to which we can push our bodies and our minds.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Eat, Drink, Run

Bryony Gordon was not a runner. A loafer, a dawdler, a drinker, a smoker, yes. A runner, no. But, as she recovered from the emotional rollercoaster of opening up her life in her mental health memoir MAD GIRL, she realised that there were things that might actually help her: getting outside, moving her body and talking to others who found life occasionally challenging. As she ran, she started to shake off the limitations that had always held her back and she saw she had actually imposed them on herself. Why couldn't she be a runner? In April 2017, Bryony Gordon ran all 26.2 miles of the London Marathon. In Eat, Drink, Run., we join her as she trains for this daunting task and rises to the challenge one step at the time. Of course, on top of the aching muscles and blistered feet, there's also the small matter of getting a certain royal to open up about his mental health. Through it all, Bryony shows us that extraordinary things can happen to everyone, no matter what life throws our way.
10,93 € 11,50 €

V kategórii "Beh, bicyklovanie, plávanie" nájdete široký výber kníh a príručiek určených pre všetkých, ktorí milujú tieto populárne formy pohybovej aktivity. Táto kategória je ideálna pre amatérskych aj profesionálnych bežcov, cyklistov a plavcov, ale aj pre trénerov a odborníkov, ktorí sa chcú dozvedieť viac o najnovších tréningových metódach, výžive športovcov, technikách a stratégiách v týchto disciplínach.

Naše knihy ponúkajú podrobné informácie o behu, bicyklovaní a plávaní, od tréningových plánov, cez správnu techniku, až po radu ako sa pripraviť na súťaž alebo maratón. Ponúkame tiež tituly zamerané na výživu a regeneráciu športovcov, prevenciu zranení a mnoho ďalšieho.