Najnovšie - Národná kuchyňa - ostatné strana 1 z 16
Magyarország finom - András-naptól vízkeresztig
Borbás Marcsi érzelmekkel átszőtt könyvsorozatának negyedik kötete ezúttal az év legszebb időszakán kalauzolja át az olvasót. A magyar gasztronómia nagy utazója a disznóvágáskor készülő ételeket, a tradicionális böjti recepteket, a karácsonyi és szilveszteri hagyományos fogásokat és a legfinomabb ünnepi süteményeket válogatta össze. Olyan ízeket, emlékeket és érzéseket idéz meg, melyek mindannyiunkban ott vannak, és elég egy apró kis szikra, hogy felidézzük őket.
Gasztronómiai identitásunk fontos mozaikdarabkái ezek az ételek, őrizzük meg őket a jövendő generációk számára is.
Olasz lakoma - Az itáliai konyha kincseiből
Szűk évtizede jelent meg és vált rögtön klasszikussá Váncsa István Lakoma sorozatának az itáliai konyhákat bemutató kötete, amelynek most jelentősen bővített, csaknem ezer receptet és negyvenhárom izgalmas gasztroesszét - s egyben különleges, szellemes-míves irodalmi szöveget - tartalmazó példányát veheti kézbe az olvasó, a tradicionális olasz gasztronómia pazar tárházát. Megtudhatjuk belőle, miért rúgta ki Verdi a szakácsai többségét, szükségből lett-e Beethoven kedvenc fogása a sajtos makaróni, hogyan készül Horatius levese, a Három Velence marhapörköltje, a Donizetti-torta, vagy például hogyan olvassuk az Ulyssest. Ahogy a tömény és nagyon markáns ízű, valójában csaknem ihatatlan innivalókat, mondjuk a Friuli-Venezia Giuliából való Amaro Nonini Quintessenziát szokás. Cseppenként.
Profi séfeknek, alkalmi főzőcskézőknek és egyszerű irodalomkedvelőknek egyaránt kihagyhatatlan.
U Taliana: Tutti a tavola: poďte všetci k stolu
Ak ste niekedy ochutnali risotto či pizzu od Taliana, viete, o čom je reč. Andrea Ena, známy svojimi reštauráciami Sapori Italiani a Da Andrea, prináša svoje kulinárske umenie priamo do vašej kuchyne.
Sardínsky šéfkuchár si získal srdcia milovníkov talianskej kuchyne po celom Slovensku a zdieľa svoje najobľúbenejšie recepty, ktoré kombinujú autentické chute s lokálnymi surovinami. S viac než dvadsaťročnými skúsenosťami na Slovensku presne vie, čo chutí slovenským gurmánom, a preto do svojej knihy vybral recepty, ktoré ulahodia každému.
Táto kniha nie je len zbierkou receptov, ale aj pohľadom do duše talianskej kuchyne, kde každé jedlo rozpráva svoj vlastný príbeh. Andrea vás naučí, ako pripraviť pravé talianske cestoviny či dokonalé rissoto. Vždy pritom dbá na jednoduchosť a čerstvosť, ktoré sú kľúčové pri varení talianskych jedál.
S Andreovou knihou môžete priniesť autenticitu a jedinečnú chuť jeho jedál priamo na váš stôl. Uvarte si ich s láskou, ako to robí samotný šéfkuchár, a vychutnajte si so svojimi blízkymi pôžitok z pravej talianskej kuchyne.
Elysian Kitchens
Monasteries, temples, mosques and synagogues have long been centers of culinary innovation. No mere relics of the past, they reflect our modern world and are as dynamic and fundamental to our society as they ever were.
Granted rare access to closely guarded religious sanctuaries, Jody Eddy demonstrates how the monastic culinary philosophy can be adopted by any home cook or professional chef interested in integrating sustainable, time-honoured cooking practices into their daily lives. Her 100 recipes include dumplings (momos) inspired by the cooking of monks at Thikse, a Buddhist temple in Ladakh, India, nestled in the Himalayas. From Kylemore Abbey, in Connemara, Ireland, she brings instructions for cooking Lamb Burgers with Creamy Red Cabbage Slaw and Rosemary Aioli as the nuns do, with enough leftover sauce to drizzle over smoked salmon bagels the next day. From a Jewish community in Brooklyn, New York, come time-tested kosher recipes, including Potato Kugel and Matzo Ball Soup. Ginger and Ginkgo Nut Stuffed Cabbage Rolls illustrate Zen Buddhist cooking from Eihei-ji in Japan. In Morocco, she finds a Sufi chicken and olive tajine recipe that makes for a perfect dinner. And for dessert, Panellets (tiny sugar-and-almond cookies), courtesy of an 1100-year-old Spanish monastery.
A global story of cooking across communities, Elysian Kitchens contributes to the most important conversations taking place in the food world today by examining a gastronomic heritage that has until now been virtually unexplored. This is a cookbook for anyone eager to discover the traditions of magnificently beautiful, endlessly compelling places that embody the wisdom of the ages and offer the promise of a more optimistic and sustainable future.
Mangal II - Stories and Recipes
The debut cookbook from the landmark East London restaurant, showcasing a collection of contemporary Turkish recipes
Discover the food and stories of Mangal II, one of London’s most vibrant food destinations, thanks to the dynamic vision of the Dirik brothers. Following in the footsteps of their father, the Turkish chef Ali Dirk who immigrated to London and opened the UK’s first ocakbasi, Mangal I, in 1994, his sons have modernised Anatolian cuisine for the 21st century.
Through heartfelt essays about the food, creativity, and legacy of the restaurant and more than 60 original recipes, readers discover delicious signature recipes such as Cull Yaw Köfte with Grilled Apple Sauce, Grilled Chickpea Hummus, Sourdough Pide, Mushroom Manti, and Tahini Tart – all by Sertaç Dirik, one of the most talented chefs of his generation. A foreword by Action Bronson further tells the story of the one-of-a-kind foodie destination beloved by devoted locals and restaurant fans from around the world.
The Contemporary African Kitchen
Experience Africa’s vibrant food culture with 120 recipes from the continent’s most exciting culinary voices
Meet the culinarians who are setting the new African table. James Beard Award-winning author Alexander Smalls presents a vibrant library of home cooking recipes and texts contributed by 33 chefs, restaurateurs, caterers, cooks, and writers at the heart of Africa’s food movement.
Organized geographically into five regions, The Contemporary African Kitchen presents 120 warm and delicious dishes, each beautifully photographed and brought to life through historical notes, personal anecdotes, and serving suggestions.
Home cooks will discover a bounty of diverse, delicious dishes ranging from beloved classics to newer creations, all rooted in a shared language of ingredients, spices, and cooking traditions. Learn to make Northern Africa’s famed couscous and grilled meats; Eastern Africa’s aromatic curries; Central Africa’s Peanut Sauce Stew and Cocoyam Dumplings; Southern Africa’s fresh seafood and street food; and Western Africa’s renowned Chicken Yassa.
With text contributions from experts including Pierre Thiam, Selassie Atadika, Anto Cocagne, Coco Reinarhz, and Michael Adé Elégbedé, the essay and recipe contributors to this ground-breaking survey are at the heart of the food movement of Africa, making it an essential addition to every cook and food lover’s library.
Inviting, instructive, accessible, and exciting, The Contemporary African Kitchen brings the conversation about Africa’s cuisine into homes around the world.
Chefs and countries featured: Zein Abdallah (Uganda); Agatha Achindu (Cameroon); Eric Adjepong (Ghana); Ikenna Akwuebue Bobmanuel (Nigeria); Clara Kapelembe Bwali (Zambia); Akram Cherif (Tunisia); Agness Colley (Togo); Moustafa Elrefaey (Egypt); Arnaud Gwaga (Burundi); Mohamed Kamal (Egypt); Kudakwashe Makoni (Zimbabwe); Dieuveil Malonga (Republic of Congo); O’miel Moundounga (Gabon); Mwaka Mwiimbu (Zambia); Joseph Odoom (Ghana); Forster Oben Oru (Cameroon); Thabo Phake (South Africa); Mostafa Seif (Egypt); Mogau Seshoene (South Africa); Sifo Sinoyolo (South Africa); Mame Sow (Senegal); Sophia Teshome (Ethiopia); Pierre Thiam (Senegal); Roze Traore (Côte d’Ivoire); Matse Uwatse (Nigeria); Alfonso Videira (Angola); Nana Araba Wilmot (Ghana); Rubia Zablon (Kenya).
Rizottó - 50 ízletes, olasz rizsétel
A rizottó lehet egyszerű paradicsomos-bazsalikomos, parmezános-vajas, céklás, erdei gombás, csirkés vagy garnélás, vörösborban, de akár tintahaltintában főtt, sáfránytól aranyló - ez a sokféleképpen variálható olasz rizsétel méltán vált világszerte népszerűvé. Gazdag, krémes köretként és tartalmas egytálételként is megállja a helyét. A maradékból is ízletes fogások készülhetnek, és pár remek rizses desszert receptjével is gazdagodhatunk.
Buon appetito!
Tapas - Spanyol ízek, kis fogások, közös étkezések
Vörösboros chorizo, empanada, sajtos padlizsánropogós, gazpacho, tortilla ezerféle töltelékkel vagy egyszerű, ám a legjobb fajtából való marinált olívabogyó - csak néhány kedvenc a spanyol konyha közkedvelt tapasfogásaiból. A hagyományosan egy pohár ital mellé felszolgált apró falatok, a tapasok méltán népszerűek Spanyolország határain túl is. Egyszerűen és számtalan ízvariációban elkészíthetők, és ha egyszerre többfélét kínálunk, főfogásként is kiválóak. A több mint 60 recept remek ötleteket ad ahhoz, hogyan tehetjük a közös falatozással feledhetetlenné a családdal és barátokkal töltött időt.
Buen provecho!
Cooking and the Crown
An intimate cookbook exploring 200 years of British royal food, studded with anecdotes, delectable tidbits, and nuggets of history, featuring 100 accessible recipes from award-winning food writer Tom Parker Bowles.
In Cooking and the Crown: Royal Recipes from Queen Victoria to King Charles III, Tom Parker Bowles, award-winning food writer, restaurant critic, and son of Queen Camilla, blends history, monarchy, and gastronomy to provide a fascinating window into the world of royal tastes and traditions as far back as Victorian times.
Cooking and the Crown showcases an abundance of beloved royal recipes for all seasons, everyday occasions, and celebrations of all kinds, from breakfasts, picnic lunches and dinners to coronations and state banquets, including:
• Breakfast: Queen Camilla’s Porridge, Herrings Fried in Oatmeal and Kedgeree
• Lunch: George V’s Curry, Buckingham Palace Mutton Pies
• Tea: Queen Mary’s Birthday Cake, Sandwiches a la Regance, and Welsh Teabread
• Dinner: The King’s Wet Martini, Sardine Diable Savouries
• Dessert: Bombe Glacée Princess Elizabeth
Punctuating the delectable recipes are essays offering behind-the-scenes peeks into the histories of kitchen suppers, garden parties, Coronations, and State banquets, as well as tales of the chefs, customs, and predilections of royal kitchens.
With material from the royal archives woven together with contemporary accounts and Parker Bowles’ own personal insights, Cooking and the Crown is a glorious recipe collection that offers a glimpse into the tastes and pleasures of the royal table from Queen Victoria to present day.
Amuse Bouche
What makes a real salade nicoise?
What type of cheese is officially France's stinkiest?
Why does the sandy carrot have such a superior flavour?
And who exactly are the Brotherhood of the Knights of the Giant Omelette?
Leading expert on French food and culture Carolyn Boyd shares the stories behind the country's most fascinating foods and ingredients. Spanning every region of France and divided into 200 separate vignettes, each entry blends history and travel, personal anecdote and recipes.
Amuse Bouche is a book to be devoured: a beautifully illustrated, joyous celebration of French food, and a charming, practical guide to inspire your own travels - whether you're a proud Francophile or don't know your ficelle from your fl?te.
The Authentic Ukrainian Kitchen
Celebrate Ukraine's independent spirit in this cookbook sharing the nation's unique traditions and culture in 100 recipes crafted by Ukraine's most prominent chef.
Now, more than ever, Ukrainian cuisine and culture deserve to be known around the world. In The Authentic Ukrainian Kitchen, Ievgen Klopotenko shares the true food of Ukraine - the way it is really cooked today - with modern recipes for familiar and forgotten dishes.
Klopotenko is Ukraine's most internationally celebrated chef. A top restaurateur in Kyiv, winner of Ukraine's MasterChef, and an activist promoting Ukrainian food around the world, he has also worked with First Lady Olena Zelenska to revamp the country's school lunch program and campaigned for the United Nations to recognise the heritage of borshch.
The recipes he collects in this book are the result of years of research into regional Ukrainian cooking. After training as a chef in France and cooking professionally in the UK, he returned to Ukraine with a desire to catalogue and promote his own national cuisine - free of influence from Soviet-era propaganda.
These dishes form a Ukrainian cuisine all its own, shaped by tradition, geography and agriculture. Known as the 'breadbasket of Europe,' Ukraine's beloved national dishes include:
- Borshch, the national treasure, a savoury beet soup - with many variations
- Pampushky, easy garlic bread rollsHolubtsi, stuffed cabbage rolls
- Varenyky, dumplings stuffed with sweet or savoury fillings
- Deruny, fried potato pancakes
- Lviv-Style Cheesecake, and more
Discover fresh ideas about how to use common vegetables, new approaches to fermentation and pickling, the delight of dumplings and simple baked goods, hearty braises and the pleasure of desserts such as Kyiv Candied Fruit. But this cookbook is about more than the food: It stands for the preservation of a culture under threat and the independence of people under attack.
Persiana 10th anniversary edition
This enhanced edition of Sabrina Ghayour's original Sunday Times bestselling collection of over 100 recipes for simple, fuss-free, easy and unmissable Middle-Eastern inspired dishes full of flavour is the must-have cookbook you'll use again and again.
Mezze & Sharing Plates
Aubergine chermoula; Marinated feta; Spiced lamb kofta
Breads & Grains
Eastern-style foccacia; Persian bejewelled rice; Lamb biryani
Soups, Stews & Tagines
Chicken, preserved lemon & olive tagine; Lamb shank, black garlic & tomato tagine; Seafood & saffron stew
Roasts & Grills
Seared beef with pomegranate & balsamic dressing; Prawns with sumac, coriander, lemon & garlic; Lamb & pistachio patties
Salads & Vegetables
Blood orange & radicchio salad; Fig & green bean salad with date molasses & toasted almonds; Cumin-roasted carrots with honey-lemon dressing & goats' cheese
Desserts & Sweet Treats
Baklava; Pistachio, rose & raspberry madeleines; Strawberry & pineapple carpaccio
Le Sud: Recipes from Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
From James Beard Book Award finalist Rebekah Peppler: The definitive guide to the food, drink, and lifestyle of southeastern Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, featuring recipes that reflect the Provençal table from a modern perspective.
The charms of le sud are many. The food culture is vibrant and season-focused; the tables are welcoming and convivial. In Le Sud, Rebekah Peppler distills these flavors, techniques, and spirit of the South of France into a never-before-seen collection of recipes, photographs, and stories.
The region—and its many culinary viewpoints—spans from the snowcapped Southern Alps in the north to the French Mediterranean in the south, the Rhône River to the west, and Italy along its eastern border. And like many regions where landscapes and people happily crash into each other, the food is dynamic and exciting. Here are recipes—from drinks to savory to sweet—that capture the modern tables and life lived around them in the south of France today.
Le Sud’s transporting photography expands our visual understanding of Provence outside solely lavender fields and endless summer holidays to showcase the geographically and culturally diverse region and its tables. As in Á Table—her inspiring cookbook about dining the French way—Peppler’s recipes drip in home cook equity.
Interwoven alongside the recipes and photography are fun, informative sidebars that reflect this perspective of eating and drinking in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and provide an inspiring, approachable guide to the south of France. Sidebars elevate a reader’s knowledge of southeastern French cooking and eating, from the wines of the region to after-dinner drinking to the (modern) Provençal cheese plate.
Le Sud is more than a recipe book; it is a dive into and a celebration of this abundant, enchanting region that has long captured the imaginations of many.
ACCESSIBLE FRENCH COOKING: With dishes that are easy to make on a weeknight but impressive enough to serve at a party, Le Sud gives home cooks the tools they need to recreate the magic of a Provençal table anywhere in the world. Included are recipes that take you from start—Tapenades, Pissaladi?re, and Martini Provençal—to mains and sides—Market Day Roast Chicken and Potatoes, The Pasta I Crave Every Time I’m Near the Sea, and Ratatouille—through to the very end of the meal—Navettes, La Tropézienne, and Tarte au Citron.
MORE THAN A COOKBOOK: With insight into the staples of South of France living, from Provençal wine to marché must-haves, tips on gathering, and the longstanding tradition of apéro, this book is so much more than a collection of recipes.
A GORGEOUS GIFT FOR FRANCOPHILES: Shot in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Le Sud is filled with Joann Pai's evocative photography. Readers will feel as if they are traveling through and seated around tables across the south of France.
Perfect for:
Francophiles the world over, readers with existing memories of France, and those who want to armchair travel alike.
Anyone who loves to eat seasonally and cook with fresh ingredients.
Relaxed cooks and hosts looking for recipes that are approachable for the home cook.
Fans of Rebekah Peppler's work, including Á Table, her James Beard Award–nominated book Apéritif, and her writing in the New York Times.
People of all ages who like to plan unfussy meals with delicious food and minimal prep.
Folks who dream of or are planning a trip to le sud.
Italská kuchyně: nejoblíbenější recepty
Proč je italská kuchyně tak oblíbená? Snad proto, že díky pár surovinám a snadnému postupu dokážeme rychle připravit chutný pokrm. Kromě toho je považována za obzvláště zdravou. Podstatné je používat kvalitní suroviny, zdůraznit a podtrhnout jejich chuť, ale nepozměnit ji. Ostatně – Itálie, to nejsou jen těstoviny a pizza: V této kuchařce najdete recepty na nejoblíbenější klasické pokrmy zvučných názvů: caprese, melanzane alla parmigiana, špagety carbonara, piccata alla milanese, saltimbocca, vitello tonnato, pannacotta nebo tiramisu a mnohé další.
Discover a real taste of Mexico with a modern twist.
In Mexico, ‘sobremesa’ – which translates to ‘over the table’ – is all about enjoyment. It is the tradition of relaxing at the dining table with loved ones, sharing food, stories and quality time.
From soups to salads, suppers to sharers and small plates, staples to desserts, in her début cookbook Mexican-born chef and recipe developer Susana Villasuso has distilled the top recipes inspired by her family, and the best-known dishes made in kitchens up and down Mexico.
The result is a collection of veg, meat and fish recipes made with everyday ingredients to savour in your own home. These are flavourful, comforting and shareable dishes that you’ll keep coming back to for simple weeknight dinners, delicious weekend feasts and everything in between.
Brimming with vibrant, modern food that sings of the Mediterranean, Greekish is a must-have for simple recipes that are perfect any day of the week.
'This book? It's Greek. ish. And if you are saying 'ish' with a scrunched-up nose, a squinted eye and a slight wobble of the head or tilt of the hand, then you are on the right track. Truth be told, when it comes to writing recipes, sometimes hiding behind tradition actually makes life easier. You don't like something? Take it up with my ancestors. But these Greekish dishes are all me and I think they're some of the best I have written. I hope that you love them, that they become part of your repertoire and that over time you make them your own.'
Inspired by her Greek-Cypriot roots and Greek travels, Georgina has collected recipes that are easy, bursting with flavour and sure to be cooked on repeat. With fewer ingredients and less stress, the recipes include familiar Mediterranean classics, as well as plenty of Greek-influenced dishes with Georgina's twists.
Standout recipes include:
Fried sesame cheese bites to serve up as an irresistible snack
Tuna, egg and caper salad to make an easy lunch
Sticky aubergine and pomegranate tart for a crowd-pleasing centrepiece
Spanakopita jacket potatoes as a twist on the weeknight classic
One-pot pastisio for an easy meal everyone will love
Meat, fish and veggie kebabs delivering the ultimate barbecue
Baklava cheesecake as a show-stopping dessert
There are easy breakfasts, small dishes and snacks, salads, desserts and even whole sections of recipes inspired by the iconic spanakopita and baklava. Greekish is full of flavour-packed recipes that are easy, enticing and ready to be made your own.
Italian Coastal
An enchanting and delectable journey to the shimmering waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea, via plates of pasta, baked fish, and glasses of peach-laced white wine - from the author of A House Party in Tuscany.
Welcome to the Tyrrhenian Sea, home to la dolce vita, sun-drenched islands and seaside towns where even the simplest trattoria has an effortless glamour.
Following on from the success of her first book, A House Party in Tuscany, Amber Guinness travels from the Tuscan coast down through Lazio and Campania via Naples and the Amalfi Coast and on to northern Sicily. Amber delves into the history, stories and flavours that have come home to her kitchen and shaped her food philosophy.
Amber's quest for maximum flavour with minimal effort shines through in these delicious and achievable recipes that will bring an authentic mouthful of coastal Italy to your table: crostini with ricotta and 'nduja; zucchini and mint lasagne; tomato linguine with capers; seabass with pistachio and almonds; Neapolitan vinegary fried zucchini; potato and caper salad from Salina; raspberry tiramisu and the ultimate Amalfi lemon cream cake.
Inspired by the markets and food of summer holidays by the beach, Italian Coastal is a fusion of recipe book, travelogue, and memoir – with sumptuous food and travel photography throughout – that will transport readers to the sunny Mediterranean.
Classic French Recipes
A stunning collection of the very best French recipes from the foremost authority on home-cooking in France
Celebrated food writer Ginette Mathiot, author of Je sais cuisiner (the best-selling home-cooking book in France for over 90 years), taught three generations of French families how to cook.
In this elegant cloth-covered new collection of tried-and-tested accessible recipes, complete with two ribbon markers, more than 170 of the finest French dishes have been selected from her works, such as the iconic Onion Soup Gratin, Dauphinois Potatoes, as well as regional dishes including Beef bourguignon from Bourgogne and Ratatouille from Provence, and iconic staples such as Vol-au-vent, Eggs in meurette sauce, Vichy carrots, Stuffed oysters, Créme brulée, Pears in wine, and Tarte Tatin.
With gorgeous, newly commissioned photography, an introduction by food writer Keda Black, and a fascinating foreword by the adopted Parisian pastry chef, cook, and writer, David Lebovitz, Classic French Recipes is the ultimate guide for all home cooks on how to prepare the most authentic and delicious French cuisine the French way.
Spain - The Cookbook
The bestselling book on traditional and authentic Spanish home cooking, with 1,080 easy-to-follow recipes
Spanish cooks have trusted and relied on this traditional home-cooking companion ever since it was first published over 40 years ago, with millions of copies sold to date. True to its original title (1080 recetas de cocina) it contains a comprehensive collection of 1,080 authentic Spanish recipes, covering everything from tortilla to bacalao.
In addition to its simple, easy-to-follow recipes, there are also menu plans, cooking tips, and a glossary and the book is fully illustrated throughout with specially commissioned photographs and over 500 illustrations by the famous Spanish graphic designer and illustrator, Javier Mariscal. This best-selling classic is a friendly and approachable book for all home cooks and covers every Spanish dish you could wish to make.
V kategórii literatúry národná kuchyňa - ostatné nájdete široký výber kníh a publikácií, ktoré vám ponúkajú možnosť preskúmať tradičné kulinárske štýly a jedlá z rôznych krajín sveta.
Tieto knihy vás prevedú jedinečným svetom gastronómie, kde sa môžete obohatiť o nové recepty, techniky a zaujímavosti zo všetkých kútov sveta. Naučte sa pripravovať autentické jedlá a objavujte tajomstvá národných kuchýň rôznych kultúr.
Nezáleží na tom, či máte radi exotické chute ázijskej kuchyne, bohatosť príchutí stredomorskej kuchyne alebo tradičné pokrmy z južnej Ameriky, v tejto kategórii nájdete knihy, ktoré vám pomôžu obohatiť váš kulinársky repertoár.