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Kosmova kronika česká

Kosmova kronika česká (latinsky Chronica Boemorum) je nejstarší česká kronika, tj. kronika týkající se dějin Čechů. Původní text byl napsán latinsky a jeho autorem byl Kosmas, děkan pražské svatovítské kapituly. Sepsal ho pravděpodobně v letech 1119 až 1125. Kronika stojí na úplném počátku české historiografie a je obecně považována za jedno z nejvýznamnějších literárních děl, které v českých zemích ve středověku vzniklo. Zároveň je to jeden z nejdůležitějších historických pramenů pro poznání českého raného středověku. Vliv Kosmovy kroniky na poznání českého středověku je dokonce natolik zásadní, že se někteří historikové pokoušejí vytvořit i tzv. nekosmovské pojetí českých dějin, tj. na základě jiných pramenů zjistit, co se do historiografie dostalo jako Kosmova invence či jeho specifický náhled na svou současnost.
19,76 € 21,95 €

The Mongol Storm

How the Mongol invasions of the Near East reshaped the balance of world power in the Middle Ages. For centuries, the Crusades have been central to the story of the medieval Near East, but these religious wars are only part of the region's complex history. As The Mongol Storm reveals, during the same era the Near East was utterly remade by another series of wars: the Mongol invasions. In a single generation, the Mongols conquered vast swaths of the Near East and upended the region's geopolitics. Amid the chaos of the Mongol onslaught, long-standing powers such as the Byzantines, the Seljuk Turks, and the crusaders struggled to survive, while new players such as the Ottomans arose to fight back. The Mongol conquests forever transformed the region, while forging closer ties among societies spread across Eurasia. This is the definitive history of the Mongol assault on the Near East and its enduring global consequences.
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14,20 € 14,95 €

A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages

A delightfully captivating journey across the medieval world, seen through the eyes of those who travelled across it. From the bustling bazaars of Tabriz, to the mysterious island of Caldihe, where sheep were said to grow on trees, Anthony Bale brings history alive in A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages, inviting the reader to travel across a medieval world punctuated with miraculous wonders and long-lost landmarks. Journeying alongside scholars, spies and saints, from western Europe to the Far East, the Antipodes, and the ends of the world, this is no ordinary travel guide, containing everything from profane pilgrim badges, Venetian laxatives and flying coffins to encounters with bandits and trysts with princesses. Using previously untranslated contemporary accounts from as far and wide as Turkey, Iceland, Armenia, north Africa, and Russia, A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages is a living atlas that blurs the distinction between real and imagined places, offering the reader a vivid and unforgettable insight into how medieval people understood their world.
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23,28 € 24,50 €


In the fourth century AD, a new faith exploded out of Palestine. Overwhelming the paganism of Rome, and converting the Emperor Constantine in the process, it resoundingly defeated a host of other rivals. Almost a thousand years later, all of Europe was controlled by Christian rulers, and the religion, ingrained within culture and society, exercised a monolithic hold over its population. But, as Peter Heather shows in this compelling history, there was nothing inevitable about Christendom's rise to Europe-wide dominance. In exploring how the Christian religion became such a defining feature of the European landscape, and how a small sect of isolated congregations was transformed into a mass movement centrally directed from Rome, Heather shows how Christendom constantly battled against both so-called 'heresies' and other forms of belief. From the crisis that followed the collapse of the Roman Empire, which left the religion teetering on the edge of extinction, to the astonishing revolution in which the Papacy emerged as the head of a vast international corporation, Heather traces Christendom's chameleon-like capacity for self-reinvention and willingness to mobilize well-directed force. Christendom's achievement was not, or not only, to define official Christianity, but - from its scholars and its lawyers, to its provincial officials and missionaries in far-flung corners of the continent - to transform it into an institution that wielded effective religious authority across nearly all of the disparate peoples of medieval Europe. This is its extraordinary story.
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24,65 € 25,95 €

Vitajte v kategórii "Stredovek" – období, ktoré predstavuje most medzi starovekým svetom a novovekom, časom rytierov, hradov a duchovenských katedrál, ale aj obdobia temna, kultúrneho prebudenia a vzniku univerzít. Pripojte sa k nám na pútnej ceste po Európe, Ázii a ďalších regiónoch, kde stredoveké kráľovstvá a kultúry rozkvitali.

V tejto kategórii objavíte fascinujúce príbehy o stredovekých monarchiách, bitkách za moc a územie, a o významných osobnostiach, ako boli Ján Hus, Jánne d'Arc či Tomáš Akvinský. Ponorte sa do sveta feudalizmu, renesancie a inkvizície, a získajte hlboký vhľad do zvykov, tradícií a spôsobov myslenia tohto času.

Knihy v tejto sekcii rozoberajú vývoj umenia, architektúry, vedy a filozofie v stredoveku, a ponúkajú čitateľom jedinečný pohľad na kultúrne a spoločenské udalosti, ktoré formovali moderný svet.

Ponorte sa do sveta stredoveku s nami a objavte čaro, tajomstvo a komplexnosť tejto úžasnej éry. Prežite dobrodružstvá rytierov, poklady renesancie a hĺbku duchovenských tradícií, ktoré pretrvávajú dodnes.