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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Politológia strana 136 z 138

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.

End Times

One of the most iconoclastic thinkers of our time offers a brilliant new theory of how society works What leads to political turbulence and social breakdown? How do elites maintain their dominant position? And why do ruling classes sometimes suddenly lose their grip on power? For decades, complexity scientist Peter Turchin has been studying world history like no-one else. Assembling vast databases mined from 10,000 years of human activity, and then developing new models, he has transformed the way we learn from the past. End Times is the result: a ground-breaking account of how society works. The lessons, he argues, are clear. When the balance of power between the ruling class and the majority tips too far in favour of elites, income inequality surges. The rich get richer, the poor further impoverished. As more people try to join the elite, frustration with the establishment brims over, often with disastrous consequences. Elite overproduction led to state breakdown in imperial China, in medieval France, in the American Civil War - and it is happening now. But while we are far along the path toward violent political rupture, Turchin's models also light the way to a brighter future. Drawing insight from those occasions in history where the balance was restored, End Times also points towards a different future: an escape from the patterns of the past.
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14,20 € 14,95 €

Politics: A Survivor’s Guide

We live in an age of fury and confusion. A new crisis erupts before the last one has finished: financial crisis, Brexit, pandemic, war in Ukraine, inflation, strikes. Prime Ministers come and go but politics stays divided and toxic. It is tempting to switch off the news, tune out and hope things will get back to normal. Except, this is the new normal, and our democracy can only work if enough people stay engaged without getting enraged. But how? To answer that question, award-winning journalist Rafael Behr takes the reader on a personal journey from despair at the state of politics to hope that there is a better way of doing things, with insights drawn from three decades as a political commentator and foreign correspondent.
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15,15 € 15,95 €

The Edge of the Plain

No matter where you turn, it seems that the taut lines of borders are vibrating to – or even calling – the tune of global events Today, there are more borders in the world than ever before in human history. Beginning with the earliest known example, Crawford travels to many borders old and new: from a melting glacial landscape to the conflict-torn West Bank and the fault-lines of the US/Mexico border. He follows the story of borders into our fragile and uncertain future – towards the virtual frontiers of the internet and the shifting geography of a world beset by climate change. As nationalism, climate change, globalisation, technology and mass migration all collide with ever-hardening borders, something has to give. And Crawford asks, is it time to let go of the lines that divide us?
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17,05 € 17,95 €

The Great Wave

An urgent examination of the great wave of change breaking over today’s world – from the Pulitzer Prize-winning critic and New York Times bestselling author of The Death of Truth In the twenty-first century, a wave of political, cultural and technological change has capsized our old certainties and assumptions, creating both opportunity and danger. As people lose their faith in old institutions and elites, radical voices at the margins and the grassroots are disrupting the status quo. This is the time of the outsider – the protester, the populist, the hacker. Some of these outsiders have sown chaos, like Donald Trump, and others have provided inspirational leadership, like Volodymyr Zelensky. But all have grasped this precarious moment to make something new. Writing with a critic’s incisive understanding of cultural trends, Michiko Kakutani outlines the consequences of these new asymmetries of power, and looks back to similar hinge moments in history, from the waning of the Middle Ages to the aftermath of the Second World War, to find a way forward. For there is, Kakutani argues, always the promise of transformation in times of turmoil. We can surrender to the waters, give in to the gathering chaos, or we can use the wave’s momentum to propel us into a more stable and sustainable future.
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18,95 € 19,95 €

In the Long Run

Democracy is future-oriented and self-correcting: today's problems can be solved, we are told, in tomorrow's elections. But the biggest issues facing the modern world - from climate collapse and pandemics to recession and world war - each apparently bring us to the edge of the irreversible. What happens to democracy when the future seems no longer open? In this eye-opening history of ideas, Jonathan White investigates how politics has long been directed by shifting visions of the future, from the birth of ideologies in the nineteenth century to Cold War secrecy and the excesses of the neoliberal age. As an inescapable sense of disaster defines our politics, White argues that a political commitment to the long-term may be the best way to safeguard democracy. Wide in scope and sharply observed, In the Long Run is a history of the future that urges us to make tomorrow new again.
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24,65 € 25,95 €

Six Faces of Globalization

When it comes to the politics of free trade and open borders, the camps are clear, producing a kaleidoscope of claims and counterclaims. But what exactly are we fighting about? Anthea Roberts and Nicolas Lamp cut through the confusion and mudslinging with an indispensable survey of the interests, logics, and ideologies driving these seemingly intractable arguments. Instead of picking sides, Six Faces of Globalization guides us through six competing narratives about the virtues and vices of globalization, giving each position its due and showing how each deploys sophisticated arguments and compelling evidence. Both globalization’s boosters and detractors will come away with their eyes opened. By isolating the fundamental value conflicts driving disagreement?growth versus sustainability, efficiency versus social stability?and showing where rival narratives converge, this book provides an invaluable framework for understanding ongoing debates and finding a way forward.
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26,55 € 27,95 €

The Fate of Third Worldism in the Middle East - Iran, Palestine and Beyond

A provocative reinterpretation of the tumultuous late 1970s and early 1980s in the Middle East In the latter half of the twentieth century, a revolutionary idea promised to upend the global order. Anti-imperialist militancy, bolstered by international solidarity, would lead to not only the national liberation of oppressed peoples but universal emancipation, shattering the division between the prosperous nations of the capitalist West and the poorer countries of the Global South. The idea was Third Worldism, and among others it inspired struggles in Iran and Palestine. By the early 1980s, however, progressive visions of independence and freedom had fallen to the reality of an oppressive Islamic theocracy in Iran, while the Palestinian Revolution had been eclipsed by civil war in Lebanon, Israeli aggression and intra-Arab conflict. This thought-provoking volume explores the dramatic decline of Third Worldism in the Middle East. It reveals the lived realities of the time by focusing on the key protagonists – from student activists to guerrilla fighters, and from volunteer nurses to militant intellectuals – and juxtaposes the Iranian and Palestinian cases to offer a riveting re-examination of this defining era. Ultimately, it challenges us to reassess how we view the end of the long 1960s, prompting us to reconsider perennial questions concerning self-determination, emancipation, change and solidarity.
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37,00 € 38,95 €

Epištoly o elitách a lidu

Volné pokračování úspěšné knihy Breviář pozitivní anarchie, která podrobně rozebírala nejrůznější problémy současnosti. Jim se věnuje i nový titul, ale tentokrát z pohledu dvou odlišných vrstev – elity a lidu. Autor uvádí titul slovy: „Elitu chápu jako skupinu lidí, která díky svému mocenskému postavení určuje běh života lidu. Za to požívá jistou úctu a obživu. Lid, to jsou ti ostatní, jejichž běh života je určován vládci. Dostává se mu poznání z úst učenců a těší ho tvorba talentovaných umělců. Pokud však elity vnucují lidu postoje, poznání a zábavu, s níž bytostně nesouhlasí, nerozumí jí a nemíní ji přijmout za svou, reptá. V takových dobách pak vycházejí knihy podobné této.“
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7,79 € 8,20 €

dostupné aj ako:

It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism

A progressive takedown of the uber-capitalist status quo that has enriched millionaires and billionaires at the expense of the working class, and a blueprint for what transformational change would actually look like. It’s OK to be angry about capitalism. Reflecting on our turbulent times, Senator Bernie Sanders takes on the billionaire class and speaks blunt truths about our country’s failure to address the destructive nature of a system that is fueled by uncontrolled greed and rigidly committed to prioritizing corporate profits over the needs of ordinary Americans. Sanders argues that unfettered capitalism is to blame for an unprecedented level of income and wealth inequality, is undermining our democracy, and is destroying our planet. How can we accept an economic order that allows three billionaires to control more wealth than the bottom half of our society? How can we accept a political system that allows the super rich to buy elections and politicians? How can we accept an energy system that rewards the fossil fuel corporations causing the climate crisis? Sanders believes that, in the face of these overwhelming challenges, the American people must ask tough questions about the systems that have failed us and demand fundamental economic and political change. This is where the path forward begins. It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism presents a vision that extends beyond the promises of past campaigns to reveal what would be possible if the political revolution took place, if we would finally recognize that economic rights are human rights, and if we would work to create a society that provides a decent standard of living for all. This isn’t some utopian fantasy; this is democracy as we should know it.
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30,88 € 32,50 €

České politické strany v poúnorovém exilu

Po únoru 1948 odešly z republiky do exilu tisíce lidí, včetně bývalých politiků, kteří se pokoušeli v zahraničí obnovit struktury politických stran, doma buď zakázaných, či přeměněných v neškodné satelity Komunistické strany Československa. Šestice českých exilových stran (národní socialisté, sociální demokraté, agrárníci, lidovci, národní demokraté, živnostníci) fungovala ve velmi provizorních podmínkách, přesto dokázala na přelomu 40. a 50. let výrazně promlouvat do exilového dění v Evropě i Severní Americe. Kniha nastiňuje historii těchto specifických hráčů na šachovnici studené války a využívá při tom pramenů objevených teprve nedávno v zahraničních archivech.
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12,01 € 12,64 €

Pre Európu

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5,16 € 5,43 €

Összeesküvés-elméletek & titkos társaságok

Konspirációs utazás a világ körül. Lehet, hogy a szkeptikusok közé sorolod magad, lehet, hogy "hívő" vagy - az biztos, hogy az összeesküvés-elméletek és titkos társaságok olyan útikalauzát tartod a kezedben, ami nemcsak a régmúlt idők rejtélyeibe vezet, hanem korunk titkait is feltárja. A maffiától a terrorizmuson át a hírhedt nagy átverésekig mindent számba vesznek a szerzők. A könyvből nem hiányoznak a magyar vonatkozású rejtélyek, titkos társaságok, a napjaink közvéleményét is foglalkoztató "maffiaügyek" sem. Amiről a könyvben olvashatsz: - konspirációs elméletek - bizarr titkos társaságok - az internet szerepe a "titkok" terjesztésében - az egész világra kiterjedő sémák létrehozása - a 9/11-es terrortámadás összeesküvés-elméletei - a maffia itthon és külföldön - Wesselényi-összeesküvés, rózsakeresztesek, Zrínyi halála stb. - bankárok és gonosz banki cselszövések
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16,63 € 17,50 €

V kategórii literatúry politológia nájdete rozsiahlu zbierku kníh a diel, ktoré sa zaoberajú politickými systémami, inštitúciami a procesmi. Táto kategória ponúka literatúru o politike, politickej teórii, medzinárodných vzťahoch a politických ideológiách.

Objavte diela svetovo uznávaných politických teoretikov a výskumníkov, ktorí analyzujú mocenské štruktúry, rozhodovacie procesy, politické konflikty a spoločenské zmeny. Ich príspevky sú kľúčové pre lepšie porozumenie politických systémov a ich vplyvu na spoločnosť.

Medzi najznámejších autorov v oblasti politológie patria Niccolo Machiavelli, či Karl Marx

V slovenskom kontexte môžeme uviesť Miroslava Kusého, Vladimíra Krivého a Miroslava Londáka ako významných autorov politologickej literatúry. Ich diela sa zaoberajú politickým vývojom, inštitúciami a politickým správaním na Slovensku.