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Lacná kniha Smlouva s Evou (-90%)

Po velkém úspěchu prvotiny Smlouva s Adamem přichází autorka, jež i nadále zůstává skryta pod rouškou anonymity, s pokračováním svého vášnivého příběhu o Adamovi a Evě…Chcete se dozvědět, jak se bude po prodělaném milostném karambolu vyvíjet bouřlivý vztah mladé učitelky s otcem jejího žáka? Sotva se Adamovi podaří Evu přesvědčit, aby mu odpustila, objeví se nečekaná komplikace a jedna krize střídá další. Je jejich vzájemné pouto natolik pevné, aby společně překonali všechny překážky, které se jim staví do cesty, nebo se jejich cesty znovu rozejdou? Jakou roli v tom sehraje žárlivost? Nenaruší jejich sexuální život Evin strach z dalšího Adamova záchvatu? Nebo už Adam tentokrát udrží své emoce pod kontrolou a vše nabere nový směr? Stranou nezůstávají ani osudy Eviných kamarádek. Splní se Šárce její sen o lepším životě? Podaří se Heleně nahlédnout pod pokličku svých problémů? Život není jednoduchý ani v románu, a tak přináší řadu nečekaných zvratů…
1,36 € 13,58 €

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50 odstínů vášně

Vrhněte se do milostných dobrodružství dvou lidí, kterým slovo "stereotyp" vůbec nic neříká. Deník, ze kterého sálá horoucí žár, ale i jde mráz po zádech, přečtete jedním - zatajeným - dechem. Nechte se svádět a svádějte! Vášeň, vzrušení a inspirace pro romantiky i odvážnější jedince...
6,65 € 7,00 €

Playboy Box XL

This title deals with the life and times of Hugh M. Hefner. This is an illustrated autobiography with highlights from Playboy's first 25 years. Hugh M. Hefner presents an illustrated autobiography with chronological highlights from Playboy's first 25 years. His personal life and career - from cartoon-drawing childhood to astonishing success with Playboy - are revealed in the most intimate portrait ever. Released on the 60th anniversary of the magazine, this sumptuous six-volume anthology celebrates the decadence, sophistication and wit of the original men's magazine and its creator. Hugh Hefner's Playboy highlights the extraordinary years from 1953 to 1979, with a selection of each era's spiciest centerfolds and writing by literary icons Gore Vidal, Norman Mailer, Jack Kerouac and Ray Bradbury, as well as some of the most important Playboy interviews, including Martin Luther King, John Lennon, Richard Nixon, and Roman Polanski. A wealth of never-before-seen ephemera from Hefner's personal archives includes original artwork, cartoons and correspondence, and a long autobiographical text about his youth, military service, early career as a cartoonist, numerous girlfriends and eventual success with Playboy. A vast selection of personal photos - many previously unseen - include behind-the-scenes shots from the Playboy Mansion, Playboy Clubs, and the Big Bunny jet. This is the definitive history of Playboy and its legendary founder.
104,50 € 110,00 €

Lacná kniha Mezi mužem a ženami Kamasutra pillow v sadě s knihou (-90%)

Sada obsahuje knihu Mezi mužem a ženami a polštářek Kamasutra. Kamsutra pillow je nafukovací polštářek, který je multifunkční. Nejlépe padne pod zadeček nebo pod bříško, anebo (nakonec) i jako podložka pod hlavu.
2,06 € 20,56 €

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Cosmo Kama Sutra

Je možné, že už jste slyšeli o Kamasutře, erotické příručce ze starověké Indie, jejíž název by se dal přeložit jako „Pojednání o rozkoši“ nebo „Učebnice lásky“. Právě vychází Cosmo Kamasutra. Je to svůdný, poučný a inspirativní průvodce tajemstvími lásky, jaká si jen dovedete představit. Během let jsme v Cosmopolitanu představili některé základní tělesné polohy, a to naším vlastním, zvláštním stylem. Zdálo se to jako výborný nápad, uspořádat je všechny (a mnohé další!) do jedné knihy, abyste je vždy měli po ruce. Každá poloha v Cosmo Kamasutře je navíc ohodnocená podle tělesné náročnosti, což vám ještě víc pomůže vybrat si pro sebe tu pravou. A jeden bonus na závěr. Naše lekce smyslnosti vám nabídnou informace o všem od cvičení, díky kterému se skvěle rozehřejete, až po žhavá místa na jeho i vašem těle. Skutečně uspokojivý milostný život volá po experimentování a dobrodružném přístupu – v rámci mezí, které jsou příjemné vám i vašemu partnerovi. Takže pokud jste připraveni na výzvu, pomůže vám tato kniha změnit a zlepšit váš milostný život. Naše impozantní, exotická kolekce na vás čeká.
11,96 € 12,59 €


"Szex United. Ez a mi kedvenc csapatunk neve. Ennek a hatalmas szurkolótábornak vagyunk mi a tagjai, ha kell, minden nap és minden éjjel ennek a rajongásnak a jegyében élünk és cselekszünk. Bármikor készen állunk a kalandra, tabuk és gátlások nélkül." Szepesi Nikolett első regényében a főhős veszi át az önéletrajzi kötetben megismert úszónő szerepét. Pikánsabbnál pikánsabb élethelyzetekbe kerül: Swinger klubba látogat, orosz milliárdost kényeztet, újságírót aláz meg, ismeretlen fiúkkal és lányokkal bújik össze. Vicces és drámai jelenetek főszereplője lesz, miközben találkozik a pesti éjszaka nélkülözhetetlen kellékeivel - pénz, kábítószer, bűnözés. Az "Orgazmuspontok" a heteken át a toplistákat vezető "Én, a szexmániás" című könyv hangulatát idézi, a szerző hasonló stílusban, ismét megbotránkoztató nyelvezettel ír a nyári szexhadjáratról.
4,28 € 4,50 €


Klasická hinduistická kniha lásky, která vznikla před 2000 lety, je dodnes nejproslulejším dílem pojednávajícím o sexu a erotice. Zabývá se všemi stránkami pohlavního života, včetně principů a technik dosažení rozkoše a společné extáze. Toto vydání přináší kompletní text mistrovského díla legendárního Vátsjájany, jež tvoří mezník mezi staroindickými klasickými texty o umění lásky a zůstává jedinečnou poctou zlaté epoše indického liberalismu. Ilustrace knihy tvoří reprodukce perských a arabských miniatur.
22,33 € 23,50 €

The Playmates of the Decade

For sixty years Playboy has been a tastemaker, an arbiter of style and a vanguard for political, sexual and economic freedom and represents the epitome of the men's magazine. Reflecting the same ethos, the German edition has curated culture and tastes for forty years. Nowhere is this clearer than in the Playmate of the Month photo spreads - one of the undisputed highlights of every issue. This fascinating look at the Playmates from the German Playboy of the last ten years features twenty-two of the most alluring women of our time. United by their sex appeal and a beauty that is global, magnetic and rare, they captivate us with both their curves and charisma. The Playmates of the Decade takes the reader on a sensual journey through the still young 21st century.
37,99 € 39,99 €

Diamonds and Pearls

Belgian photographer Marc Lagrange has quickly gained a reputation as one of the most original and talented nude photographers around. Taking a distinctive approach to setting voluptuous scenes, the Antwerp-based photographer meticulously composes timeless settings — with each location and prop carefully chosen to enhance the romantic and revealing mood. Building trust and chemistry with his models, Lagrange is daring but never crosses into mere titillation. The tension is palpable and a sense of mystery pervades each elaborate vignette. Combining the glamour of classic Hollywood with the sensibility of an Old Master painting, all his alluring heroines seem at ease and approachable — yet just tantalizingly out of reach.
75,91 € 79,90 €

Průvodce špatným sexem

Jste zaplaveni sexuálními příručkami, které jsou plné pozic, jež by bylo lepší ponechat hadím mužům s dlouhodobým tréninkem a zdravými zády? Jste vystrašení z ilustrací párů, jejichž dokonalé proporce vás nutí vážně se zamyslet nad otázkou, zda patříte ke stejnému živočišnému druhu? Vzchopte se. Tato knížka je protijed. Průvodce špatným sexem vám objasní vše, co potřebujete opravdu vědět.
2,76 € 2,90 €

Lacná kniha Průvodce špatným sexem (-70%)

Jste zaplaveni sexuálními příručkami, které jsou plné pozic, jež by bylo lepší ponechat hadím mužům s dlouhodobým tréninkem a zdravými zády? Jste vystrašení z ilustrací párů, jejichž dokonalé proporce vás nutí vážně se zamyslet nad otázkou, zda patříte ke stejnému živočišnému druhu? Vzchopte se. Tato knížka je protijed. Průvodce špatným sexem vám objasní vše, co potřebujete opravdu vědět.
0,87 € 2,90 €

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The New Erotic Photography Vol.1

The world's finest contemporary erotic photographers Imagine walking into a room filled with the world’s finest contemporary erotic photographers, each with a portfolio of his or her best work. As you browse the photographs they discuss inspiration, censorship, how to find models, and how to make a living capturing beautiful women on film and in pixels. The New Erotic Photography is the room, and dozens of photographers from various countries are the hosts of this intimate gathering. In this 320 page volume you will meet Ralph Gibson, Jan Saudek, Terry Richardson, Natacha Merritt, Petter Hegre, Richard Kern, and the many fresh new talents currently redefining eroticism. Playful, provocative and exuberantly sexy, these aren’t your granddad’s art nudes—this is The New Erotic Photography.
10,97 € 11,55 €

Shot by Kern

The internet video site VBS, launched by the ironic and ultra-cool American magazineVice, features original content on a wide range of subjects dear to the hipster heart. One of the first, and still the most popular, ongoing series was "Shot by Kern," a concept dreamed up by then editor-in-chief Jesse Pearson to roust photographer Richard Kern from his New York environs and have him shoot women Kern-style around the world. In the last seven years Kern has traveled to Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States with a Vice video crew. Fans follow his adventures on Vice.com, from interviewing the real women who dream of being New York Girls, through styling and shooting. What they don’t see, what no one has ever seen, are the photos that result from these video sessions. Shot By Kern presents some 300 of these photographs for the first time. Those who’ve followed Kern’s adventures on VBS will be especially eager to lay their hands on this book, but all fans will enjoy these fresh-scrubbed amateurs in their first time before the camera. Some are shy, some are brazen, but all have that quirky cuteness Kern seeks in his subjects. The book includes several photo series. As Richard travels the world he’s noticed cultural similarities between his models and themes have emerged, from the universality of prescription drugs, to a love of technology, to lying in bed, and peering up skirts. And because Kern has always been fascinated by what women do behind the bathroom door, there is lots of intimate personal grooming. As with Kern’s last TASCHEN book, Action, Shot By Kern comes with an hour long video, shot and edited by Kern, with original music by Sonic Youth’s Thurston Moore, because, like Kern’s models, the modern world is always in motion.
32,25 € 33,95 €

Lacná kniha Shot by Kern (-90%)

The internet video site VBS, launched by the ironic and ultra-cool American magazineVice, features original content on a wide range of subjects dear to the hipster heart. One of the first, and still the most popular, ongoing series was "Shot by Kern," a concept dreamed up by then editor-in-chief Jesse Pearson to roust photographer Richard Kern from his New York environs and have him shoot women Kern-style around the world. In the last seven years Kern has traveled to Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States with a Vice video crew. Fans follow his adventures on Vice.com, from interviewing the real women who dream of being New York Girls, through styling and shooting. What they don’t see, what no one has ever seen, are the photos that result from these video sessions. Shot By Kern presents some 300 of these photographs for the first time. Those who’ve followed Kern’s adventures on VBS will be especially eager to lay their hands on this book, but all fans will enjoy these fresh-scrubbed amateurs in their first time before the camera. Some are shy, some are brazen, but all have that quirky cuteness Kern seeks in his subjects. The book includes several photo series. As Richard travels the world he’s noticed cultural similarities between his models and themes have emerged, from the universality of prescription drugs, to a love of technology, to lying in bed, and peering up skirts. And because Kern has always been fascinated by what women do behind the bathroom door, there is lots of intimate personal grooming. As with Kern’s last TASCHEN book, Action, Shot By Kern comes with an hour long video, shot and edited by Kern, with original music by Sonic Youth’s Thurston Moore, because, like Kern’s models, the modern world is always in motion.
3,40 € 33,95 €

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Lacná kniha The New Erotic Photography Vol.1 (-90%)

The world's finest contemporary erotic photographers Imagine walking into a room filled with the world’s finest contemporary erotic photographers, each with a portfolio of his or her best work. As you browse the photographs they discuss inspiration, censorship, how to find models, and how to make a living capturing beautiful women on film and in pixels. The New Erotic Photography is the room, and dozens of photographers from various countries are the hosts of this intimate gathering. In this 320 page volume you will meet Ralph Gibson, Jan Saudek, Terry Richardson, Natacha Merritt, Petter Hegre, Richard Kern, and the many fresh new talents currently redefining eroticism. Playful, provocative and exuberantly sexy, these aren’t your granddad’s art nudes—this is The New Erotic Photography.
1,16 € 11,55 €

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The Little Book of Pussy

From the time The Big Penis Book was published, readers anticipated The Big Book of Pussy. Granted, perhaps not the same readers, but the seed had been planted and the calls and letters began flowing in. Once they had that long-awaited book, some found themselves overwhelmed by the variety and abundance, as well as the sheer size of the book. As one reviewer wrote, "let’s give credit to Amazon for…the strength of its packaging. Who wants a 2-ton pussy book being ’exposed’ for the mailman…?" For those who worry that there can be too much of a good thing, we’ve made a pared down, "best of" edition of The Big Book of Pussy, a petite little kitten of a book that puts those in-your-face photos in proper perspective. Now you can follow the evolution of genital exposure with ease, through 100 years of photos with one thing in common: the exhibitionistic pleasure with which the models present their feminine pulchritude. And with over 150 photos - 36 new to this book - of the pet we love to pet, no bothersome text to interrupt the flow, all in a package that won’t stress the mailman’s back, we just may have produced the perfect self-gifter of the year.
9,45 € 9,95 €

The Little Book of Butts

How can we pack so much big booty into such a tiny and inexpensive package? Sorry, but it’s a trade secret we can’t divulge, except to say that shoehorns and spandex were involved. The original Big Butt Book featured a great cross-section of delectable rears from the 1950s to the present day. Here, in the Little Book of Butts, since life is such an ironic deal, we decided to pare the original content down to just the biggest and the best, in-your-face phatties to which the great Sir Mix-a-lot alluded when penning, "My anaconda don’t want none, unless you’ve got buns, hun." Then we added in about 30 new photos, just to be generous. Now in these 150 plus photos you’ll see the big and the bountiful, then the bigger and more bountiful, in black and white and in color. The models may be largely anonymous, but their curves are legendary, and now that they’re collected in a discrete little package affordable by all in these financially trying times, why hold back? Your badonkadonk is calling.
9,45 € 9,95 €

The Little Book of Legs

Many loved The Big Book of Legs but some found it just too darn big, weighing in at nearly seven pounds. True, it was packed with shapely legs spanning six decades, from the first shy emergence of the ankle in the 1910s, through the rolled stockings and rouged knees of the 1920s, to the Betty Grable ’40s, the stockinged and stilettoed ’50s, on into the sexually liberated ’60s and ’70s, but it could still put a dent in your own thighs if you sat reading for too long. Fortunately here at TASCHEN we listen to your groans of agony as well as your moans of ecstasy; thus, the light and portable Little Book of Legs, packing over 100 of the choicest photos from the original volume, as well as 38 new photos, into a compact (and frankly adorable) package. From Betty Grable to Bettie Page, the greatest legs of the 20th Century can be found within, shot by Irving Klaw, Peter Gowland, Bunny Yeager, and the incomparable Elmer Batters, father of leg art. There are silk and nylon stockings, high heels in abundance, curvy calves, taut thighs, playful toes and towering arches—with no bothersome text to get in the way. Could leg love get any sweeter?
9,45 € 9,95 €

Táto kategória je určená pre dospelých čitateľov, ktorí sa zaujímajú o erotickú a sexuálnu literatúru.

Kategória "Erotika" je zameraná na literárne diela, ktoré sa venujú senzualite, vášni, sexualite a zmyselnosti. Nájdete tu širokú škálu kníh, ktoré sú zamerané na dospelých čitateľov a ponúkajú rôzne informácie ako oživiť sexuálny život a rozprúdiť erotickú fantáziu.

Nájdete tu knihy, ktoré sa zaoberajú rôznymi aspektmi erotiky, vrátane romantiky, vášne, sexuálnej túžby, intímnych vzťahov a objavovania vlastnej sexuality.

Naše erotické knihy vám ponúkajú možnosť relaxovať, snívať a objavovať rôznorodosť a krásu ľudskej sexuality. Bez ohľadu na vaše preferencie a záujmy, nájdete tu diela, ktoré vás oslovia a prinášajú vám intímne a zmyselné zážitky prostredníctvom literatúry.