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Knihy - Fotografia strana 104 z 132

Príroda Tatier na starých pohľadniciach

Čaro starých pohľadníc poskytuje výraznejší zážitok a plnšie precítenie opisovaného miesta ako napríklad súčasné fotografie či ilustrácie. Zvlášť, keď ide o také špecifické „mesto“, akými sú Vysoké Tatry. Tatranské osady a doliny boli totiž oddávna stredobodom pozornosti vydavateľov pohľadníc a v priebehu minulých desaťročí sa ich objavilo niekoľko stoviek, ba až tisíciek. O to krajšia a zodpovednejšia bola túžba vydavateľstva zaradiť do tejto edície práve Vysoké Tatry a prostredníctvom starých pohľadníc vyjadriť vzťah k nádhernému slovenskému horstvu.
11,35 € 11,95 €

Stredné Považie na starých pohľadniciach

Po úspešných knihách z viacerých slovenských miest pripravilo vydavateľstvo DAJAMA v tomto roku prvú publikáciu, ktorá predstavuje prostredníctvom starých pohľadníc celý región. Kniha Stredné Považie na starých pohľadniciach je malou pohľadnicovou prechádzkou stredným Považím v prvej polovici 20. storočia. Predstavuje jeho obraz tak, ako ho zachytili viacerí fotografi a vydavatelia pohľadníc. Súbor takmer 250 starých pohľadníc je zoradený geograficky podľa jednotlivých okresov regiónu, ktorý s iaha od Piešťan na juhu až po Strečno na severe a je v podstate vymedzený rozvodnicou Váhu, resp. slovensko-českou hranicou. Zostavovatelia sem zaradili okrem okolitých pohorí aj povodie Rajčianky a Kysuce, teda regióny Rajeckej doliny a Kysúc. Začín a sa okresom Piešťany a končí sa okresom Kysucké Nové Mesto. Texty o jednotlivých častiach miest a vidieckych obcí opisujú nielen ich históriu, ale sú obohatené aj o rôzne zaujímavosti, ktoré čitateľom pomôžu lepšie priblížiť charakter regiónu v prve j polovici 20. storočia. Obsahová štruktúra a členenie jednotlivých kapitol tiež prispievajú k plnšiemu precíteniu stredného Považia, ktorého zákutia iste zaujmú každého návštevníka.
11,35 € 11,95 €

Autoři triády

Soubor fotografických portrétů P. Havlíka vznikal v letech 2005-2008. Obsahuje snímky básníků a spisovatelů Vladimíra Binara, Petra Fidelia, Gertrudy Goepfertové, Zbyňka Hejdy, Pavla Kolmačky, Ivana Matouška, Eriky Olahové, Elišky Vlasákové, Jaromíra Zelenky, historika Jana Tesaře a filosofa a esejisty Zdeňka Vašíčka. Záměr vytvořit souvislou sérii portrétů nebyl podřízen žádným dalším kritériím, která by práci omezovala a musela být dodržena. A jakkoli ani okruh portrétovaných autorů nebyl na počátku zcela zřejmý, výsledek nepůsobí jako náhodný. Podobně jako v nakladatelské práci Triády, kde příležitost k setkání s autorem, již představuje vydání jeho knihy, bývá součástí často dost nevyzpytatelných okolností i náhod. Avšak kdy jde a kdy nejde o náhody, vidíme-li z odstupu času některá taková setkání jako bezmála osudová a blízkost tak samozřejmou, že by existovala snad i tehdy, kdyby k setkání v čase a prostoru bývalo nedošlo? Přemysl Havlík (nar. 26. 11. 1979), fotograf, tvůrce filmů. Vyučil se fotografem na odborném učilišti v Praze, v letech 1999-2003 absolvoval bakalářské studium na Institutu tvůrčí fotografie při Slezské univerzitě v Opavě. V letech 2003-2009 pracoval jako kostelník v kostele Nejsvětějšího Srdce Páně na pražských Vinohradech. Je autorem fotografického cyklu Sedm svátostí (po výstavě v altánu na pražské Klamovce v roce 2006 byl trvale instalován v premonstrátském klášteře v Teplé), natočil dokumentární filmy o hudebním skladateli Miloši Bokovi Credo fis moll (Umělecké sdružení Elgar/Limbus Production 2006) a Portrét Miloše Boka (Česká televize 2009), dokumentární film o mladých talentovaných hudebnících Mimo průměr (Limbus Production 2007) a o lesním rohu a věhlasném hornistovi českého původu Radkovi Baborákovi Solo (Limbus Production 2011). V současné době pracuje v Národním památkovém ústavu v Praze jako správce metainformačních dat a věnuje se filmu a fotografii. Vystavuje samostatně i kolektivně v žánru inscenované, dokumentární a experimentální fotografie. Jeho práce vycházejí v Revolver Revui, památkářském periodiku Staletá Praha aj.
10,00 € 10,53 €

Moscow Nights

V Moskevských nocích Kratochvíl svým typickým nadčasovým rukopisem zachytil život moskevské zlaté mládeže, uzavřeného světa, který se řídí vlastním rytmem a pravidly. „Otevřel jsem dveře, za které se dostanou jen vyvolení. Mně se to podařilo jen proto, že jsem fotil na objednávku pro prestižní magazín Vanity Fair a mladí Rusové chtěli světu předvést své bohatství a moc,“ říká Antonín Kratochvíl. „Za dveřmi” Kratochvíl prožil dva týdny, prošel nejznámější noční kluby v centru Moskvy, zažil největší víkendové párty, které končívají až nad ránem, v čase, kdy luxusní auta se šoféry rozvážející jejich účastníky míjejí autobusy plné lidí jedoucích do práce.
14,73 € 15,51 €

David Bailey: Look

One of the first celebrity photographers, David Bailey socialized with many of the cultural icons of the 60s - he lived with Mick Jagger, married the legendary French film actress Catherine Deneuve and had relationships with the models Jean Shrimpton and Penelope Tree. Along with Brian Duffy and Terence Donovan, he was one of the 'Terrible Trio' - self-taught East End boys who rebelled against the precious style of fashion portraiture as practiced by society photographers like Cecil Beaton and Norman Parkinson. His own fame was confirmed when director Michelangelo Antonioni used him as inspiration for the character of fast-living photographer Thomas Hemmings in cult film "Blow-Up" (1966).Outside the world of fashion photography, Bailey has pursued numerous personal and commercial projects, documenting the streetscapes of London, photographing the people and places of Havana, Cuba, and producing an intimate series of portraits of model Catherine Bailey, his current wife. He has also created record-sleeve art, feature films, documentaries and around 500 commercials. The vigour and variety of his work has made him the subject of numerous exhibitions, including a major traveling show that opened at the Barbican, London, in 1999 entitled "The Birth of Cool".This handsome monograph provides an overview of Bailey's career, including works from key monographs such as his debut Box of Pin-Ups (1964) and the controversial series The Lady is a Tramp (1995). The book, on a photographer whose reputation only continues to grow, will appeal to all photography enthusiasts and students, and to anyone with an interest in popular culture of the 1960s onwards.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Nan Goldin

Nan Goldin is internationally recognized as one of today's leading photographers. Her photographs have been exhibited in museums and galleries worldwide, including SFMOMA, California, the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Centre Pompidou, Paris and the Museu Reina Sofia, Madrid. Born in Washington DC, Goldin grew up in Boston where she began taking photographs at the age of fifteen. She has since lived in New York, Bangkok, Berlin, Tokyo and Paris, amassing an extensive body of work that represents a fascinating photographic portrait of our time. Since the 1980s, Goldin has consistently created images that are intimate and compelling, they tell personal stories of relationships, friendships and identity, but simultaneously chronicle different eras and the passage of time. Her 'snapshot'-esque images of her friends - drag queens, drug addicts, lovers and family - are intense, searing portraits that, together, make a document of her life. Goldin herself has commented on her photographic style and philosophy, saying, 'My work originally came from the snapshot aesthetic ...Snapshots are taken out of love and to remember people, places, and shared times. They're about creating a history by recording a history'. Her work often breaks social taboos with its explicit exploration of relationships, sexuality and eroticism, and has also shown the devastating effect AIDS has had on her community of friends. Through its sequence of 55 images, Nan Goldin presents an overview of the photographer's entire career, and illustrates the development of the intimate and raw style for which Goldin has become internationally renowned.
10,40 € 10,95 €

Jeanloup Sieff

In this unique monograph, Jeanloup Sieff (1933-2000) retraces in words and images the course of 40 years of photographs, encounters, and memories. Divided into four chapters, from the 50s to the 90s, the book brings together the major photographs of a creator who left his imprint on a generation with prolific work in the fields of fashion, landscape, advertising, and portrait photography. Sieff's art testifies to his tireless quest to capture the fleeting beauty of "temps perdu," or "time which cannot recur."
10,97 € 11,55 €

Lomnice nad Popelkou a okolí

Reprezentativní obrazová publikace s historickými i současnými fotografiemi, která v českém a anglickém jazyce seznamuje s bohatou historií, krásnou přírodou a zajímavými památkami a pamětihodnostmi podkrkonošského města Lomnice nad Popelkou a okolních obcí.
26,34 € 27,73 €

The War of Art

His cut and slash mash-ups of subway platform billboards only exist in New York City, but Poster Boy's artful and funny appropriations of advertising have gotten him attention the world over. The New York Times dubbed him an "anti-consumerist Zorro with a razor blade, a sense of humor and a talent for collage", the Guardian UK said of his work, it "is witty, web-savvy and economical . . . and the only materials it requires are chutzpah, imagination and a 50 cent blade."   Poster Boy tweaks corporate copy, replacing it with incisive and playful puns and turns of phrase rich with innuendo and political punch. Beautiful models turn ghastly and iconic spokespeople become the mouthpieces for Poster Boy's ideas. Poster Boy: The War of Art collects his best work yet.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Early Travel Photography

It was the Belle Époque, a time before air travel or radio, at the brink of a revolution in photography and filmmaking, when Burton Holmes (1870–1958) began a lifelong journey to bring the world home. From the grand boulevards of Paris to China's Great Wall, from the construction of the Panama canal to the 1906 eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Holmes delighted in finding "the beautiful way around the world" and made a career of sharing his stories, colorful photographs, and films with audiences across America. As a young man, Holmes was mentored by John L. Stoddard, a pioneer of the U.S. travel lecture circuit, who passed on his well-established mantle when he retired. Holmes roamed the globe throughout the summer and traversed the United States all winter, transforming the staid lecture tradition into an entertaining show. He coined the term "travelogue" in 1904 to advertise his unique performance and thrilled audiences with two-hour sets of stories timed to projections of multihued hand-painted glass-lantern slides and some of the first "moving pictures." Paris, Peking, Dehli, Dubrovnik, Moscow, Manila, Jakarta, Jerusalem: Burton Holmes was there. He visited every continent and nearly every country on the planet, shooting over 30,000 photographs and nearly 500,000 feet of film. This book represents the best of the Holmes archive, brimming with brilliant color photographs. A rare window on the world of 100 years ago, Burton Holmes's Early Travel Photography will transport you to a time that has all but evaporated, and inspire you to strike out on a journey of your own.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Image Makers, Image Takers

For professionals and beginners alike: a behind-the- scenes look at how photographers of world stature approach their work, and what it is that makes them succeed.This essential guide draws on in-depth interviews with established photographers from the fields of fashion, art, portraiture, documentary photography, and advertising as well as comments from picture editors, curators, agency directors, and publishers who reveal what they look for when choosing an image. The book first focuses on photographers’ working practices. What made the photographer start taking pictures? How did he or she develop a signature style? What is the process involved in going from concept to shoot? How important is postproduction? Then the book turns to selection. How does a picture editor decide which photographer to commission for the next fashion spread? What kind of photograph is worthy of being hung in a gallery? What advice would an art book publisher give a budding photographer? Whether it is the question of what to look for in an image, views on cropping, or the pros and cons of color versus black and white, the shapers of taste give acute and useful accounts of their methods. This updated edition includes five new interviews: Pascal Dangin, who pioneered a revolutionary digital scanning technique, Fabrice Dall’Anese, a celebrated French portrait photographer for Vanity Fair, GQ, Elle, and others, Jörg Colberg, creator of the photography blog, Conscientious, Jehad Nga, a self-taught photographer whose focus has recently shifted from photojournalism to fine art photography, and Tim Barber, who launched tinyvices.com in 2005, an online gallery and image archive. 179 color and 79 black-and-white photographs
22,75 € 23,95 €

Wiliam Blake

Contents: Boyhood 1757-1771, Apprenticeship and Marriage, Lyrical Poems, Poland Street and the Early Prophecies, Lambeth, Blake's Ideas on Art, Felpham with Hayley, Milton and Jerusalem, London Once More, Disciples and Death, Blake and the Sublime.
23,70 € 24,95 €

An Inner Silence: The Portraits of Henri Cartier-Bresson

“These masterful photos blend the spontaneity of a great snapshot with the highly organized composition of a classical painting.”—Publishers WeeklyHenri Cartier-Bresson (1908–2004) was perhaps the finest and most influential image maker of the twentieth century, and his portraits are among his best-known work. Over a fifty-year period, he photographed some of the most eminent personalities of the era, as well as ordinary people, chosen as subjects because of their striking and unusual features. Originally published to coincide with an exhibition at the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson in Paris, this book features both well-known images and previously unpublished portraits: Ezra Pound, André Breton, Martin Luther King, Samuel Beckett, Truman Capote, Susan Sontag, Carl Jung, William Faulkner, Marilyn Monroe, Henri Matisse, and many more. Each photograph was chosen because it perfectly embodies Cartier-Bresson’s description of what he was attempting to communicate in his work: “Above all I look for an inner silence. I seek to translate the personality and not an expression.” The portraits reproduced here—discreet, without artifice—confirm once more the singular gift of Cartier-Bresson, who instinctively knew in which revealing fraction of a second to click the shutter. 97 tritone photographs
24,65 € 25,95 €

Fashion Box

Fashion Box is a stylish collection of 16 classic fashion items, as worn by the icons who made them famous. Each of the 16 key pieces has its own chapter, introduced by a text from fashion writer Antonio Mancinelli and packed with unforgettable images, from Audrey Hepburn in a little black dress and Carla Bruni in a corset to Marilyn Monroe in jeans and Patti Smith in a white shirt.
25,60 € 26,95 €

Stern FOTOGRAFIE Portfolio No. 59

Heinz Koester’s celebrity photography brought much-needed hope and distraction to the austerity of post-war Germany. His skilful lighting and unique camera angles are still striking to the modern eye. Although very advanced in photographic techniques, Koester treated his subjects with old-world courtesy. “Warts and all” documentary style was not for him. A master of the careful touch-up and flattering composition, these works showcase public figures in a way that’s both intimate and inspiring. Working by day and by night, Koester’s output was monumental. Mighty statesmen, theatrical impresarios, screen legends; his lens captured them all! This collection presents the artistic highlights of a most prolific career.
28,45 € 29,95 €

Stern FOTOGRAFIE Portfolio No. 58

This portfolio showcases the legendary Herb Ritts, probably the greatest master of celebrity and beauty photography. Until his death in 2002, this Californian genius created and developed an iconic brand of glamour across the worlds of both editorial and advertising. His trademark groundbreaking approach is still the standard to which others aspire. Indeed, it is his images of world stars and models that best captured style at the end of the 20th century. With an understanding for the architectural quality of true beauty, Ritts conveys its structure, its texture—and its explosive impact. This Stern Fotografie volume features the best—some unpublished—portraits of those whom Herb Ritts immortalized.
28,45 € 29,95 €


It has been called the single most historic event of the 20th century: On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins met John F. Kennedy's call for a manned Moon landing by the end of the 1960s. A decade of tests and training, a staff of 400,000 engineers and scientists, a budget of $24 billion, and the most powerful rocket ever launched all combined in an unprecedented event watched by millions the world over. And no one captured the men, the mood, and the machinery like Norman Mailer. One of the greatest writers of the 20th Century, Norman Mailer was hired by LIFE magazine in 1969 to cover the Moon shot. He enhanced his reportage in the brilliantly crafted book, Of a Fire on the Moon, which is excerpted here. Equally adept at examining the science of space travel and the psychology of the men involved—from Saturn V rocket engineer Wernher von Braun, to the crucial NASA support staff, to the three astronauts—Mailer provides provocative and trenchant insights into this epoch-making event. Illustrating this volume are hundreds of photographs and maps from the NASA vaults, magazine archives, and private collections. These images document the development of the agency and the mission, life inside the command module and on the Moon’s surface, and the world’s jubilant reaction to the landing. This edition includes an original introduction by Colum McCann and captions by leading Apollo 11 experts, explaining the history and science behind the images, citing the mission log and publications of the day, and post-flight astronaut interviews. The book you couldn't get your hands on is finally available as the first publication in TASCHEN's new series of GOLDEN BOOKS, created to celebrate the company's 30th anniversary! Originally published as a TASCHEN Limited Edition, Norman Mailer's MoonFire sold out instantly and earned accolades from publications the world over.
32,25 € 33,95 €

Perfect Palettes

Everybody has their own unique sense of colour, derived from all sorts of sources, from favourite shades of childhood, to which colour of clothes suits an individual and what colours make them feel good in a living room. Often responses to the world around us are formed from perceived colours - the joy of a holiday seascape, the fascinating tonal variations of a forest in Autumn or a perfect plate of complementary tomato and basil salad. These combinations can sometimes be transposed to rooms with great effect, others need toning down to achieve a similarly pleasing emotional response. In Perfect Palettes, the world renowned author and interiors expert Stephanie Hoppen takes inspiration from nature, landscape, food and art to create colour combinations and provides detailed explanations on why they work and how to implement them. Key colour groupings are illustrated with real schemes and palettes for re-creating the look, making Perfect Palettes an indispensable collection of ideas and winning colour combinations for the home. About the Author Stephanie Hoppen has a successful art gallery in London that offers an eclectic selection of prints, paintings, sculpture, glass and furniture to an international clientele. Her previous books include Blue and White Living, Decorating with Style, Decorating with Pictures, The New Curtain Book, Perfect Neutrals and Perfect Palettes.
33,20 € 34,95 €

Newspeak: British Art Now

Published to accompany an exhibition opening at the Saatchi Gallery, London, in June 2010, Newspeak: British Art Now features an exciting array of up-and-coming British artists selected by renowned collector Charles Saatchi. As he did for Damien Hirst, Tracy Emin, and many others with his Sensation show, Saatchi stands to launch the careers of a new generation of artists with this provocative collection.One of the more than 50 featured artists has been selected from a BBC2 reality television series, Saatchi's Art Star, during which six artists trained with some of the most influential names in the art world today. Saatchi selected only one to exhibit in Newspeak and travel to Russia, where the show opens at the State Hermitage Museum before moving to London.Patricia Ellis, an artist and curator who has worked with the Saatchi Gallery since 1998, provides the foreword and world-renowned designer Jonathan Barnbrook adds his touch: in the dark, the fluorescent green cover changes colors to reveal a new design.
33,20 € 34,95 €

Toto je priestor, kde sa stretáva umenie s technológiou, a výsledkom sú zaujímavé, výrazné a často aj dojímavé obrazy. Fotografia je médiom, ktoré umožňuje zachytiť okamihy, emócie, krásu a príbehy pomocou objektívu.

V tejto kategórii nájdete rozmanité oblasti fotografie, od portrétov a krajín cez dokumentárne fotografovanie až po umenie experimentovať s rôznymi technikami a efektmi. Tu sa dozviete o technických aspektoch, ako je použitie svetla, kompozícia a aké sú základné nástroje fotografa.

Fotografia nie je iba o zachytení obrazu, ale aj o vyjadrení tvorivosti a vlastného pohľadu na svet. V tejto kategórii sa budeme venovať aj umeniu spracovania fotografií, rôznym štýlom a postupom, ktoré umožňujú vytvoriť jedinečné vizuálne zážitky.

Či ste profesionálny fotograf, nadšenec alebo začiatočník, táto kategória vám ponúka možnosť hlbšie sa ponoriť do sveta fotografie. Budete mať príležitosť objaviť nové perspektívy, techniky a inšpirácie, ktoré vám pomôžu rozvíjať vašu fotografickú zručnosť.