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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Fotografia strana 105 z 133

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Streisand: In the Camera Eye

Streisand: In The Camera Eye is a collection of the very best photographs of Barbra Streisand available, chosen for their rarity, their quality, their artistic interest and their insight into the many facets of Streisand's personality and career. The scores of pictures document her many phases and changes--from her early days on Broadway to her accomplished film work as an actress and director to her fabled concerts, along with personal imagery off the set and stage. Pictures have been sourced from the collections of some of the biggest names in portraiture and Hollywood photography including Philippe Halsman, Francesco Scavullo, Douglas Kirkland, Bob Willoughby and Cecil Beaton. Seven introductory essays by the author covering different phases of her adult life, along with substantial anecdotal and quote-filled captions, combine with the spectacular imagery to tell the whole story of one of the world's biggest, most beloved stars.
36,58 € 38,50 €

Glamour: 30 Years of Women Who Have Reshaped the World

Showcasing three decades of Glamour's Women of the Year, this book is a record of the ceiling-shattering achievements that have reshaped our world, and a manual for success for the women of today-and tomorrow For over 80 years, Glamour has been the preeminent female empowerment title in America. From Glamour's origin as the magazine "for the girl with a job" to today, strong, ambitious women have always taken center stage, and no place more so than at Glamour's annual Women of the Year Awards. Launched in 1990, the annual awards have become a 30-year living, breathing history, mapping out the evolution of women's power across the worlds of film, politics, sports, activism, and more. Many of the names are familiar. We've grown up with Billie Jean King, Madonna, Nora Ephron, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Titans of change like Michelle Obama and Malala Yousafzai have rocked our world in lasting ways. Stars such as Reese Witherspoon, Ava DuVernay, Julianne Moore, Lupita Nyong'o, and Ashley Graham have used their global influence to shift the needle in filmmaking, reproductive rights, criminal justice, and representation. Other names you may not know so well include women who have transformed the futures of school children in local communities, and teens who organized millions to fight against gun violence. Glamour: 30 Years of Women Who Have Reshaped the World touches on some of the most culturally important moments of our recent history. Additionally, it includes original content from Shonda Rhimes, Diane von Furstenberg, Arianna Huffington, and more to inspire future generations. Most importantly, the book offers inspiration and service, reminding today's women and girls that, in the words of 2015 Women of the Year honoree Reese Witherspoon, ambition is not a dirty word.
36,58 € 38,50 €

Joy Division: Juvenes

The definitive collection of the Joy Division photographs of Kevin Cummins, including interviews with Bernard Sumner, Peter Hook and Stephen Morris. The iconic images captured by Cummins - from snowy bridges and dark rehearsal rooms to electrifying live performances - helped to define Joy Division and cement their place in music history. Originally published in an ultra-limited run of just 226 copies, Juvenes is a book with legendary status. Now comprehensively updated with new material and images that have never been published in a book before, this new edition will allow fans to own it for the first time. Also containing insightful and moving essays from the band's family, contemporaries and fans including David Peace and Pat Nevin, Juvenes is a striking, poignant celebration of a truly special band. With a foreword by Ian Rankin. "Whenever I picture Joy Division, it's through Kevin Cummins' camera lens. Never before or since has one photographer captured a band's story so well." TIM BURGESS "I first saw Kevin Cummins' photographs of Joy Division when I was a music-obsessed teenager. The stark black and white shots captured perfectly the austere and serious nature of the music. Look at this book and dream a new future into being. God knows we need one." BOBBY GILLESPIE
36,58 € 38,50 €

Firecrackers - Female Photographers Now

There are many outstanding female photographers working today, yet the photographic industry continues to be a male-dominated world. Established in 2011, Firecracker (fire-cracker.org) is an online platform dedicated to supporting female photographers worldwide by showcasing their work in a series of monthly, online gallery features; by organizing events; and by awarding an annual grant to enable a female photographer to fund a project. Building on Firecracker's foundations, this book brings together the work of more than thirty of the most talented contemporary female photographers from around the world. Each profile explores the photographer's creative practice, illustrated by photographs that showcase a key project in her career, and a selection that offers a wider view of her work. The images encompass an eclectic variety of styles, techniques, and locations--from German Alma Haser's futuristic series of portraits that use origami to create 3D sculptures within the frame, to Egyptian Laura El-Tantawy's filmic and intensely personal series on political protest in Cairo. With more than 300 photographs, Firecrackers is a celebration of some of the most inquisitive, stylish, and daring photography being made today.
36,58 € 38,50 €

Natural Wonders of the World

Discover Earth's most beautiful and fascinating natural landmarks. From the spectacular granite domes of Yosemite to the reefs of the Bahama Banks and the ice sheets of the Antarctic, this is an unparalleled survey of the world's natural treasures. From the Rocky Mountains to the Great barrier Reef and everything in between, Natural Wonders of the World combines breathtaking landscape photography and illustrations with 3-D terrain models and other explanatory artworks to reveal what lies beneath the surface and explain the geological processes to show how the features were formed. Plants and animals that inhabit each environment are also included, making Natural Wonders of the World a complete celebration of our world. Produced in association with the Smithsonian Institution.
36,58 € 38,50 €

Qualified European Photographer

This book intents to celebrate the 5th anniversary since the birth of the QEP system. This publication introduces 159 QEP photographers - members of national associations of professional photographers.
28,58 € 30,08 €

Svět kamenů

Kniha textů Václava Vokolka a fotografií Hany Rysové hledá a sděluje posvátnost kamenů, jež tolik fascinovala naše předky. Výsledkem tohoto výjimečného setkání dvou umělců je vizualizovaný příběh o setkávání citlivého člověka s kameny v jejich různých podobách.
14,29 € 15,04 €

Architect of Photography

Eugeni Pons was born in Barcelona in 1964. His interest in photography began when he was only thirteen. With his first serious camera, a Canon AE-1, he took up experimental, architectural and landscape photography. After creating his own advertising photography studio with a colleague, he decided to go on his own and oriented himself towards his authentic matter of interest: architectural photography. He started collaborating with architecture and design magazines and introduced himself to the most successful architects in Barcelona, which made his first collaborations possible. He now continues collaborating with several international newspapers, magazines and publishers, and has won five LUX architecture photography awards.
35,63 € 37,50 €

Photography Visionaries

Photography Visionaries is an inspiring guide to 75 of the most influential photographers from c.1900 to the present. Entertainingly written by an expert on photography, it provides fascinating insight into the lives and careers of men and women working in a medium which perhaps more than any other in the visual arts has been deeply affected by technological change. The entries are arranged chronologically, instilling in the reader an understanding of what marks each photographer as a visionary. Each entry is less about providing a full biography of the person and more about creating a sense of excitement regarding their work and the lasting impact that it has had on photography. With the aid of an arresting selection of photographs, some well-known and others less so, this book offers a unique and engaging perspective on the development of photography through some of its most inventive practitioners.
35,63 € 37,50 €


The historical evolution of this astonishing photographic instrument matches the emotional charge of the famous images reproduced here. All sixteen Leica models, including digital cameras, are presented with relevant historical explanations and technical data alongside the works of such greats as Andre Kertesz, Henri Cartier- Bresson and Robert Capa.
35,63 € 37,50 €

Diving for Pearls

In her newest work, Nan Goldin merges her deep admiration for the artworks of the past with a lifelong dedication to her most immediate circle of friends. Invited by the Louvre, she photographed artworks of her choice at the museum and, guided by aesthetic and associative considerations, connected them to earlier photographs of her friends and lovers. In this way she not only draws inspiration from the rich sources of art history but revisits her own oeuvre of the last 40 years. The striking similarities between the two different pictorial worlds exert an intense dynamic on the viewer. The series, which yielded over 400 photographs, was shown for the first time in its full scope at the Kestnergesellschaft in Hannover, Germany. For this occasion, "Diving for Pearls" was conceived as an independent artist book which, alongside Goldin's newest work "Saints," contains a selection of photographs that have never been published before. Nan Goldin was born in Washington, DC, in 1953 and is one of the most eminent female photographers of our times. She studied at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Since 1982 she has visited and worked in Berlin on a regular basis. She received a Hasselblad Photography Award in 2007. Goldin lives in Berlin, New York and Paris.
35,63 € 37,50 €

Vědět viděním

Jak v úvodu svého textu Michal Janata otevřeně přiznává, jeho úvahy vycházejí ze zklamání z četby textů teoretiků fotografie. Zdá se mu, že například na rozdíl od literární vědy není teorie fotografie dostatečně propracovaná, protože jí v první řadě chybí promyšlená ontologie fotografického obrazu. Janata se ve svém textu nepokusil tento nedostatek odstranit a namísto toho se rozhodl zaměřit na interpretaci některých aspektů fotografie, především těch, které jsou nedostatečně reflektované. Úvahy Michala Janaty vycházejí z předpokladu, že fotografie navzdory tomu, že je považovaná za spolehlivého svědka, za dokument nějaké události anebo stavu věcí, přeci jen osciluje mezi tím, co odhaluje a tím, co zakrývá nebo jednoduše neumožňuje vidět. Michal Janata se v souvislosti s fotografií věnuje i času, specifice žánrů ve fotografii, vztahu fotografie k paměti či kolektivní paměti, zamýšlí se nad ohniskem, vztahem vidění a poznání atd. Myslím si, že výběr aspektů, kterým věnuje svou pozornost, je funkční, umožní chápat fotografii jako složitý fenomén, který je možné popisovat z různých zorných úhlů. Znechucení autora textu z četby světově uznávaných teoretiků fotografie se projevuje i v tom, že svoje úvahy víc opírá o názory filozofů, překvapivě až antických. Nevidím v tom problém, právě naopak, využití klasických a současných filozofických textů při interpretaci fenoménu fotografie považuji za produktivní, protože ho umožňuje vidět v docela jiném světle, než v jakém jsme ho viděli dosud. V textu Michala Janaty mě zaujala ještě jedna věc, a to je využívání osobního tónu. Například tímto tónem hovoří o svatební fotografii svých rodičů anebo o sugesci, kterou v něm vyvolala nějaká konkrétní fotografie. Tento osobní tón činí text čtivější i proto, že autor ho nezneužívá. Text Michala Janaty Vědět viděním. Fotografie jako rozhodnutí je text, který rozhodně může být dobrým příspěvkem k myšlení o fotografii. prof. PhDr. Peter Michalovič, PhD.
10,67 € 11,23 €

The Theatre of Apparitions

The Theatre of Apparitions is a highly anticipated body of work by one of the most original image-makers of our times, whose remarkable artistic trajectory spans the past 40 years. This book is the culmination of his ongoing study of the connections between photography, drawing, the mind and the body. Created between the years 2004 and 2008, these 90-odd black-and-white images encourage viewers to delve deep into the darkest part of their psyches. The images in this new monograph were inspired by the simple act of drawing on windows - a practice that Ballen observed first-hand in many communities. From there, he started to experiment using different spray paints on glass and then 'drawing on' or removing the paint with a sharp object to let natural light through. Finally, he photographed the results with a macro lens using black-and-white film. These black, dimensionless spaces effectively operate as canvases onto which Ballen projects pictorially his thoughts and emotions, creating, in effect, a theatre of the mind. The plates are separated into seven chapters or 'acts', with each one introduced by a text written by Ballen himself. Carving out a realm that is both earthly and otherworldly, physical and spiritual, his work transcends all traditional concepts of photography.
34,68 € 36,50 €

Brazil the Beautiful Game

Having photographed football in Brazil for two decades, no one understands the country's obsession with the sport better than Christopher Pillitz. From Brazil's sun kissed beaches to its spotlessly clean favelas, Pillitz reveals the sport as Brazil's religion. His bold and brightly coloured photographs show players of every age and walk of life. They take readers from enormous stadiums and prison yards to the tops of tall buildings and, amazingly, a match on a deep sea oil platform; across countless streets, alleys, and highways; even inside a local seminary where long-robed monks display incredible agility playing in their cassocks. While he captures stylish kicks, athletic headers, swaying dribbles and passes, and the samba and capoeira behind the incredible moves, Pillitz also shows us the wild excitement of the colorful, eccentric fans, and, of course, he reveals the gentle side of the beautiful game - the many women footballers and fans who enjoy the sport as much as their male counterparts. Timed to coincide with Brazil's hosting of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, this absorbing and thrilling collection will help new and seasoned fans understand what football truly represents to the country's people and its culture.
34,68 € 36,50 €

Tiché kroky rokov

Monografie slovenského fotografa Antona Fialu.
20,39 € 21,46 €

Interview s fotografií

Kniha rozhovorů je strhujícím čtením nejen o fotografii a fotografech, ale i o životě, člověku, jeho filozofii, citovém světě. O době. Navíc se autorům podařilo získat od jednotlivých fotografů reprezentativní výběr jejich charakteristických snímků, takže všechny texty mají pozoruhodný obrazový doprovod.
20,39 € 21,46 €

Agent Provocateur Four Dream Miss X

An astounding collaboration between Agent Provocateur, Mike Figgis and Kate Moss, "The 4 Dreams of Miss X" breaks new ground. Genius innovators in haute couture, AP have commissioned Mike Figgis to portray Moss in her first acting role, resulting in four unique films: "Shadows", "Scale", "Exhibitionist and "Narcissus" - "The 4 Dreams of Miss X". Shot in night vision, these films are intensely intimate: a beautiful woman's private dream experiences. Two films have been released online in 2006, with the final two released in January and March 2007. Brought together for the first time on DVD, you can now enjoy Kate Moss' first ever speaking role at home and full screen.
33,73 € 35,50 €


A pure-pigment medium, pastels have been used by painters for centuries for the powerful and evocative colour they can produce. Professional artist and experienced teacher Mark Leach uses pastel to translate beautiful landscapes into striking, minimalist paintings with simple form and strong blocks of colour, while still retaining a sense of location and place. His simple techniques demonstrate how to move away from realism and towards using abstract painting to express mood and feeling. The book includes: Introduction: Beyond realism * Balancing the emotional and physical Composing and Developing Images: Composing a non-realistic image * Feeling and passion * Light, form and texture * Seeing colour * The journey to abstraction The Joy of Colour: Understanding the colour wheel * Colour moods * Colour palettes and mixes Subjects to Paint: Still life * Landscapes * Figurative painting * Colour on water The Art of Pastels: My studio * Pastels * Pure pigment * Composition * Sketching from life and landscape * Painting from sketchbooks and photographs * Light and tone * Mediums and supports for pastels * Pastel painting techniques
33,73 € 35,50 €

Nudity Today

"Nudity Today" explores the nude photography of ten young artists roughly between the ages of 20 and 30, including Tim Barber, Jerry Hsu, Sandy Kim, Maggie Lee, Nicole Lesser and Jordan Bennett. It examines the new moods and outlooks in photography engendered by the heady era that witnessed the explosion of the snapshot aesthetic, the birth of digital photography and the proliferation of online networks and outlets for sharing and exhibiting images. As these technological changes shaped the means of photography, the continuing relaxation of social mores transformed its ends. The young art photographers of today are more open in their sexuality and freer in their bodies than the generations that came before them, and the intimacy and spontaneity of their lives comes across unfiltered in their work. "Nudity Today" opens with an introduction that examines the major influences on these young artists--the photographers Ryan McGinley, Terry Richardson and Richard Kern. Kinship with and the influence of these three artists can be seen in ever-varying combinations in the generation of photographers that made themselves known in the first decade of the twenty-first century. The sensuality and earthiness of McGinley, the humor and raunch of Richardson and Kern's concision and voyeurism have molded the younger photographers who are making nude photography today. With its wall-to-wall, scrapbook mode of design, "Nudity Today" illuminates just how big this movement is--how many young artists are making intimate, beautiful, funny, and even sometimes shocking nudes.
33,73 € 35,50 €

Toto je priestor, kde sa stretáva umenie s technológiou, a výsledkom sú zaujímavé, výrazné a často aj dojímavé obrazy. Fotografia je médiom, ktoré umožňuje zachytiť okamihy, emócie, krásu a príbehy pomocou objektívu.

V tejto kategórii nájdete rozmanité oblasti fotografie, od portrétov a krajín cez dokumentárne fotografovanie až po umenie experimentovať s rôznymi technikami a efektmi. Tu sa dozviete o technických aspektoch, ako je použitie svetla, kompozícia a aké sú základné nástroje fotografa.

Fotografia nie je iba o zachytení obrazu, ale aj o vyjadrení tvorivosti a vlastného pohľadu na svet. V tejto kategórii sa budeme venovať aj umeniu spracovania fotografií, rôznym štýlom a postupom, ktoré umožňujú vytvoriť jedinečné vizuálne zážitky.

Či ste profesionálny fotograf, nadšenec alebo začiatočník, táto kategória vám ponúka možnosť hlbšie sa ponoriť do sveta fotografie. Budete mať príležitosť objaviť nové perspektívy, techniky a inšpirácie, ktoré vám pomôžu rozvíjať vašu fotografickú zručnosť.