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Monets Minutes

A stunning exploration of the vital links between Claude Monet’s Impressionism and the time technologies that helped define modernity in the nineteenth century. Monet’s Minutes is a revelatory account charting the relationship between the works of Claude Monet (1840–1926)?founder of French Impressionism and one of the world’s best-known painters?and the modern experience of time. André Dombrowski illuminates Monet’s celebration of instantaneity in the context of the late nineteenth-century time technologies that underwrote it. Monet’s version of Impressionism demonstrated an acute awareness of the particularly modern pressures of time, but until now scholars have not examined the histories and technologies of time and timekeeping that informed Impressionism’s major stylistic shifts. Arguing that the fascination with instantaneity rejected the dulling cultures of newly routinized and standardized time, Monet’s Minutes traces the evolution of Monet’s art to what were then seismic shifts in the shape of time itself. In each chapter, Dombrowski focuses on the connections between a set of Monet’s works and a specific technology or experience of time, while providing the voices of period critics responding to Impressionism. Grounded in exceptional research and analyses, this book offers new interpretations of key paintings by Monet and a fresh perspective on late nineteenth-century art, society, and modern temporality.
61,70 € 64,95 €

Frida Kahlo. 40th Ed.

Among the few women artists who have transcended art history, none had a meteoric rise quite like Mexican painter Frida Kahlo (1907–1954). Her unmistakable face, depicted in over fifty extraordinary self-portraits, has been admired by generations; along with hundreds of photographs taken by notable artists such as Manuel and Lola Álvarez Bravo, Nickolas Muray, and Martin Munkácsi, they made Frida Kahlo an iconic image of 20th century art. After an accident in her early youth, Frida became a painter of her own free will. Her marriage to Diego Rivera in 1929 placed her at the forefront of an artistic scene not only in the cultural Renaissance of Mexico, but also in the United States. Her work garnered praise from the poet André Breton, who added the Mexican painter to the ranks of international surrealism and exhibited her work in Paris in 1939 to the admiration of Picasso, Kandinsky, and Duchamp. We access the intimacy of Frida’s affections and passions through a selection of drawings, pages from her personal diary, and an extensive illustrated biography featuring photos of Frida, Diego, and the Casa Azul, Frida’s home and the center of her universe. This book allows readers to admire Frida Kahlo’s paintings like never before, including unprecedented detail shots and famous photographs. It presents pieces in private collections and reproduces works that were previously lost or have not been exhibited for more than 80 years. About the series TASCHEN is 40! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible publishing, helping bookworms around the world curate their own library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia at an unbeatable price. Today we celebrate 40 years of incredible books by staying true to our company credo. The 40 series presents new editions of some of the stars of our program - now more compact, friendly in price, and still realized with the same commitment to impeccable production.
26,13 € 27,50 €

Picasso in Fontainebleau

This publication and the accompanying exhibition are the first to reunite major works from Picasso’s studio in Fontainebleau, France, in over 100 years. Between July and September of 1921, in a rented villa in the town of Fontainebleau, France, Pablo Picasso created an astonishingly varied body of work. Published to accompany an exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, that reunites these works for the first time since they left the artist’s studio, Picasso in Fontainebleau presents both monumental versions of Three Musicians and Three Women at the Spring alongside other major works on canvas, small preparatory paintings, line drawings, etchings, and pastels he created in Fontainebleau. Encompassing both Cubist and classic academic styles, these works are complemented by never-before-seen photographs and archival documents. An introductory essay by curator Anne Umland examines the critical issues that distinguish Picasso's Fontainebleau oeuvre, and is followed by 15 short essays co-authored by curators and conservators that offer art historical analysis of groups of closely related works and object-based insights into materials, structures, and processes. By investigating Picasso’s decision to paint simultaneously in seemingly opposite styles, Picasso in Fontainebleau emphasizes the interconnectedness of his process and practice, and his ability to disrupt expectations of artistic evolution and stylistic consistency.
67,93 € 71,50 €

Takashi Murakami

This fresh look at artist Takashi Murakami takes on the “monstrous” themes of rampant consumerism, human fallibility, and the perils of life in the digital fast lane, in works from the past decade. One of Japan’s leading contemporary artists, Takashi Murakami (b. 1962) is known for a wide-ranging practice that encompasses not only fine art but fashion, consumer products, curation, and entertainment. Founder of the Superflat movement, Murakami makes art that is larger than life, boldly colored, and buoyant, with a Pop sensibility that draws inspiration from anime and manga. But beyond the happy flowers and kawaii characters that have defined Murakami’s career lurk darker manifestations: the sharp-toothed, multi-eyed monsters that have increasingly become the artist’s vehicle for expressing the effects of rampant consumerism, human fallibility, and the perils of life in the digital fast lane. This book explores these themes in works from the last decade, presenting a disquieting vision of monsterized beings born in an era of unprecedented environmental, political, and social turmoil. Conversations with Murakami and essays by Laura W. Allen, Hiroko Ikegami, and Masako Shiba deconstruct what monsters mean to the artist and reflect on new directions in Murakami’s sculpture and the genesis of his recent NFT projects. The book features lavish color illustrations, a plastic jacket, dyed edges, and four gatefolds.
43,23 € 45,50 €

Hiroshige. One Hundred Famous Views of Edo

Utagawa Hiroshige (1797–1858) was one of the last great artists in the ukiyo-e tradition. Literally meaning “pictures of the floating world,” ukiyo-e was a particular genre of art that flourished between the 17th and 19th centuries and came to characterize the Western world’s visual idea of Japan. In many ways images of hedonism, ukiyo-e scenes often represented the bright lights and attractions of Edo (modern-day Tokyo): beautiful women, actors and wrestlers, city life, and spectacular landscapes. Though he captured a variety of subjects, Hiroshige was most famous for landscapes, with a final masterpiece series known as “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo” (1856–1858), which depicted various scenes of the city through the seasons, from bustling shopping streets to splendid cherry orchards. This reprint, bound in the traditional Japanese fashion, is made from one of the finest complete original sets of woodblock prints belonging to the Ota Memorial Museum of Art in Tokyo. It pairs each of the 120 illustrations with a description, allowing readers to immerse themselves in these beautiful, vibrant vistas that became paradigms of Japonisme and inspired Impressionist, Post-Impressionist and Art Nouveau artists alike, from Vincent van Gogh to James McNeill Whistler.
62,65 € 65,95 €


The largest presentation of works by Banksy, the world’s most enigmatic yet highly sought-after artist, including iconic works, installation objects, ephemera, and memorabilia all in one volume. Banksy is the world’s most discussed artist of recent decades, and this seminal collection features hundreds of works including Girl with Balloon, Pulp Fiction, Love Is in the Air, Barcode, and Monkey Queen. It also includes scores of paintings, serigraphs, stencils, and installation objects as well as a selection of memorabilia—many of which have never been published previously. Created with the cooperation of Pest Control, the group that manages all things Banksy, this is as official and authorized as any Banksy publication could be. Banksy is the world’s greatest practitioner of street art. His work has always been political, involving pointed critiques of inequality, injustice, consumerism, and the establishment, yet no one knows his identity. He is an exemplary case of fame and notoriety built upon absence and anonymity. His relationship with the art market is also complex: marked by mocking hostility while being one of the most marketable and most collected contemporary artists.
37,95 € 39,95 €

Vincent van Gogh: Matters of Identity

The revelation of a misidentified face in a photograph-once thought to be Vincent, now known to be Theo van Gogh-leads to a novelesque story of revised art history Full of surprising anecdotes, this book tells the story of the discovery in 2018 that one of only two known photographs of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) is, in fact, of his brother, Theo. The detective-style narrative continues from there to Samuel Delsaut, who found two drawings attributed to Van Gogh in 1958. The archives of the Delsaut family revealed details casting doubt on the authenticity of these drawings, along with abundant correspondence between Samuel's son and the son of Dr. Paul Gachet, who cared for Van Gogh in Auvers-sur-Oise. A real-life lesson in historical criticism, this book, beautifully illustrated with reproductions of Van Gogh's work, has resonance with our contemporary predicament distinguishing information from rumor, journalism from propaganda.
33,73 € 35,50 €

The Andy Warhol Catalogue Raisonne Paintings 1976–1978, V 5

The highly anticipated fifth volume of The Andy Warhol Catalogue Raisonne, covering his paintings from 1976 to 1978 This two-book addition to The Andy Warhol Catalogue Raisonne persuasively demonstrates the subversive core of Warhol's art. Intent on radical departure from his portraiture in the early seventies, Warhol's production gradually became anything but 'just faces'. From portraits of athletes and self-portraits to his Skull and Hammer and Sickle series, the Torso and Sex Parts paintings, and his abstract Piss, Oxidation, and Cum canvases, volume 5 showcases Warhol's work as powerful, and provocative as ever.
593,75 € 625,00 €

This is Leonardo

Leonardo da Vinci lived an itinerant life. Throughout his career - from its beginnings in the creative maelstrom of fifteenth-century Florence to his role as genius in residence at the court of the king of France - Leonardo created a kind of private universe for himself and his work. Leonardo also spent a great deal of time away from his easel, pursuing his interest in engineering, natural science, sculpture, poetry, fables, music and anatomy. In the time that another artist would finish a series of paintings, he would work on one. Sometimes a painting would take decades, accompanying him on his travels as he worked on other commissions. Leonardo's private world was both vibrant and active. It sometimes did and at other times did not interact with the wider world. But what emerged from it has established Leonardo as the definition of the Renaissance Man.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Lacná kniha Nagymesterek (-90%)

Az album a neves festőművész, Árkossy István 50 festményét és a hozzájuk tartozó 50 kisesszéjét tartalmazza. Elsősorban az itáliai reneszánsz legnagyobb festőművészeinek arcmásait gyűjti csokorba. A képsorozat célja: bemutatni képben és szövegben azokat a személyeket, Nagymestereket, akik a kultúrtörténet szempontjából kiemelkedő jelentőségű kor művészetének élvonalában voltak, viszont értékes arcmásaik ma a világ leghíresebb múzeumaiban csak elszórtan, egymástól nagy távolságokra tekinthetők meg. "A művészet minden más társadalmi jelenléttől döntő mértékben abban különbözik, hogy a múlt és a jelen egyidejű tükröztetése egy-egy műben is lehetséges. Ez a technika világában lehetetlen. Árkossy István festészete erre bizonyító erejű példa, ráadásul azzal a többlettel, hogy a képeket kísérő szövegekben finoman rejtett rétegként a jövőre is vizionál, mert a képzőművészet, az irodalom és a filozófia egységében értelmiségi kötelezettségvállalása is jelen van. Teheti, mert birtokolja a tudás sokrétű átadásának képességét. Vállalkozása azért is többszörös jelentőségű, mert lemondott önmaga középpontba állításának kísértéséről. Elbűvölték ugyanis azok a régi nagyok, akiknek méltó ismertetője, és utódjaként élni több mint szerencse. Jó azon is elgondolkodni a 21. század elején, miként vélekednek erről a gesztusról odaát az "érintettek"? Vélem, ilyen színvonalú reinkarnációjuk nincsen ellenükre. Helyettük jár köszönet érte Árkossy Istvánnak, a festőnek és a kultúrhistorikusnak." (Fekete György A Magyar Művészeti Akadémia elnöke)
1,07 € 10,71 €

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Lacná kniha Nagymesterek

Az album a neves festőművész, Árkossy István 50 festményét és a hozzájuk tartozó 50 kisesszéjét tartalmazza. Elsősorban az itáliai reneszánsz legnagyobb festőművészeinek arcmásait gyűjti csokorba. A képsorozat célja: bemutatni képben és szövegben azokat a személyeket, Nagymestereket, akik a kultúrtörténet szempontjából kiemelkedő jelentőségű kor művészetének élvonalában voltak, viszont értékes arcmásaik ma a világ leghíresebb múzeumaiban csak elszórtan, egymástól nagy távolságokra tekinthetők meg. "A művészet minden más társadalmi jelenléttől döntő mértékben abban különbözik, hogy a múlt és a jelen egyidejű tükröztetése egy-egy műben is lehetséges. Ez a technika világában lehetetlen. Árkossy István festészete erre bizonyító erejű példa, ráadásul azzal a többlettel, hogy a képeket kísérő szövegekben finoman rejtett rétegként a jövőre is vizionál, mert a képzőművészet, az irodalom és a filozófia egységében értelmiségi kötelezettségvállalása is jelen van. Teheti, mert birtokolja a tudás sokrétű átadásának képességét. Vállalkozása azért is többszörös jelentőségű, mert lemondott önmaga középpontba állításának kísértéséről. Elbűvölték ugyanis azok a régi nagyok, akiknek méltó ismertetője, és utódjaként élni több mint szerencse. Jó azon is elgondolkodni a 21. század elején, miként vélekednek erről a gesztusról odaát az "érintettek"? Vélem, ilyen színvonalú reinkarnációjuk nincsen ellenükre. Helyettük jár köszönet érte Árkossy Istvánnak, a festőnek és a kultúrhistorikusnak." (Fekete György A Magyar Művészeti Akadémia elnöke)
0,54 € 10,71 €

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23,66 € 24,90 €

Klimt reprodukcie

3,79 € 3,99 €

Watteau reprodukcie

3,79 € 3,99 €

Lacná kniha Kumšt Martina Jonáša

Martin Jonáš sa mierou svojho talentu a maliarskej imaginácie zaraďuje medzi najpozoruhodnejšie zjavy svetového insitného umenia. Bol jedným z priekopníkov chýrnej kovačickej skupiny naivistov. Jeho tvorba bola charakteristická svojou hĺbkou a podmienená silou príbehu, je suverénna, ľahká a vždy podopretá myšlienkou. V knihe nájdete zachytené okamihy života Jonáša, jeho obrazy, akvarely, grafiky či kresby.
2,20 € 44,00 €

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Vj kategórii Výtvarné umenie sa prelínajú kreativita, farby, textúry a vizuálna expresia. Výtvarné umenie je univerzum, kde umelci vyjadrujú svoje myšlienky, emócie a predstavy prostredníctvom rôznych foriem, ako sú maľba, sochárstvo, kresba, grafika a ďalšie.

Tu budete mať príležitosť objaviť rôzne štýly, techniky a prúdy výtvarného umenia, od tradičných a realistických prístupov až po abstraktné a experimentálne vyjadrenia. Výtvarné umenie zahrňuje rozmanité oblasti, ako je olejomaľba, akvarel, pastel, digitálna maľba, sochárstvo v rôznych materiáloch a mnoho ďalších.

Výtvarné umenie nám umožňuje vidieť svet z iného uhla, vyjadriť jedinečný pohľad na veci a hlboko sa ponoriť do tvorivého procesu. Budete mať príležitosť objaviť rôzne umelecké diela, zoznámiť sa s umelcami, ktorí týmto spôsobom komunikujú, a možno aj sami začať experimentovať s výtvarnými technikami.

Či máte výtvarnú dušu alebo jednoducho záujem o vizuálnu kreativitu, táto kategória vám ponúka priestor na objavovanie, inšpiráciu a prepojenie s výtvarným umením vo všetkých jeho podobách.

Objavujte najlepšie diela maliarstva a grafiky, streetartu a graffity umenia, ako aj sochárstva a plastiky.