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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Zdravie, životný štýl strana 457 z 466

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.


3,97 € 4,18 €

Find Your Power: Meditation

Are you struggling to still your mind? Discover the power of meditation and gently focus your mind for a happier and healthier life. You may already know that meditation and mindfulness can increase focus, reduce stress, quiet the mind and improve your health. However, focus and tranquillity can become difficult as we face numerous challenges, especially in a world where technological advances have consumed our daily lives. As a result, we spend less time looking inward. Take a mindful adventure of self-discovery with Find Your Power: Meditations; a journey towards health, happiness and wholeness. Towards strength, peace and freedom. Towards becoming fully and fearlessly who you are. Explore meditations that will guide you to a sacred space, that sacred space within you. When you transform your inner world, you will transform your outer world. More importantly, you will discover the unshakable happiness you have been looking for.
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13,25 € 13,95 €

Jog On

Divorced and struggling with deep-rooted mental health problems, Bella Mackie ended her twenties in tears. She could barely find the strength to get off the sofa, let alone piece her life back together. Until one day she did something she had never done of her own free will – she pulled on a pair of trainers and went for a run. That first attempt didn’t last very long. But to her surprise, she was back out there the next day. And the day after that. She began to set herself achievable goals – to run 5k in under 30 minutes, to walk to work every day for a week, to attempt 10 push-ups in a row. Before she knew it, her mood was lifting for the first time in years. In Jog On, Bella explains with hilarious and unfiltered honesty how she used running to battle crippling anxiety and depression, without having to sacrifice her main loves: booze, cigarettes and ice cream. With the help of a supporting cast of doctors, psychologists, sportspeople and friends, she shares a wealth of inspirational stories, research and tips that show how exercise often can be the best medicine. This funny, moving and motivational book will encourage you to say ‘jog on’ to your problems and get your life back on track – no matter how small those first steps may be.
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14,20 € 14,95 €

Perfume: A Century of Scents

The incredible stories of 100 perfumes from a whole century of scents. Signature scents and now lost masterpieces; the visionaries who conceived them; the wild and wonderful campaigns that launched them; the women and men who wore them - every perfume has a tale to tell. Beautifully illustrated and extremely insightful, Perfume: A Century of Scents is a lush journey into the scents that have changed the world.
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14,20 € 14,95 €

Levesek nagykönyve

24,81 € 26,12 €

Anyák könyve

6,63 € 6,98 €

Ősi tanítások egyszerűen

A könyv segítségével meglepően rövid idő alatt kibontakoztathatjuk képességeinket. A legfontosabb tanításoknak és az ősi alkimista iskolák gyakorlatainak feltárásával és finomításával Douglas De Long lépésről lépésre követhető "tantervet" készített, melynek köszönhetően gyorsan aktiválhatjuk belső látens képességeinket.
10,23 € 10,77 €


10,23 € 10,77 €


Our increasingly frantic lifestyles make it difficult to slow down and listen to what our bodies are telling us, paying attention only when they are broken. Soothe brings you back to balance, explaining the workings of your nervous system and helping you restore calm by physically releasing held stresses. Somatic educator Nahid de Belgeonne will teach you how to: - Cultivate interoception, the crucial body-sensing ability - Breathe to maximise your oxygen intake for improved body function - Move from your bones for an integrated mind and body - Understand and use the healing power of touch - Combine rest with restful action using your circadian and ultradian rhythms - Nourish your nervous system with food and nature - Deeply connect with yourself, others and the ground beneath your feet A freeing and revolutionary approach to bodily tranquility, Soothe will completely change the way you breathe, move and care for your overworked nervous system.
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19,90 € 20,95 €

How to Eat (And Still Lose Weight)

Most diets fail because they rely on willpower alone. In this book surgeon and expert on metabolism Dr Andrew Jenkinson shows you how to unlock the secret to lasting weight loss through a better understanding of your brain, body and environment, allowing you to eat well and lose weight, forever. Using a combination of cutting-edge metabolic science, together with strategies like aversion, habit creation and mental reprogramming, expert in the science of appetite Dr Andrew Jenkinson will show you how your body and brain work when it comes to what you eat, and how to arm yourself against the malicious presence of food marketing, junk food and the harmful effects of the Western diet. You will learn: · Why exercise is of secondary importance to energy balance · How we can learn to 'crave surf', being more mindful of hunger cravings when they arise · How junk foods affect our brains, influencing our behaviour and creating bad habits · How to maintain a good metabolic rate when losing weight · The science behind popular weight loss techniques and why they work, including hot water and lemon; raw foods; time restricted eating; keto diets and high intensity training Filled with science-backed tips and techniques, this book will help you implement lasting changes, eat well and feel good.
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22,75 € 23,95 €

Ako naštartujete svoj organizmus a využijete liečivú silu prírody? Táto sekcia patrí tým, ktorí sa zaujímajú o zdravie a zdravý životný štýl. Ak cvičíte pilates, jógu či plánujete začať meditovať, máme pre vás niekoľko knižných tipov - Návod na prežitie pre muža a ženu, Zdravie z Božej lekárne, či Taktne o tráviacom trakte,...

Kategória literatúry zdravie, životný štýl sa zameriava na publikácie, ktoré sa venujú rôznym aspektom zdravia a spôsobu života, a poskytujú čitateľom informácie a návody na zlepšenie ich fyzického a duševného zdravia.

Nájdete tu širokú škálu kníh, ktoré sa venujú témam ako výživa, telesná aktivita, duševné zdravie, zvládanie stresu, spánok, zdravé vzťahy a ďalšie súvisiace oblasti. Autori týchto diel často siahajú nielen po vedeckých poznatkoch, ale aj po svojich vlastných skúsenostiach a odborných znalostiach.

Zamerajte sa na svoje zdravie s knihami o zdravovede, ochoreniach a chorobách,vzdelávajte sa v oblasti byliniek a prírodnej lekárne, prečítajte si o zdravej výžive, diétach a chudnutí.

Nájdete tu aj knihy o čínskej medicíne, alternatívnej medicíne, pilates, joge a meditácii, masážach, wellnese, relaxácii, homeopatii, detoxikácii, etikete, kráse, móde a kozmetike.