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David Baldacci strana 5 z 9


King and Maxwell

She's trained to kill. He's beaten the best. This time all bets are off. Former secret service agents turned private investigators, Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, return in their most surprising, personal and dangerous case to date. Michelle had chased many things in her life. As a track star and later Olympic rower, she had constantly pitted herself against others in races. As a cop in Tennessee she had run down her share of felons fleeing the scenes of their crimes. As a Secret Service Agent she had been fleet of foot next to limos carrying important leaders. Tonight, though, she was competing against a long-legged teenager with the boundless energy and fresh knees of youth who had a substantial head start and was running like the devil was on his heels...King and Maxwell encounter teenager Tyler Wingo when he has just received the tragic news that his soldier father has been killed in Afghanistan. But then Tyler receives an email from his father...after his supposed death. Sean and Michelle are hired to solve the mystery, and their investigation leads to deeper, even more troubling questions. Could Tyler's father really still be alive? Was his mission all that it seemed? Has Tyler's life been a lie, and could he be the next target? It's clear that King and Maxwell have stumbled upon something even more sinister when those in power seem intent on removing them at any cost. Determined to help and protect Tyler, their search for the truth takes them on a perilous journey which not only puts their lives at risk but arrives at a frightening conclusion.
15,68 € 16,50 €

A tiszta igazat

Mi történne, ha Kína és Oroszország fegyveres konfliktusba bonyolódna? Költséget nem kímélve fegyverkezni kezdenének. Akárcsak a nagyhatalmak és szövetségeseik. És ki húzna hasznot belőle? A fegyvergyártók és a fegyverkereskedők. Így okoskodik az egyik legnagyobb hadiipari vállalat tulajdonosa, akit azonban nemcsak a pénzsóvárság hajt, hanem az a meggyőződés is, hogy az általa elképzelt új világrend sokkal biztonságosabbá tenné a bolygót. De nem bízza a véletlenre a szerencséjét: körmönfontan kidolgozott zseniális lépések sorozatával úgy manipulálja a közvéleményt és a politikusokat, hogy végül egyetlen lehetőségük maradjon. Ekkor lép színre egy rejtélyes alak, a világ egyik legjobban kiképzett bérgyilkosa, Shaw, akinek keresztneve nincs, csak hányatott múlja. Egy titkos hírszerző ügynökség megbízásából jó ügyeket szolgálva járja a világot, hogy terroristákat öljön. Katie James újságíró szintén beutazta már a világot, hogy írásaival aztán a nyomorra és szenvedésre irányítsa a figyelmet, amiért két Pulitzer-díjjal is jutalmazták, de közben olyan traumákat élt át, amelyeknek emléke elől az alkoholizmusba menekült. Shaw és Katie furcsa körülmények között találkoznak, eleinte nem kérnek a másik társaságából, végül mégis közös erővel próbálják elejét venni a világégésnek. David Baldacci, aki mindig mesterien szövi regényei cselekményét, most sem okoz csalódást rajongótáborának. Kritikusai ezt a művét a James Bond-történetekhez hasonlítják, és ez az első, amely nem az Egyesült Államok határain belül játszódik, hanem egy olyan politikai ármánykodásról ír, amely megrengetheti az egész világot. A Shaw-James párossal most találkozhatunk először, de nem utoljára.
13,16 € 13,85 €


Welcome to Wormwood: a place where curiosity is discouraged and no one has ever left. Until one girl, Vega Jane, discovers a map that suggests a mysterious world beyond the walls. A world with possibilities and creatures beyond her imagining. But she will be forced to fight for her freedom. And unravelling the truth may cost Vega her life.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Szabadíts meg a gonosztól

Ha megütnek, üss vissza még keményebben. Shaw, akinek csak vezetékneve van, keresztneve nincs, egy atomterroristát üldöz, Reggie, a szépséges bérgyilkosnő egy tömeggyilkost készül likvidálni. Csak úgy élhetik túl a jó és a rossz harcát, ha bíznak egymásban. Evan Waller ... Folytatás ›› egy szörnyeteg. Vagyont gyűjtött azzal, hogy készségesen elad-megvesz bármit... és bárkit. További lehetőségek után kutatva most új üzleti vállalkozásba fog, amely világszerte milliók halálához vezethet. Ebben igyekszik megakadályozni Shaw, A tiszta igazat titokzatos embere. Egyetlen esélye kínálkozik, hogy elbánjon Wallerrel, méghozzá a lehető legvalószínűtlenebb helyen: egy idillien békés, derűs provence-i faluban. Waller azonban még romlottabb és könyörtelenebb, mint Shaw hinné. És Provence-ban még valaki Waller nyomába ered, egy nő - Reggie Campion, egy ódon angol kastélyban székelő, önjelölt igazságosztó titkos csoport megbízottja, akinek megvannak a maga indítékai is. Shaw és Reggie egymás küldetéséről mit sem tudva üldözik ugyanazt a férfit, eközben idegek és elmék gyilkos párbajába keverednek. David Baldacci ma a világ legnépszerűbb thrillerszerzői közé tartozik. Első nagy sikerét Államérdek című regényével aratta, amelyből mozifilm készült Clint Eastwood rendezésében és főszereplésével. Huszonhét regényének mindegyike bestseller lett, és negyvenöt nyelven, több mint nyolcvan országban csaknem száztízmillió példányban jelentek meg. A feleségével közösen létrehozott Wish You Well Alapítvány az írás-olvasás tanítását támogatja az Egyesült Államokban. A hitchcocki krimik körmönfont feszültségkeltésével megírt, lélegzetelállító fordulatokban bővelkedő, hamisítatlanul David Baldacci-s jellemábrázolást felmutató Szabadíts meg a gonosztól a 2013-as év egyik legkíméletlenebb krimije volt. Olvasson bele: Részlet a könyvből A(z) Szabadíts meg a gonosztól (Könyv) szerzője David Baldacci.
1,90 € 2,00 €

King and Maxwell

She's trained to kill. He's beaten the best. This time all bets are off. Former Secret Service Agents turned private investigators, Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, return in their most surprising, personal and dangerous case to date. King and Maxwell encounter teenager Tyler Wingo when he has just received the tragic news that his soldier father has been killed in Afghanistan. But then Tyler receives an email from his father...after his supposed death. Sean and Michelle are hired to solve the mystery, and their investigation leads to deeper, even more troubling questions. Could Tyler's father really still be alive? Was his mission all that it seemed? Has Tyler's life been a lie, and could he be the next target? It's clear that King and Maxwell have stumbled upon something even more sinister when those in power seem intent on removing them at any cost. Determined to help and protect Tyler, their search for the truth takes them on a perilous journey which not only puts their lives at risk but arrives at a frightening conclusion.
9,03 € 9,50 €

King és Maxwell

Ez itt Amerika. Amikor melegszik a helyzet, a szabadság felülír minden mást. David Baldacci eddigi legmeglepőbb és legveszélyesebb megbízatására küldi Sean Kinget és Michelle Maxwellt, öt korábbi regényének főhősét. A titkosszolgálati ügynökből lett magánnyomozók különös körülmények között megismerkednek egy kamasz fiúval, akinek az apja bevetés közben életét vesztette Afganisztánban. Tyler kisvártatva kapcsolatba lép velük, hogy megbízza őket az igazság kiderítésével. Balsejtelmek gyötrik, és nem hisz a hivatalos szerveknek, akik azt közölték vele, hogy apja temetésén nem lesz koporsó, mivel nem maradt belőle annyi, amennyit beletehetnének. Tyler azt azonban elhallgatja, hogy gondosan megszövegezett e-mailben kódolt üzenetet kapott az apjától... az állítólagos halála után. Sean és Michelle nekilátnak, hogy felderítsék a rejtélyt, hamar kiderül azonban, hogy megint nagyszabású, bonyolult ügybe keveredtek, amelynek szálai a hatalom legmagasabb szintjére vezetnek. Minél mélyebbre ásnak, annál sötétebb üzelmek sejlenek föl előttük. És csakugyan életben lehet Tyler apja? Mi volt vajon küldetésének igazi célja? Lehet, hogy Tyler a következő célpont? Nyomozásuk során sokan és többször is kockára teszik az életüket, és nem mindenki olyan szerencsés, hogy megússza. A világ egyik legnépszerűbb thrillerszerzőjének regényei sorra a bestsellerlisták elejére kerülnek, és negyvenöt nyelven, nyolcvan országban több mint száztízmillió példányban keltek el.
13,48 € 14,19 €

The Escape

From the Sunday Times number one bestselling author, David Baldacci, The Escape is the third title in this fast-paced, breathtaking series. Military CID investigator John Puller has returned from his latest case to learn that his brother, Robert, once a major in the United States Air Force and an expert in nuclear weaponry and cyber-security, has escaped from the Army's most secure prison. Preliminary investigations show that Robert - convicted of treason - may have had help in his breakout. Now he's on the run, and he's the military's number one target. John Puller has a dilemma. Which comes first: loyalty to his country, or to his brother? Blood is thicker than water, but Robert has state secrets which certain people will kill for. John does not know for sure the true nature of Robert's crimes, nor if he's even guilty. It quickly becomes clear, however, that his brother's responsibilities were powerful and far-reaching. With the help of US intelligence officer Veronica Knox, both brothers move closer to the truth from their opposing directions. As the case begins to force John Puller into a place he thought he'd never be - on the other side of the law - even his skills as an investigator, and his strength as a warrior, might not be enough to save him. Or his brother.
11,88 € 12,50 €

Hour Game

David Baldacci's heart-stopping Hour Game is the second fast-paced thriller in the King and Maxwell series. Following their collaboration in Split Second, ex-Secret Service agents Sean King and Michelle Maxwell have gone into partnership and are investigating the robbery of some secret documents at the residence of the incredibly wealthy Battle family. It seems like a straightforward case of domestic burglary, but soon they begin to suspect links to larger, more terrifying events now shaking the prosperous town of Writghtsburg ...The unidentified corpse of an attractive young woman turns up in the woods; two high school kids, one shot in the back, the other in the face, are found dead in their car; a successful lawyer is discovered stabbed to death in her own home. A serial killer is on the loose. The murderer kills in the manner of famous killers of the past but takes care to leave a stopped watch at the scene of each crime - corresponding to the victim's position on his hit list. As the killing spree escalates it seems that the fractured Battle family are somehow involved and Maxwell and King suddenly find themselves racing to solve an intricate puzzle, one that is full of tantalizing clues but barren of solid evidence, and one that is leaving even the FBI confounded. And all the while, the body count is rising ...Hour Game is followed by Simple Genius, First Family, The Sixth Man and King and Maxwell.
11,39 € 11,99 €

The Escape

Product description Military CID investigator, John Puller, has returned from his latest case in Florida to learn that his brother, Bobby, on death row at Leavenworth Military Prison for national security crimes, has escaped. Preliminary investigations show that he may have had help in his breakout. Now he's on the run, and in disguise, and he's the military's number one target. John Puller has a dilemma. Which comes first, loyalty to his country or to his brother? Bobby has state secrets that certain people will literally kill for. But blood is thicker than water, and the brothers are close although even John does not know for sure what Bobby really did for the government, nor if he's even guilty of his crimes. It becomes swiftly apparent, however, that Bobby's role was powerful and far-reaching. With the help of John's long-time friend and colleague, General Julie Carson, both brothers move closer to the truth from their opposing directions. And this case puts John Puller in a place he thought he'd never be, on the other side of the law, where even his skills as an investigator, and his strength as a fighter, might not be enough to save him. And his brother.
8,08 € 8,50 €

Memory Man

Amos Decker would forever remember all three of their violent deaths in the most paralyzing shade of blue. It would cut into him at unpredictable moments, like a gutting knife made of colored light. He would never be free from it.' When Amos Decker returned home eighteen months ago to find the bodies of his wife and only daughter, he didn't think he could carry on living. Overwhelmed with grief, he saw his life spiral out of control, losing his job as a detective, his house and his self-respect. But when his former partner in the police, Mary Lancaster, visits to tell him that someone has confessed to the murder of his family, he knows he owes it to his wife and child to seek justice for them. As Decker comes to terms with the news, tragedy strikes at the local school. Thirteen teenagers are gunned down, and the killer is at large. Following the serious brain injury Amos suffered as a professional footballer, he gained a remarkable gift - and the police believe that this unusual skill will assist in the hunt for the killer. Amos must endure the memories he would rather forget, and when new evidence links the murders, he is left with only one option. Memory Man will stay with you long after the turn of the final page.
12,83 € 13,50 €

A nulladik nap

John Puller háborús veterán, az Egyesült Államok Katonai Nyomozó Hivatalának nyomozója. Igazi magányos harcos, akit nem hoznak lázba sem az előléptetések, sem pedig a plecsnik. Az alma nem esett messze a fájától: Puller apja legendás csatamén, az amerikai hadsereg egykori rettenthetetlen harcosa, és noha egy ideje már kissé viharvert és szenilis, Puller meg kell, hogy feleljen az általa megtestesített legendának. Ami nem is esik nehezére: bátorsága és igazságszeretete a Katonai Nyomozó Hivatal legjobb munkatársává teszi. Történetünk kezdetén Pullert egy távoli, istentől elhagyott nyugat-virginiai bányászvároskába vezénylik, hogy egymagában derítse fel a városban történt brutális gyilkosságsorozat hátterét. A nyomozásban egyetlen segítsége Samantha Cole nyomozó, aki helyi lakosként ráadásul ezer szállal kötődik a gyilkosságsorozat egyik-másik gyanúsítottjához. Ahogy Puller egyik hamis nyomtól a másikig halad, lassan világossá válik számára, hogy a kisvárosban semmi és senki sem az, aminek és akinek látszik: a gyilkosságsorozat szálai messze túlmutatnak Nyugat-Virginián, és a háttérben egy globális szintű összeesküvés sejlik fel...
12,86 € 13,54 €

Memory Man

Memory Man is an astounding novel from blockbuster author David Baldacci, where an extraordinary man races to hunt down a terrible killer. Amos Decker is a former professional football player whose career was ended by a terrible hit. Now a police detective, Amos is still haunted by a side effect from the accident he can never forget. One night Decker comes home from a stakeout to find his wife, young daughter and brother-in-law horrifically murdered. Obviously scarred and nearly broken, Decker has to use his skills as a detective and his unusual brain capacity to try and catch the monster who killed his family.
8,50 € 8,95 €

First Family

David Baldacci's First Family is the fourth gripping New York Times bestseller in the King and Maxwell series. When she turned the page and her gaze flickered over the date on top it was as though the lightning outside had somehow grounded right into her. A billion volts of pain, a shriek of anguish you could actually see, and feel, as it pierced her. Camp David, USA. A birthday party turns into a nightmare when a child is snatched after the celebrations. The First Lady enlists the services of Sean King and Michelle Maxwell to bring the child home safely. But she and King share a past. Years ago he saved her then senator husband from political disaster. And this may not be all that passed between them. With Michelle still battling her own demons, the two are pushed to the limit, with forces aligned on all sides against them - and the line between friend and foe impossible to define ...or defend. David Baldacci's smash-hit series continues with The Sixth Man and King and Maxwell.
11,35 € 11,95 €

Whole Truth

I need a war ...' Nicolas Creel, a super-rich arms dealer, decides that the best way to boost his business is to start a new cold war - and he won't let anything or anyone get in his way. As international tensions rise and the superpowers line up against each other, the lives of three very different people will never be the same again. As intelligence agent Shaw, academic Anna Fischer and ambitious journalist Katie James are all drawn into Creel's games, can anything stop the world from spiralling out of control? This terrifying global thriller delivers all the twists and turns, emotional drama, unforgettable characters and can't-put-it-down pacing that Baldacci fans expect - and still goes beyond anything he's written before.
10,40 € 10,95 €


When Special Agent Will Robie gets the call to make his first visit home since he was a teenager, it's because his father, the local judge, has been arrested for murdering a man who came before him in court. The small, remote Mississippi town hasn't changed and its residents remember Robie as a wild sports star and girl magnet. He left a lot of hearts broken, and a lot of people angry. Will and his father, Dan, are estranged, and his mother left years ago. When he visits Dan in jail, he finds that time hasn't healed old wounds. There's too much bad blood between the men, and although Will feels no good will come of staying around, he is persuaded to confront his demons by fellow agent Jessica Reel. But then another murder changes everything, and stone-cold killer Robie will finally have to come to grips with his toughest assignment of all. His family.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Divine Justice

Known by his alias, "Oliver Stone," John Carr is the most wanted man in America. With two pulls of the trigger, the men who hid the truth of Stone's past and kept him in the shadows were finally silenced. But Stone's freedom has come at a steep price; the assassinations he carried out have prompted the highest levels of the United States Government to unleash a massive manhunt. Joe Knox is leading the charge, but his superiors aren't telling him everything there is to know about his quarry-and their hidden agendas are just as dangerous as the killer he's trying to catch. Meanwhile, with their friend and unofficial leader in hiding, the members of the Camel Club must fend for themselves, even as they try to protect him. As Knox closes in, Stone's flight from the demons of his past will take him far from Washington, D.C., to the coal-mining town of Devine, Virginia-and headlong into a confrontation every bit as lethal as the one he is trying to escape.
10,40 € 10,95 €