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David Baldacci strana 7 z 9


The Fallen

Amos Decker, David Baldacci's unique special agent with the gift of a remarkable memory, returns in The Fallen. Small towns which have seen better times are not unusual. But the mysterious events in Baronville, Pennsylvania, are raising the highly-tuned antennae of agent Amos Decker and his FBI partner, Alex Jamison. What was supposed to be a relaxing vacation turns into a murder investigation when two bodies are found in a nearby deserted house. With the body count rising, Decker and Jamison dig deep to uncover a sinister truth in Baronville, which could be the canary in the coalmine for the rest of the country. But even the duo's skills and Amos Decker's infallible memory may not be enough to save this town, or them, from becoming the next victims.
13,78 € 14,50 €

Senki földje

Az amerikai haderők különleges ügynöke, John Puller épphogy tisztázta testvérét a hazaárulás vádja alól, amikor újabb kihívás elé kell néznie. Édesapját, a hadsereg egykor csodált és rettegett parancsnokát ugyanis azzal vádolják, hogy harminc évvel ezelőtt meggyilkolta a feleségét. Az ügynök úgy érzi, kötelessége megvédeni magatehetetlen apja becsületét. Ehhez azonban gyermekkorának legfájdalmasabb emlékeivel kénytelen szembenézni. Választ keres a nyugtalanító kérdésre: volt bármi szerepe az apjának az anyja eltűnésében? Ám nem Puller az egyetlen, aki múltja nyomasztó árnyait kergeti. Paul Rogers tíz börtönben töltött év után kész arra, hogy megbüntesse a felelősöket sorsának alakulásáért. Mindkettejük útja a Fort Monroe katonai bázis Q épületéhez vezet, ahol a kormány egykor szigorúan titkos kísérleteket folytatott. Talán nem véletlen, hogy évekkel ezelőtt egy sorozatgyilkos is ezen a környéken szedte az áldozatait... Ki a rejtélyes szupererővel rendelkező támadó, és milyen munka folyik most az intézményben? Puller lába alatt egyre forróbbá válik a talaj, mert valaki a végsőkig sem fél elmenni azért, hogy sose derüljön ki az igazság.
12,23 € 12,87 €

The Fallen

Amos Decker, David Baldacci's unique special agent with the gift of a remarkable memory, returns in The Fallen. Small towns which have seen better times are not unusual. But the mysterious events in Baronville, Pennsylvania, are raising the highly-tuned antennae of agent Amos Decker and his FBI partner, Alex Jamison. What was supposed to be a relaxing vacation turns into a murder investigation when two bodies are found in a nearby deserted house. With the body count rising, Decker and Jamison dig deep to uncover a sinister truth in Baronville, which could be the canary in the coalmine for the rest of the country. But even the duo's skills and Amos Decker's infallible memory may not be enough to save this town, or them, from becoming the next victims.
9,45 € 9,95 €


Amos Decker szemtanúja lesz annak, ahogy egy férfi kivégez egy nőt az utcán az FBI washingtoni központja előtt, aztán maga ellen fordítja a fegyvert. A gyilkosság még a különleges megfigyelőképességgel és emlékezőtehetséggel rendelkező Decker számára is teljesen érthetetlen, mivel az elkövető – egy sikeres tanácsadó céget irányító családapa – és az áldozat – egy tanárnő – között nincs és soha nem is volt semmiféle kapcsolat. Akárhogy is próbálkoznak, Decker és a csapata nem tud rájönni, milyen indíték vezérelte a tettest. Amikor azonban a tudomásukra jut, hogy a gyilkosság felderítése nemzetbiztonsági szempontból kulcsfontosságú lehet, Decker kényszerű szövetséget köt a Védelmi Hírszerző Ügynökség egyik ügynökével, Harper Brownnal, hogy együtt járjanak az eset végére, mielőtt bekövetkezne egy újabb, az egész országot érintő katasztrófa.
12,23 € 12,87 €

Zero Day

Zero Day is the explosive first instalment in David Baldacci's thrilling John Puller series. Distinguished as a top investigator in the US government, John Puller is called in to conduct an enquiry into the brutal murders of a family in a remote area of West Virginia. It soon becomes clear that the case has wider implications and as the body count rises he teams up with local homicide detective Samantha Cole. As the web of deceit is revealed, it quickly becomes apparent that there's much more to this case than they had first thought. It is an investigation where nothing is as it seems, and nothing can be taken at face value. When Puller and Cole discover a dangerous situation in the making, Puller finds he must turn to the one person who can help avert certain catastrophe. A person he has known all his life. In a breathtaking rollercoaster race against time, Cole fears for the community in which she was raised, and Puller knows he has to overcome the enemies of his country to avoid far reaching disaster. But in the end, you can't kill what you can't see is coming . . .
9,98 € 10,50 €


Redemption is the latest memory man thriller in David Baldacci's Sunday Times bestselling series. FBI consultant Amos Decker discovers that he may have made a fatal mistake when he was a rookie homicide detective. Back in his home town, he's now compelled to discover the truth . . . Decker has returned to Burlington, Ohio, for a special reason. It would have been his daughter Molly's fourteenth birthday. Molly was brutally murdered four years ago in their home, along with his beloved wife, Cassie, and his brother-in-law. But then Decker is tracked down by a man he'll never forget: Meryl Hawkins, his first homicide arrest more than twelve years ago. Hawkins has been in prison serving a life sentence but was recently released due to a terminal illness. Decker now finds himself questioning what had seemed watertight evidence at the time - maybe he'd been a bit too keen to get that conviction? Could Hawkins really be innocent, as he's always claimed? If so, the killer is still out there - with a possible connection to a new crime. As the body count rises, and Decker and his former partner Mary Lancaster dig deeper, it looks as though there's a lot more to what they thought was a closed case.
14,20 € 14,95 €

The Collectors

The Collectors by bestselling sensation David Baldacci is the exciting second instalment of a breathtaking series. Oliver Stone - the leader of four highly skilled misfits who call themselves the Camel Club. Their mission - to hold America's political elite to account. Washington DC. The Speaker of the House of Representatives is assassinated in broad daylight. Then the head of the Rare Books Division at the Library of Congress is found dead amongst his cherished collection. While chaos engulfs the city, only the Camel Club can make the connection that exists between the two murders. Joining forces with a beautiful con artist, Stone and his team need all the help they can get as they enter a world of espionage that threatens to bring America to its knees . . . The Collectors is followed by Stone Cold, Divine Justice and Hell's Corner.
10,40 € 10,95 €

Split Second

Split Second is the first in the gripping King and Maxwell series by bestselling author David Baldacci. When something distracts Secret Agent Sean King for a split second, it costs him his career and presidential candidate, Clyde Ritter, his life. But what stole his attention? And why was Ritter shot? Eight years later Michelle Maxwell is on the fast track through the ranks of the Secret Service when her career is stopped short: presidential candidate John Bruno is abducted from a funeral home while under her protection. The similarity between the two cases drives Michelle to re-open investigations into the Ritter fiasco and join forces with attractive ex-agent King. The pair are determined to get to the bottom of what happened in those critical moments. Meanwhile, high-ranking members of the legal system and key witnesses from both cases are going missing. King is losing friends, colleagues and clients fast and his ex-lover, Joan Dillinger, is playing curious games - she wants Sean back, but she also owes him for something . . . Split Second is followed by Hour Game, Simple Genius, First Family, The Sixth Man and King and Maxwell.
10,40 € 10,95 €

Stone Cold

Stone Cold by David Baldacci is the third exhilarating thriller in the bestselling Camel Club series. Oliver Stone and the Camel Club are back. Set on exposing the real story behind the closed doors of America's leaders, they draw upon their vast experience to seek justice and the truth. Now they must face their most dangerous adventure yet - a war on two fronts. Casino king Jerry Bagger is hunting Annabelle Conroy, the elite con-artist who cheated him out of millions. Stone and his colleagues must draw on all their resources if they are to protect Annabelle from a terrible fate. Yet all their skills may not be enough when a deadly new opponent rips off the veneer of Stone's own mysterious past. An unstoppable killer intent on one goal: the death of Oliver Stone. Stone Cold is followed by Divine Justice and Hell's Corner.
10,40 € 10,95 €

Zero Day

ero Day is the explosive first instalment in David Baldacci's thrilling John Puller series. Distinguished as a top investigator in the US government, John Puller is called in to conduct an enquiry into the brutal murders of a family in a remote area of West Virginia. It soon becomes clear that the case has wider implications and as the body count rises he teams up with local homicide detective Samantha Cole. As the web of deceit is revealed, it quickly becomes apparent that there's much more to this case than they had first thought. It is an investigation where nothing is as it seems, and nothing can be taken at face value. When Puller and Cole discover a dangerous situation in the making, Puller finds he must turn to the one person who can help avert certain catastrophe. A person he has known all his life. In a breathtaking rollercoaster race against time, Cole fears for the community in which she was raised, and Puller knows he has to overcome the enemies of his country to avoid far reaching disaster. But in the end, you can't kill what you can't see is coming . . .
10,40 € 10,95 €


Redemption is the fifth heart-pounding Memory Man thriller from number one international bestseller David Baldacci. FBI consultant Amos Decker returns to the scene of a family tragedy, and is confronted by more than just painful memories. A felon on a mission. When Decker returns to Burlington, Ohio, he is tracked down by his first homicide arrest, Meryl Hawkins, a man who still maintains his innocence. A rookie's mistake. With Hawkins recently released from his life sentence, Decker finds himself questioning what had once seemed watertight evidence. Is the real killer still out there? A murderer at large. As the body count rises in a new crime spree, Decker and his former partner Mary Lancaster dig deeper and reopen the old case - and old wounds. Back in his home town and plagued by the ghosts of his past, Amos Decker is compelled to discover the confronting truth in the fifth Memory Man thriller of David Baldacci's number one bestselling series.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Atlee Pine 1: Az irgalom útja

Atlee Pine emlékezetébe beleégett, ahogy az emberrabló dermesztő ritmusra szavalja a kiszámolót, így választva a hatéves Atlee és az ikertestvére, Mercy között. Atlee soha többé nem látta a nővérét... Három évtizeddel az után a félelmetes éjszaka után Atlee Pine az FBI ügynökeként az Egyesült Államok délnyugati részén, a kietlen vadonban teljesít szolgálatot. Ő az egyedüli ügynök az arizonai Shattered Rockban, amelyhez a Grand Canyon is tartozik. Így amikor egy turista eltűnik a szurdokban, az öszvérét pedig megtalálják kibelezve, Pine lát neki a nyomozásnak. Hamarosan nyilvánvalóvá válik, hogy a férfit nem elsősorban a táj szépsége érdekelte: sokkal rejtélyesebb küldetésben járt. Ahogy a nő elkezdi összerakni a kirakós darabkáit, lassan egy rémisztő összeesküvés képe rajzolódik ki - ám ekkor hirtelen elveszik tőle az ügyet. Megéri-e vajon kockára tenni a karrierjét azért, hogy megtalálja az eltűnt férfit, és kiderítse az igazságot?
12,23 € 12,87 €


Az Amos Decker-regények egyre jobbak és jobbak… mert Baldacci alapos, részletgazdag jellemrajzot ad a főhőséről. —New York Journal of Books Amos Decker és FBI-os kolléganője, Alex Jamison épp a nő testvérét látogatják meg Baronville-ben. A rozsdaövezetben fekvő egykori bányászváros barátságtalan hely: hatalmas a munkanélküliség, és a reményvesztett lakosok nagy része a kábítószerben keres menedéket. Decker mindössze négy órát tölt a városban, amikor egy rémisztő kettős gyilkosság színhelyén találja magát. Csakhamar kiderül, hogy az elmúlt hetekben négy másik, bizarr emberölés is történt, így nyilvánvalóvá válik számára: valami baljós folyik Baronville-ben, amivel a rendőrség nem tud vagy nem akar mit kezdeni. Decker beleveti magát a nyomozásba, és hamarosan rájön, hogy a gyilkosságok egy sokkal nagyobb összeesküvés apró darabkái, egy olyan összeesküvésé, amely immár a hozzá közel állók életét is fenyegeti… Ráadásul ezúttal mintha a csalhatatlannak hitt memóriája is cserben hagyná.
12,23 € 12,87 €

A Minute to Midnight

A Minute to Midnight is the gripping follow up to Long Road to Mercy featuring Special Agent Atlee Pine from one of the world's most favourite thriller writers, David Baldacci. Without Mercy. At six years old, Atlee's twin sister, Mercy, was taken from the family home while Atlee was left for dead. Since that fateful night, Atlee has dedicated her life and career to catching those who hurt others. Word of a killer. Atlee has never stopped searching for answers about her sister. A notorious serial killer, locked in a maximum-security prison, continues to haunt her. Does he really know what happened to Mercy? Quest for justice. When Atlee oversteps the mark on the arrest of a dangerous criminal, the FBI gives her a leave of absence - the perfect opportunity to return to where it all began. Determined to finally uncover the truth, Atlee Pine's journey home turns into a rollercoaster ride of murder, long-buried secrets and lies . . . and a revelation so personal that everything she once believed is fast turning to dust.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Saving Faith

Danny Buchanan is a top Washington lobbyist who once earned a vast fortune serving the interests of giant corporations. Appalled by the desperate poverty he witnessed on his global travels, he decided to use his political genius to help the world's poor. With the loyal aid of his assistant, the attractive and committed Faith Lockhart, Danny works tirelessly and in secret to redress the balance of power. But Robert Thornhill has rather different ideas of public service. A ruthless top-ranking veteran of covert CIA activity, he discovers the secret of Danny's political influence and is determined to destroy him ...'He is able to deliver eloquently what the public wants' - "Guardian".
4,70 € 4,95 €

Total Control

Jason Archer is a rising young executive at Triton Global, the world's leading technology conglomerate. Determined to give his family the best of everything, he has secretly entered into a deadly game of cat and mouse. He is about to disappear - leaving behind a wife who must sort out his lies from his truths, an air-crash investigation team that wants to know why the plane he was ticketed on suddenly fell from the sky, and a veteran FBI agent who wants to know it all. Soon the startling truth behind Jason Archer's disappearance explodes into a sinister plot with the murder of the country's single most powerful individual. And Archer's wife, Sidney, is plunged straight into the violence that is leaving behind a trail of dead bodies and shocking, exposed secrets.
4,70 € 4,95 €