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David Baldacci strana 6 z 9


Kívánj csodát

Kívánj csodát című regényével David Baldacci, akit elsősorban politikai krimik szerzőjeként ismer az olvasóközönség, merőben új terepre lép. A regény, amely az USA-ban rövid idő alatt szinte nemzeti klasszikus, iskolai "kötelező" és egy nagyjátékfilm alapja lett, széles körű hagyományanyagot használ fel a legősibb amerikai állam, Virginia múltjából, a hegylakók világából. A richmondi születésű író családi öröksége ez, akárcsak a helyi tájnyelv, az appalache-i angol, amivel összetéveszthetetlen jelleget ad a műnek. A regény főhőse, Louisa Mae Cardinal, becenevén Lou 12 évesen lép elénk a '40-es évek New York Cityjében, ahol szüleivel és öccsével, Ozzal él. Apja elismert, de nem jól kereső író, Lou példaképe. Egy váratlan fordulat révén a két gyerek hirtelen az Appalache-hegység tetején találja magát, dédnagyanyjuk birtokán. Az idősebbik Louisa Mae Cardinal a hegyi földműves gazdák kemény életét éli Virginiában, ahol egy éven át követhetjük a gyerekek fejlődésének emberpróbáló eseményeit. A táj lélegzetelállító képei, az izgalmas kalandok visszarepítik az olvasót a gyermekkor vad ösvényeire. Baldacci lenyűgözően mesél: bevon izgalomba, érzelembe, közös tapasztalásba, és átadja a hitét, hogy csodák igenis vannak - csak maradjunk képesek teljes szívből kívánni őket.
11,84 € 12,46 €


Special Agent Will Robie left his hometown in Mississippi when he was a teenager.Its residents remember him as a wild sports star and girl-magnet. He left a lot of hearts broken, and a lot of people angry. Now, over twenty years later, he's back. His estranged father, Dan, who is the local judge, has been arrested for murder and Will wonders if it's time to try to heal old wounds. A lot of bad blood has flowed between father and son, but Robie's fellow agent, Jessica Reel, persuades him to stick around and confront his demons. Then another murder changes everything, and stone-cold killer Robie will finally have to come to grips with his toughest assignment of all. His family. The Guilty is the fourth thriller in the Will Robie series by David Baldacci, following on from The Innocent, The Hit and The Target.
8,50 € 8,95 €

Last Mile

Memories can be a real killer Melvin Mars awaits his fate on Death Row. He was one of America's most promising football stars until, aged twenty-years-old, he was arrested and convicted for the murder of his parents just as he was due to begin a very lucrative contract with the NFL. When Amos Decker, newly appointed special agent with the FBI, hears the news that Melvin was saved in the final seconds before his execution because someone has confessed to the killings, he persuades his boss to allow him to carry out an investigation into the Mars murders. There are facts about the case which don't add up, and as the investigation deepens, Decker and his team uncover layer upon layer of lies and deception which are rooted at a time in American history which most would rather forget, but some seem keen to remember. There is someone out there with a lot to hide, and a secret that everyone is looking for. A race against time ensues because, when revealed, that information threatens to tear apart the corridors of power at the very highest level. The case proves to be life-changing for both Mars and Decker in ways that neither could ever have imagined
12,30 € 12,95 €

Az elfeledettek

John Puller újra akcióban. Ha a nemzetet fenyegető legsúlyosabb bűntényeket kell kinyomozni, őt hívják: John Pullert, aki az amerikai hadsereg különleges ügynökeként a legjobb a maga nemében. Most is új megbízást kap, talán minden eddiginél különlegesebbet, mert ez egyben személyes ügy: nagynénjét holtan találták a floridai Paradise-ban. A Mexikói-öböl partján fekvő Paradise képeslapra kívánkozó, tehetős város a gazdag turistáknak és az itt letelepedett nyugdíjasoknak köszönhetően. Élvezik a kellemes időjárást, a festői partot, és eszükbe sem jut, hogy veszély leselkedhet rájuk. A helyi rendőrség sajnálatos balesetként kezeli az idős hölgy halálát. Igaz, ők nem tudják azt, amit Puller: hogy a nagynénje nem sokkal a halála előtt levelet írt. Egy zaklatott levelet, amely arról szólt, hogy a pompás díszletek mögött Paradise egyáltalán nem az, aminek látszik. Puller egymás után deríti ki a furcsa részleteket, és kétséget kizáróan megállapítja, hogy nagynénje halála nem baleset volt. Paradise pálmafái között egyesek döbbenetes összeesküvést szőnek, és a legvégsőkig hajlandók elmenni titkuk védelmében. A világ egyik legnépszerűbb thrillerszerzőjének regényei sorra a bestsellerlisták elejére kerülnek, és negyvenöt nyelven, nyolcvan országban több mint száztízmillió példányban keltek el.
12,86 € 13,54 €

The Last Mile

Memories can be a real killer in the second Amos Decker novel from Davis Baldacci, The Last Mile. Melvin Mars awaits his fate on Death Row. He was one of America's most promising football stars until, aged twenty, he was arrested and convicted for the murder of his parents just as he was due to begin a very lucrative contract with the NFL. When Amos Decker, newly appointed special agent with the FBI, hears the news that Melvin was saved in the final seconds before his execution because someone has confessed to the killings, he persuades his boss to allow him to carry out an investigation into the Mars murders. There are facts about the case which don't add up, and as the investigation deepens, Decker and his team uncover layer upon layer of lies and deception which are rooted at a time in American history which most would rather forget, but some seem keen to remember. There is someone out there with a lot to hide, and a secret that everyone is looking for. A race against time ensues because, when revealed, that information threatens to tear apart the corridors of power at the very highest level. The case proves to be life-changing for both Mars and Decker in ways that neither could ever have imagined.
8,50 € 8,95 €

The Last Mile

In his No.11 New York Times bestseller Memory Man , David Baldacci introduced the extraordinary detective Amos Decker-the man who can forget nothing. Now, Decker returns in a spectacular new thriller . . . THE LAST MILE Convicted murderer Melvin Mars is counting down the last hours before his execution--for the violent killing of his parents twenty years earlier--when he's granted an unexpected reprieve. Another man has confessed to the crime. Amos Decker, newly hired on an FBI special task force, takes an interest in Mars's case after discovering the striking similarities to his own life: Both men were talented football players with promising careers cut short by tragedy. Both men's families were brutally murdered. And in both cases, another suspect came forward, years after the killing, to confess to the crime. A suspect who may or may not have been telling the truth. The confession has the potential to make Melvin Mars--guilty or not--a free man. Who wants Mars out of prison? And why now? But when a member of Decker's team disappears, it becomes clear that something much larger--and more sinister--than just one convicted criminal's life hangs in the balance. Decker will need all of his extraordinary brainpower to stop an innocent man from being executed.
7,13 € 7,50 €

No Mans Land

No Man's Land by David Baldacci is an exciting thriller featuring special investigator John Puller, who is pursuing a case that will send him deep into his own troubled past. One man demands justice . . . John Puller is the US Army's most tenacious investigator, but he is not equipped to face the truth about his mother's disappearance thirty years ago. New evidence has come to light suggesting that Puller's father - a highly decorated army veteran - may have murdered his wife. When Puller's friend, intelligence operative Veronica Knox, arrives on the scene, he realizes that there is far more to this case than he first thought. He knows that nothing will prevent him from discovering what really happened to his mother - even if it means proving that his father is a killer. . . . the other seeks revenge Paul Rogers has just been paroled after spending ten years in a high-security prison for murder. And with his freedom comes a desire to pay back old debts. Harbouring a dark past that changed him in unimaginable ways, Rogers embarks on a journey across the country, set on a path of revenge against the people who took away his humanity. As both men uncover a trail of deception that stretches back decades, they soon realize that the truth will bind them together in ways they could never have imagined.
13,25 € 13,95 €

A szökés

John Puller utolsó bevetése Ez a fegyház nem hasonlít a többire. Itt katonai fegyelem uralkodik. A biztonsági rendszerek példátlanok, a foglyok még csak nem is álmodoznak szökésről. Tudják, hogy lehetetlen... eddig legalábbis az volt. John Puller bátyjának, a kémkedésért és hazaárulásért elítélt Robert Pullernek megmagyarázhatatlan módon mégis sikerült. Most a fél ország őt keresi, mindenki őt akarja, lehetőleg élve. A legmagasabb katonai és kormányzati körökben úgy vélik, hogy csakis az öccse, John Puller tudja elkapni és visszahozni. Puller kénytelen együttműködni egy másik ügynökkel, egy meglehetősen csinos nővel, noha a zsigereiben érzi, hogy nem stimmel vele valami. Nyomozásuk során nyugtalanító tényeket derítenek ki Robert elítélésének körülményeiről, és csakhamar felfedezik, hogy olyanok is a nyomába szegődtek, akik holtan akarják látni. Akár az öccsével együtt... David Baldacci a világ egyik legnépszerűbb és legtöbbet olvasott szerzője, a politikai thriller nagymestere. A nulladik nap-ban és Az elfeledettek-ben mutatta be olvasóinak a kivételes John Pullert, az Afganisztánt megjárt veterán katonát, az amerikai haderők különleges ügynökét, akit olyankor hívnak, amikor a legsúlyosabb katonai bűnesetek vagy az egész országot fenyegető veszedelem ügyében kell nyomozni. Ám minden ügyessége, kiképzése és tapasztalata sem készíthette fel a mostani esetre, amelynek során a legfélelmetesebb és legokosabb ellenfelet kell levadásznia: a saját bátyját.
12,86 € 13,54 €

No Man's Land

No Man's Land by David Baldacci is an exciting thriller featuring special investigator John Puller, who is pursuing a case that will send him deep into his own troubled past. One man demands justice ...John Puller is the US Army's most tenacious investigator, but he is not equipped to face the truth about his mother's disappearance thirty years ago. New evidence has come to light suggesting that Puller's father - a highly decorated army veteran - may have murdered his wife. When Puller's friend, intelligence operative Veronica Knox, arrives on the scene, he realizes that there is far more to this case than he first thought. He knows that nothing will prevent him from discovering what really happened to his mother - even if it means proving that his father is a killer...the other seeks revenge Paul Rogers has just been paroled after spending ten years in a high-security prison for murder. And with his freedom comes a desire to pay back old debts. Harbouring a dark past that changed him in unimaginable ways, Rogers embarks on a journey across the country, set on a path of revenge against the people who took away his humanity.As both men uncover a trail of deception that stretches back decades, they soon realize that the truth will bind them together in ways they could never have imagined.
9,45 € 9,95 €

The Fix

Amos Decker, David Baldacci's unique special agent, who suffered a head injury that resulted in giving him the gift of a remarkable memory takes on another case in The Fix. Walter Dabney is a family man. A loving husband and the father of four grown daughters , he's built a life many would be proud of. But then the unthinkable happens. Standing outside the FBI Headquarters in Washington, D C, Dabney shoots school teacher Anne Berkshire in cold blood before turning the gun on himself. One of the many witnesses is Amos Decker; a man who forgets nothing and sees what most miss. Baffled by what appears to be a seemingly senseless and random killing, Decker is thrust into the investigation to determine what drove this family man to pull the trigger. As part of an FBI special task force, Decker and the team delve into the lives of Dabney and Berkshire to find a connection that doesn't seem to exist. What they do find are secrets that stretch back a lifetime and reveal a current plot of impending destruction that will send the world reeling, placing Decker and his team squarely in the crosshairs.
15,68 € 16,50 €

No Man's Land

No.1 New York Times bestselling author David Baldacci returns with his next thriller featuring military investigator John Puller.
8,50 € 8,95 €

The Last Mile

In his #1 New York Times bestseller Memory Man, David Baldacci introduced the extraordinary detective Amos Decker-the man who can forget nothing. Now, Decker returns in a spectacular new thriller . . . THE LAST MILE Convicted murderer Melvin Mars is counting down the last hours before his execution--for the violent killing of his parents twenty years earlier--when he's granted an unexpected reprieve. Another man has confessed to the crime. Amos Decker, newly hired on an FBI special task force, takes an interest in Mars's case after discovering the striking similarities to his own life: Both men were talented football players with promising careers cut short by tragedy. Both men's families were brutally murdered. And in both cases, another suspect came forward, years after the killing, to confess to the crime. A suspect who may or may not have been telling the truth. The confession has the potential to make Melvin Mars--guilty or not--a free man. Who wants Mars out of prison? And why now? But when a member of Decker's team disappears, it becomes clear that something much larger--and more sinister--than just one convicted criminal's life hangs in the balance. Decker will need all of his extraordinary brainpower to stop an innocent man from being executed.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Emlékek börtönében

Az ifjú Amos Decker sportkarrierje egyetlen pillanat alatt omlik össze: egy mérkőzésen kis híján az életét veszti egy balesetben. A szervezete sosem lesz már a régi, megváltozott agyműködése miatt ugyanis semmit sem felejt el, amit valaha érzékelt. Mivel mindent újra kell kezdenie, úgy dönt, tökéletes emlékezőtehetségét a rendőri munkában kamatoztatja, mégpedig nagy sikerrel. Egy nap azonban vérbe fagyva találja a családját az otthonukban. Ettől kezdve halott felesége, kislánya és sógora képe lebeg kitörölhetetlenül a lelki szemei előtt. A bűntény felderítetlen marad, egészen addig, amíg a kisváros iskolájában történt sorozatgyilkosság és Decker személyes tragédiája között hasonlóságokra nem bukkannak. Amos megállíthatatlan hajszába kezd, hogy megtalálja a tettest. Honnan is sejthetné, egykor milyen közel is volt hozzá? A bestsellerszerző új sorozatában is garantálja a tőle már megszokott akciódús, felkavaró cselekményt, pergő párbeszédeket és azt az állandó feszültséget, amellyel eléri, hogy a könyve letehetetlen legyen.
13,54 € 14,25 €

Divine Justice

Explosive and enthralling, David Baldacci's Divine Justice is the fourth novel in his bestselling Camel Club series. Known by his alias, 'Oliver Stone', John Carr is the most wanted man in America. With two pulls of the trigger, the men who hid the truth of Stone's past and kept him in the shadows were finally silenced. But Stone's freedom has come at a steep price; the assassinations he carried out have prompted the highest levels of the United States Government to unleash a massive manhunt. Joe Knox is leading the charge, but his superiors aren't telling him everything there is to know about his quarry - and their hidden agendas are just as dangerous as the killer he's trying to catch. Meanwhile, with their friend and unofficial leader in hiding, the members of the Camel Club must fend for themselves, even as they try to protect him. As Knox closes in, Stone's flight from the demons of his past will take him far from Washington, D.C., to the coal-mining town of Devine, Virginia - and headlong into a confrontation every bit as lethal as the one he is trying to escape. Divine Justice is followed by Baldacci's final Camel Club novel, Hell's Corner.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Hell´s Corner

Hell's Corner is the blockbusting finale to David Baldacci's phenomenal Camel Club series. On the night of the State Dinner honouring the British Prime Minister, Oliver Stone witnesses an explosion as the motorcade leaves the White House. A bomb has been detonated in what looks like a terrorist plot directed at the President and the Prime Minister. In the aftermath, British MI5 agent Mary Chapman, an experienced, lethal operative with an agenda of her own, is sent to assist and coordinate the investigation alongside American authorities. Stone, together with Harry Finn, Alex Ford and the rest of the Camel Club, is drawn into the inquiry. But everything is not what it seems, and what happened in the park may not have been the actual plan. It seems the mysterious attackers had another target in their sights, and it's up to the Camel Club to stop them, or face the catastrophic results.
10,93 € 11,50 €

The Fallen

Amos Decker, David Baldacci's unique special agent with the gift of a remarkable memory, returns in The Fallen. Small towns which have seen better times are not unusual. But the mysterious events in Baronville, Pennsylvania, are raising the highly-tuned antennae of agent Amos Decker and his FBI partner, Alex Jamison. What was supposed to be a relaxing vacation turns into a murder investigation when two bodies are found in a nearby deserted house. With the body count rising, Decker and Jamison dig deep to uncover a sinister truth in Baronville, which could be the canary in the coalmine for the rest of the country. But even the duo's skills and Amos Decker's infallible memory may not be enough to save this town, or them, from becoming the next victims.
13,78 € 14,50 €