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David Baldacci strana 9 z 9


Lacná kniha Sběratelé (-90%)

Lidé sbírají známky, zátky od piva nebo obrázky hokejistů, ale Roger Seagraves sbírá věci svých obětí. Zároveň prodává tajné informace tomu, kdo zaplatí nejvíc. David Baldacci předkládá strhující thriller ze současné Ameriky, ve kterém nechybí spiknutí zasahující do nejvyšších politických kruhů, vražda předsedy sněmovny a podivná smrt ředitele oddělení vzácných tisků Kongresové knihovny. Stranou událostí nemůže stát ani Camel club, podivná parta společenských vyděděnců, kterou vede tajemný Oliver Stone. Jeho přítel a člen klubu Caleb Shaw se ocitne v ohrožení, protože ani sbírání vzácných knih není tak úplně nevinná a bezpečná záliba. Čtyři muži s podivnou minulostí a půvabná zlodějka se opět vydávají po horké stopě nejen do depozitářů, ale i k tajemným sběratelům knih.
1,73 € 17,34 €

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Lacná kniha Camel club (-95%)

Spojené státy v politickém thrilleru z doby po jedenáctém září. Může skupina čtyř společenských vyděděnců zachránit Ameriku před arabskými teroristy, nukleární hrozbou a také před sebou samými? V politickém thrilleru plném historických faktů, souvislostí, humoru i až příliš reálných možností nových technologií autor předkládá zcela neotřelou zápletku, kdy teroristický útok nemusí mít za následek nutně jen zmar a kde naopak všudypřítomné oko Velkého Bratra má k němu víc než blízko.
0,82 € 16,40 €

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Lacná kniha Das Labyrinth (-90%)

Baldacci brach mit Absolute Power (1995) über die Thriller-Szene herein und blieb damit über vier Monate lang in der Bestsellerliste der New York Times. Das Labyrinth ist sogar noch spannender und auch um einiges interessanter, was die von ihm aufgeworfene Frage betrifft, inwiefern wir von Technologie kontrolliert werden. Baldaccis rücksichtslose Figuren sind ausgestattet mit den neuesten Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Actionwaffen, Laptops und Handys. Alle tragen noch eine Pistole, aber sie kämpfen per Computerdisketten und versuchen sich mit hektisch geschriebenen E-mails gegenseitig zu überlisten. Mit Ausnahme einiger brutaler Morde und eines sabotierten Verkehrsflugzeugs, das mit soviel Wucht auf der Erde aufschlägt, daß es regelrecht in seine Bestandteile zerfällt und einen riesigen Krater im ländlichen Virginia hinterläßt, wobei hunderte unschuldiger Menschen ums Leben kommen, finden die Straftaten alle online statt. Dabei handelt es sich auch um den Diebstahl von streng geheimen Finanzpapieren, die High-tech-Firmen mit Namen wie Triton und CyberCom betreffen. Baldaccis Helden sind eine Mischung aus Alt und Neu: Ein großherziger FBI-Mann und eine schöne Vollblutanwältin, die eigentlich nur zu Hause bleiben und auf die Kinder aufpassen möchte. Wie dem auch sei -- doch als ihr Mann spurlos verschwindet, verwandelt sich Sidney Archer von einer Unternehmensanwältin zu einer schwerbewaffneten, treffsicheren Lady mit genug Grips, um ihre sehr verärgerten, sehr boshaften Verfolger zu überlisten. Sehr gut und sehr professionell. --Donna Seaman
0,99 € 9,90 €

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Lacná kniha The Whole Truth (-90%)

I need a war ...' Nicolas Creel, a super-rich arms dealer, decides that the best way to boost his business is to start a new cold war - and he won't let anything or anyone get in his way. As international tensions rise and the superpowers line up aga inst each other, the lives of three very different people will never be the same again. As intelligence agent Shaw, academic Anna Fischer and ambitious journalist Katie James are all drawn into Creel's games, can anything stop the world from spiralli ng out of control? This terrifying global thriller delivers all the twists and turns, emotional drama, unforgettable characters and can't-put-it-down pacing that Baldacci fans expect - and still goes beyond anything he's written before.Upozornenie: V zhľadom na častejšie obmeny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať rovnakú obálku ako je zobrazená tu. Zobrazená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obálku.
0,83 € 8,27 €

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Lacná kniha Divine Justice (-90%)

Known by his alias, "Oliver Stone," John Carr is the most wanted man in America. With two pulls of the trigger, the men who hid the truth of Stone's past and kept him in the shadows were finally silenced. But Stone's freedom has come at a steep price; the assassinations he carried out have prompted the highest levels of the United States Government to unleash a massive manhunt. Joe Knox is leading the charge, but his superiors aren't telling him everything there is to know about his quarry-and their hidden agendas are just as dangerous as the killer he's trying to catch. Meanwhile, with their friend and unofficial leader in hiding, the members of the Camel Club must fend for themselves, even as they try to protect him. As Knox closes in, Stone's flight from the demons of his past will take him far from Washington, D.C., to the coal-mining town of Devine, Virginia-and headlong into a confrontation every bit as lethal as the one he is trying to escape.
1,10 € 10,95 €

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Lacná kniha True Blue (-70%)

Mason "Mace" Perry was a maverick cop on the D.C. police force until she was kidnapped and framed for a crime. She lost everything - her career, her liberty - and spent two years in prison. Now back on the outside, Mace is trying to rebuild her life and track down the people who set her up. But even with her police chief sister at her side, she has to work in the shadows: there's a vindictive US attorney on her tail and she's just looking for a reason to send her back behind bars ...Roy Kingman is a young lawyer, still getting used to his high-paid job at a law firm in Washington. When Roy discovers the dead body of a female partner at the firm, his fate becomes entangled with Mace's, as the two team up to investigate. But as their enquiries gather pace, Roy and Mace soon find themselves in unexpected territory; drawn into both the private and public world of the nation's capital, as dark secrets begin to emerge. For what began as a fairly routine homicide investigation will quickly turn into something far more complex. And possibly lethal ...
4,23 € 14,11 €

dostupné aj ako:

Long Shadows

Killer twists. Heroes to believe in. Trust Baldacci. Memory man FBI agent, Amos Decker, returns in this action-packed thriller to investigate the mysterious and brutal murder of a federal judge and her bodyguard at her home in an exclusive, gated community in Florida from international bestselling author David Baldacci. Things are changing for Decker. He's in crisis following the suicide of a close friend and receipt of a letter concerning a personal issue which could change his life forever. Together with the prospect of working with a new partner, Frederica White, Amos knows that this case will take all of his special skills to solve. As darkness falls, evil comes to light . . . Judge Julia Cummins seemingly had no enemies, and there was no forced entry to her property. Close friends and neighbours in the community apparently heard nothing, and Cummins' distraught ex-husband, Barry, and teenage son, Tyler, both have strong alibis. Decker must first find the answer to why the judge felt the need for a bodyguard, and the meaning behind the strange calling card left by the killer. Someone has decided it's payback time.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Das Labyrinth

Baldacci brach mit Absolute Power (1995) über die Thriller-Szene herein und blieb damit über vier Monate lang in der Bestsellerliste der New York Times. Das Labyrinth ist sogar noch spannender und auch um einiges interessanter, was die von ihm aufgeworfene Frage betrifft, inwiefern wir von Technologie kontrolliert werden. Baldaccis rücksichtslose Figuren sind ausgestattet mit den neuesten Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Actionwaffen, Laptops und Handys. Alle tragen noch eine Pistole, aber sie kämpfen per Computerdisketten und versuchen sich mit hektisch geschriebenen E-mails gegenseitig zu überlisten. Mit Ausnahme einiger brutaler Morde und eines sabotierten Verkehrsflugzeugs, das mit soviel Wucht auf der Erde aufschlägt, daß es regelrecht in seine Bestandteile zerfällt und einen riesigen Krater im ländlichen Virginia hinterläßt, wobei hunderte unschuldiger Menschen ums Leben kommen, finden die Straftaten alle online statt. Dabei handelt es sich auch um den Diebstahl von streng geheimen Finanzpapieren, die High-tech-Firmen mit Namen wie Triton und CyberCom betreffen. Baldaccis Helden sind eine Mischung aus Alt und Neu: Ein großherziger FBI-Mann und eine schöne Vollblutanwältin, die eigentlich nur zu Hause bleiben und auf die Kinder aufpassen möchte. Wie dem auch sei -- doch als ihr Mann spurlos verschwindet, verwandelt sich Sidney Archer von einer Unternehmensanwältin zu einer schwerbewaffneten, treffsicheren Lady mit genug Grips, um ihre sehr verärgerten, sehr boshaften Verfolger zu überlisten. Sehr gut und sehr professionell. --Donna Seaman
9,41 € 9,90 €

The 6:20 Man

Killer twists. Heroes to believe in. Trust Baldacci. The 6:20 Man is a heart-racing thriller set in the world of high finance in New York, from the number one bestselling author David Baldacci. It's time to catch a killer... Having survived combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq and been decorated with medals, Travis Devine leaves the army in mysterious circumstances, under a cloud of suspicion. And at thirty-two years old, he's swapping fighting the Taliban and Al-Qaeda for a different kind of danger in the cut-throat world of high finance. His daily commute on the 6:20 a.m. train into New York's financial district, to his new job as an analyst at the minted powerhouse investment bank Cowl and Comely, takes him into a world where greed, power, jealousy and ambition result in the financial abuse of the masses and the enrichment of an elite few. But it is on this daily journey that he passes a house where he sees something that sounds alarm signals he cannot ignore. A close friend of Devine's, Sarah Ewes, is the first victim, and the mysterious circumstances surrounding her death at Cowl and Comely compel him to investigate further. As he digs deeper, he discovers strange coincidences and unnerving truths. As the deaths pile up, and the major players show their hands, he must question who he can trust - and who he must fight.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Long Shadows

As darkness falls, evil comes to light... Memory man FBI agent, Amos Decker, returns in this action-packed thriller to investigate the mysterious and brutal murder of a federal judge and her bodyguard at her home in an exclusive, gated community in Florida from international bestselling author David Baldacci. Things are changing for Decker. He’s in crisis following the suicide of a close friend and receipt of a letter concerning a personal issue which could change his life forever. Together with the prospect of working with a new partner, Frederica White, Amos knows that this case will take all of his special skills to solve. Judge Julia Cummins seemingly had no enemies, and there was no forced entry to her property. Close friends and neighbours in the community apparently heard nothing, and Cummins’ distraught ex-husband, Barry, and teenage son, Tyler, both have strong alibis. Decker must first find the answer to why the judge felt the need for a bodyguard, and the meaning behind the strange calling card left by the killer. Someone has decided it’s payback time.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Memory Man

The first in the Amos Decker series, Memory Man is an astounding novel from blockbuster author David Baldacci, where an extraordinary man races to hunt down a terrible killer. Amos Decker would forever remember all three of their violent deaths in the most paralyzing shade of blue. It would cut into him at unpredictable moments, like a gutting knife made of colored light. He would never be free from it. When Amos Decker returned home eighteen months ago to find the bodies of his wife and only daughter, he didn't think he could carry on living. Overwhelmed with grief, he saw his life spiral out of control, losing his job as a detective, his house and his self-respect. But when his former partner in the police, Mary Lancaster, visits to tell him that someone has confessed to the murder of his family, he knows he owes it to his wife and child to seek justice for them. As Decker comes to terms with the news, tragedy strikes at the local school. Thirteen teenagers are gunned down, and the killer is at large. Following the serious brain injury Amos suffered as a professional footballer, he gained a remarkable gift – and the police believe that this unusual skill will assist in the hunt for the killer. Amos must endure the memories he would rather forget, and when new evidence links the murders, he is left with only one option. Memory Man will stay with you long after the turn of the final page.
8,81 € 9,27 €

Absolute Power

Set at the heart of political power in Washington DC, Absolute Power is the book which launched David Baldacci’s career as a worldwide bestseller of thrilling fiction. As adapted to the screen, directed by and starring Clint Eastwood. In a heavily guarded mansion in the Virginian countryside, professional burglar and break-in artist Luther Whitney is trapped behind a one-way mirror. What he witnesses destroys his faith not only in justice, but in all he holds dear. What follows is an unthinkable abuse of power and a criminal conspiracy, as a breathtaking cover-up is set in motion by those appointed to work for one of the most important people in the world – the President of the United States.
12,56 € 13,95 €