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Pokémon TCG: Q2 Minialbum s boostrem

Obsah balení: 1x minialbum s kapacitou až 60 kariet 1x Scarlet & Violet booster set (10 náhodne zamiešaných kariet) Veľkosť albumu je 8,5 x 10,5 cm
7,99 €
  • 5 /5

Dajama hra Majstrovstvá sveta vo futbale (2. vydanie, doplnené o MS v Katare 2022)

Druhé vydanie obľúbenej spoločenskej hry so sveta futbalu, doplnené o otázky z majstrovstiev sveta v Katare 2022. Prenesme sa na futbalový štadión a vychutnajme si nezabudnuteľnú atmosféru zápasov majstrovstiev sveta. V hre sa premeníme na futbalistov a našou úlohou bude pomocou vedomostí streliť čo najviac gólov do súperovej siete. Čakajú nás dva hracie plány a je len na nás, ktorý z nich si pre hru vyberieme. Nová zábavno-vedomostná spoločenská hra Majstrovstvá sveta vo futbale je určená všetkým futbalovým nadšencom nad 6 rokov, ktorým sa páči najpopulárnejší šport na svete a radi sa pritom hrajú. V hre sa premenia na futbalistov a ich úlohou bude pomocou vedomostí streliť čo najviac gólov do súperovej siete. Hra obsahuje dva hracie plány. Malí a veľkí futbalisti majú postupne k dispozícii 330 futbalových kartičiek a takmer 550 futbalových otázok.
34,95 €

Malý objaviteľ: Abeceda (Kis felfedező: Ábécé, hra v maďarčine)

Vzdelávacia hra, ktorá deti hravou formou oboznamuje so svetom písmen. Hra obsahuje jednoduché a veselé úlohy, vďaka ktorým sa dieťa učí písmená abecedy a precvičuje si schopnosti ich spájania s obrázkami. Je skvelým prvým krokom k výučbe čítania a písania.
7,99 €
zľavy Haba

Malý objaviteľ: Povolania (Kis felfedező: Foglalkozások, hra v maďarčine)

Vzdelávacia hra s puzzle, vďaka ktorej sa deti naučia, čo zahŕňa práca v jednotlivých povolaniach a aké náradie je pre danú prácu potrebné. Počas hry si deti rozširujú slovnú zásobu súvisiacu s rôznymi povolaniami, precvičujú si rozprávanie na konkrétne témy a podporujú kognitívnu zvedavosť.
7,99 €

Malý objaviteľ: Súvislosti (Kis felfedező: Asszociáció, hra v maďarčine)

Vzdelávacia hra, v ktorej sa deti učia pomenovávať a klasifikovať objekty a javy. Hra pomáha deťom nájsť spojitosti medzi objektmi, rozvíja ich jazykové zručnosti a precvičuje logiku.
7,99 €

Hovoriace pero Geniuso, model V500

Hovoriace pero reprodukuje text/zvuk z hovoriacich kníh GENIUSO resp. IRS cez zabudovaný reproduktor alebo cez slúchadlá pripojiteľné k peru. V Geniuso pere máte všetko pripravené, do pera nemusíte nič nahrávať. Práca s hovoriacim perom je hračkou pre všetky vekové kategórie. Geniuso pero po zapnutí aktivujete priložením buď na logo Geniuso alebo IRS logo na obálke knihy a následne ho už len prikladáte na piktogramy, úlohy alebo obrázky v knihe. Hovoriace pero sa predáva aj s USB-C káblom. Geniuso pero môžete nabíjať bežne dostupnou štandardnou USB nabíjačkou alebo pripojením pera k počítaču. V cene hovoriaceho pera je zahrnutý recyklačný poplatok vo výške 0,05 €. Geniuso pero okrem čítania hovoriacich kníh slúži aj ako MP3 prehrávač: Do internej pamäte pera si môžete po pripojení pera k počítaču (cez USB –C kábel) jednoducho nahrať akékoľvek *.mp3 súbory a prehrávať ich cez zabudovaný reproduktor, respektíve cez slúchadlá pripojiteľné k peru. hlasový záznaminik: Zaznamenávanie zvuku slúži na akékoľvek nahrávanie zvuku/hlasu cez zabudovaný mikrofón. Nahrávky vo formáte *.wav sa ukladajú do internej pamäte pera. Po ukončení nahrávania si ich možno vypočuť priamo z pera, resp. po pripojení pera k počítaču ich možno stiahnuť do počítača a pracovať s nimi ako s akýmikoľvek *.wav súbormi. USB kľúč: Po pripojení pera k počítaču (cez USB-C kábel) možno do 16 GB internej pamäte pera nahrávať a prostredníctvom neho prenášať akékoľvek súbory, keďže počítač vníma pero ako externe pripojený disk.
39,90 €

Geniuso: ŠTART balíček

Hovoriaca kniha Mia na farme deťom ponúka pútavý príbeh o mačiatku, ktoré hľadá svoju stratenú sestričku. Príbeh nahovorila Zuzana Tlučková. V knihe na 28 stranách deti nájdu aj 264 úloh, 99 hádaniek, množstvo zvukov, básničiek a veľa zaujímavostí zo života na farme. Deti, ktoré ešte nevedia čítať, si s knižkou užijú mnoho hodín zábavy a hravého učenia aj bez prítomnosti rodiča, keďže knižka je bohato ilustrovaná a neobsahuje žiadne texty. Nechajte deti objavovať zaujímavosti a zvuky zo zvieracej ríše! Hovoriacu knihu plus hovoriace pero lacnejšie nikde inde nekúpite. Knižka je bohato ilustrovaná a neobsahuje žiadne texty. Deti sa dozvedia o práci na farme, o zvieratkách, o prírodných javoch, o ovocí a zelenine, o spánku… Pokračovanie príbehu nájdete v knižke Mia v meste. DO PERA NEMUSÍTE NIČ NAHRÁVAŤ: Hneď ako doma rozbalíte tento balíček, okamžite s nimi môžete začať pracovať – v pere máte už všetko pripravené, stačí ho len zapnúť a priložiť na ktorúkoľvek Geniuso hovoriacu knižku.
49,90 €

Hra Monopoly The Office (hra v angličtine)

Attention, the Dunder Mifflin branch in Scranton is recruiting! We are looking for the best Assistant to a Regional Manager with aspirations for an Assistant Manager*. The required qualifications are leadership skills, an innate sales sense and a love of paper. We do not guarantee promotion. The salary is also not the best, but you get the opportunity to build your own mega-desk! Conquer the fields on the board with the most important spots and take over the office! *Formal job title: Paper Sales Specialist. Game rules Players choose pawns and take 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1 bills. The player who throws the most points on the dice starts the game. The task of the players is to get as much fortune as possible by buying the fields on the board. watch out! There is a price to pay for entering someone else's field. The player who gains an advantage on the board and leads the other participants to bankruptcy wins. Detailed instructions are included in the box. Contents game board, 6 collectible pawns, 28 Title Deed cards, 16 That's What She Said cards 16 World's Best Boss cards Bundle of MONOPOLY banknotes, 32 houses (reams of paper), 12 hotels (paper boxes), 2 cubes, instruction. Game features number of players: 2-6 age: 8+ playing time: 1-3 hours
34,29 € 48,99 €

Hra Cluedo James Bond 007 (hra v angličtine)

MI6 have received a secret message from a mysterious source. A 00 agent has been eliminated and it is up to James Bond and his allies to travel the world to identify the culprit, the weapon used to defeat the agent and the location in which the crime took place. Play as 007, Moneypenny, Q, M, Tanner or Felix Leiter and use your skills to solve the mystery. With locations, villains and six bespoke weapon tokens from over 50 years of 00 action, it’s your chance to take on a mission. Travel around the board and ask the right questions to eliminate evidence. Was it Rosa Klebb with the Golden Bullet in Casino Royale? Or could it have been Xenia Onatopp in Atlantis with the Mechanical Arm? The answer is For Your Eyes Only. Grab a SPECTRE card for a tactical advantage or potential penalty, and keep those case notes out of sight of your fellow agents, as you com
27,99 € 39,99 €

Hra Monopoly Metallica (hra v angličtine)

Metallica and MONOPOLY have collaborated once again to bring you an all-new, second edition of this American classic. This time we’re celebrating life on the road, including the World Record-breaking, Whiplash-filled year of 2013, when Metallica became the first and only band to ever perform on all seven continents. Tour around the globe with one of six collectible tokens to some of the band’s favourite cities in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa. You’ll even find yourself Trapped Under Ice in Antarctica! Purchase property with your Metalli-bucks, acquire all the cities on one continent, and add arenas and stadiums to increase your value. Land on one of the Carpe Diem Baby or Shortest Straw spaces and draw a card to be rewarded with sticks, picks and snake pit passes, but watch out for those parking and stage repair fees! T
34,29 € 48,99 €

Hra Monopoly Queen (hra v angličtine)

Tour the amazing gig history of Queen, from their very first at Imperial College in 1970 to their last with Freddie Mercury at Knebworth Park in 1986. Tour the world with the band and buy gig locations and hit singles. Build staging blocks then upgrade to full productions and watch the rent come pouring in. Take your chances with A Kind of Magic and In the Lap of the Gods cards as you tour the board as one of the iconic Queen bespoke tokens. You can own it all. Order your limited edition copy of the World's best board game today!
34,29 € 48,99 €

Hra Monopoly Sailor Moon (hra v angličtine)

Thanks to Monopoly Sailor Moon, you have the chance to experience an unforgettable adventure with characters from the cult anime "Salior Moon S". Fight for four talismans/weapons to obtain eternal artifacts of unimaginable power! Rei, Usagi's girlfriend, is tormented by disturbing visions of the impending end of the world, while a new enemy appears in town. Mad and possessed, Professor Tomoe, the leader of the Brotherhood of Death, attacks innocent people in search of three unique Pure Heart Crystals. Usagi is ready to face a deadly enemy, as are new and powerful warriors who seek the talismans themselves. See how many property letters you can collect and see if you can bankrupt your opponents! Monopoly Sailor Moon Monopoly Sailor Moon is a game designed for all fans of the cult anime. In this collector's edition, you will be able to own your favorite heroes. Build houses and hotels and multiply the amount of rent you collect from other players. Choose your collectible pawn from hero-themed items and walk around the Monopoly board. Monopoly Sailor Moon rules The rules of the game are similar to the rules of the classic version of Monopoly. After laying out the board and choosing one of the 6 collectible pawns, give each player the appropriate number of bills. The game starts with the player who rolls the most points on the dice. During each turn, roll two dice and then move a number of spaces equal to the sum of the dice rolled. You will find one of the characters that you will be able to purchase as soon as it is available and you can afford it. The traditional Chance and Community Cash cards are Love and Friendship in this edition - take one of these cards and follow the instructions on it. Watch out for other players' property and try not to end up in jail! Remember that your goal is not only to get rich at the expense of others, but also to bankrupt them. Monopoly Sailor Moon game content game board 6 collector pawns 28 cards of the title deed 16 cards of love 16 friendship cards 1 stack of Monopoly bills 32 houses 12 hotels 2 cubes lesson Specification Number of players: 2-6 Age: 8+ Playing time: 1-3 hours
34,29 € 48,99 €

Hra Monopoly South Park (hra v angličtine)

Howdy ho! It’s the super-sweet South Park Collector’s Edition of MONOPOLY! Take over South Park Elementary or own Cartmanland: all the famous locations of South Park are yours... for the right price! Join Cartman, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Butters, and Token as you buy, sell and “Roshambo” your way through this quiet mountain town. Build clubhouses and playgrounds to charge your opponents more rent. Make your fortune and Cartmanland can be your very own private amusement park. Lose everything, and you may become the poorest kid in South Park. Pick up Snacky S'mores and Cheesy Poofs cards for unexpected prizes and penalties: will you have to fork up to send Kyle's cousin on a plane to Antarctica, or will you unleash the Brown Noise and ruin your opponents' plans? With six custom tokens and an array of iconic locations from this classic series, there's neve
34,29 € 48,99 €

Hra Monopoly Gremlins (hra v angličtine)

Welcome to Kingston Falls: a calm, beautiful town, especially at Christmas time. Who could have predicted that in such picturesque, snow-capped neighborhoods, the Gremlins of legend would come to life? Take the opportunity to explore the town and invest in famous locations, but don’t let the invading Gremlins get in your way! Visit the Police Station and Kingston Falls Movie Theater — maybe you’ll dare to sing a Christmas carol for Mrs. Deagle as well! Will you invest in Peltzer’s wacky inventions, like the Bathroom Buddy or the Smokeless Ash Tray? Or maybe you’ll pop the question to someone special in Dorry’s Tavern… Buy Christmas lights and Christmas displays, invest bravely and bankrupt your opponents in your quest to buy up all the best places in Kingston Falls before these mysterious creatures take over! This special Gremlins edition of MONOPOLY also in
34,29 € 48,99 €

Hra Monopoly Peaky Blinders (hra v angličtine)

Take on the risks and responsibilities of the Shelby Company Limited in this stunning new edition of MONOPOLY: Peaky Blinders. A gangster family epic set in the lawless streets of Birmingham and beyond, Peaky Blinders is a BAFTA-winning series and one of the most acclaimed and beloved dramas of the past decade. It tells the story of Tommy Shelby, a gangster raised in the slums of Small Heath who returns from the First World War to seek a better future for his family - whatever the cost. In this edition of MONOPOLY, players accumulate assets just like Tommy. From the Garrison Tavern to the Eden Club, from Epsom Racetrack to Arrow house, it’s time to start building your empire… and make your rivals pay. Pick up Enemies and Families cards for unexpected prizes and penalties, and build houses and businesses to charge your rent. It’s MONOPOLY like never before… by order of the Peaky Blinders! Ages 18+ 2-6 Players
34,29 € 48,99 €

Hra Cluedo Dracula (hra v angličtine)

Welcome to Bran Castle! Unfortunately, you have arrived a bit too late to meet Irina Cantemir, the young victim of a mysterious murder. Experience the unique story and solve the crime in the world’s best-known castle! Irina, a young housemaid, dies in mysterious circumstances. Her body is discovered with a strange scar on her neck. The villagers are desolated and terrified that someone could hurt such an innocent girl. And the murderer has still not been caught! Rumour has it that Dracula is reborn. No wonder that people have started to whisper forgotten methods of protection against vampires. That’s why you can see bunches of garlic on windows and if you look under the villagers’ beds, you will find wooden stakes. No one can leave the house from dusk till dawn. No one feels safe. But what if all of this is just a wrong assumption? Some people say that m
27,99 € 39,99 €

Hra Trivial Pursuit Harry Potter Ultimate Edition (hra v angličtine)

Accio trivia! Return to Hogwarts™ in the ultimate edition of Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit. Featuring 1800 questions over 300 cards, test your knowledge of characters, spells, locations, events, magical artefacts and much more, as you compete to master every category, move to the centre space and answer the final question in order to be crowned champion. Think you can tell powdered root of asphodel from an infusion of wormwood? Confident you know what form Lupin’s boggart took, or who Hermione impersonated at the Ministry of Magic? Challenge your friends and family as you race to collect one Trivial Pursuit wedge from every category before they do. Just don’t mix up your gillyweed with your polyjuice potion! The questions included in this special edition span all eight films, and include behind-the-scenes questions about the cast and crew, so if you think you can remember which castle served as Hogwarts, and how many prop wands were made, then ready your patronus because this edition is for you!
27,99 € 39,99 €

Hra Monopoly Godfather (hra v angličtine)

"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli." Immerse yourself in the world ruled by the Godfather and his influential grande famiglia by playing this premium edition of MONOPOLY: The Godfather. Use one of the unique tokens and expand your empire by befriending the Corleone family. Buy new alliances, increase your wealth and influence, try to become the Don of the board and rule the city! This authentic game will take you into the middle of the war between the Five Families, so why not spend some time in the elegant world of The Godfather? Not only will this premium, limited edition MONOPOLY look stunning on display at home, but it's perfect to show off and play with your amici. But be cautious: this game is especially suited to players who understand that "Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than the government. It is almost the equal of family." Capisce?
34,29 € 48,99 €

Hra Cluedo Sherlock (hra v angličtine)

The enigmatic series Sherlock retells the tale of Englands most celebrated detective, and now Sherlock Holmes and John Watsons adventures in 21st century London are the centrepiece for their own version of the classic mystery game of Cluedo! That darkly charasmatic Napolean of Crime Jim Moriarty has been murdered and his body found in London. But who killed Moriarty? Was it Mrs Hudson in the Tower of London with the wrench, or Irene Adler, in 221B with a candlestick? Youll need your wits about you to find out!
39,99 €

Ponorte sa do sveta zábavy s našou bohatou ponukou v kategórii Hry, kde nájdete ideálne spôsoby, ako obohatiť voľný čas pre celú rodinu. Naša široká paleta hier zahŕňa všetko od vzdelávacích hier pre deti, cez stolové hry, až po interaktívne hry, ktoré udržia záujem každého hráča.

Objavte naše vedomostné a edukatívne hry, ktoré poskytujú zábavnú formu učenia a pomáhajú rozvíjať kritické a logické myslenie. Sú perfektné pre deti, ktoré sa hravou formou učia nové informácie a zručnosti.

Naše rodinné hry sú skvelou voľbou pre rodinné večery alebo priateľské stretnutia. Poskytujú výbornú príležitosť na socializáciu a zároveň stimulujú strategické a taktické myslenie. Či už uprednostňujete klasické šachy, moderné strategické hry, alebo rýchle kartové hry, u nás si vyberie každý.