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Lacná kniha Viktor Dyk - Básník a politik (-90%)

Sborník z konference k sedmdesátému výročí úmrtí Viktora Dyka. K sedmdesátému výročí básníkovy smrti uspořádala Společnost Viktora Dyka 11. května 2001 v pražském Národním muzeu vědeckou konferenci, na níž se historikové a literární vědci zabývali stěžejními momenty a problémy Dykova života, díla, publicistické a politické činnosti: Robert Kvaček se zamyslil nad formováním básníkova uměleckého a ideového profilu v atmosféře devadesátých let 19. století, Jaroslava Honcová podrobně zachytila genealogii Dykova rodu, Jiří Brabec a Jaroslav Med rozebrali a zhodnotili Dykovo literární dílo, Josef Tomeš a Martin Kučera připomněli jeho politické a novinářské působení, úzce spjaté s českými národními zápasy první třetiny 20. století, Vratislav Šťovíček, Josef Tomeš a Michal M. Jakl nastínili básníkovy vztahy k rodnému Mělnicku, ku Praze, ke Krkonošům a Podkrkonoší a jejich reflexi v Dykově literární tvorbě... Jednotlivé příspěvky, pronesené na této konferenci, vycházejí nyní v poněkud upravené podobě v knižním sborníku, doplněny o vybrané básně Viktora Dyka, málo známé fotografie z jeho pozůstalosti v Literárním archivu Památníku národního písemnictví a Bibliografii Viktora Dyka a prací o něm od roku 1990.
Na sklade 2Ks
1,02 € 10,24 €

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Lacná kniha Snová existence aneb nazývám kočku kočkou (-70%)

Autorka Dagmar Halasová strávila v devadesátých letech téměř devět let ve věčném městě Římě, po boku manžela, velvyslance u Svatého stolce. Ve své knize nesdílí jen okouzlení působivým světem soustředěným kolem legendárního papeže Jana Pavla II. Neb „nazývá kočku kočkou“, píše též sugestivně, věcně, s jemnou ironií a odstupem o událostech, které ji ve Vatikánu potkaly. Sdílí tak poznání a zkušenosti, jež jí jako „neviditelné“ manželce přinesla společensky a pracovně náročná účast ve světě diplomacie. Vatikánem, Římem, Itálií prostupují v knize „vzpomínky nejen římské...“: autorka vzdálená od domova se vrací do let dětství, do Petrovic, k letům studijním, ke svému zaměstnání, k obtížím, jimž byla její rodina vystavena z politických příčin, a k významným osobnostem, jež patřily k tradičnímu kulturnímu prostředí Pojerovy a Halasovy rodiny.
Na sklade 1Ks
3,10 € 10,34 €

dostupné aj ako:

Spisovatelé poválečného exilu

Kniha o spisovatelích poválečného exilu, máme tím však na mysli dlouhé období, které se uzavírá až druhou polovinou šedesátých let: jde o všechny případy odchodu z vlasti, které se nedají přičlenit k pozdějšímu exilu posrpnovému. Symptomatickou skutečností je i exil dvojí nebo opakovaný: nejprve tváří v tvář nacistické okupaci České republiky v březnu 1939, posléze tváří v tvář komunistické „okupaci“ Československa po únoru 1948: takto se do republiky navrátili a zakrátko ji znovu opustili například Viktor Fischl nebo Egon Hostovský. Někteří spisovatelé po roce 1945 působili v zahraničí i na diplomatických postech, nakonec ale v cizině zůstali. Leč zvláště od jara 1948 už odejít z údajně lidově demokratického státu už bylo téměř nemožné, což poznamenalo životní osud mnoha dalších literátů.
10,45 € 11,00 €

Orwell - The New Life

Over seventy years since his premature death, George Orwell (1903-50) has become one of the most significant figures in western literature. His two dystopian masterpieces, Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) have together sold over 40 million copies. Even now, he continues to exert a decisive influence on our understanding of international power-politics. D.J. Taylor's new biography, the first full-length study for 20 years, draws on a wide range of previously unseen material - newly-discovered letters to old girlfriends and professional colleagues, the recollections of the dwindling band of people who remember him, new information about his life in the early 1930s - to produce a definitive portrait of this complex, driven and self-mythologising man.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Now is Not the Time for Flowers

When Stacey Heale's husband, Greg, was diagnosed with incurable cancer on their daughter's first birthday, everything changed. She quickly realised how little is spoken about what the harder times in our lives really look like, leaving us lost to navigate the unknown alone. Confronted with a new life she was not prepared for, Stacey began to untangle the brutal realities of life and death - and the fundamental differences between our expectations and reality. Now is Not the Time for Flowers is Stacey's unflinchingly beautiful and raw memoir that addresses the big conversations that imminent death dictates, boldly taking the reader on a journey through the full spectrum of our lives and their complexities. Told through vignettes of her own life and the death of her husband, Stacey offers a movingly honest, insightful and humorous account of modern womanhood through the lenses of love, desire, motherhood, death, grief, identity, personal growth and the challenges and questions that our lives force upon us. Now is Not the Time for Flowers is a powerful call to arms for us to discuss the messy and unexpected truths of our nuanced lives.
24,65 € 25,95 €

Dreamer of Dune : The Biography of Frank Herbert

Everyone knows Frank Herbert's Dune. This science fiction epic combines politics human evolution and ecology and has captured the imagination of generations of readers. It is one of the most popular science fiction novels ever written, has won awards, sold millions of copies around the world and spawned multiple motion-picture adaptations. Brian Herbert, Frank Herbert's eldest son, tells the provocative story of his father's extraordinary life in this honest and loving chronicle. He has also brought to light all the events in Herbert's life that would find their way into speculative fiction's greatest epic. From his early years in Tacoma, Washington, through his time at university and in the Navy, to the difficult years of poverty while struggling to become a published writer, Herbert worked long and hard before finding success after the publication of Dune in 1965. Brian Herbert writes about these years with a truthful intensity that brings every facet of his father's brilliant, and sometimes troubled, genius to full light. Insightful and provocative, this absorbing biography offers Brian Herbert's unique personal perspective on one of the most enigmatic and creative talents of our time.
20,85 € 21,95 €


Over seventy years since his premature death, George Orwell (1903-50) has become one of the most significant figures in western literature. His two dystopian masterpieces, Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) have together sold over 40 million copies. Even now, he continues to exert a decisive influence on our understanding of international power-politics. D.J. Taylor's new biography, the first full-length study for 20 years, draws on a wide range of previously unseen material - newly-discovered letters to old girlfriends and professional colleagues, the recollections of the dwindling band of people who remember him, new information about his life in the early 1930s - to produce a definitive portrait of this complex, driven and self-mythologising man.
23,70 € 24,95 €

James Patterson: The Stories of My Life

HIS BEST STORIES ARE THE STORIES OF HIS LIFE · His father grew up in a New York poorhouse called the 'Pogie'. · He worked at a psychiatric hospital where he met the singer James Taylor and the poet Robert Lowell. Both were patients. · He was at Woodstock and was also an usher at the Fillmore East. · He was CEO of advertising agency J. Walter Thompson North America when he was thirty-seven. He wrote the ad jingle, 'I'm a Toys 'R' Us Kid'. · He once watched Norman Mailer and James Baldwin square off to fight. · He's played golf with three US presidents and has nine holes-in-one. · Dolly Parton sang Happy Birthday to him over the phone. She calls him Jimmy James. James says, 'I always wanted to write the kind of novel that is read and re-read so many times the binding breaks, and the book literally falls apart, pages scattered in the wind. I'm still working on that one.'
13,25 € 13,95 €

The Soul of a Woman

The wise, warm, defiant new book from literary legend Isabel Allende – a meditation on power, feminism and what it means to be a woman When I say that I was a feminist in kindergarten, I am not exaggerating. As a child, Isabel Allende watched her mother, abandoned by her husband, provide for her three small children. As a young woman coming of age in the late 1960s, she rode the first wave of feminism. She has seen what has been accomplished by the movement in the course of her lifetime. And over the course of three marriages, she has learned how to grow as a woman while having a partner, when to step away, and the rewards of embracing one's sexuality. So what do women want? To be safe, to be valued, to live in peace, to have their own resources, to be connected, to have control over their bodies and lives, and above all, to be loved. On all these fronts, there is much work to be done, and this book, Allende hopes, will 'light the torch of our daughters and granddaughters with mine. They will have to live for us, as we lived for our mothers, and carry on with the work still left to be finished.'
12,83 € 13,50 €

The Story of a Life

In 1943, Konstantin Paustovsky, the Soviet Union's most revered author, started out on his masterwork - The Story of a Life; a grand, novelistic memoir of a life lived on the fast-unfurling frontiers of Russian history. Eventually published over six volumes, it would cement Paustovsky's reputation as the voice of Russia around the world, and see him nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Newly translated by Guggenheim fellow Douglas Smith, Vintage Classics are proud to reintroduce the first three books of Paustovsky's epic for a whole new generation. Taking its reader from Paustovsky's Ukrainian youth, struggling with a family on the verge of collapse and the first flourishes of creative ambition, to his experiences working as a paramedic on Russia's frontlines and then as a journalist covering the country's violent spiral into revolution, The Story of a Life offers a portrait of an artistic journey like no other. As richly dramatic as the great Russian novels of the 19th and 20th centuries, but all the more powerful for its first-hand testament to one of history's most chaotic eras, The Story of Life is a uniquely dazzling achievement of modern literature.
18,53 € 19,50 €

All Sorts of Lives

Accessible, lively new biography of an under-served female writer, from a bestselling, acclaimed literary biographer Published to celebrate Katherine Mansfield's centenary, this is a compact but comprehensive new portrait of her life, work, relevance and wonderfully inspiring personality Restless outsider, masher-up of form and convention, Katherine Mansfield's short but dazzling career was characterised by struggle, insecurity and sacrifice ? alongside a glorious, relentless creative drive and openness. She was the only writer Virginia Woolf admitted being jealous of, yet by the 1950s was so undervalued that Elizabeth Bowen was moved to ask, 'Where is she ? our missing contemporary?' Now, looking back over the hundred years since her death, it is evident how vital Mansfield was to the Modernist movement and how strikingly relevant she is today, helping us to see differently, to savour and to notice things. In this dynamic and perceptive study, Claire Harman takes a fresh look at Mansfield's life and achievements side by side, through the form she did so much to revolutionise: the short story. Exploring ten pivotal works, we watch how Mansfield's desire to grow as a writer pushed her art into unknown territory, and how illness sharpened her extraordinary vitality: 'Would you not like to try all sorts of lives ? one is so very small.' Inventive, intimate and informative, All Sorts of Lives is the perfect introduction for those who aren't familiar with Mansfield's work and, for those who are, it offers a new way of viewing and celebrating her and her legacy.
18,53 € 19,50 €


In 1963, Annie Ernaux, 23 and unattached, realizes she is pregnant. Shame arises in her like a plague: understanding that her pregnancy will mark her and her family as social failures, she knows she cannot keep that child. This is the story, written forty years later, of a trauma Ernaux never overcame. In a France where abortion was illegal, she attempted, in vain, to self-administer the abortion with a knitting needle. Fearful and desperate, she finally located an abortionist, and ends up in a hospital emergency ward where she nearly dies. In Happening, Ernaux sifts through her memories and her journal entries dating from those days. Clearly, cleanly, she gleans the meanings of her experience.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Így szerettek ők 1.

Nyáry Krisztián néhány évig költészettörténetet tanított a pécsi egyetemen, majd a 90-es évek közepén otthagyta a katedrát, azóta kommunikációs tanácsadóként dolgozik. Vezetett pr-ügynökséget és közvélemény-kutató intézetet, volt állami szervezet kommunikációs igazgatója, de a hobbija az irodalomtörténet maradt. 2012 elején barátai szórakoztatására kezdte publikálni a Facebookon magyar írók és művészek szerelmi életéről szóló képes etűdjeit, amivel néhány hónap alatt nagy népszerűségre tett szert. A barátoknak szánt bejegyzésekből mára több mint tizenhatezer olvasót vonzó kulturális ismeretterjesztő sorozat lett. A szerző célja, hogy a tankönyvi életrajzok papírmasé figurái helyett a valós, izgalmas, de kevesek által ismert párkapcsolati történetek felidézésével szerethető, hús-vér embereket mutasson be, és ezzel kedvet csináljon a művek olvasásához. 40 történet sok képpel Petőfitől Vas Istvánig, Benedek Elektől Szabó Magdáig, hitvesekről, múzsákról, szeretőkről, örök hűségről és a szerelem sokféle arcáról.
21,38 € 22,51 €

Lacná kniha Így szerettek ők 3. (-50%)

Nyáry Krisztián 2012-ben mesélt először íróink és költőink szerelmi életéről. Az Így szerettek ők első és második része bekerültek az elmúlt évek legnagyobb könyvsikerei közé. Most elkészült a sorozat várva-várt harmadik része: ismét lekerülnek az unalmas íróportrék a tantermek falairól. A könyvből egyebek mellett megtudhatjuk, hogyan érzett egyoldalú szerelmet József Attila pszichoanalitikusa, Gyömrői Edit iránt; miért írta népdalait Kisfaludy Károly egy vallásos zsidó lányhoz, aki nem lehetett az övé; hogyan próbálta megszervezni Vajda János és ifjúkori szerelme, Kratochwill Gerogina újbóli találkozását a költő későbbi felesége; miért kérte meg hétszer Móricz Zsigmond Magoss Olga kezét; és miként tudott Ignácz Rózsa a Gestapo börtönében tanúként részt venni volt férje második esküvőjén. Kiderül az is, hogy Petőfi Sándornak szerelme, Mednyányszky Berta helyett annak apja küldött szakító levelet; hogy Dsida Jenőt és menyasszonyát, Imbery Melindát hat évig próbálták elválasztani egymástól a szüleik, ezért csak titokban találkozhattak; valamint hogy miként élt évekig Molnár Ferenc és élete utolsó szerelme, Bartha Vanda ugyanannak a New York-i hotelnek két külön emeletén. Nyáry Krisztián elmeséli, hogy Kosztolányi Dezső hogyan folytatott éveken át szerelmi viszonyt gyermeke dadájával, akiről Édes Anna alakját mintázta; hogy tudott megszökni Gérecz Attila a Dunában úszva a börtönből, és miért adta fel ezután volt barátnője a rendőröknek; valamint hogy miként szövődött titkos szerelem Szabó Lőrinc és barátja, Illyés Gyula felesége, Kozmutza Flóra között. Megtudhatjuk, mi köze volt Pekár Gyulának a pisztolylövéshez, amelybe majdnem belehalt Krúdy Gyula több regényalakjának modellje, Pilisy Róza írónő és luxusprostituált; hogyan találta meg a boldogságot Galgóczi Erzsébet Gobbi Hilda oldalán; és azt is miért nem nősült meg soha Hunyady Sándor miután szerelmi bánatában megkísérelte szíven lőni magát.
11,26 € 22,51 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Years

Considered by many to be the iconic French memoirist’s defining work, The Years is a narrative of the period 1941 to 2006 told through the lens of memory, impressions past and present, cultural habits, language, photos, books, songs, radio, television, advertising and news headlines. Annie Ernaux invents a form that is subjective and impersonal, private and collective, and a new genre – the collective autobiography – in order to capture the passing of time. At the confluence of autofiction and sociology, The Years is ‘a Remembrance of Things Past for our age of media domination and consumerism’ (New York Times), a monumental account of twentieth-century French history as refracted through the life of one woman.
12,83 € 13,50 €

Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes

At the time of his death in 2015, award-winning and bestselling author Sir Terry Pratchett was working on his finest story yet - his own. The creator of the phenomenally bestselling Discworld series, Terry Pratchett was known and loved around the world for his hugely popular books, his smart satirical humour and the humanity of his campaign work. But that's only part of the picture. Before his untimely death, Terry was writing a memoir: the story of a boy who aged six was told by his teacher that he would never amount to anything and spent the rest of his life proving him wrong. For Terry lived a life full of astonishing achievements: becoming one of the UK's bestselling and most beloved writers, winning the prestigious Carnegie Medal and being awarded a knighthood. Now, the book Terry sadly couldn't finish has been written by Rob Wilkins, his former assistant, friend and now head of the Pratchett literary estate. Drawing on his own extensive memories, along with those of the author's family, friends and colleagues, Rob unveils the full picture of Terry's life - from childhood to his astonishing writing career, and how he met and coped with what he called the 'Embuggerance' of Alzheimer's disease. A deeply moving and personal portrait of the extraordinary life of Sir Terry Pratchett, written with unparalleled insight and filled with funny anecdotes, this is the only official biography of one of our finest authors.
29,93 € 31,50 €

Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes

At the time of his death in 2015, award-winning and bestselling author Sir Terry Pratchett was working on his finest story yet - his own. The creator of the phenomenally bestselling Discworld series, Terry Pratchett was known and loved around the world for his hugely popular books, his smart satirical humour and the humanity of his campaign work. But that's only part of the picture. Before his untimely death, Terry was writing a memoir: the story of a boy who aged six was told by his teacher that he would never amount to anything and spent the rest of his life proving him wrong. For Terry lived a life full of astonishing achievements: becoming one of the UK's bestselling and most beloved writers, winning the prestigious Carnegie Medal and being awarded a knighthood. Now, the book Terry sadly couldn't finish has been written by Rob Wilkins, his former assistant, friend and now head of the Pratchett literary estate. Drawing on his own extensive memories, along with those of the author's family, friends and colleagues, Rob unveils the full picture of Terry's life - from childhood to his astonishing writing career, and how he met and coped with what he called the 'Embuggerance' of Alzheimer's disease. A deeply moving and personal portrait of the extraordinary life of Sir Terry Pratchett, written with unparalleled insight and filled with funny anecdotes, this is the only official biography of one of our finest authors.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Agatha Christie: A Very Elusive Woman

'Nobody in the world was more inadequate to act the heroine than I was.' Why did Agatha Christie spend her career pretending that she was 'just' an ordinary housewife, when clearly she wasn't? As Lucy Worsley says, 'She was thrillingly, scintillatingly modern'. She went surfing in Hawaii, she loved fast cars, and she was intrigued by the new science of psychology, which helped her through devastating mental illness. So why - despite all the evidence to the contrary - did Agatha present herself as a retiring Edwardian lady of leisure? She was born in 1890 into a world which had its own rules about what women could and couldn't do. Lucy Worsley's biography is not just of an internationally renowned bestselling writer. It's also the story of a person who, despite the obstacles of class and gender, became an astonishingly successful working woman. With access to personal letters and papers that have rarely been seen, Lucy Worsley's biography is both authoritative and entertaining and makes us realise what an extraordinary pioneer Agatha Christie was - truly a woman who wrote the twentieth century.
20,43 € 21,50 €

Conversations with Goethe

A perceptive introduction to the mind of one of German's greatest writers, in a new translation for the first time in 150 years 'The best German book there is' Nietzsche By the turn of the nineteenth century, the poet, novelist and thinker Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was one of the most famous people in the world. In 1823 he became friend and mentor to the young writer Johann Eckermann, who, for the last nine years of Goethe's life, recorded their wide-ranging conversations on art, literature, science and philosophy. This rich portrait of Germany's literary elder statesman, now in its first new translation for over 150 years, gives a fascinating glimpse into a great mind as well as 'many insights and invaluable lessons about life.' Translated by Allan Blunden with an Introduction by Ritchie Robertson
16,10 € 16,95 €

Biografie v kategórii Literatúra sa zaoberajú životnými príbehmi a skúmaním významných spisovateľov a literárnych osobností. Tieto knihy nám ponúkajú hlbší pohľad do života a diela jednotlivcov, ktorí zanechali trvalý odkaz vo svete literatúry.

V biografiách literárnych osobností sa často analyzujú a opisujú významné udalosti a skúsenosti, ktoré formovali spisovateľov a ovplyvnili ich tvorbu. Autori týchto kníh sa zameriavajú na výskum životných príbehov, vzťahov, tvorivých procesov a vplyvov, ktoré formovali jedinečný literárny hlas a príspevok týchto osobností.

Tieto životopisy nám umožňujú priblížiť sa k mysli a inšpiráciám spisovateľov, pochopiť ich tvorivý vývoj, motívy, témy a techniky písania. Tieto knihy nám poskytujú kontext prechodu od života spisovateľa k ich literárnemu dedičstvu, a tak nám umožňujú hlbšie porozumieť a interpretovať ich diela.

Biografie literárnych osobností sa zameriavajú na rôzne literárne epochy, žánre a kultúrne kontexty. Medzi populárne témy patria životopisy klasických spisovateľov, moderných autorov, básnikov, dramatikov a literárnych ikon, ktorých diela majú významný vplyv na literárnu kultúru.