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Full Out

From the breakout star of Netflix's Cheer, a motivational and inspiring guide to becoming a champion in all areas of life. In Full Out, Coach Monica Aldama shares how she built one of the most successful and beloved cheerleading programs in America. Her uncompromising brand of discipline and consistency goes far beyond the mat - showing how the principles of building a winning team apply to personal goals, the corporate world, parenting and all aspects of life. There's a lot of talk these days about short cuts and life hacks, but what really counts is commitment and integrity, helping your friends, and improving with your teammates. Coach Monica shares deeply personal stories of triumph and tragedy from divorce and remarriage to her husband, her challenges as a young mother working more than full time, and her strenuous weeks on Dancing with the Stars. She shares surprising behind-the-scenes moments from the Cheer docuseries, and insights gleaned from more than two decades of pushing students to succeed. A true force and inspiration who has captured hearts around the world, Coach Monica will show you how to take command of your talent, make the most of your potential, and find your drive to win.
17,58 € 18,50 €

How to Be a Rock Star

As lead singer of Happy Mondays and Black Grape, Shaun Ryder was the Keith Richards and Mick Jagger of his generation. A true rebel, who formed and led not one but two seminal bands, he's had number-one albums, headlined Glastonbury, toured the world numerous times, taken every drug under the sun, been through rehab - and come out the other side as a national treasure. Now, for the first time, Shaun lifts the lid on the real inside story of how to be a rock star. With insights from three decades touring the world, which took him from Salford to San Francisco, from playing working men's clubs to headlining Glastonbury and playing in front of the biggest festival crowd the world has ever seen, in Brazil, in the middle of thunderstorm. From recording your first demo tape to having a number-one album, Shaun gives a fly-on-the-wall look at the rock 'n' roll lifestyle - warts and all: how to be a rock star - and also how not to be a rock star. From numerous Top of the Pops appearances to being banned from live TV, from being a figurehead of the acid-house scene to hanging out backstage with the Rolling Stones, Shaun has seen it all. In this book he pulls the curtain back on the debauchery of the tour bus, ridiculous riders, run-ins with record companies, drug dealers and the mafia, and how he forged the most remarkable comeback of all time. 'There are enough stories about Happy Mondays to keep people talking about them forever. Bands live on through the myth really, myth and legend' (Steve Lamacq)
18,00 € 18,95 €

Alois Musil. Prameny k životu a dílu

Úvodní svazek edice Prameny PNP je věnován orientalistovi, cestovateli a spisovateli Aloisi Musilovi (1868–1944), osobnosti, jež svými výzkumy z přelomu 19. a 20. století významně přispěla k poznání rozlehlých oblastí Blízkého východu. Publikace obsahuje inventář archivního fondu ze sbírek Literárního archivu Památníku národního písemnictví a dvě studie věnované Musilovu nesnadnému přechodu na Univerzitu Karlovu po vzniku ČSR a jeho pobytům v anglofonním světě souvisejícím zejména s jeho vrcholným šestisvazkovým vědeckým dílem Oriental Explorations and Studies (1926–1928).
11,50 € 12,10 €

Korespondence Josefa Kalouska s českými historiky II.

Korespondence českého historika, novináře a politika Josefa Kalouska (18381915), dochovaná v nemalém množství v jeho osobním fondu, uloženém v Archivu Národního muzea v Praze, je odrazem rozsáhlých vědeckých, pedagogických, publikačních, redakčních, organizačních i politických aktivit svého pisatele a okruhu jeho kolegů, přátel či známých. Nejpočetnější, ale nepochybně i nejzajímavější je korespondence vedená s českými historiky, která zahrnuje dopisy jak Kalouskových kolegů z univerzity a fakulty starší i mladší generace a jeho žáků, postupně se etablujících na poli historické vědy, tak historiků regionálních, archivářů z různých typů archivů, včetně tehdy privátních, a ne vždy snadno přístupných, středoškolských profesorů, muzejních a knihovních nebo i vlastivědných pracovníků či zapálených amatérů. Druhý svazek edice obsahuje dopisy celkem šedesáti osob, týkající se nejrůznějších záležitostí. Mezi nejzajímavější, ale i nejrozsáhlejší soubory patří korespondence s Kalouskovými žáky, zvláště pokud přibližuje jejich zkušenosti ze zahraničních pobytů (J. Bidlo, V. Kybal, J. V. Šimák, Č. Zíbrt), často však obsahuje i různé rady od jejich učitele, vztahující se k jejich dalšímu působení, a prozrazuje nejen Kalouskův zájem o jejich činnost, ale mnohdy i velmi vřelý vztah.
31,21 € 32,85 €


From global literary superstar Karl Ove Knausgaard, an achingly beautiful collection of daily meditations and love letters addressed directly to Knausgaard's unborn daughter In Winter, we rejoin the great Karl Ove Knausgaard as the birth of his daughter draws near. In preparation for her arrival, he takes stock of the world, seeing it anew. While new life is on the horizon, the earth is also in hibernation, waiting for the warmer weather to return. In his inimitably sensitive style, he writes about everything from the moon, winter boots and messiness, to owls and birthdays. Taking nothing for granted, he fills these everyday familiar objects and ideas with new meaning. Startling, compassionate, and exquisitely beautiful, Knausgaard's writing is like nothing else. Somehow, he shows the world as it really is, at once mundane and sublime.
13,25 € 13,95 €

All About Me!

At 95, the legendary Mel Brooks continues to set the standard for comedy across television, film, and the stage. Now, for the first time, this EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony) winner shares his story in his own words. "I hope fans of comedy will get a kick out of the stories behind my work, and really enjoy taking this remarkable ride with me." -Mel Brooks For anyone who loves American comedy, the long wait is over. Here are the never-before-told, behind-the-scenes anecdotes and remembrances from a master storyteller, filmmaker, and creator of all things funny. All About Me! charts Mel Brooks's meteoric rise from a Depression-era kid in Brooklyn to the recipient of the National Medal of Arts. Whether serving in the United States Army in World War II, or during his burgeoning career as a teenage comedian in the Catskills, Mel was always mining his experiences for material, always looking for the perfect joke. His iconic career began with Sid Caesar's Your Show of Shows, where he was part of the greatest writers' room in history, which included Carl Reiner, Neil Simon, and Larry Gelbart. After co-creating both the mega-hit 2000 Year Old Man comedy albums and the classic television series Get Smart, Brooks's stellar film career took off. He would go on to write, direct, and star in The Producers, The Twelve Chairs, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Silent Movie, High Anxiety, and Spaceballs, as well as produce groundbreaking and eclectic films, including The Elephant Man, The Fly, and My Favorite Year. Brooks then went on to conquer Broadway with his record-breaking, Tony-winning musical, The Producers. All About Me! offers fans insight into the inspiration behind the ideas for his outstanding collection of boundary-breaking work, and offers details about the many close friendships and collaborations Brooks had, including those with Sid Caesar, Carl Reiner, Gene Wilder, Madeleine Kahn, Alfred Hitchcock, and the great love of his life, Anne Bancroft. Filled with tales of struggle, achievement, and camaraderie (and dozens of photographs), readers will gain a more personal and deeper understanding of the incredible body of work behind one of the most accomplished and beloved entertainers in history.
17,58 € 18,50 €


The Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 is the most advanced multi-role combat aircraft in the world. Capable of flying at nearly twice the speed of sound and powering to a height of over ten miles in less time than it takes to boil a kettle, a single Typhoon can also deliver a heavy bombload with such lethal precision that a whole squadron of Lancasters could not have guaranteed the same result. Taking command of the RAF's premier Typhoon squadron represented the pinnacle of Mike Sutton's career as fighter pilot. Until the day he was told he would be leading 1 (Fighter) Squadron into battle against a bloody and brutal enemy hellbent on establishing a permanent stronghold across Syria and Iraq and spreading terror across the free world. Their mission was to help stop them in their tracks. In proving the Typhoon in combat, they would be flying in some of the world's most treacherous skies, where ground fire, anti-aircraft artillery and the latest surface-to-air missiles posed a constant danger. The threat of getting shot down behind enemy lines was a fact of life. Typhoon is the first inside account of the RAF's long war against ISIS; a campaign in which any mistake could have devastating consequences. The loss of innocent lives resulting from their fight against the enemy was simply not an option. 1 Squadron fought with distinction over the trenches of the First World War, in the Battle of Britain and during the Falklands War. Over an intense, extraordinarily demanding deployment against a brutal enemy, this gripping and dramatic story of modern conflict sees them in action once again.
17,58 € 18,50 €


Kniha přináší výběr textů z 68 deníků, které si fotograf Josef Koudelka (* 1938) vedl v průběhu posledních 51 let. Doplněn je přetisky dvojstránek rukopisů deníků a dosud nepublikovanými fotografiemi. Koudelkovy zápisky jsou velkým zdrojem informací o jeho životě a tvorbě i o světové fotografii od konce 60. let do současnosti. Ve zkratkách si zde zaznamenával komentáře k tvorbě osobností, jako byli Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Frank, René Burri, William Klein, Jeff Wall, Thomas Struth, Martin Parr, nakladatel a editor Robert Delpire, kurátoři John Szarkowski a Anna Fárová, teoretik John Berger a řada dalších. Deníky je možné číst též jako příběh exulanta, který hledá svou roli v cizím prostředí a nechce obětovat to jediné, co ztrátou domova získal svobodu. A v neposlední řadě je to též kniha o přátelství, vztazích se ženami, lásce k dětem a o tom, jak pomocí fotografie člověk rámuje svůj život.
33,86 € 35,64 €

How I Learned to Understand the World

The moving, playful memoir of Hans Rosling - Swedish statistics mastermind, researcher extraordinaire and author of the global bestseller, Factfulness. This is a book that contains very few numbers. Instead, it is about meeting people who have opened my eyes. It was facts that helped him explain how the world works. But it was curiosity and commitment that made the late Hans Rosling, author of worldwide bestseller Factfulness, the most popular researcher of our time. How I Learned to Understand the World is Hans Rosling's own story of how a young scientist learned became a revolutionary thinker, and takes us from the swelter of an emergency clinic in Mozambique, to the World Economic Forum at Davos. In collaboration with Swedish journalist Fanny Hargestam, Hans Rosling wrote his memoir with the same joy of storytelling that made a whole world listen when he spoke.
13,25 € 13,95 €

My Body

Emily Ratajkowski is an acclaimed model and actress, an engaged political progressive, a formidable entrepreneur, a global social media phenomenon, and now, a writer. Rocketing to world fame at age twenty-one, Ratajkowski sparked both praise and furor with the provocative display of her body as an unapologetic statement of feminist empowerment. The subsequent evolution in her thinking about our culture's commodification of women is the subject of this book. My Body is a profoundly personal exploration of feminism, sexuality, and power, of men's treatment of women and women's rationalizations for accepting that treatment. These essays chronicle moments from Ratajkowski's life while investigating the culture's fetishization of girls and female beauty, its obsession with and contempt for women's sexuality, the perverse dynamics of the fashion and film industries, and the grey area between consent and abuse. Nuanced, unflinching, and incisive, My Body marks the debut of a fierce writer brimming with courage and intelligence.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Karel I.

Karel I. (18871922), poslední z českých králů (19161918), byl Habsburk i potomek Přemyslovců. V mládí sloužil u dragounského pluku v Brandýse nad Labem a ve Staré Boleslavi, dobře mluvil česky a brandýský zámek si v roce 1917 koupil do osobního vlastnictví. Čechy měl rád, rád sem zajížděl a pozitivní vztah k zemím i lidu Koruny svatováclavské si zachoval až do své předčasné smrti ve vyhnanství na ostrově Madeira v roce 1922. V roce 2004 jej papež Jan Pavel II. prohlásil blahoslaveným a v dlouhé řadě českých panovníků se tak stal druhým světcem po svatém knížeti Václavovi. V tragickém a dojemném životní příběhu císařského páru Karla a Zity sehrála důležitou úlohu celá řada lidí z českých zemí a českého původu, a i proto by se v naší historické paměti měl stát příběhem znovu živým, chceme-li se konečně objektivně ohlédnout za vlastní minulostí a lépe se pak orientovat v současném, neméně komplikovaném a ohroženém světě.
14,87 € 15,65 €

A Bigger Picture

'Vanessa Nakate continues to teach a most critical lesson. She reminds us that while we may all be in the same storm, we are not all in the same boat.' - Greta Thunberg In telling the inspiring personal story of how she found her voice, Vanessa shows readers that no matter your age, location or skin colour, you can be an effective activist. In A Bigger Picture, Vanessa Nakate exposes the shortcomings of imagining the climate crisis as a problem for future generations. This is only possible through the erasure of communities living in the Global South, where environmental disasters are already having a devastating impact. Despite this, people from the Global South are often removed from the picture of climate activism - as exemplified by Vanessa's own erasure from a press photograph at Davos in 2020. As she explains, 'we are on the front line, but we are not on the front page.' Witnessing the destructive effects of global warming in her own community propelled Vanessa to become the first climate striker in Uganda at just twenty-one years old. In this exceptional book, she traces the links between the climate crisis and anti-racism, feminism, economics and even extremist radicalization, revealing how our best hope of saving our planet is to work together across continents.
17,58 € 18,50 €

The Philosophy of an Explorer

Surviving extreme conditions can teach us to lead a fulfilled life. No one knows this better than Erling Kagge, who was the first man in history to reach all of the Earth's poles by foot - the North, the South, and the summit of Everest. In Philosophy for Polar Explorers he brings together the wisdom and expertise he has gained from the expeditions that have taken him to the limits of the earth, and of human endurance. In sixteen meditative but practical lessons - from cultivating an optimistic outlook, to getting up at the right time, to learning to take pleasure in the small things and comfort in solitude - Erling Kagge reveals what survival in the most extreme conditions can teach us about how to lead a meaningful life. Wherever we may be headed.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Povstalci a odsouzenci

Kniha Povstalci a odsouzenci čtenáři vůbec poprvé přehledně, formou biogramů, nabízí seznámení se životními osudy sedmadvaceti českých pánů, kteří ztratili život před čtyřmi sty lety při staroměstské exekuci 21. června 1621 za účast na protihabsburském povstání. Zatímco pány byli ve skutečnosti jen tři z nich a dalších sedm rytíři, hned sedmnáct odsouzenců pocházelo z měšťanského stavu, ponejvíce z pražského souměstí. O většině bylo dosud známo velmi málo, naproti tomu o nejproslulejších (cestovatel Kryštof Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic, politik Václav Budovec z Budova, lékař Jan Jessenius) se popsaly stovky stran. Autor v této knize po zasazení událostí do zemského a evropského kontextu encyklopedicky představuje rod, kariéru, rodinu, majetkové poměry, politické angažmá před povstáním i během něj, průběh soudního procesu a poslední chvilky před smrtí, nakonec též pobělohorské osudy rodinných příslušníků každého z nich. Doc. PhDr. Jan Kilián, Ph.D.  (*1976), se specializuje na sociokulturní otázky období třicetileté války a na pobělohorské dějiny českých měst. Je autorem zhruba stovky odborných článků a autorem či spoluautorem více než tří desítek knih a edic.
26,08 € 27,45 €


In February 1991, Robert Maxwell made a triumphant entrance into Manhattan harbour on board his yacht, the Lady Ghislaine. He had come to complete his purchase of the ailing New York Daily News. Crowds lined the quayside to watch his arrival. Taxi drivers stopped their cabs to shake his hand, children asked for his autograph and when Maxwell went to dine in the most fashionable Chinese restaurant in Manhattan, all the diners gave him a standing ovation. Ten months later, he disappeared off the same yacht and was found dead in the water. Within a few days, Maxwell was being reviled as the embodiment of greed and unscrupulousness. No one had ever fallen so far and so quickly. What went so wrong? How did a man who had once laid such store on the importance of ethics and good behaviour become reduced to a bloated, amoral wreck?
12,30 € 12,95 €


Lea Ypi grew up in one of the most isolated countries on earth, a place where communist ideals had officially replaced religion. Albania, the last Stalinist outpost in Europe, was almost impossible to visit, almost impossible to leave. It was a place of queuing and scarcity, of political executions and secret police. To Lea, it was home. People were equal, neighbours helped each other, and children were expected to build a better world. There was community and hope. Then, in December 1990, a year after the fall of the Berlin Wall, everything changed. The statues of Stalin and Hoxha were toppled. Almost overnight, people could vote freely, wear what they liked and worship as they wished. There was no longer anything to fear from prying ears. But factories shut, jobs disappeared and thousands fled to Italy on crowded ships, only to be sent back. Predatory pyramid schemes eventually bankrupted the country, leading to violent conflict. As one generation's aspirations became another's disillusionment, and as her own family's secrets were revealed, Lea found herself questioning what freedom really meant. Free is an engrossing memoir of coming of age amid political upheaval. With acute insight and wit, Lea Ypi traces the limits of progress and the burden of the past, illuminating the spaces between ideals and reality, and the hopes and fears of people pulled up by the sweep of history. 'Wonderfully funny and poignant. . . a tale of family secrets and political awakening amid a crumbling regime. One of the nonfiction titles of the year' Luke Harding, Observer 'Astonishing and deeply resonant . . . Ypi weaves magic in this book: I was entranced from beginning to end' Laura Hackett, Sunday Times 'I never asked myself about the meaning of freedom until the day I hugged Stalin. From close up, he was much taller than I expected.'
23,70 € 24,95 €

Karl: No Regrets

Step inside the private realm of the great designer Karl Lagerfeld through the eyes of his fellow artist and close friend Patrick Hourcade. The artist Patrick Hourcade met Karl Lagerfeld in 1976. A friendship that will last more than twenty years is immediately born between the two men, strengthened by their shared passion for eighteenth-century arts. After studying art history, Patrick Hourcade begins working with the creative team at Vogue Paris, while at the same time introducing Karl to his beloved specialty, the arts of the Enlightenment. From then on, he would accompany the great fashion designer on all of his lavish acquisitions--mansions, decors, and works of art. The two would build a magnificent universe together, refined and sometimes overly extravagant, especially at the Grand-Champ chateau in Brittany, the Hotel Pozzo di Borgo in Paris, or at La Vigie, a villa on the French Riviera. Patrick Hourcade tells the story of this aesthetic connection, through previously unpublished documents and a unique biography of Karl Lagerfeld, where he is seen in all of his splendor as well as his weaknesses. This intimate story also crosses paths with the colorful characters who populated the life of the great designer, including Anna Piaggi and Francine Crescent, Laure de Beauvau and Liliane de Rothschild, Pierre Bergé and Yves Saint Laurent, Gilles Defour, Vincent Darré, Guy Bourdin, and Andrée Putnam, and, most importantly, his mother Elisabeth and Jacques de Bascher--his two loves of his life.
37,00 € 38,95 €

A Queen for All Seasons

'Lovely... delivers the warmest of glows' - The Telegraph A sparkling celebration of our much-loved Queen Elizabeth II for her Platinum Jubilee including special writings and illuminating insights around key moments in her 70-year reign, introduced and edited by her biggest fan Joanna Lumley. In 2022 Queen Elizabeth II celebrates seventy years as Queen and Head of the Commonwealth. She is Britain's longest reigning monarch and the very first to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee. A Queen For All Seasons, edited and introduced by Joanna Lumley, is a perceptive, touching and engaging tribute to this unique woman. A treasure chest of first-hand writings, insights and snapshots of the Queen during key moments of her reign to form a vibrant portrait of the woman herself and the extraordinary role she plays. Joanna Lumley guides us as we meet Princess Elizabeth in 1952, aged just twenty-five, and about to become Queen, and brings us through to the present day when, as our matriarch, the Queen keeps the national ship steady, including in moments of crisis and suffering. Here are unique perspectives into some of the most fascinating aspects of the Queen's life - her role as head of state at home and abroad, her private passions and public interests and a bird's-eye look at key events that have held the nation together and the Queen in our affection throughout Britain and beyond. This book is a special and unique portrait of our constant Queen in an ever-changing world.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Never Give Up

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. And above all, never ever give up. In Never Give Up, global adventurer, Chief Scout and TV presenter Bear Grylls immerses readers in some truly remarkable adventures. As Bear shares personal stories from his toughest expeditions, this inspiring autobiography captures the exhilarating reality behind some of his hairiest survival missions. In this eagerly awaited follow up to his Number One bestseller Mud, Sweat and Tears, Bear takes readers behind the scenes on 'Man vs. Wild', the series that spawned an entire adventure industry. He also provides a unique and revealing insight into what it's really like to go 'Running Wild' with guests including President Obama, Roger Federer and Julia Roberts, to name but a few of his global superstar guests. Along the way, Bear opens up about his most personal challenges, discovers the true value of adventure, and embodies the enduring power of courage, kindness and a never give up spirit.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Kategória literatúry Biografie osobností je pútavým a vzrušujúcim žánrom, ktorý sa zaoberá životnými príbehmi významných osobností z rôznych oblastí. Tieto biografie nám ponúkajú hlboký vhľad do života, kariéry, úspechov, výziev a osobných príbehov týchto výnimočných jednotlivcov.

V tejto kategórii môžeme nájsť biografie umelcov, politikov, vedcov, spisovateľov, filozofov, vynálezcov a ďalších, ktorí zanechali nezmazateľnú stopu vo svojich oblastiach. Tieto príbehy nám umožňujú spoznať ich vnútorný svet, zdroje inšpirácie, rozhodujúce okamihy a významné rozhodnutia, ktoré ich formovali ako jednotlivcov.

Biografie osobností nám poskytujú pohľad na ich rast, vývoj a cestu k úspechu. Sledujeme ich profesionálny a osobný život, ich úspechy a neúspechy, ako aj ich príspevok k danej oblasti. Získavame vhľad do ich tvorivejho procesu, pracovných metód, filozofie a prístupu k životu.

Tieto biografie nám tiež umožňujú spoznať osobné výzvy, ktorým osobnosti museli čeliť, ako aj ich schopnosť prekonať prekážky.

Biografie osobností môžu byť inšpiratívne a motivačné pre čitateľov, ktorí hľadajú príklady úspechu, odhodlania a inovácie. Tieto knihy nám ponúkajú vzory, ako sa postaviť výzvam, rozvinúť svoj potenciál a dosiahnuť vynikajúce výsledky vo svojej oblasti.