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Knihy - Cudzojazyčná literatúra - Druhá šanca -90% - Druhá šanca -95% - Druhá šanca -70% - Druhá šanca -50% - Druhá šanca -25% strana 197 z 213

Lacná kniha Mens Adventure Magazines in Postwar America

To pay homage to the American periodicals of the 1950s, 60s, and 70s that "documented" such outrageous exploits, TASCHEN brings you this hefty, comprehensive guide packed full of colorful cover art, sumptuous sample spreads, and enlightening essays. With an in-depth introductory essay describing the history, culture, and artistry of men’s adventure—a.k.a. "sweat"—magazines, as well as chapter-by-chapter exploration of various subjects including the role of women and the portrayal of Nazis and Communists, this definitive study of the genre examines not only the popular appeal of the magazines but also their social and political implications. Also included are publisher listings and profiles of artists and writers, as well as an interview with Norm Eastman, one of the genre’s most important artists.
2,31 € 46,14 €

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Lacná kniha Yellow Dog

When 'dream husband' Xan Meo is vengefully assaulted in the garden of a London pub, he suffers head-injury, and personality-change. Like a spiritual convert, the familial paragon becomes an anti-husband, an anti-father. He submits to an alien moral system - one among many to be found in these pages. We are introduced to the inverted worlds of the 'yellow' journalist, Clint Smoker, the high priest of hardmen, Joseph Andrews, the porno tycoon, Cora Susan, and Kent Price, the corpse in the hold of the stricken airliner, apparently determined, even in death, to bring down the plane that carries his spouse. Meanwhile, we explore the entanglements of Henry England: his incapacitated wife, Pamela, his Chinese mistress, He Zhezun, his fifteen-year-old daughter, Victoria, the victim of a filmed 'intrusion' which rivets the world - because she is the future Queen of England, and her father, Henry IX, is its King. The connections between these characters provide the pattern and drive of "Yellow Dog". Novelists have noticed that contemporary reality keeps outdoing their imaginations. Yet there is still the obligation to attempt a reading of the present and the very near future. If, in the twenty-first century, the moral reality is changing, then the novel is changing too, whether it likes it or not. "Yellow Dog" is an early example of how the novel, or more particularly the comic novel, can respond to this transformation. But Martin Amis is also concerned here with what is changeless and perhaps unchangeable - patriarchy, and the entire edifice of masculinity, the enormous category-error of violence, arising between man and man, the tortuous alliances between men and women, and the vanished dream (probably always an illusion, but now a clear delusion) that we can protect our future and our progeny.
0,63 € 12,58 €

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Lacná kniha Eugenie Grandet

« Tout est grand dans ce célbre roman, sans que rien ne bouge. Eugénie est une sorte de sainte selon l'homme, toujours fidle une mme pensée, mais toute naturelle. [...] Eugénie est le premier personnage de ce drame d'amour [...] En Grandet, ce rocheux Grandet, il y a une source de tendresse émouvante, quand il se cache pour voir sa fille la toilette. [...] Au rebours on trouvera dans Eugénie tous les stratagmes du coeur, et un vrai courage affronter le terrible homme aux gants de cuir. On a tout dit sur Grandet. On a moins remarqué ce mot de reine, lorsque Eugénie se trouve maîtresse d'une immense fortune et assiégée d'intrigues. Elle répond : « Nous verrons cela» comme son pre faisait. [...] Ainsi l'âme de Grandet finit par tre sauvée. Balzac laboure la terre. »
0,30 € 5,99 €

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Lacná kniha This Is Your Life

Just as "bogus doctors" are occasionally discovered in hospitals, Jimmy Conway has become a "bogus celebrity", winning an award for something he never did, being photographed in "Hello!" in someone else's house, and ultimately making a fool of the entire mad, shallow celebrity merry-go-round.
0,58 € 11,58 €

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Lacná kniha Extraordinary Advent.Of Alfre

Alfred Kropp was just trying to survive high school when his guardian uncle gets him roped into a suspicious get-rich-quick scheme that changes his life forever: stealing Excalibur - the legendary sword of King Arthur. But after Alfred unwittingly delivers the sword into the hands of the enemy, he sets off on an unlikely quest to try to right his wrong and save the world from imminent destruction. This gripping, fast-paced, and often hilarious novel is both a thrilling adventure story and an engaging account of one boy's coming of age.
0,58 € 11,58 €

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Lacná kniha Paint at Black

Josie Tyrell, art model, teen runaway, and denizen of LA's 1980 punk rock scene, finds a chance at real love with art student Michael Faraday. A Harvard dropout and son of a renowned pianist, Michael introduces her to his spiritual quest and a world of sophistication she had never dreamed existed. But when she receives a call from the Los Angeles County Coroner, asking her to identify her lover's dead body, her bright dreams all turn to black. What happens to a dream when the dreamer is gone?" is the central question of Paint it Black, the story of the aftermath of Michael's death, and Josie's struggle to hold onto the true world he shared with her. As Josie searches for the key to understanding his death, she finds herself both repelled and attracted to Michael's pianist mother, Meredith, who holds Josie responsible for her son's torment. Soon, the two women find themselves drawn into a twisted relationship reflecting equal parts distrust and blind need. Passionate, wounded, fiercely alive, Josie Tyrell walks the brink of her own destruction as she fights to discover the meaning of Michael's death. With the luxurious prose and emotional intensity that are her hallmarks, Janet Fitch has written a spellbinding new novel about love, betrayal, and the possibility of transcendence."
0,58 € 11,58 €

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Lacná kniha Sunstroke

Gloria Mendes is 36, single and obsessed with her boss, Carl. For him, she is the 'world's best secretary'. For her, he is her future husband and the man she thinks about every waking hour. So when Carl disappears and is later found murdered while on a mysterious trip to a small town in Mexico, Gloria's world falls apart. Distraught and restless, she travels to Mexico in an attempt to make some sense of his death. But what she discovers about the man she was in love with shocks her to the core. Nothing about him was as it seemed - from his business interests, to his family background, to his very identity. And the more she discovers about Carl, the closer Gloria comes to the dark forces which claimed her boss's life - and now threaten her own ...A page-turning, highly accomplished thriller, SUNSTROKE marks the emergence of one of the most distinctive new voices in the genre.
0,58 € 11,58 €

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Lacná kniha Victoria And The Rogue

Growing up in far-off India, wealthy young heiress Lady Victoria Arbuthnot was accustomed to handling her own affairs - not to mention everyone else's. But in her 16th year, Vicky is unceremoniously shipped off to London to find a husband.Upozornenie : Vzhľadom na častejšie obmeny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať rovnakú obálku ako je zobrazená tu. Zobrazená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obálku.
0,58 € 11,58 €

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Lacná kniha Guardian of the Dawn

In late 16th-century Goa, despite the Catholic Inquision, the Zarco family holds firm to its Portuguese-Jewish roots. Ti and his sister enjoy their childhood with secret dips into the heady chaos of the Hindu festivals of their beloved cook, Nupi. But as they reach adulthood, the family is torn apart when the father and then the son are imprisoned by the Inquisition. Only someone close to the family could have denounced them. Intent on revenge, Ti is forced finally to face the truth of the betrayal and reassess his most fundamental beliefs.
0,58 € 11,58 €

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Lacná kniha LIFE - A Journey Through Time

In the year 2000, world-renowned wildlife photographer Frans Lanting set out on a personal journey to photograph the evolution of life on earth. He made pilgrimages to true time capsules like a remote lagoon in Western Australia, spent time in research collections photographing forms of microscopic life, and even found ways to create visual parallels between the growth of organs in the human body and the patterns seen on the surface of the earth. The resulting volume is a glorious picture book of planet earth depicting the amazing biodiversity that surrounds us all. Lanting’s true gift lies beyond his technical mastery: it is his eye for geometry in the beautiful chaos of nature that allows him to show us the world as it has never been seen before. From crabs to jellyfish, diatoms to vast geological formations, jungles to flowers, monkeys to human embryos, LIFE is a testament to the magical beauty of life in all its forms and is Lanting’s most remarkable achievement to date.
2,81 € 56,10 €

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Lacná kniha Love Me Like you Hate me

This book provides a modern perspective on a variety of practices that may be considered taboo for many women: to be tied up oneself or to tie someone else up, role-play and dressing up, giving pain or receiving it, being a strict dominatrix or being a submissive slave, punishing our partner or being punished by them... Explore with Venus O'Hara and Erika Lust the seductive thrills of domination or the fear and excitement of submission.
1,40 € 27,95 €

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Lacná kniha La Chartouse de Parme

Un livre unique, une somme romanesque, un livre dicté en moins de deux mois et qui est le sommet de l'improvisation, un récit sur Bonaparte, Waterloo, l'Italie, un grand ouvrage politique, que dire encore en faveur de ce qu'Italo Calvino appelait le plus beau roman du monde ". Une comédie humaine, un itinéraire spirituel, plusieurs histoires d'amour enfermées dans une petite ville d'Italie, avec le passage du temps, le charme de la mémoire, les " paysages sublimes ", le paradoxe d'un héros qui trouve son paradis en prison, toutes les vertus et toutes les lâchetés, il faudrait tout citer. Manqueraient encore la merveilleuse briveté de la phrase, et le sens de l'humour. Toute la littérature française en un volume"
0,55 € 10,98 €

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Lacná kniha How To Read A Photograph

Ian Jeffrey is a superb guide in this profusely illustrated introduction to the appreciation of photography as an art form. Novices and experts alike will gain a deeper understanding of great photographers and their work, as Jeffrey decodes key images and provides essential biographical and historical background. Profiles of more than 100 major photographers, including Alfred Stieglitz, Bill Brandt, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Walker Evans, Paul Strand and Lazlo Moholy-Nagy, highlight particular examples of styles and movements throughout the history of the medium. Each entry includes a concise biography along with an illuminating discussion of key works and nuggets of contextual information, making this book the ideal gallery companion for photography aficionados everywhere.
1,30 € 25,95 €

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Lacná kniha L´Abesse de Castro

Elevée au couvent de Castro, Hélne appartient une puissante famille des environs de Rome. Jules, lui, est fils de brigand, et pauvre parmi les pauvres. Entre eux, dans l'Italie du XVIe sicle, se noue une passion comme les aime Stendhal, aussi absolue qu'impossible. Leur différence sociale, la religion, une sourde fatalité : tout s'oppose leur union et concourt leur perte. Histoire effrénée d'amour, de violence et de mort, la plus célbre des Chroniques italiennes revisite les grands mythes amoureux de la littérature et annonce La Chartreuse de Parme. En conteur virtuose, Stendhal explore toutes les possibilités du récit et se joue des attentes du lecteur. Le dossier de l'édition contient des questionnaires de lecture sur plusieurs passages clés de l'uvre. Il réunit les projets de Préface des Chroniques italiennes, dans lesquels Stendhal justifie son got pour les histoires vraies. Enfin, il consacre un groupement de textes aux grands mythes littéraires des amours contrariées.
0,24 € 4,79 €

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Lacná kniha Sempe: Ballet Dancers Fold & Send Stationary

Presents an all-in-one fold-and-send writing pad featuring the secret world of young ballerinas by Jean-Jacques Sempe, one of the world's best-loved illustrators.
0,88 € 17,56 €

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Lacná kniha Solaris

A psychologist arrives at a research space station called Prometheus, his mission to ascertain whether research into the mysterious planet of Solaris should be terminated. He finds Prometheus all but deserted, its straggling crew seemingly haunted by hallucinations of figures from their pasts.
0,83 € 16,56 €

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Lacná kniha China Lionnet

Appearing on the world stage with the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing, China has intrigued Westerners since the days of Marco Polo. French journalist Christina Lionnet takes us on an exciting journey through this vast and varied land. With a clear sensibility, Lionnet's photographs offer a painterly exploration of the paradoxes and complexities of the Chinese landscape as well as its soul. Her lens captures a dazzling array of century-spanning architecture, intriguing peoples and age-old customs. The ambiguous beauty of an ancient and enigmatic culture is masterfully visualized.
1,83 € 36,51 €

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Lacná kniha History Of The World +Cd

In this book the historical events that took place over a 150 year period are shown in a year-by-year timeline and documented by spectacular and amazing images charged with emotion. Starting in 1850 this book charts the major and minor events that made history through evocative photographs, paintings and drawings. A fascinating journey in time through a lens. Around 150 detailed texts outline special events and comment on fascinating historical figures. More than 6,000 events are listed altogether. Around another 20,000 images are supplied on an enclosed CD-ROM.
1,98 € 39,50 €

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Lacná kniha Mammal

A continent-by-continent look at the diversity of mammal life, providing insights into when, where, how, and why mammals have evolved and adapted to the widest range of environments. Each chapter is broken down by habitat, setting the mammals and their stories in context.
1,98 € 39,50 €

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Ak nie ste stratení v preklade a jazyk sa vám nepletie ani v angličtine, nemčine, češtine, francúzštine, španielčine, maďarčine či ruštine - potom ste v tej správnej sekcii nášho eshopu. Vyberte si z kníh v originálnom jazyku, či ich rôzne jazykové mutácie. Na výber máte Harry Potter v angličtine, Games of Thrones, nemecký Vinnetou, či Der Kleine Prinz,...  

Táto kategória je určená pre všetkých, ktorí sa radi ponárajú do sveta literatúry v cudzom jazyku. Nájdete tu knihy v rôznych jazykoch, ktoré vám umožnia objaviť nové príbehy, rozšíriť svoje jazykové schopnosti a ponoriť sa do iných kultúr.

Kategória "Cudzojazyčná literatúra" je plná kníh v rôznych jazykoch, ktoré vám umožnia objaviť literárne poklady a príbehy z celého sveta. Nájdete tu knihy vo vašom obľúbenom cudzom jazyku alebo sa môžete pustiť do objavovania nových jazykov a kultúr prostredníctvom literatúry.

Knihy v cudzojazyčnej literatúre vám umožňujú rozširovať svoje jazykové schopnosti, objavovať nové kultúry a zažiť literatúru v pôvodnom jazyku. Bez ohľadu na vaše jazykové zručnosti, nájdete tu knihy, ktoré vám umožnia ponoriť sa do iných svetov, rozšíriť svoje literárne obzory a cítiť sa ako súčasť globálnej knižnej komunity.