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Podnik a podnikanie 3.

Kniha je určená širokému okruhu odborných čitateľov. Uľahčí štúdium zložitej problematiky účastníkom postgraduálneho štúdia a rekvalifikačných kurzov, doktorantom a študentom iných foriem vyššieho vzdelávania. Kniha vytvára mostík medzi teóriou a praxou a je využiteľná pre vlastníkov podnikov, akcionárov, vrcholných a stredných manažérov. Je užitočná pre odborníkov v rozličných oblastiach, pretože jej zjednocujúcim aspektom je riadenia ako disciplína univerzálneho významu.
U dodávateľa
104,50 € 110,00 €

Inovačné podnikanie

Originálna praktická príručka popredného anglického odborníka sa zameriava na kľúčové aspekty podnikateľskej činnosti založenej na vysokých technológiách. Prostredie, v ktorom na základe týchto technológií vyrastajú nové firmy, je rýchle premenlivé a vysoko konkurenčné. Autor rozoberá hlavné rozvojové oblasti technológií i spôsoby, ako ich môžu využiť aj malé a stredné firmy, analyzuje ich špecifické potreby a prináša cenné poznatky získané dlhoročnou poradenskou praxou. Úlohou tejto mimoriadne zaujímavej a cennej publikácie je pomôcť podnikateľom vyhnúť sa mnohým nástrahám podnikateľskej činnosti, pomôcť pri výbere správnej cesty ku komercializácii vlastných predstáv a dostať sa na cestu obchodného úspechu.
2,85 € 3,00 €

The Practice

Creative work doesn't come with a guarantee. But there is a pattern to who succeeds and who doesn't. And engaging in the consistent practice of its pursuit is the best way forward. Based on the breakthrough Akimbo workshop pioneered by legendary author Seth Godin, The Practice will help you get unstuck and find the courage to make and share creative work. Godin insists that writer's block is a myth, that consistency is far more important than authenticity, and that experiencing the imposter syndrome is a sign that you're a well-adjusted human. Most of all, he shows you what it takes to turn your passion from a private distraction to a productive contribution, the one you've been seeking to share all along. With this book as your guide, you'll learn to dance with your fear. To take the risks worth taking. And to embrace the empathy required to make work that contributes with authenticity and joy.
28,45 € 29,95 €

Mastering Uncertainty

What separates the world's most successful entrepreneurs and business tycoons from the rest? It's not their superhuman intelligence. It's something more fundamental: they understand how to turn uncertainty to their advantage. We all know that the future is inherently unknowable, and yet we behave and plan as though it is. Once we truly understand the nature of uncertainty, though, we can take practical steps to make the most of the opportunities that come our way. In Mastering Uncertainty award-winning author Matt Watkinson and investor and entrepreneur Csaba Konkoly offer a masterclass on the workings of luck and probability. They show how to calculate when to make big bets and when to pull back. And they offer supremely practical advice on how we can improve our odds, whether through maximising our networks, learning how to read warning signs, or assessing where best to place our energies. The unforeseen always occurs. Mastering Uncertainty shows you how to prepare for it and make the best use of it.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Beyond Great

This exciting new book from the prestigious Boston Consulting Group details the nine core strategies that will help companies keep customers, attract quality talent, generate revenue, and improve the communities around them, in the face of new disruptive forces. BEYOND will give readers everywhere the strategies they need to navigate a daunting new era of technological, economic, and social change. Supported by years of research and hands-on consulting practice, it will present a comprehensive framework for building a high-performing, adaptive, and socially responsible global company. The book begins by taking an incisive look at the disruptive forces transforming globalization, including economic nationalism; the boom in data flows and digital commerce; the rise of China; heightened public concerns about capitalism and the environment; and the emergence of borderless communities of digitally connected consumers. The authors then offer nine core strategies that will help businesses today address and exploit these forces. Through compelling stories from international companies like Rolls-Royce, Siemens, Microsoft, Xiaomi, Fitbit, Adidas, and many others, BEYOND argues that leaders today must evince a new kind of flexibility and light-footedness, constantly layering in new strategies and operational norms atop existing ones to allow for "always-on" transformation. Leaders must master a whole new set of rules about what it takes to be "global," becoming shapeshifters adept at handling contradiction, multiplicity, and nuance. This book will show them how.
32,25 € 33,95 €

The Customer-Funded Business - Start, Finance, or Grow Your Company with Your Customers' Cash

Who needs investors? More than two generations ago, the venture capital community – VCs, business angels, incubators and others – convinced the entrepreneurial world that writing business plans and raising venture capital constituted the twin centerpieces of entrepreneurial endeavor. They did so for good reasons: the sometimes astonishing returns they've delivered to their investors and the astonishingly large companies that their ecosystem has created. But the vast majority of fast-growing companies never take any venture capital. So where does the money come from to start and grow their companies? From a much more agreeable and hospitable source, their customers. That's exactly what Michael Dell, Bill Gates and Banana Republic's Mel and Patricia Ziegler did to get their companies up and running and turn them into iconic brands. In The Customer Funded Business, best-selling author John Mullins uncovers five novel approaches that scrappy and innovative 21st century entrepreneurs working in companies large and small have ingeniously adapted from their predecessors like Dell, Gates, and the Zieglers: - Matchmaker models (Airbnb) - Pay-in-advance models (Threadless) - Subscription models (TutorVista) - Scarcity models (Vente Privee) - Service-to-product models (GoViral) Through the captivating stories of these and other inspiring companies from around the world, Mullins brings to life the five models and identifies the questions that angel or other investors will – and should! – ask of entrepreneurs or corporate innovators seeking to apply them. Drawing on in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs and investors who have actually put these models to use, Mullins goes on to address the key implementation issues that characterize each of the models: when to apply them, how best to apply them, and the pitfalls to watch out for. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur lacking the start-up capital you need, an early-stage entrepreneur trying to get your cash-starved venture into take-off mode, an intrapreneur seeking funding within an established company, or an angel investor or mentor who supports high-potential ventures, this book offers the most sure-footed path to starting, financing, or growing your venture. John Mullins is the author of The New Business Road Test and, with Randy Komisar, the widely acclaimed Getting to Plan B.
26,55 € 27,95 €

Predictable Revenue: Turn Your Business Into a Sales Machine with the $100 Million Best Practices of Salesforce.com

Called "The Sales Bible of Silicon Valley"...discover the sales specialization system and outbound sales process that, in just a few years, helped add $100 million in recurring revenue to Salesforce.com, almost doubling their enterprise growth...with zero cold calls. This is NOT just another book about how to cold call or close deals. This is an entirely new kind of sales system for CEOs, entrepreneurs and sales VPs to help you build a sales machine. What does it take for your sales team to generate as many highly-qualified new leads as you want, create predictable revenue, and meet your financial goals without your constant focus and attention? Predictable Revenue has the answers!
14,73 € 15,50 €

Managing Oneself

We live in an age of unprecedented opportunity: with ambition, drive, and talent, you can rise to the top of your chosen profession regardless of where you started out. But with opportunity comes responsibility. Companies today aren't managing their knowledge workers careers. Instead, you must be your own chief executive officer. That means it's up to you to carve out your place in the world and know when to change course. And it's up to you to keep yourself engaged and productive during a career that may span some 50 years. In Managing Oneself, Peter Drucker explains how to do it. The keys: Cultivate a deep understanding of yourself by identifying your most valuable strengths and most dangerous weaknesses; Articulate how you learn and work with others and what your most deeply held values are; and Describe the type of work environment where you can make the greatest contribution. Only when you operate with a combination of your strengths and self-knowledge can you achieve true and lasting excellence. Managing Oneself identifies the probing questions you need to ask to gain the insights essential for taking charge of your career. Peter Drucker was a writer, teacher, and consultant. His 34 books have been published in more than 70 languages. He founded the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management, and counseled 13 governments, public services institutions, and major corporations.
10,40 € 10,95 €

Riadenie hodnoty podniku – praktikum

4,09 € 4,31 €

Literatúra zameraná na podnikanie, obchod a predaj je zdrojom neoceniteľných poznatkov pre tých, ktorí sa zaujímajú o budovanie a riadenie úspešných podnikov, efektívne obchodné stratégie a umenie predaja.

V tejto kategórii literatúry nájdete široký výber kníh, príručiek, časopisov a článkov, ktoré sa zaoberajú rôznymi aspektmi podnikania, obchodu a predaja. Tieto publikácie pokrývajú témy ako podnikateľské plánovanie, manažment, financie, marketing, stratégie rastu, obchodné vzťahy a obchodné rokovania, budovanie zákazníckych vzťahov, predajné techniky a e-commerce.

Literatúra o podnikaní, obchode a predaji poskytuje čitateľom teoretické rámce, príklady osvedčených postupov a príbehov úspešných podnikateľov, ktoré môžu slúžiť ako inšpirácia a východisko pre vlastné podnikateľské aktivity. Zároveň sa zameriava na rozvoj obchodných zručností, komunikačných schopností a predajných techník, ktoré sú kľúčové pre úspech v konkurenčnom prostredí.

Publikácie v tejto kategórii sú prístupné pre rôzne úrovne čitateľov - od začiatočníkov, ktorí sa zoznamujú s princípmi podnikania a predaja, po skúsených podnikateľov a obchodných lídrov, ktorí hľadajú nové stratégie a prístupy na trhu.

Cieľom literatúry o podnikaní, obchode a predaji je poskytnúť čitateľom ucelený prehľad o princípoch a praktických postupoch v týchto oblastiach, a zároveň ich motivovať a podporiť v ich podnikateľskom úsilí.