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Utópia v Leninovej záhrade

Nie je to žiadna fatamorgána - pred očami sa im skutočne črtajú obrysy vysnívaného raja. Ďaleko za chrbtami nechávajú československú biedu a vyrážajú za volaním svojho srdca - do Sovietskeho zväzu. Tristo Slovákov a Čechov nastúpilo 29. marca 1925 na žilinskej stanici do vlaku, aby sa vydali na dlhočiznú dobrodružnú cestu do strednej Ázie. Bol medzi nimi aj Amerikou sklamaný Štefan Dubček s manželkou a so svojím štvorročným synom Alexandrom. Čo ich vyhnalo tak ďaleko? Predovšetkým viera, že v Sovietskom zväze zažijú to, čo ich doma nečakalo - úctu voči robotníkom a dostatok práce. V priebehu ďalších siedmich rokov odišlo do dnešného Biškeku viac ako tisíc ľudí z Československa, ktorí spoločne písali históriu československého družstva Interhelpo. Slovenský novinár Lukáš Onderčanin nám vo svojom dokumentárnom románe Utópia v Leninovej záhrade ponúka príbeh družstva Interhelpo, ktoré vzniklo v ďalekom Kirgizsku, aby pomohlo pri budovaní Sovietskeho zväzu. Z čriepkov mnohých ľudských osudov skladá pútavú mozaiku celej existencie československej komúny pod štítmi Ťanšanu, ktorá si medzi rokmi 1925 a 1945 zažila ťažké chvíle neľahkých začiatkov, obdobie rozkvetu, malé i väčšie vzbury ako aj definitívny rozklad. Je to kniha nielen o sile agitácie, ale aj o skutočnej moci nezničiteľných snov. O autorovi Lukáš Onderčanin (1990) je slovenský novinár. Od roku 2014 pracuje v denníku SME ako zahraničnopolitický redaktor. Narodil sa na Morave, no vyrastal pod Nízkymi Tatrami. Vyštudoval žurnalistiku na Univerzite Komenského v Bratislave, študoval aj na Varšavskej univerzite v Poľsku. Bol editorom internetového magazínu MONO.sk a je tiež šéfredaktorom štvrťročníka Príbehy 20. storočia, ktorý vydáva občianske združenie Post Bellum. Trikrát bol nominovaný na Novinársku cenu, nomináciu premenil na ocenenie v roku 2021, kedy sa mu podarilo získať Cenu otvorenej spoločnosti za reportáž o slobode médií v Maďarsku. Historický dokumentárny román Utópia v Leninovej záhrade: Československá komúna Interhelpo je jeho knižným debutom.
17,01 € 17,90 €

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Belarus: The Last European Dictatorship

A comprehensive and revelatory history of modern Belarus - from independence to 2020's contested election In 2020 Belarus made headlines around the world when protests erupted in the aftermath of a fraught presidential election. Andrew Wilson explores both Belarus's complicated road to nationhood and its politics and economics since it gained independence in 1991. Two new chapters reveal the extent of Aliaksandr Lukashenka's grip on power, the growth of the opposition movement and the violent crackdown that followed the vote. Wilson also examines the prospects for Europe as a whole of either Lukashenka's downfall or his survival with Russian support. "Andrew Wilson has done all students of European politics a great service by making the history of Belarus comprehensible and by showing how the future of Belarus might be different than its present."-Timothy Snyder, author of Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
14,73 € 15,50 €

America in Retreat

In the heady days after 1945, the authority of the United States was unrivalled and, with the founding of the UN, a new era of international co-operation seemed to have begun. But seventy-five years later, its influence has already diminished. The world has now entered a post-American era, argues Michael Pembroke, defined by a flourishing Asia and the ascendancy of China, as much as by the decline of the United States. This book is a short history of that decline; how high standards and treasured principles were ignored; how idealism was replaced by hubris and moral compromise; and how adherence to the rule of law became selective. It is also a look into the future - a future dominated by greater Asia and China in particular. We are in the midst of the third great power shift in modern history - from Europe to America to Asia. Covering wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, interventions in Iran, Guatemala and Chile, and a retreat from international engagement with the UN, WHO and, increasingly, trade agreements, Pembroke sketches the history of America's retreat from universal principles to provide a clear-eyed analysis of the dangers of American exceptionalism.
22,75 € 23,95 €

The New Age of Empire

The New Age of Empire takes us back to the beginning of the European Empires, outlining the deliberate terror and suffering wrought during every stage of the expansion, and destroys the self-congratulatory myth that the West was founded on the three great revolutions of science, industry and politics. Instead, genocide, slavery and colonialism are the key foundation stones upon which the West was built, and we are still living under this system today: America is now at the helm, perpetuating global inequality through business, government, and institutions like the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO. The West is rich because the Rest is poor. Capitalism is racism. The West congratulations itself on raising poverty by increments in the developing world while ignoring the fact that it created these conditions in the first place, and continues to perpetuate them. The Enlightenment, which underlies every part of our foundational philosophy today, was and is profoundly racist. This colonial logic was and is used to justify the ransacking of Black and brown bodies and their land. The fashionable solutions offered by the white Left in recent years fall far short of even beginning to tackle the West's place at the helm of a racist global order. Offering no easy answers, The New Age of Empire is essential reading to understand our profoundly corrupt global system. A work of essential clarity, The New Age of Empire is a groundbreaking new blueprint for taking Black Radical thought into the twenty-first century and beyond.
23,70 € 24,95 €

China 1949

The events of 1949 in China reverberated across the world and throughout the rest of the century. That tumultuous year saw the dramatic collapse of Chiang Kai-shek's 'pro-Western' Nationalist government, overthrown by Mao Zedong and his communist armies, and the foundation of the People's Republic of China. China 1949 follows the huge military forces that tramped across the country, the exile of once-powerful leaders and the alarm of the foreign powers watching on. The well-known figures of the Revolution are all here. But so are lesser known military and political leaders along with a host of 'ordinary' Chinese citizens and foreigners caught in the maelstrom. They include the often neglected but crucial role played by the 'Guangxi faction' within Chiang's own regime, the fate of a country woman who fled her village carrying her baby to avoid the fighting, a prominent Shanghai business man and a schoolboy from Nanyang, ordered by his teachers to trek south with his classmates in search of safety. Shadowing both the leaders and the people of China in 1949, Hutchings reveals the lived experiences, aftermath and consequences of this pivotal year -- one in which careers were made and ruined, and popular hopes for a 'new China' contrasted with fears that it would change the country forever. The legacy of 1949 still resonates today as the founding myth, source of national identity and root of the political behaviour of modern China. Graham Hutchings has written a vivid, gripping account of the year in which China abruptly changed course, and pulled the rest of world history along with it.
27,08 € 28,50 €

Nyugat-Magyarországtól Burgenlandig 1918-1924

Murber Ibolya történész, az ELTE BDPK Szombathely oktatója. Doktori fokozatának megszerzése után több szemeszteren keresztül oktatott a Bécsi Egyetemen, a Saar-vidéki Egyetemen, illetve az Andrássy Gyula Német Nyelvű Magánegyetemen is. Kutatott többek között Bregenzben, Bécsben, Berlinben és Greifswaldban. Számos rangos külföldi kutatási ösztöndíjat is elnyert. Két gyermek édesanyja és családjával jelenleg Táplánszentkereszten él. Az első világháború után Magyarország elveszítette nyugati határvidékét és Ausztria megkapta Burgenlandot. A két érintett ország diplomáciai, gazdasági és katonai eszközöket nem kímélve évekig küzdött "Nyugat-Magyarországért". Saját szemszögéből nézve Bécs és Budapest álláspontja egyaránt legitim és érthető volt. Ausztria a határvidék többségében német ajkú területére tartott igényt. Magyarország "poszt-trianoni" állapotában a területátadás tudatos halogatása szimbolikus üzenetet hordozott: a revízió reményét volt hivatva fenntartani. Murber Ibolya legújabb könyve azt mutatja be, hogy miként vált ez a határvita a háború utáni válságkezelés részévé, illetve miként használta fel a mindenkori bécsi és budapesti vezetés a "nyugat-magyarországi kérdést" más, megoldatlan problémák és hibák elfedésére.
9,80 € 10,32 €

Az Európai Unió története - Integráció, populizmus, nacionalizmus

"Ezt a kötetet tanúságtételként ajánlom az olvasóknak mindarról, amit megtanultam. Bemutatom az Európai Unió történetét a megszületésétől, amikor csupán egy idea volt (most már egy évszázada), a megvalósulásán át a jelenkor válságáig. Ezen az úton találkozni fogunk az elgondolás megfogalmazóival; idealista álmodozókkal és az integráció mellett elkötelezett, kalkuláló, pragmatikus politikusokkal, akik meghatározó szerepet töltöttek be Európa építésében. Bemutatom az integráció rövidlátó, hataloméhes, nacionalista-populista ellenségeit is, akik meg akarják állítani ezt a projektet, igyekezve aláásni azt. Bemutatom a modern európai integráció teljes történetét a kezdetektől a sikeres és válságoktól terhes időszakokon át a gyakran zavaros, de mindig kihívást jelentő nemzetközi környezetben. Ez a könyv a tanú beszámolója, aki átélte ezt a korszakot, és a történészé, aki elkötelezetten kutatta."
12,23 € 12,87 €

The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment is one of the formative periods of Western history, yet more than 300 years after it began, it remains controversial. It is often seen as the fountainhead of modern values such as human rights, religious toleration, freedom of thought, scientific thought as an exemplary form of reasoning, and rationality and evidence-based argument. Others accuse the Enlightenment of putting forward a scientific rationality which ignores the complexity and variety of human beings, propagates shallow atheism, and aims to subjugate nature to so-called technical progress. Answering the question 'what is Enlightenment?' Kant famously urged men and women above all to 'have the courage to use your own understanding'. Robertson shows how the thinkers of the Enlightenment did just that, seeking a rounded understanding of humanity in which reason was balanced with emotion and sensibility. His book goes behind the controversies about the Enlightenment to return to its original texts and to show that above all it sought to increase human happiness in this world by promoting scientific inquiry and reasoned argument. His book overturns many received opinions - for example, that enlightenment necessarily implied hostility to religion (though it did challenge the authority traditionally assumed by the Churches). It is a master-class in 'big picture' history, about one of the foundational epochs of modern times.
35,10 € 36,95 €

Statelessness: A Modern History

Today over 12 million people are stateless and millions more are refugees or displaced persons. Mira Siegelberg shows how the much-contested legal category of statelessness generated novel visions of political and legal authority beyond the territorial state, before ultimately empowering the sovereign territorial state as the fundamental source of protection and rights. Two world wars left millions stranded in Europe. The collapse of empires and the rise of independent states in the twentieth century produced an unprecedented number of people without national belonging and with nowhere to go. Mira Siegelberg's innovative history weaves together ideas about law and politics, rights and citizenship, with the intimate plight of stateless persons, to explore how and why statelessness compelled a new understanding of the international order in the twentieth century and beyond. In the years following the First World War, the legal category of statelessness generated novel visions of cosmopolitan political and legal organization and challenged efforts to limit the boundaries of national membership and international authority. By linking the emergence of mass statelessness to a revolution in legal consciousness, Siegelberg shows how the rights regime created after the Second World War ultimately empowered the territorial state as the source of protection and rights, against alternative political configurations. Today, more than twelve million people are stateless and millions more belong to categories of recent invention, including refugees and asylum seekers. As Statelessness makes clear, understanding the ideological origins of the international agreements that define approaches to citizenship and non-citizenship can better equip us to confront the dilemmas of political structure and authority at a global scale.
33,20 € 34,95 €

Príbehy 20. storočia - Komunizmus: vnucovaný sen

Štvrťročník Príbehy 20. storočia prináša témy bývalých totalitných režimov, odrážajúcich sa v konkrétnych príbehoch ľudí a prepája ich so súčasným kultúrnym a spoločenským dianím. Časopis má ambície stať sa nadčasovou súčasťou knižníc. To zdôrazňuje aj elegantná grafika a ilustrácie nášho dvorného výtvarníka Matúša Maťátka a dizajn Viktórie Bitterovej. Editorom časopisu je rešpektovaný politológ Tomáš Zálešák. V časopise nájdete okrem príbehov pamätníkov, rozhovory s osobnosťami, reportáže, komentáre, recenzie, štúdie, literárnu prílohu a mnoho ďalšieho zaujímavého obsahu. Keďže časopis slúži aj ako didaktická pomôcka pre učiteľov, jeho súčasťou sú aj metodické listy, ktoré nadväzujú na publikované príbehy v časopise a premiérovo aj galériu výtvarných diel. Čo by vás mohlo zaujímať: - Poznámky pod čiarou: Miro Pollák a Rasťo Šenkirik - Marína Gálisová: Nostalgický obraz komunizmu je jeden z najväčších dejinných hoaxov - Tomáš Zálešák: Vnucovaný sen (štúdia) - Názory a eseje: Viera Dvořáková, Dino Hochel, Ľubomír Morbacher, Peter Juščák, Jaroslav Valent, Péter Hunčík - Rozhovor s Danielom Bútorom (Tomáš Zálešák a Marian Jaslovský) - Kultúra a recenzie: Barbora Vavrová, Sandra Polovková - Štyri príbehy pamätníkov a metodické listy - Galéria: Lucia G. Stach, kurátorka SNG, vybrala a okomentovala štyri tématické výtvarné diela Darčekom čísla je pohľadnica.
5,70 € 6,00 €

The Habsburgs

In The Habsburgs, Martyn Rady tells the epic story of a dynasty and the world it built - and then lost - over nearly a millennium. From modest origins, the Habsburgs grew in power to gain control of the Holy Roman Empire in the fifteenth century. Then, in just a few decades, their possessions rapidly expanded to take in a large part of Europe stretching from Hungary to Spain, and from the Far East to the New World. The family continued to dominate Central Europe until the catastrophe of the First World War. With its seemingly disorganized mass of large and small territories, its tangle of laws and privileges and its medley of languages, the Habsburg Empire has always appeared haphazard and incomplete. But here Martyn Rady shows the reasons for the family's incredible endurance, driven by the belief that they were destined to rule the world as defenders of the Roman Catholic Church, guarantors of peace and patrons of learning. The Habsburg emperors were themselves absurdly varied in their characters - from warlords to contemplatives, from clever to stupid, from idle to frenzied - but all driven by the same sense of family mission. Scattered around the world, countless buildings, institutions and works of art continue to bear witness to their overwhelming impact. The Habsburgs is the definitive history of a remarkable dynasty that, for better or worse, shaped Europe and the world.
32,78 € 34,50 €


A controversial examination of the internal Israeli debate over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a best-selling Israeli author. Since the Six-Day War, Israelis have been entrenched in a national debate over whether to keep the land they conquered or to return some, if not all, of the territories to Palestinians. In 2017, best-selling Israeli author Micah Goodman published a balanced and insightful analysis of the situation that quickly became one of Israel's most debated books of the year. Now available in English translation with a new preface by the author, Catch-67 deftly sheds light on the ideas that have shaped Israelis' thinking on both sides of the debate, and among secular and religious Jews about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Contrary to opinions that dominate the discussion, he shows that the paradox of Israeli political discourse is that both sides are right in what they affirm-and wrong in what they deny. Although he concludes that the conflict cannot be solved, Goodman is far from a pessimist and explores how instead it can be reduced in scope and danger through limited, practical steps. Through philosophical critique and political analysis, Goodman builds a creative, compelling case for pragmatism in a dispute where a comprehensive solution seems impossible.
16,63 € 17,50 €

Príbehy 20. storočia - Kultúra (bez) cenzúry

Podtitulom posledného čísla roku 2019 je Kultúra (bez) cenzúry. Náš magazín má ambície stať sa nadčasovou súčasťou knižníc, čo zdôrazňuje aj elegantná grafika a ilustrácie nášho dvorného výtvarníka Matúša Maťátka. Ku každému číslu je pribalený darček, v tomto prípade záložka. Môžete si prečítať texty Rudolfa Sikoru, Ladislava Snopka, Milana Černáka, Patrika Dubovského, Mariana Jaslovského a ďalších, rozhovory s kulturologičkou Bohunkou Koklesovou, textárom, publicistom a prekladateľom Jánom Štrasserom, recenzie, príbehy. Samizdaty, vizuálne umenie v slobode a neslobode, neoficiálna literatúra na Slovensku, názory a eseje ako aj štúdie to je stručná upútavka obsahu kultúry (bez) cenzúry. Angažovaný kultúrno-historický štvrťročník, ktorý vydáva Post Bellum SK. Spája príbehy ľudí, ktorí trpeli alebo boli prenasledovaní počas totalitných režimov s priestorom pre reflexiu týchto príbehov v súčasnosti. V časopise nájdete okrem príbehov pamätníkov, rozhovory s osobnosťami, reportáže, komentáre, recenzie, štúdie, literárnu prílohu a mnoho ďalšieho. Keďže časopis slúži aj ako didaktická pomôcka pre učiteľov, jeho súčasťou sú aj metodické listy, ktoré nadväzujú na publikované príbehy v časopise. Za vizuálom stojí grafická dizajnérka Viktória Bitterová a autorom obálok je výtvarník Matúš Maťátko. Darčekom čísla je knižná záložka
5,70 € 6,00 €

Židé, nebo Němci?

Pro tyto lidi ještě válka a s ní spojené utrpení neskončily napsali zástupci německy mluvících Židů z českého pohraničí v březnu 1947. Německy mluvící Židé byli často rutinně považováni za Němce a mnohdy byli vystaveni stejnému ponižování jako nežidovští Němci nejen ze strany občanů, ale i vládnoucích představitelů. Kniha Židé, nebo Němci? mapuje osudy německy mluvících Židů v Československu, Dolním Slezsku, Haliči i Německu. Publikaci doplňuje edice nově objevených dokumentů v archivu Spojených národů v New Yorku. Oficiální listiny i korespondence přibližují každodenní diskriminaci německy mluvících Židů v poválečném Československu a jejich snahu se ze země vystěhovat a dále zaznamenávají reakce mezinárodních organizací i jednotlivců na politiku československého státu.
13,35 € 14,05 €

A Short History of Europe

The first short narrative history of the continent, from the author of the bestselling A Short History of England Europe is an astonishingly successful place. In this dazzling new history, bestselling author Simon Jenkins grippingly tells the story of its evolution from warring peoples to peace, wealth and freedom - a story that twists and turns from Greece and Rome, through the Dark Ages, the Reformation and the French Revolution, to the Second World War and up to the present day. Jenkins takes in leaders from Julius Caesar and Joan of Arc, to Wellington and Angela Merkel, as well as cultural figures from Aristotle to Shakespeare and Picasso. He brings together the transformative forces and dominant eras into one chronological tale - all with his usual insight, colour and authority. Despite the importance of Europe's politics, economy and culture, there has not been - until now - a concise book to tell this story. Covering the key events, themes and individuals, Jenkins' portrait of the continent could not be more timely - or masterful.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Bauhaus Goes West

Bauhaus Goes West is a story of cultural exchange - between the Bauhaus emigres in the years following the school's closure in 1933 and the countries to which they moved, focusing in particular on Britain. Taking as its starting point the cultural connections between the UK and Germany in the early part of the 20th century, the book offers a timely re-evaluation of the school's influence on and relationship with modern art and design in Britain, concluding with the school's American legacy. Following the closure of the Bauhaus in 1933, teachers and students found new opportunities in Britain and the United States. Among them were Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer and Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, who simultaneously spent time in London before moving to America, an episode often overlooked but freshly explored here in the context of the interaction between German Modernism and British-based design reform from 1900. Other Bauhaus-trained artists - women as well as men - stayed in the UK and made important contributions into the 1960s. In America, Mies van der Rohe and Josef and Anni Albers had significant late careers, but, over time, the Bauhaus became a shorthand for Modernism's failure. Now, the centenary of the school's founding provides a key opportunity to reconsider how its values emerged and were contested both during its lifetime and beyond.
29,93 € 31,50 €

The Long 68

'Fresh, compelling ... an important book, revealing that 50 years on, 1968 is still unfinished business' Andrew Hussey, Financial Times 'A thoughtful, readable account of a moment in history that deserves to be dwelt on' Andrew Marr, The Times 1968 saw an extraordinary range of protests across much of the western world. Some of these were genuinely revolutionary - around ten million French workers went on strike and the whole state teetered on the brink of collapse. Others were more easily contained, but had profound longer-term implications; terrorist groups, feminist collectives, gay rights activists could all trace important roots to 1968. Bill Clinton and even Tony Blair are, in many ways, the product of that year. The Long '68 is a striking and original attempt half a century on to show how these events - from anti-war marches in the United States to revolts against Soviet oppression in eastern Europe - which in some ways still seem so current, stemmed from histories and societies that are in practice now extraordinarily remote from our own time. The book pursues the story into the 1970s to show both the ever more violent forms of radicalization that stemmed from 1968, and the brutal reactions from those in power that brought the era to an end.
13,25 € 13,95 €


Factories, with their ingenious machinery and miraculous productivity, are celebrated as modern wonders of the world. Yet from William Blake's "dark Satanic mills" they have also fuelled our fears of the future. Telling the story of the factory, Joshua B. Freeman takes readers from the textile mills in England that powered the Industrial Revolution to the steel and car plants of twentieth-century America, Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, to today's behemoths making trainers, toys and iPhones in China and Vietnam. He traces arguments about factories and social progress through such critics and champions as Marx, Ford and Stalin. And he explores the representation of factories in the work of Margaret Bourke-White, Charlie Chaplin and Diego Rivera.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Príbehy 20. storočia - Identity

Témou prvého čísla druhého ročníka sú Identity. Toto číslo je plné otázok o tom, kto sme a čo tvorí to, kým sme. Táto téma je veľmi komplexná a široká, preto úvod k pochopeniu celej témy identít poskytne rozhovor so sociálnou psychologičkou Barbarou Lášticovou. Vysvetlí v ňom jednotlivé vrstvy identity, konštruovanie skupinových identít a aj práve tej našej slovenskej národnej. Ostatné texty, či už štúdie, recenzie umeleckých diel, príbehy ľudí z rôznych národnostných menšín alebo umelecké texty sa venujú jednotlivým, prevažne skupinovým, identitám. Je Andrej Hlinka otec slovenského národa? Čím si musela kvôli svojej rómskej identite prejsť poetka Papuša? Dokážu hrdinky a hrdinovia Pawlikowskeho filmov byť v cudzine sami sebou? Sú si ženy v post-socialistickom bloku vedomé svojho práva na rovnaké postavenie s mužmi? Prečo nechcú Slováci na námestí židovské príbehy? Angažovaný kultúrno-historický štvrťročník, ktorý vydáva Post Bellum SK. Spája príbehy ľudí, ktorí trpeli alebo boli prenasledovaní počas totalitných režimov s priestorom pre reflexiu týchto príbehov v súčasnosti. V časopise nájdete okrem príbehov pamätníkov, rozhovory s osobnosťami, reportáže, komentáre, recenzie, štúdie, literárnu prílohu a mnoho ďalšieho. Keďže časopis slúži aj ako didaktická pomôcka pre učiteľov, jeho súčasťou sú aj metodické listy, ktoré nadväzujú na publikované príbehy v časopise. Za vizuálom stojí grafická dizajnérka Viktória Bitterová a autorom obálok je výtvarník Matúš Maťátko. Darčekom čísla je nálepka
5,70 € 6,00 €

Vitajte v kategórii "Moderné dejiny" – období, ktoré zahŕňa udalosti, hnutia a myšlienky za posledných dvesto rokov. Toto je čas, keď globalizácia, technologický pokrok a sociálne reformy premenili spôsob, akým vnímame svet okolo nás.

Priblížte sa k rozhodujúcim momentom 20. a 21. storočia, od obdobia dvoch svetových vojen, studenej vojny, dekolonizácie, až po vznik a pád Berlínskeho múru, digitálnu revolúciu a výzvy súčasnej geopolitiky. Ponorte sa do hlbokých analýz o postavách, ktoré formovali tento čas.

V tejto kategórii nájdete komplexné diela, ktoré skúmajú politické hnutia, ekonomické krízy, kultúrne zmeny a technologické inovácie, ktoré ovplyvnili našu súčasnosť. Taktiež objavíte príbehy odvahy, boja za slobodu, významné prelomové chvíle a okamihy, ktoré definovali identitu národov.