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Knihy - Astronómia, vesmír, fyzika strana 20 z 43

Hat könnyed előadás

Az 1965-ben Nobel-díjjal kitüntetett amerikai Richard P. Feynman századunk egyik legragyogóbb elméleti fizikusa és eredeti gondolkodója. Híres volt arról, hogy a legnehezebb elméleti problémákat is világosan, szellemesen és érthetően el tudta magyarázni. Bámulatos érzékkel helyezkedett bele sokszor nem szakmabeli hallgatóságának gondolkodásmódjába, és vezette be őket az atomok világába, magyarázta el nekik az energiamegmaradás törvényét, a gravitáció vagy a kvantumos viselkedés természetét. Kötetünk a korábban Mai fizika címmel magyarul is megjelent egyetemi előadásaiból tartalmaz hatot, új fordításban. Feynman elegáns könnyedséggel és frappáns példákkal világít rá a jelenségek lényegére. A Hat könnyed előadás lenyűgöző olvasmány, a tudományos népszerűsítő művek egyik remeke. Felnőttek és diákok, a természettudományok iránt érdeklődők, de fizikusok és matematikusok is élvezettel forgathatják.
11,95 € 12,58 €

The Planets

'So staggering you go "whoa!" every few seconds' Guardian 'Really impressive' Eamonn Holmes, ITV This Morning A companion book to the critically acclaimed BBC series. The bestselling authors of Wonders of the Universe are back with another blockbuster, a groundbreaking exploration of our Solar System as it has never been seen before. Mercury, a lifeless victim of the Sun's expanding power. Venus, once thought to be lush and fertile, now known to be trapped within a toxic and boiling atmosphere. Mars, the red planet, doomed by the loss of its atmosphere. Jupiter, twice the size of all the other planets combined, but insubstantial. Saturn, a stunning celestial beauty, the jewel of our Solar System. Uranus, the sideways planet and the first ice giant. Neptune, dark, cold and whipped by supersonic winds. Pluto, the dwarf planet, a frozen rock. Andrew Cohen and Professor Brian Cox take readers on a voyage of discovery, from the fiery heart of our Solar System, to its mysterious outer reaches. They touch on the latest discoveries that have expanded our knowledge of the planets, their moons and how they come to be.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Dark Skies - A Journey into the Wild Night

Darkness has shaped the lives of humans for millennia, and in Dark Skies, Tiffany Francis travels around Britain and Europe to learn more about nocturnal landscapes and humanity's connection to the night sky. For a year, Tiffany travels through different nightscapes across the UK and beyond. She experiences 24-hour daylight while swimming in the Gulf of Finland and visits Norway to witness the Northern Lights and speak to people who live in darkness for three months each year. She hikes through the haunted yew forests of Kingley Vale and embarks on a nocturnal sail down the River Dart. As she travels, Tiffany explores how our relationship with darkness and the night sky has changed over time. In this personal and beautifully written nature memoir, Tiffany Francis investigates how our experiences of the night-time world have permeated our history, folklore, science, geography, art and literature.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Lacná kniha Dark Skies - A Journey into the Wild Night (-50%)

Darkness has shaped the lives of humans for millennia, and in Dark Skies, Tiffany Francis travels around Britain and Europe to learn more about nocturnal landscapes and humanity's connection to the night sky. For a year, Tiffany travels through different nightscapes across the UK and beyond. She experiences 24-hour daylight while swimming in the Gulf of Finland and visits Norway to witness the Northern Lights and speak to people who live in darkness for three months each year. She hikes through the haunted yew forests of Kingley Vale and embarks on a nocturnal sail down the River Dart. As she travels, Tiffany explores how our relationship with darkness and the night sky has changed over time. In this personal and beautifully written nature memoir, Tiffany Francis investigates how our experiences of the night-time world have permeated our history, folklore, science, geography, art and literature.
6,98 € 13,95 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Vinyl Frontier

'Bursts with gloriously geeky detail.' The Telegraph Have you ever made someone you love a mix-tape? Forty years ago, a group of scientists, artists and writers gathered in a house in Ithaca, New York to work on the most important compilation ever conceived. It wasn't from one person to another, it was from Earth to the Cosmos. In 1977 NASA sent Voyager 1 and 2 on a Grand Tour of the outer planets. During the design phase of the Voyager mission, it was realised that this pair of plucky probes would eventually leave our solar system to drift forever in the unimaginable void of interstellar space. With this gloomy-sounding outcome in mind, NASA decided to do something optimistic. They commissioned astronomer Carl Sagan to create a message to be fixed to the side of Voyager 1 and 2 - a plaque, a calling card, a handshake to any passing alien that might one day chance upon them. The result was the Voyager Golden Record, a genre-hopping multi-media metal LP. A 90-minute playlist of music from across the globe, a sound essay of life on Earth, spoken greetings in multiple languages and more than 100 photographs and diagrams, all painstakingly chosen by Sagan and his team to create an aliens' guide to Earthlings. The record included music by J.S. Bach and Chuck Berry, a message of peace from US president Jimmy Carter, facts, figures and dimensions, all encased in a golden box. The Vinyl Frontier tells the story of NASA's interstellar mix-tape, from first phone call to final launch, when Voyager 1 and 2 left our planet bearing their hopeful message from the Summer of '77 to a distant future.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Astronomická ročenka 2021

Astronomická ročenka patrí k tradičným publikáciám Slovenskej ústrednej hvezdárne. Obsahuje základné časové a polohové údaje nebeských objektov od januára do decembra r. 2021. Sú v nej aktuálne informácie o pohyboch Slnka, Mesiaca, planét ako aj o meteorických rojoch, kométach a trpasličích planétach, Galileiho mesiacoch, zatmeniach Slnka a Mesiaca, o zákrytoch hviezd a planét Mesiacom a pod. Obsahuje aj ďalšie odborné články Galaktická a mimogalaktická astronómia a Krátky pohľad do sveta extrasolárnych planét.
4,75 € 5,00 €
  • 4 /5


Andrew Cohen a profesor Brian Cox vezmú čitateľa na cestu za poznaním, počnúc ohnivým srdcom našej slnečnej sústavy až po jej vzdialené záhadné končiny. Spomenú najnovšie objavy, ktoré rozšírili naše vedomosti o planétach a ich mesiacoch, a to všetko dopĺňajú ohromujúce fotografické zábery NASA. Merkúr – obeť, ktorej čoraz intenzívnejšia slnečná energia vzala život, Venuša – kedysi sa o nej predpokladalo, že je obývateľná a úrodná, dnes vieme, že je uväznená v žeravej toxickej atmosfére, Mars – červená planéta odsúdená na stratu vlastnej atmosféry, Jupiter – dvakrát väčší ako ostatné planéty, ale nepodstatný, Saturn – ohromujúca nebeská krása, klenot našej slnečnej sústavy, Urán – prvý ľadový obor, Neptún – tmavý, studený, bičovaný vetrami vanúcimi nadzvukovou rýchlosťou, Pluto – trpasličia planéta, skôr zmrznutá skala.
33,16 € 34,90 €

Einstein's War

'Deeply researched and profoundly absorbing . . . Matthew Stanley traces one of the greatest epics of scientific history . . . An amazing story' Michael Frayn, author of Tony Award-winning Copenhagen In 1916, Arthur Eddington, a war-weary British astronomer, opened a letter written by an obscure German professor named Einstein. The neatly printed equations on the scrap of paper outlined his world-changing theory of general relativity. Until then Einstein's masterpiece of time and space had been trapped behind the physical and ideological lines of battle, unknown. Einstein's name is now synonymous with 'genius', but it was not an easy road. He spent a decade creating relativity and his ascent to global celebrity owed much to against-the-odds international collaboration, including Eddington's globe-spanning expedition of 1919 - two years before they finally met. We usually think of scientific discovery as a flash of individual inspiration, but here we see it is the result of hard work, gambles and wrong turns. Einstein's War is a celebration of what science can offer when bigotry and nationalism are defeated. Using previously unknown sources and written like a thriller, it shows relativity being built brick-by-brick in front of us, as it happened 100 years ago. 'Riveting . . . Stanley lets us share the excitement a hundred years later in this entertaining and gripping book. It's a must read if you ever wondered how Einstein became 'Einstein'' Manjit Kumar, author of Quantum
12,30 € 12,95 €

Beneath the Night

From Stone Age to space age, people have looked up at the stars and been inspired by their beauty, their patterns, and their majesty. Beneath the Night is a history of humanity, told through our relationship with the night sky. From prehistoric cave art and Ancient Egyptian zodiacs to the modern era of satellites and space exploration, Stuart Clark explores a fascination shared across the world and throughout millennia. It is one that has shaped our scientific understanding; helped us navigate the terrestrial world; provided inspiration for our poets, artists and philosophers; and it has given us a place to project our hopes and fears. In the stars, we can see our past - and ultimately, our fate. This is the awe-inspiring story of the universe, and our place within it.
18,00 € 18,95 €


'In the same light-heartedly informative spirit as his previous Elemental, Tim James gives us an entertaining gallop through light years of space science, from the big bang to UFOs' Andrew Crumey, author of The Great Chain of Unbeing PRAISE FOR THE AUTHOR 'Humorous, yet deep . . . Fundamental will speak to all readers' Professor Charles Antoine, Sorbonne University 'Who said science was dry? Certainly not Tim James' New York Post Does the Big Bang prove the existence of God? What's the Universe expanding into? Is Earth the only planet which supports life? Why did the greatest astronomer in history murder his pet moose? Space is the biggest, oldest, hottest, coldest, strangest thing a human can study. It's no surprise then, that the weirdest facts in science (not to mention the weirdest scientists themselves) are found in astrophysics and cosmology. If you're looking for instructions on how to set up your grandad's telescope this book probably isn't for you. In Astronomical, Tim James takes us on a tour of the known (and unknown) Universe, focusing on the most-mind boggling stuff we've come across, as well as unpacking the latest theories about what's really going on out there. Guiding us through Einstein's relativity, quantum mechanics and string theory, Astronomical delves into the baffling corners of the cosmos and tackles the biggest mysteries we face: from alien life to the zodiac; from white holes to wormholes; from quasars to quark stars. This is the science of space at its absolute strangest! From the creation of the Universe out of nothing to the Large Hadron Collider and the Universe's ongoing expansion, Tim explores our planetary neighbours, where it snows metal on Venus, there are underground lakes on Mars and rivers of petrol on Titan. He then looks beyond our solar system: to exoplanets which could support life, rogue planets, quark stars, quasars, neutron stars and more. Tim looks at black holes (and how to survive in one), wormholes, white holes as well as dark energy, dark matter and even a bit of string theory thrown in for good measure. He explains the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence, including the discovery of Martian fossils in the Alan Hills meteorite and the tantalising 'Wow signal' transmission earth received in 1973 - still unexplained. He also rebuts resurgent anti-science movements, including the Flat Earth Society and discusses what's really going on inside Area 51. To close, Tim finishes by looking at human achievements in space including how rockets work, how faster-than-light warp-drives (currently being investigated by NASA) work and how we plan to colonise both the moon and Mars.
16,63 € 17,50 €

Look Up: Our Story With The Stars

Our story with the stars Most of us have never been to space. To date, of the more than 100 billion humans that have ever existed, fewer than 600 humans have ever left Earth. But the exploration of space is the most significant thing we will ever do as a species. Sarah Cruddas has been looking to the skies her entire life. Her childhood was spent staring at the Moon and hearing stories of the space race, and she worked in a fruit factory to fund her love of the subject. Her subsequent career studying astrophysics, and becoming a television host and space journalist has seen her report on space exploration and chase launches across the world. In Look Up Sarah explains why she has always been a passionate advocate for why space should matter - to everyone. From our ancestors who first painted patterns of the stars in caves, to the US and Soviet pioneers who first forged a path beyond our planet, Sarah Cruddas explores the stories and sacrifices that humankind has made to understand more about our place in the universe. And even today, when Moon walking and people in space suits seem less relevant to us than climate change and conflicts here on Earth, she shows how everything from medicine to mobile phones is affected by space technology, and how a new generation of entrepreneurs have kick-started a new story with the stars. This is an inspirational and enlightening introduction to the importance of space to everyone, and why we should all learn to Look Up.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Search for Life on Mars

Published to coincide with the launch of NASA's Perseverance rover mission this summer, the definitive account of our quest to find life on the Red Planet. From The War of the Worlds to The Martian and to the amazing photographs sent back by the robotic rovers Curiosity and Opportunity, Mars has excited our imaginations as the most likely other habitat for life in the solar system. Now the Red Planet is coming under scrutiny as never before. As new missions are scheduled to launch this year from the United States and China, and with the European Space Agency's ExoMars mission now scheduled for 2022, this book recounts in full the greatest scientific detective story ever. For the first time in forty years, the missions heading to Mars will look for signs of ancient life on the world next door. It is the latest chapter in an age-old quest that encompasses myth, false starts, red herrings, and bizarre coincidences-as well as triumphs and heartbreaking failures. This book, by two journalists with deep experience covering space exploration, is the definitive story of how life's discovery has eluded us to date, and how it will be found somewhere and sometime this century. The Search for Life on Mars is based on more than a hundred interviews with experts at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and elsewhere, who share their insights and stories. While it looks back to the early Mars missions such as Viking 1 and 2, the book's focus is on the experiments and revelations from the most recent ones-including Curiosity, which continues to explore potentially habitable sites where water was once present, and the Mars Insight lander, which has recorded more than 450 marsquakes since its deployment in late 2018-as well as on the Perseverance and ExoMars rover missions ahead. And the book looks forward to the newest, most exciting frontier of all: the day, not too far away, when humans will land, make the Red Planet their home, and look for life directly.
23,70 € 24,95 €
  • 4 /5

SOS ve vesmíru

11,39 € 11,99 €

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Universe

The universe is a beautiful, awe-inspiring place - from glowing nebulae to the sweeping majesty of the Milky Way, from complex cloud patterns on Jupiter to the rippling curtains of aurorae. But many of us struggle to grasp the complex ideas and science behind it all, or to see how it relates to our everyday lives.; In Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Universe, Professor Andrew Newsam draws on his vast expertise to show us what's going on beyond the limits of our planet, from our solar system to distant galaxies - and what this tells us about our own place in this vast expanse.; Will our explorations of our neighbouring planets reveal life or a new place to settle? What happens inside black holes? Is dark matter real? Would a solar flare have a devastating effect on our planet? Could we do anything to prevent being wiped out by an approaching asteroid? What can observations of stars reveal about our origins - and our future?; A brilliantly vivid and enlightening guide to the incredible phenomena of outer space - and to ourselves.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Letters from an Astrophysicist

Join the galactic conversation on the biggest issues in the universe, from the 'most popular scientist in the world' 'Don't fear change. Don't fear failure. The only thing to fear is loss of ambition. But if you've got plenty of that, then you have nothing to fear at all' - Neil deGrasse Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson is arguably the most influential, acclaimed scientist on the planet. As director of the Hayden Planetarium, and host of Cosmos and StarTalk, he has dedicated his life to exploring and explaining the mysteries of the universe. Every year, he receives thousands of letters - from students to prisoners, scientists to priests. Some seek advice, others yearn for inspiration; some are full of despair, others burst with wonder. But they are all searching for understanding, meaning and truth. His replies are by turns wise, funny, and mind-blowing. In this, his most personal book by far, he covers everything from God to the history of science, from aliens to death. He bares his soul - his passions, his doubts, his hopes. The big theme is everywhere in these pages: what is our place in the universe? The result is an awe-inspiring read and an intimate portal into an incredible mind, which reveals the power of the universe to start conversations and inspire curiosity in all of us.
16,10 € 16,95 €


Every rock has a story tell, and none more so than those which have fallen from the sky: meteorites. Originating in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, these rocky fragments offer clues not just to the earliest origins of the Solar System but also to Earth's very survival into the future. Sky at Night presenter, Dr Tim Gregory takes us on a journey through the very earliest days of our Solar System to the spectacular meteorite falls that produced 'fiery rain' in 1792, to the pre-solar grains (literally stardust) that were blown in from other solar systems and are the oldest solid objects ever discovered on earth. Meteorites reveal a story much bigger than ourselves or our planet. As Tim says, 'it is an epic beyond compare'.
17,58 € 18,50 €

The Last Stargazers

To be an astronomer is to journey to some of the most inaccessible parts of the globe, braving mountain passes, sub-zero temperatures, and hostile flora and fauna. Not to mention the stress of handling equipment worth millions. It is a life of unique delights and absurdities ... and one that may be drawing to a close. Since Galileo first pointed his telescope at the heavens, astronomy has stood as a fount of human creativity and discovery, but soon it will be the robots gazing at the sky while we are left to sift through the data. In The Last Stargazers, Emily Levesque reveals the hidden world of the professional astronomer. She celebrates an era of ingenuity and curiosity, and asks us to think twice before we cast aside our sense of wonder at the universe.
21,38 € 22,50 €

The Sirens of Mars

As a new wave of interplanetary exploration launches in summer 2020, a talented young planetary scientist charts our centuries-old obsession with Mars. 'Beautifully written, emotive - a love letter to a planet' DERMOT O'LEARY, BBC Radio 2 Mars - bewilderingly empty, coated in red dust - is an unlikely place to pin our hopes of finding life elsewhere. And yet, right now multiple spacecraft are circling, sweeping over Terra Sabaea, Syrtis Major, the dunes of Elysium and Mare Sirenum - on the brink, perhaps, of a discovery that would inspire humankind as much as any in our history. With poetic precision and grace, Sarah Stewart Johnson traces the evocative history of our explorations of Mars. She interlaces her personal journey as a scientist with tales of other seekers - from Galileo to William Herschel to Carl Sagan - who have scoured this enigmatic planet for signs of life and transformed it in our understanding from a distant point of light into a complex world. Ultimately, she shows how its story is also a story about Earth: it is a foil, a mirror, a tell-tale reflection of our own anxieties and yearnings to find - if we're lucky - that we're not alone. 'Elegantly written and boundlessly entertaining' Sunday Telegraph 'Beguiling' The Times 'Johnson's prose swirls with lyrical wonder, as varied and multi-hued as the apricot deserts, butterscotch skies and blue sunsets of Mars' Anthony Doerr, New York Times Book Review 'Elegantly crafted' Lord Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal
23,70 € 24,95 €

Slovenské vesmírne odysey

V roku 2019 si Slovensko pripomenulo 20. výročie misie Štefánik letu slovenského kozmonauta Ivana Bellu na stanicu Mir. Priamo v kozmickom priestore sa vtedy riešili štyri projekty SAV a spolupracujúcich organizácií Dozimetria z oblasti kozmickej fyziky a projekty kozmickej medicíny a fyziológie Senzoasymetria, Endotest a Prepelica. Na Zemi sa paralelne riešili projekty Metabolizmus a Tréning. Projekty vniesli do kozmického výskumu viaceré svetovo unikátne metódy a techniky. Prvý slovenský kozmonaut I. Bella nadviazal na svojich predchodcov so slovenskými koreňmi Vladimíra Remeka a Eugena Cernana, doteraz posledného človeka na Mesiaci. V roku výročia letu skoordinovali riešitelia projektov a organizátori tohto v našej histórii ojedinelého podujatia, ktoré bolo stredobodom záujmu verejnosti, médií a politickej sféry, svoje úsilie a vedecko-popularizačným spôsobom približujú zákutia kozmickej vedy a kozmonautiky i svoje osobné i úsmevné príhody. Autormi kapitol sú Štefan Luby, Ladislav Macho et al., František Hlavačka et al., Pavol Bobík et al. a Boris Bilčík et al. Svoje príspevky spracovali aj ako spomienku na troch zodpovedných riešiteľov projektov Ladislava Justa, Richarda Kvetňanského a Vladimíra Saba, ktorí už nie sú medzi nami. Súčasťou knihy sú prvý raz publikované audiozápisy I. Bellu nahraté v kozmickom priestore. Vznik knihy rezonuje s novou etapou kozmických aktivít a vízií o kolonizácii Mesiaca a Marsu. Editori preto prizvali k spolupráci aj Vojtecha Rušína, ktorý priblížil opodstatnenie mena misie, pomenovanej podľa nášho astronóma Milana Rastislava Štefánika, Ján Feranec opísal prístupovú cestu Slovenska do Európskej kozmickej agentúry, E. Roth, kozmický inžinier NASA a rodák z Košíc vniesol do súčasných kozmických aktivít realistický pohľad, Jozef Masarik poodhalil tajomstvá intenzívne skúmanej planéty Mars a Július Krempaský analyzoval možnosti komunikácie s mimozemskými civilizáciami. Jeho kapitola je posledným literárnym dielo J. Krempaského, ktorý sa vydania knihy nedožil. Dielo recenzovali Ján Slezák a Ján Svoreň. Kniha obsahuje anglické súhrny kapitol, charakteristiky autorov a menný register. Vydanie a výrobu knihy sponzorovala Spoločnosť MSM Group.
14,25 € 15,00 €

V kategórii literatúry Astronómia, vesmír, fyzika nájdete fascinujúce diela, ktoré ponúkajú informácie o vesmíre a jeho zákonitostiach. Tieto knihy vám odhalia nekonečné šírky vesmíru, poskytnú pohľad na nebeské telá, fyzikálne zákony a úžasné javy, ktoré ich riadia. Od slnečnej sústavy a galaxií po planéty, čierne diery a teóriu veľkého tresku, tieto diela vám poskytnú základné a pokročilé vedomosti o astronómii, vesmíre a fyzike. Objavte históriu vedeckých objavov, súčasné výskumy a nové objavy v tejto fascinujúcej oblasti.

K najznámejším autorom patrí Stephen Hawking, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, či Michio Kaku.