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Knihy - Veda, technika, elektrotechnika strana 50 z 51

The Machine Age

A sweeping history of and meditation on humanity's relationship with machines, showing how we got here and what happens next Faith in technological fixes for our problems is waning. Automation, which promised relief from toil, has reactivated the long-standing fear of job redundancy. Information technology, meant to liberate us from traditional authority, is placing unprecedented powers of surveillance and control in the hands of a purely secular Big Brother. And for the first time, artificial intelligence threatens anthropogenic disaster – disaster caused by our own activities. Scientists join imaginative writers in warning us of the fate of Icarus, whose wings melted because he flew too close to the sun. This book tells the story of our fractured relationship with machines from humanity’s first tools down to the present and into the future. It raises the crucial question of why some parts of the world developed a ‘machine civilisation’ and not others, and traces the interactions between capitalism and technology, and between science and religion, in the making of the modern world. Taking in the peaks of philosophy and triumphs of science, the foundation of economics and speculations of fiction, Robert Skidelsky embarks on a bold intellectual journey through the evolution of our understanding of technology and what this means for our lives and politics. ‘Unless we understand technology as a system of ideas rather than as a necessity,’ he writes, ‘we will be powerless to choose which technology is best suited to our needs and purposes.’
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31,30 € 32,95 €

Zahraniční větroně se značkou OK 3

Na našem nebi se již vystřídalo velké množství kluzáků a větroňů nesoucích značku OK. Těm zahraničním jsou věnovány knihy Zahraniční větroně se značkou OK od autorské dvojice Zdeněk Pátek a Petr Kolmann. První dva díly knihy vyšly v nakladatelství Svět křídel v roce 2015 a 2019. První byl zaměřen na popis větroňů, které nosily značku OK a byly vyrobeny v zahraničí s výjimkou Německa. To je právem považováno za světovou plachtařskou velmoc a tomu odpovídá i aktivita a nabídka tamějších výrobců. Právě od německých firem pochází také nejvíce zahraničních typů provozovaných se značkou OK. Ve snaze zachovat přibližně stejný počet stran jednotlivých dílů, jsou německé konstrukce kluzáků, větroňů a motorových větroňů nosících od roku 1945 značku OK abecedně rozděleny na dva díly, z nichž ten úvodní vyšel v roce 2019. V závěrečném dílu jsou popsány i nové typy, které byly do českého leteckého rejstříku zapsány po vyjití předchozích knih.
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17,24 € 18,15 €

The Coming Wave

AI. SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY. QUANTUM COMPUTING. Everything is about to change. This is the only book you need to understand this new world. From the ultimate AI insider, Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of DeepMind, part of Google. Soon you will live surrounded by AIs. They will organise your life, operate your business, and run core government services. You will live in a world of DNA printers and quantum computers, engineered pathogens and autonomous weapons, robot assistants and abundant energy. None of us are prepared. As co-founder of the pioneering AI company DeepMind, part of Google, Mustafa Suleyman has been at the centre of this revolution. The coming decade, he argues, will be defined by this wave of powerful, fast-proliferating new technologies. In The Coming Wave, Suleyman shows how these forces will create immense prosperity but also threaten the nation-state, the foundation of global order. As our fragile governments sleepwalk into disaster, we face an existential dilemma: unprecedented harms on one side and the threat of overbearing surveillance on the other. Can we forge a narrow path between catastrophe and dystopia? This ground-breaking book from the ultimate AI insider establishes 'the containment problem' - the task of maintaining control over powerful technologies - as the essential challenge of our age.
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30,88 € 32,50 €

Talking Heads

The first book about the science of how, why and what happens when we talk, from the author of In Praise of Walking Talking Heads is a stunning survey of the science of human connection and communication - from neurons to nations We are social animals and talking is a defining part of what makes us human. Chatting with friends or debating the future, we move through life in a state of near-constant dialogue, bridging the gap between our inner and outer worlds. But what purposes does conversation serve? In this revelatory tour of the science of talking, neuroscientist Shane O'Mara explores how and why we communicate, what is happening in our brains when we do it, and what it means for us as individuals, groups and societies. Our brains create our realities, but we shape them by talking. How do our thoughts, memories, and conversations change the very fabric of our brains? What does it mean that we spend the majority of our thinking lives in a five-minute bubble around the present moment? Why does our sense of self solidify with age, even as we become more forgetful? How does our default mode of trusting what others say both influence life as we know it and empower us to effect change? What does it mean to say we imagine futures together? And how do our very nations begin as conversations? Moving from the personal to the social and ultimately towards a radical new perspective on the defining phenomenon of our times, populist nationalism, this is the story of how conversation builds the worlds around us - and how, together, we can talk our way into a better tomorrow.
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20,85 € 21,95 €

Nařízení 561/2006, 165/2014, AETR, předpisy EU a české předpisy do kabiny

Nařízení 561/2006, 165/2014, AETR, předpisy EU a české předpisy do kabiny
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13,30 € 14,00 €

Synové duhy

Často právě zázračná náhoda jako úzký paprsek slunce rozhodovala o životech mnoha letců britského královského letectva, v jehož řadách proti barbarství německého nacismu bojovali za svobodu své okupované vlasti vedle Britů, Poláků, Norů, Kanaďanů či Australanů a Novozélanďanů i stovky československých letců. Často až neuvěřitelné příběhy o jejich záchraně z hořících letadel, z mořských vln či na útěku před zajetím stojí stále za pozornost i proto, jak se k nim jejich nevděčná vlast vinou komunistického režimu chovala po únoru 1948.
Na sklade 1Ks
17,24 € 18,15 €

Kolejová vozidla městské hromadné dopravy 2. část

Katalog navazuje na předchozí monografii zabývající se silničními vozidly a částí vozidel kolejových z téže muzejní kolekce. Katalog představuje tramvajová vozidla normálního rozchodu.
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7,01 € 7,38 €


"["Wizard"] brings the many complex facets of [Tesla's] personal and technical life together in to a cohesive whole.... I highly recommend this biography of a great technologist." --A.A. Mullin, U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command, COMPUTING REVIEWS"[Along with "A Beautiful Mind"] one of the five best biographies written on the brilliantly disturbed." --WALL STREET JOURNAL""Wizard "is a compelling tale presenting a teeming, vivid world of science, technology, culture and human lives." --NEW SCIENTIST"Marc Seifer is an excellent writer and scholar, who has produced a wonderfully readable and illuminating biography of one of the most intriguing men of this century... mak[ing] us understand not only the man, but also the times in which he lived. . . . [A] masterpiece." --NELSON DEMILLE"The author presents much new material... [and] bases his book on a large number of archival and primary sources.... Underneath the layers of hero worship, the core of Seifer's book is a serious piece of scholarship." --Ronald Kline, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN "Seifer has done a remarkable job going through all the Tesla manuscripts... ferret[ing] out hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles in which he traces out Tesla's public image [and] offers a reasonable reconstruction of Tesla's emotional world. . . . Seifer has significantly advanced our understanding of Tesla." --Bernard Carlson, author of Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age, for ISIS"It is my opinion that Dr. Seifer leads the world as the most authoritative of all the Tesla researchers." --J.W. McGINNIS, President, International Tesla Society"Far and away the best job among Tesla biographies." --Jeffrey D. Kooistra, INFINITE ENERGY""Wizard "is ... utterly absorbing with chapters charting all stages of Tesla's life.... Seifer treats his prodigious subject with sympathy and realism." --NEXUS"Wizard... presents a much more accurate... picture of Tesla.... [It] is thorough, informative, entertaining and a valuable addition to electrotechnological history, past and future." --ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING TIMES"In modern times, Tesla may be enjoying a comeback thanks to books like "Wizard."" --THE NEW YORK TIMES"Here is a deep and comprehensive biography of a great engineer of early electrical science. Indeed, it is likely to become the definitive biography of the Serbian-American inventor Nikola Tesla. .... Highly recommended." --AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE
18,53 € 19,50 €

Výroba rozvádzačov NN podľa európskych noriem a ich správne umiestnenie

Obsah: 1. Úvod 2. Všeobecné definície 3. Povinnosti výrobcov rozvádzačov 4. Rozdelenie rozvádzačov 5. Druhy rozvodných zariadení 6. Umiestnenie rozvádzačov 7. Údaje o rozvádzači 8. Vyhotovenie a konštrukcia rozvádzača 9. Skúšanie rozvádzačov 10. Technická dokumentácia 11. Praktické prípady vyhotovenia rozvádzačov v rodinných domoch a bytoch 12. Prehľad platných technických predpisov a noriem pre výrobu rozvádzačov.
15,39 € 16,20 €

Vlastní jména vlakových spojů (porejonyma) na území ČR v letech 1993-2013

Tematicky neobvyklá, komplexně pojatá publikace potěší nejen znalce v oboru onomastiky, ale i fanoušky železniční dopravy. Těm všem se poprvé do rukou dostává podrobná lingvistická analýza názvů 357 vlakových spojů, které křižovaly území České republ iky od jejího vzniku až po současnost. Jádrem knihy je rozsáhlý slovník porejonym, v němž jsou formou přehledných tabulek u každého spoje uvedeny i mimojazykové skutečnosti, jako je kategorie vlaku, jeho číselné označení, výchozí a cílová stanice, trasa a doba provozu. V závěru jsou připojeny užitečné grafy a mapy.
13,40 € 14,10 €

dostupné aj ako:

Základy strojnictví

Kniha přináší základní informace z oblasti zpracování kovů se zaměřením na měření, výrobní technologie, materiály, stroje a přístroje, řízení a regulaci a základy elektrotechniky a informatiky potřebné pro všechny strojírenské obory. Přehledně zpracovaný text vhodně doplňuje množství barevných obrázků, schémat a tabulek. Příručka je určena hlavně studujícím odborných škol, použitelná však bude i techniky, mistry a dalšími pracovníky z praxe.
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31,70 € 33,37 €

Základní kurz svařování MIG/MAG

Učebnice svařování metodou MIG/MAG se souborem testových otázek. Učebnice pro ZK svařování tavící se elektrodou (MIG/MAG svařování)
7,70 € 8,11 €


Odborná spôsobilosť elektrotechnikov a podnikateľov - IV. aktualizované a doplnené vydanie.
12,93 € 13,61 €

Most Delicious Poison : From Spices to Vices - The Story of Natures Toxins

A deadly secret lurks within our kitchens, medicine cabinets and gardens. Scratch beneath the surface of a coffee bean, a red pepper flake or an apple seed, and we find a bevy of strange chemicals. We use these to greet our days (caffeine), titillate our tongues (capsaicin) and even kill our enemies (cyanide). But what is the reason plants and fungi produce such chemicals? And how did we come to use and abuse them? Based on cutting-edge science in the fields of evolution, chemistry, and neuroscience, Most Delicious Poison is the first book to reveal the origins of plant and fungal toxins, the mechanisms animals have evolved to overcome them, and how a co-evolutionary arms race made its way into the human experience. This perpetual chemical war not only drove the diversification of life on Earth, but is also intimately tied to our own successes and failures as a species.
23,70 € 24,95 €

Coming Wave

We are approaching a critical threshold in the history of our species. Everything is about to change. Soon you will live surrounded by AIs. They will organise your life, operate your business, and run core government services. You will live in a world of DNA printers and quantum computers, engineered pathogens and autonomous weapons, robot assistants and abundant energy. None of us are prepared. As co-founder of the pioneering AI company DeepMind, part of Google, Mustafa Suleyman has been at the centre of this revolution. The coming decade, he argues, will be defined by this wave of powerful, fast-proliferating new technologies. In The Coming Wave, Suleyman shows how these forces will create immense prosperity but also threaten the nation-state, the foundation of global order. As our fragile governments sleepwalk into disaster, we face an existential dilemma: unprecedented harms on one side, the threat of overbearing surveillance on the other. Can we forge a narrow path between catastrophe and dystopia? This groundbreaking book from the ultimate AI insider establishes “the containment problem”—the task of maintaining control over powerful technologies—as the essential challenge of our age.
35,63 € 37,50 €

System Error

A forward-thinking manifesto from three Stanford professors which reveals how big tech's obsession with optimization and efficiency has sacrificed fundamental human values and outlines steps we can take to change course, renew our democracy, and save ourselves. In no more than the blink of an eye, a naive optimism about technology's liberating potential has given way to a dystopian obsession with biased algorithms, surveillance capitalism, and job-displacing robots. Yet too few of us see any alternative to accepting the onward march of technology. We have simply accepted a technological future designed for us by technologists, the venture capitalists who fund them, and the politicians who give them free rein. It doesn't need to be this way. System Error exposes the root of our current predicament: how big tech's relentless focus on optimization is driving a future that reinforces discrimination, erodes privacy, displaces workers, and pollutes the information we get. Armed with an understanding of how technologists think and exercise their power, three Stanford professors - a philosopher working at the intersection of tech and ethics, a political scientist who served under Obama, and the director of the undergraduate Computer Science program at Stanford (also an early Google engineer) - reveal how we can hold that power to account. As the dominance of big tech becomes an explosive societal conundrum, they share their provocative insights and concrete solutions to help everyone understand what is happening, what is at stake, and what we can do to control technology instead of letting it control us.
17,58 € 18,50 €

V kategórii literatúry veda, technika a elektrotechnika nájdete knihy pre študentov, odborníkov a aj bežných nadšencov, ktorí sa zaujímajú o tieto témy.

Nájdete tu odbornú literatúru zameranú na technické vedy, vynálezy, inžinierstvo, mechaniku a samozrejme elektrotechniku a elektroniku.

Objavujte pokročilé technológie, výskumy a inovácie v týchto oblastiach.

K najznámejším autorom literatúry z oblasti vedy a techniky patria Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, či Ján Meravý.