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Knihy - Fotografia strana 102 z 133

Full Spectrum

This book on the photographic collection of the Moravian Gallery in Brno contains a cross-section of the best that two generations of curators have succeeded in putting together over the past fifty years. It takes the reader on a tour through the small universe of the collection, with examples of photographs covering nearly the entire history of the medium's existence, and with texts that familiarize the reader with the reasons for and circumstances of its founding. Through more than 500 reproductions, the book captures the history of photography from 1841 to 2005.
60,28 € 63,45 €

La Dolce Vita - 60's Lifestyle in Rome

When Fedrico Fellini first began shooting his film in the Via Veneto, he probably never imagined that he would create a new era in fashion and in world cinema. At the end of the 50s, Rome had become a crossroads, witnessing the transit of international stars, famous singers, actors, emerging stars, starlets, the sex symbol industry, politicians, princes, princesses and billionaires. With these players, Italian nights became the symbol of a "sweet and lazy" way of life, made up of fashion and gossip, paparazzi and tabloid scandal, relationships and forbidden love. From Rome to Portofino, from Capri to Venice, the Italian jet set was the epitome of this phenomenon. A new photographic book tells the story of those Italian years and its unforgettable icons, from Fellini to Anita Ekberg, Ava Gardner, Liz Taylor, Brigitte Bardot and Soraya. Documenting, amongst other things, striptease and elite parties, the book includes 600 rare images rediscovered and selected from Scalarchives in Italy and Europe to accompany the text by Italian journalist Marco Gasparini.
37,91 € 39,90 €


The Mafia is a criminal phenomenon that has inspired historical books, novels and movies, but is here told in a book of images containing a rare selection of over 600 photographs, newspaper pages and prints. The Mafia Worldwide, from Sicily to the United States of America and from South America to the Far East shown through places, personalities, crimes, events, trials, policemen, politicians and magistrates. From Al Capone to Joe Petrosino, from Toto Riina to the Colombian drug trafficking gang and the Hong Kong crime lords. From the turn of the century to the present day, the chronicle, written by Italian journalist Marco Gasparini, supported by a rich collection of images from Scalarchives and partners, will tell the true and ultimate illustrated story of the World Mafia.
37,91 € 39,90 €

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Trees of the World              

Trees of the World presents almost 250 photographs of the world’s most gorgeous trees from Europe, Africa, the Americas and Australia, including the baobab, yucca and dracaena amongst others. The book contains 30 species and genera, useful information on each species, distribution maps and an impressive picture index.
37,91 € 39,90 €

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From South America to Africa, up close with rainforest flora and fauna Junglesis a personal exploration of nature in the tropics by master photographer, storyteller, and naturalist Frans Lanting.In a unique collection of images made over a period of 20 years in jungles from the lowlands of the Congo to the cloud forests of the Andes, Lanting interprets the aesthetic splendor and the remarkable natural history of the tropical rainforest-a realm of bewildering complexity where nothing is the way it first appears. "While the essence of photography is to show, jungles hide, or at best, suggest," Lanting writes. "So I opted to show impressions of jungles to evoke a sense of their kaleidoscopic nature-the glimpses of faces that melt into shadows, the bursts of color and shimmering light." The book features four portfolios of images taken years and continents apart, and stories of field expeditions into tropical wilderness areas. "Water and Light" shows the interplay of these elements with plant and animal life, with a story about life after dark in the jungles ofCentral America."Color and Camouflage" explores the need to hide and the desire to be seen, and details a journey to a remote part of theAmazon Basinto document macaws. "Anarchy and Order" features impressions of growth and movement, and leads to a trek up a mountain inBorneo."Form and Evolution" is an ode to the wonders of natural selection, and culminates in encounters with primates in the forests ofMadagascar and Africa.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Lacná kniha Paris Portrait of a City (-70%)

This is the vivid history of the capital of love and photography. After Berlin, Los Angeles, and New York, here comes the 4th volume in our "Portrait of a City" series: "L'air de Paris". A city built on two millennia of history, Paris is entering the third century of its love story with photography. It was on the banks of the Seine that Niepce and Daguerre officially gave birth to this new art that has flourished ever since, developing a distinctive language and becoming a vital tool of knowledge. "Paris, Portrait of a City" leads us through what Goethe described as 'universal city where every step upon a bridge or a square recalls a great past, where a fragment of history is unrolled at the corner of every street'. This history is recounted in photographs, all the way from Daguerre's incunabula to the most recent images. In fact, Paris can claim to be the only city in the world whose archives house an almost complete record of over a century and a half of transformations. This huge panorama of nearly 600 pages and as many photographs makes Paris, Portrait of a City unique. This book brings together the past and the present, the monumental and the everyday, objects and people. Thanks to images captured by the most illustrious photographers - Daguerre, Marville, Atget, Lartigue, Brassai, Kertesz, Ronis, Doisneau, Cartier-Bresson and many more - but also by many unknown amateurs, these pages show the essential workings of a human drama acted out on the stage of history. These visions attempt to bottle just a little of that 'Parisian air', something of that particular poetry given out by the stones and inhabitants of a constantly changing city that has inspired untold numbers of writers and artists over the ages. Presenting an exciting patchwork of images from past and present, "Paris, Portrait of a City" is a huge and unique photographic study that, in a way, is the true family album of all Parisians. It is to them, and to all lovers of this capital city, that this vibrant, loving and tender testimony is dedicated.
16,49 € 54,95 €

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Lacná kniha Slowakei - nové vydanie (-90%)

Kniha fotografií o krásach Slovenska, kultúrnych a historických pamiatkach je darčekom pre každého, kto si chce uchovať spomienku na nádherné miesta našej krajiny. Zábery mladej slovenskej fotografky Alexandry Nowack prinášajú neobvyklé uhly pohľadu na dobre známe miesta, sústredia sa na detaily, ktoré často povedia viac ako veľké panoramatické fotografie. Sprievodný text v anglickom a nemeckom jazyku obsahuje prekvapivé množstvo informácií o jednotlivých mestách Slovenska, o ich dejinách i súčasnosti. Autorka fotografií Alexandra Nowack sa narodila v Nitre v roku 1973, študovala fotografiu postupne v Austrálii, na Slovensku a v Nemecku.
0,99 € 9,92 €

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Lacná kniha The Arabian Horse (-90%)

I am completely enraptured by the unique fascination of Arabian horse. They were responsible for that special moment which inspired me to becomean equestrian photographer so many years ago and I am still completely captivated today.
4,99 € 49,90 €

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Lacná kniha Jungles

From South America to Africa, up close with rainforest flora and fauna Junglesis a personal exploration of nature in the tropics by master photographer, storyteller, and naturalist Frans Lanting.In a unique collection of images made over a period of 20 years in jungles from the lowlands of the Congo to the cloud forests of the Andes, Lanting interprets the aesthetic splendor and the remarkable natural history of the tropical rainforest-a realm of bewildering complexity where nothing is the way it first appears. "While the essence of photography is to show, jungles hide, or at best, suggest," Lanting writes. "So I opted to show impressions of jungles to evoke a sense of their kaleidoscopic nature-the glimpses of faces that melt into shadows, the bursts of color and shimmering light." The book features four portfolios of images taken years and continents apart, and stories of field expeditions into tropical wilderness areas. "Water and Light" shows the interplay of these elements with plant and animal life, with a story about life after dark in the jungles ofCentral America."Color and Camouflage" explores the need to hide and the desire to be seen, and details a journey to a remote part of theAmazon Basinto document macaws. "Anarchy and Order" features impressions of growth and movement, and leads to a trek up a mountain inBorneo."Form and Evolution" is an ode to the wonders of natural selection, and culminates in encounters with primates in the forests ofMadagascar and Africa.
0,83 € 16,50 €

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Lacná kniha Paris Portrait of a City

This is the vivid history of the capital of love and photography. After Berlin, Los Angeles, and New York, here comes the 4th volume in our "Portrait of a City" series: "L'air de Paris". A city built on two millennia of history, Paris is entering the third century of its love story with photography. It was on the banks of the Seine that Niepce and Daguerre officially gave birth to this new art that has flourished ever since, developing a distinctive language and becoming a vital tool of knowledge. "Paris, Portrait of a City" leads us through what Goethe described as 'universal city where every step upon a bridge or a square recalls a great past, where a fragment of history is unrolled at the corner of every street'. This history is recounted in photographs, all the way from Daguerre's incunabula to the most recent images. In fact, Paris can claim to be the only city in the world whose archives house an almost complete record of over a century and a half of transformations. This huge panorama of nearly 600 pages and as many photographs makes Paris, Portrait of a City unique. This book brings together the past and the present, the monumental and the everyday, objects and people. Thanks to images captured by the most illustrious photographers - Daguerre, Marville, Atget, Lartigue, Brassai, Kertesz, Ronis, Doisneau, Cartier-Bresson and many more - but also by many unknown amateurs, these pages show the essential workings of a human drama acted out on the stage of history. These visions attempt to bottle just a little of that 'Parisian air', something of that particular poetry given out by the stones and inhabitants of a constantly changing city that has inspired untold numbers of writers and artists over the ages. Presenting an exciting patchwork of images from past and present, "Paris, Portrait of a City" is a huge and unique photographic study that, in a way, is the true family album of all Parisians. It is to them, and to all lovers of this capital city, that this vibrant, loving and tender testimony is dedicated.
2,75 € 54,95 €

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Lacná kniha La Dolce Vita - 60's Lifestyle in Rome

When Fedrico Fellini first began shooting his film in the Via Veneto, he probably never imagined that he would create a new era in fashion and in world cinema. At the end of the 50s, Rome had become a crossroads, witnessing the transit of international stars, famous singers, actors, emerging stars, starlets, the sex symbol industry, politicians, princes, princesses and billionaires. With these players, Italian nights became the symbol of a "sweet and lazy" way of life, made up of fashion and gossip, paparazzi and tabloid scandal, relationships and forbidden love. From Rome to Portofino, from Capri to Venice, the Italian jet set was the epitome of this phenomenon. A new photographic book tells the story of those Italian years and its unforgettable icons, from Fellini to Anita Ekberg, Ava Gardner, Liz Taylor, Brigitte Bardot and Soraya. Documenting, amongst other things, striptease and elite parties, the book includes 600 rare images rediscovered and selected from Scalarchives in Italy and Europe to accompany the text by Italian journalist Marco Gasparini.
2,00 € 39,90 €

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Lacná kniha Mafia               

The Mafia is a criminal phenomenon that has inspired historical books, novels and movies, but is here told in a book of images containing a rare selection of over 600 photographs, newspaper pages and prints. The Mafia Worldwide, from Sicily to the United States of America and from South America to the Far East shown through places, personalities, crimes, events, trials, policemen, politicians and magistrates. From Al Capone to Joe Petrosino, from Toto Riina to the Colombian drug trafficking gang and the Hong Kong crime lords. From the turn of the century to the present day, the chronicle, written by Italian journalist Marco Gasparini, supported by a rich collection of images from Scalarchives and partners, will tell the true and ultimate illustrated story of the World Mafia.
2,00 € 39,90 €

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The India Album

Featuring rare and unpublished images of India, Sri Lanka and the subcontinent, this book remembers significant moments in Indian history, from the Mutiny through to Sachin Tendulkar's record-breaking innings in 2010.
47,41 € 49,90 €

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Vladimír Jindřich Bufka

Vladimír Jindřich Bufka (1887-1916) je neprávem opomíjeným českým fotografem. Byl všestranně nadaným tvůrcem a chemikem. Svého času konkuroval Františku Drtikolovi. Jeho ateliér v pražské Lucerně byl zároveň významným uměleckým salonem. Českou fotografii ovlivňoval od svých 21 let, kdy začal publikovat své fotografie i texty. V jeho vlastním díle se prolíná secesní symbolismus s "naturalismem" momentní fotografie a impresionismem. Mistrně zvládl novou techniku tříbarevného gumotisku, která byla tehdy považována za zvláště vhodnou pro uměleckou fotografii. Technické mistrovství ho vedlo k obtížným motivům (např. noční snímky). S první široce využitelnou technikou barevné fotografie, autochromem, se seznámil přímo u jeho vynálezců, bratří Lumierů v Lyonu. Zemřel ve věku 29 let na leukemii. Autorem monografie je historik fotografie Antonín Dufek.
14,87 € 15,65 €

Jedna skupina předmětu/ One Family of Objects

Kniha dohledává, na základě autobiografického textu a fotografické přílohy, vztah autora k průmyslovým strojům ze Škody Klatovy; z továrny, kde se vyučil, a kde jeho rodiče pracovali několik desítek let. Po jejím definitivním zániku v roce 2005, bylo její vnitřní vybavení rozprodáno. Jak svým zaměstnancům, tak novým subjektům. Drobným řemeslníkům či velkým výrobním komplexům v Indii a Mexiku. To se týkalo i rodičů Jiřího Skály, kteří si samy koupili soustruh, na němž pracovali přes dvacet let. Jejich rozhodnutí vedlo autora k jinému: nalézt většinu strojů, které si pamatoval z dospívání a požádat jejich vlastníky o jejich fotografie, z jejich nového prostředí. Samotný text popisuje hledání strojů, setkání s jejich vlastníky a vztah Jiřího Skály k rodičům, který byl formován v prostředí velkých železných kolosů - s jejich specifickou estetikou zeleného a modrého nátěru, všudypřítomného oleje či štiplavé vůně drobných částeček ocelového prach.
11,16 € 11,75 €

Taxi Driver

This title features previously unseen photographs from one of cinema's greatest movies. Excoriated by large sections of the press on its release in 1976, "Time" magazine bemoaned its 'thoroughly depressing realism', "Taxi Driver" which has long been regarded as a cinematic milestone, and Robert DeNiro's portrait of a near-psychotic loner gunman acknowledged as one of the greatest performances ever filmed. Even "Time" has since come around, and now includes the film in its list of 100 Greatest Movies, saying: 'The power of Scorsese's filmmaking grows ever more punishing with the passage of time.' Steve Schapiro was the special photographer on the set of "Taxi Driver", the movie that made Robert DeNiro a star: and 95 per cent of his photos were never published - until now. This edition is limited to 1000 copies, numbered and signed by Steve Schapiro, and includes a foreword by Martin Scorsese. According to unit photographer Steve Schapiro, Robert DeNiro didn't like to be photographed, but put up with it. 'DeNiro is easy on screen, but off screen he is shy and embarrassed when photographed and always had a goofy smile.' Nonetheless, Schapiro's photography immortalized the young actor in one of his finest and most powerful roles. This book features hundreds of images selected from Schapiro's "Taxi Driver" archive, 95 per cent of which have never previously been published. This title includes a foreword by Martin Scorsese! It is also available in two Art Editions of 100 copies each, with a signed and numbered original photographic print.
1 425,00 € 1 500,00 €

World through My Eyes

A broad monograph devoted to one of the preeminent names in contemporary Japanese photography. Moriyama's photography is provocative, both for the form it takes (Moriyama's photographs may be dirty, blurry, overexposed or scratched) and for its content. The viewer's experience of the photo--whether it captures a place, a person, a situation or an atmosphere--is the central thrust in his work, which vividly and directly conveys the artist's emotions. The approximately 200 black-and-white images s ketch out an original perspective on Japanese society, especially during the period from the 1950s to the '70s. During this time, he produced a collection of photographs -- Nippon gekijo shashincho -- which showed darker sides of urban life and relatively unknown parts of cities. In them, he attempted to show what was being left behind during the technological advances and increased industrialization in much of Japanese society. His work was often stark and contrasting within itself--one image c ould convey an array of senses; all without using color. His work was jarring, yet symbiotic to his own fervent lifestyle. In addition, the artist has included a number of photos shot in the past decade to complete this volume.
57,00 € 60,00 €

Ansel Adams in the National Parks - Photographs from Americas Wild Places

For many people images of the major national parks in th US exist in the mind's eye as Ansel Adams photographs. A dedicated environmentalist as well as renowned artist, he was one of the 20th century's most ardent champions of the parks system. Through his photos, essays and letter-writing campaigns, he helped create new parks and better protect existing ones. He worked in more than 40 national parks over 50 years - including Shenandoah, the Great Smoky Mountains and Acadia in the East - and his work in the California High Sierra resulted in some of the most indelible images of the natural world ever made with a camera. 50 of the images in this volume have not been published in any authorized Ansel Adams book previously; many more are rarely seen. A substantial essay by photographic critic and historian Richard B. Woodward lays out Adams' significant role tracing the history of American conservation. The selection of photographs was made by Andrea G. Stillman, Adams' assistant late in life and a foremost expert on his work. A group of thumbnail images with brief narratives, enlivened by quotations from Adams, appears at the back of the book.
33,20 € 34,95 €

You Should Have Been with Me

In this photographic scrapbook, fashion photographer Stan Shaffer share his extraordinary life at the nexus of art, fashion and cinema. On this incredible journey we traipse through the hottest NYC parties where everyone is somebody and they're all dressed to kill! Over his career as icon maker, Shaffer has hung out with everyone from Andy Warhol to Jerry Hall, Carla Bruni to Uma Thurman. With his fine-tuned intuition, this trendsetting photographer reveals the real person beyond these public facades. Sometimes sexy, often quirky, these images are always joyful and original.
75,95 € 79,95 €

Toto je priestor, kde sa stretáva umenie s technológiou, a výsledkom sú zaujímavé, výrazné a často aj dojímavé obrazy. Fotografia je médiom, ktoré umožňuje zachytiť okamihy, emócie, krásu a príbehy pomocou objektívu.

V tejto kategórii nájdete rozmanité oblasti fotografie, od portrétov a krajín cez dokumentárne fotografovanie až po umenie experimentovať s rôznymi technikami a efektmi. Tu sa dozviete o technických aspektoch, ako je použitie svetla, kompozícia a aké sú základné nástroje fotografa.

Fotografia nie je iba o zachytení obrazu, ale aj o vyjadrení tvorivosti a vlastného pohľadu na svet. V tejto kategórii sa budeme venovať aj umeniu spracovania fotografií, rôznym štýlom a postupom, ktoré umožňujú vytvoriť jedinečné vizuálne zážitky.

Či ste profesionálny fotograf, nadšenec alebo začiatočník, táto kategória vám ponúka možnosť hlbšie sa ponoriť do sveta fotografie. Budete mať príležitosť objaviť nové perspektívy, techniky a inšpirácie, ktoré vám pomôžu rozvíjať vašu fotografickú zručnosť.