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Knihy - Hudba - noty, spevníky, príručky strana 128 z 133

Lacná kniha Béla Bartók

Béla Bartók – je jedním z nejvýznamnějších hudebních skladatelů 20. století. Světovou proslulost získal nejen jako skladatel, ale zároveň jako výborný klavírista a uznávaný hudební vědec. V českém prostředí však nepatří jeho dílo mezi nejlépe zpracované a lze říci, že je až neprávem opomíjeno. Monografie Miloše Navrátila si klade za cíl seznámit čtenáře se životem tohoto maďarského skladatele, ale jejím hlavním posláním je ukázat na konkrétních ukázkách jeho dílo a zvětšit informovanosto tomto významném hudebníkovi mezi naší odbornou i laickou veřejností.
0,47 € 9,35 €

dostupné aj ako:

Lacná kniha Zpíváme a nasloucháme hudbě s nejmenšími

Autorky knížky zvou děti i dospělé na malou výpravu do světa hudby. První kroky vedou k dětské písničce. (Tu se lze naučit zpívat podle přiloženého CD.) U každé písničky jsou uvedena doporučení k jejímu nácviku a náměty, jak s ní dál pracovat při pohybovém či výtvarném ztvárnění. Získané zkušenosti může dítě využít při poslechu drobných skladbiček nahraných na přiloženém CD. Dospělí (rodiče či pedagogové) spolu s dětmi postupně objeví, že k nim hudba promlouvá, aniž musí používat slova, jako tomu bylo u písniček. Přesvědčí se, že beze slov lze zpívat a tančit, vyprávět příběhy, bez štětců a barev malovat obrazy i různé nálady. Kniha je určena dětem od 3 do 8 let, rodičům, pedagogům MŠ a na 1. stupni ZŠ.
0,83 € 16,51 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Rejects

Imagine you've made it. You and your friends have hit the big time in music and you're going to be a star. But then, quite suddenly, it's over. Your best friends don't want you anymore, and you're on the outside. Perhaps they're tired of your bad habits, they think you're not good enough, or they sense you just don't want it as much as they do. Whatever the cause, you're a reject. So, what do you do next? Featuring a player rejected by both Nirvana and Soundgarden who became a decorated special forces soldier, Britpoppers who spiralled into addiction before becoming novelists and missionaries, the terrifying story of Guns N' Roses' first drummer, super-rejecting band leaders, self-destroying rappers, troubled hard rock bassists and girl-band burnouts, The Rejects takes an intimate, thoughtful look at people who've been kicked out of bands, what they experienced and what came afterwards. Coming from a writer with twenty years' music industry experience, The Rejects is a sympathetic study of some of music's most fascinating characters, and what happens when the dream comes crashing to an end. The result is a compelling alternative history of popular music.
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31,30 € 32,95 €

Folk Music

Across seven decades, Bob Dylan has been the first singer of American song. As a writer and performer, he has rewritten the national songbook in a way that comes from his own vision and yet can feel as if it belongs to anyone who might listen. In Folk Music, Greil Marcus tells Dylan’s story through seven of his most transformative songs. Marcus’s point of departure is Dylan’s ability to “see myself in others.” Like Dylan’s songs, this book is a work of implicit patriotism and creative skepticism. It illuminates Dylan’s continuing presence and relevance through his empathy - his imaginative identification with other people. This is not only a deeply felt telling of the life and times of Bob Dylan but a rich history of American folk songs and the new life they were given as Dylan sat down to write his own.
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16,10 € 16,95 €

Come My Fanatics : A Journey into the World of Electric Wizard

In 1993, in the market town of Wimborne Minster in Dorset, England, the heaviest band in the world was born. Led by guitarist and singer Jus Oborn, Electric Wizard began as an untameable power trio. They inhaled the iniquity of their lives and vomited it out in colossal waves of doom metal, synthesising the forbidding local landscape, biker culture, video-nasties, black magic rituals and titanic doses of psychedelics. In 1997 they released their revolutionary second album, Come My Fanatics... Then, after triumphant and calamitous tours of the USA and following the release of arguably the heaviest rock album ever recorded, 2000's Dopethrone, Electric Wizard all but imploded, destroyed by the very reality they were fighting against. However, when guitarist Liz Buckingham joined Oborn on guitar for We Live, they drew a magic circle around themselves in a new line-up that went on to explore deeper occult horrors on modern doom classic Witchcult Today onwards. Come My Fanatics is a kaleidoscopic exploration of the subculture the band has absorbed and, in turn, created. From seventies exploitation cinema, through the writers of Weird Tales magazine and a panoply of the marginal and downright sinister, to the band's own live ceremonial happenings - this is Electric Wizard's world. We're just dying in it.
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34,15 € 35,95 €

Wading in Waist-High Water

Since the release of their breakout debut in 2008, Fleet Foxes and their frontman, singer-songwriter Robin Pecknold, have enjoyed international critical and commercial acclaim. Drawing comparisons to Simon & Garfunkel; Crosby, Stills & Nash; and the music of Brian Wilson, Grammy-nominated Fleet Foxes have reshaped the American indie-folk sound, crafting songs that are acoustically and melodically driven, steeped in gospel-like harmonies, and propelled by resonant and timeless lyrics. Wading in Waist-High Water: The Lyrics of Fleet Foxes contains Robin Pecknold's complete lyrics from 56 songs, capturing the poetic and inventive storytelling that is a hallmark of the band's music. These richly layered lyrics explore the complexity, darkness, and beauty of physical and emotional landscapes, both pastoral and modern. Alongside the lyrics, Pecknold includes hand-written notes and candid observations on creative processes, inspirations, and motivations. With an introduction by celebrated author Brandon Taylor, Wading in Waist-High Water: The Lyrics of Fleet Foxes is a moving and intimate look at the art of songwriting, the joy of music-making, and what it means to produce meaningful and memorable sound.
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20,85 € 21,95 €

Formovanie hudobnej skladby

Formovanie hudobnej skladby
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18,81 € 19,80 €

S Italem v kuchyni 8

0,94 € 0,99 €

S Italem v kuchyni 15

0,94 € 0,99 €

S Italem v kuchyni 16

0,94 € 0,99 €

S Italem v kuchyni 18

0,94 € 0,99 €

S Italem v kuchyni 9

0,94 € 0,99 €

S Italem v kuchyni 7

0,94 € 0,99 €

S Italem v kuchyni 11

0,94 € 0,99 €

Toto je miesto, kde sa stretávajú hudobníci a hudobní milovníci, aby našli inšpiráciu, vzdelávacie materiály, či notové záznamy, ktoré ich povedú ich hudobnou cestou.

V tejto kategórii nájdete rozmanité zdroje hudobného bohatstva. Noty vám poskytnú možnosť naučiť sa hrať rôzne hudobné skladby, od klasických až po súčasné hity. Spevníky vám umožnia spievať vaše obľúbené piesne, či už sami alebo v skupine. Hudobné príručky vám poskytnú užitočné rady pre hranie na hudobné nástroje, komponovanie, skladanie a ďalšie hudobné aktivity.

Nezáleží na tom, či ste začiatočník alebo pokročilý hudobník, tu nájdete zdroje, ktoré vás podporia na vašej hudobnej ceste. Od notových záznamov pre klavír, gitaru, husle a ďalšie nástroje až po spevníky s textami piesní z rôznych žánrov a ér. Táto kategória je základom pre všetkých, ktorí sa chcú ponoriť do sveta hudby, tvorby a prenosu emócií prostredníctvom tónov a melódií. Objavujte hudobný svet v jeho rôznorodosti a kráse.