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Architecture Now!

Der Erfolgsband Architecture Now aus dem Taschen Verlag hat Nachwuchs bekommen: Architecture Now 2 ist da und dem ersten Band in Gewicht, Ausstattung und in seiner architektonischen Bandbreite absolut ebenbürtig. Sogar das Motto ist immer noch gleich geblieben: "Zurück in die Zukunft" heißt es im Umschlag beider schwer gewichtigen Bände, die sich laut eigenen Worten auf "Die Suche nach einer neuen Architektur" begeben. Auf den fast 600 dreisprachigen und reichlich mit Farbbildern ausgestatteten Seiten tauchen auch alte Bekannte aus Band eins wieder auf, beispielsweise Santiago Calatrava, Asymptote, Bernard Tschumi, Frank O. Gehry und Tadao Ando. Die vorgestellten Bauwerke aus allen Teilen der Welt sind allerdings nicht bekannt aus dem ersten Band, sondern brandneue, innovative und zum Teil noch gar nicht vollendete Architekturprojekte. Der Fokus bei der Auswahl liegt diesmal allerdings noch mehr auf der Zukunft und dem Experimentellen: Computergestütztes Design und auch nur komplett virtuell existierende Architektur kommen ebenso zum Zug wie funktionelles Bauen. Der Herausgeber Philip Jodidio legt im Vorwort Wert darauf, dass auch ökologische, kostengünstige und an die Gegebenheiten angepasste Bauweisen vorgestellt werden und auch die Sanierung bestehender Gebäude thematisiert wird, da wir es in Zukunft massiv mit der Entscheidung abreißen oder sinnvoll sanieren zu tun haben werden. Für Jodidio ist und bleibt jedoch die Frage nach der Flexibilität eines Bauwerkes die alles entscheidende Frage in der Zukunft der Architektur: "Flexibilität und auch die Fähigkeit, sich funktionalen Notwendigkeiten und der Entwicklung der Zeit anzupassen, machen den grundlegenden Erfolg neuer Architektur aus." Genau nach diesen Maßstäben sind die hier vorgestellten Projekte ausgewählt: von biologisch anmutender Gestaltung öffentlicher Gebäude bis hin zu minimalistischen Wohnhäusern ist alles dabei, was es an innovativer zeitgenössischer Architektur auf dem Globus gibt. Ein Muss also für jeden an Architektur Interessierten, ob Professional oder Laie, da es wohl in dieser Vollständigkeit kaum ein anderes Buch gibt. Und wer Band eins noch nicht kennt und nun noch ein paar Bilder sehen möchte, kann hier auch gleich einen Blick ins Buch werfen. --Gabi Bauer
11,00 € 11,58 €

1000 Chairs

More than any other piece of furniture, the chair has been subjected to the wildest dreams of the designers. The particular curve of a back-rest, or the twist of a leg, the angle of a seat or the colour of the entire artefact all reflect the stylistic consciousness of each era. From Gerrit Rietveld and Alvar Aalto via Verner Panton to Eva Zeisel&894 from Art Nouveau to International Style, from Pop Art to Postmodernism, the phenomenon of the chair is so complex that it requires a reference work as comprehensive as this to do it full justice. They are all here: Thonet's bentwood chairs and Hoffmann's sitting-machines, Marcel Breuer's Wassily chair and Ron Arad's avant garde armchairs.
10,97 € 11,55 €


Maliarske, sochárske, grafické i keramické dielo vynieslo Pabla Picassa na vrchol svetového umenia a pridelilo mu prívlastok ""génius storočia"". Má to samozrejme svoje oprávnenie. Dosiahol by to však keby nebol Picassom? Nato, aby bol uznávaný ako génius nestačí iba revolučné a všetky tradície búrajúce dielo. K tomu musí prispieť charizmatické vyžarovanie, ktoré kritikov i obdivovateľov očarúva a fascinuje - a toto všetko mal Picasso v bohatej miere. Hovorí o tom aj táto kniha z edície Taschen, ktorá opisuje život a tvorbu jedinečného človeka a umelca. "
4,70 € 4,95 €

Jasper Johns - Art

Though his work is often categorized as Pop Art for its use of popular iconography and household objects, Jasper Johns can also be described as a Neo-Dadaist. Using wax-based paint, plaster relief, collage, and even commonplace objects such as brooms and rulers in his paintings, Johns achieves a sculptural texture in his work. He is arguably most known for his flag paintings of the 1950s (the Museum of Modern Art in New York recently paid over $20 million for White Flag), though other themes, in cluding targets, numbers, letters, and maps, are also famously recurrent. Johns is widely considered one of the most important American artists of the 20th century.
9,42 € 9,92 €


Philippe Starck wants to bring love and happiness into your life by designing objects, environments, and appliances that will brighten your days. He spent his childhood under his father's drawing boards, sawing, cutting, gluing, and sanding, dismantling bikes, motorcycles and other objects. Several years and several prototypes later, he has changed life at the French presidential palace, the Italians have asked him to renew the notion of furniture, and he has turned the Royalton and Paramount in New York into the first classics of the new hotel world. Starck's overwhelming international success and cult-star status are proof that people everywhere are receptive to his kindhearted philosophy and distinctive aesthetic sensibility. The democratic design projects that he has undertaken with Target (USA) and j/ii (Japan), as well as the TASCHEN bookshops in Paris and Los Angeles and the Bon restaurant chain, are among the projects included in this volume that traces the entire career of today's foremost design superhero.
10,97 € 11,55 €

Art now vol. 3

This book offers a cutting-edge selection of the artists that matter the most.It tracks the trends of art in the world today, bringing you illustrations and information about all the most important artists.Want a head start on the things you'll be seeing in art institutions a decade down the road? It's all in here, the very latest of the very best - and so fresh you can feel its pulse. A to Z magazine-style entries include short biographies, exhibition history and bibliographical information, and images of important recent work. The illustrated appendix features names and contact information for the galleries representing the artists featured as well as primary market prices and examples of auction results. Think of this tome as a global go-round of the world's most influential galleries: a truly invaluable, invigorating, and intense experience.
31,50 € 33,16 €

Barcelona shops and more

10,97 € 11,55 €

Small Houses

A Small House is a tribute to the endless artistic inventiveness of architects and ingenuity of perception of the familiar and known concepts. It is also a conscious pivot towards sustainability and reduction of impact on the environment as well as a daring attitude of change in lifestyle. As humanity faces inevitable pressures such as climate change, an increase in population, and strain on resources, these solutions are helping shape what the world may look like in the future.Whether in the dense urban areas of Tokyo, the wilderness of Australia, the woods of Canada, or a rooftop in Ecuador, this is the world of Small Houses. The one common point they share, is that they all have an area of no more than 100 square meters. Spanning 25 countries such as Brazil, Hungary, South Korea, Netherlands, USA, Japan, and Australia, described here there are houses designed by 57 architects, including Takeshi Hosaka's Love2 House, Aranza de Arino's Casa Tiny, and the work of Jakub Szczesny, Charles Pictet, Lada Hršak, BIG, and Fran Silvestre, among others. This is a journey not only through recent evolutions in architectural design and creativity, but it is also a step toward a more sustainable world.
62,65 € 65,95 €