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How to Eat

How to Eat is part of a charming series of books from Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh, exploring the essential foundations of mindful meditation and practise. How to Eat explains what it means to eat as a meditative practice and that the results of mindful eating are both global and personal. Eating a meal can help develop compassion and understanding, reminding practitioners that there are things they can do to help nourish people who are hungry and lonely. It can however also encourages moderation and will aid readers to achieve an optimum health and body weight.
7,55 € 7,95 €

How to Love

How to Love is part of a charming series of books from Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh, exploring the essential foundations of mindful meditation and practise. How to Love shows that when we feel closer to our loved ones, we are also more connected to the world as a whole. Nhat Hanh brings his signature clarity, compassion and humour to the thorny question of how to love and distils one of our strongest emotions down to four essentials: you can only love another when you feel true love for yourself; love is understanding; understanding brings compassion; and deep listening and loving speech are key ways of showing our love.
7,55 € 7,95 €

How to Relax

How to Relax is part of a new series of books from Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh, exploring the essential foundations of mindful meditation and practise. This book guides us in achieving deep relaxation, controlling stress, and renewing mental clarity. With sections on healing, relief from non-stop thinking, transforming unpleasant sounds, solitude, and more, How to Relax will help you achieve the benefits of relaxation no matter where you are.
7,55 € 7,95 €

How to Sit

How to Sit is part of a charming series of books from Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh, exploring the essential foundations of mindful meditation and practise. How to Sit provides explicit, simple directions on the mechanics of posture and breathing, along with instructions for how best to achieve an awakened, relaxed state of clarity to cultivate concentration and compassion.
7,55 € 7,95 €

How to Walk

How to Walk is part of a new series of books from Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh, exploring the essential foundations of mindful meditation and practise. Pocket-sized and beautifully illustrated, How to Walk explains how mindful walking can be a technique for diminishing depression, recapturing wonder, and expressing gratitude. Here we explore the benefits of walking meditation, along with meditative poems to recite silently while walking. This is a unique book perfect for those brand new to mindfulness as well as those looking to deepen their spiritual practise.
7,55 € 7,95 €

The Art of Living

Master the art of living from one of the world's most revered spiritual leaders.Thich Nhat Hanh, the world's most renowned Zen master, turns his mindful attention to the most important subject of all - the art of living. The bestselling author of The Miracle of Mindfulness presents, for the first time, seven transformative meditations that open up new perspectives on our lives, our relationships and our interconnectedness with the world around us. He reveals an art of living in mindfulness that helps us answer life's deepest questions, experience the happiness and freedom we desire and face ageing and dying with curiosity and joy instead of fear.Stimulating and inspiring, this book teaches us the importance of looking inside ourselves and developing compassion, before we can turn to our relationships at home and in the wider world. Full of remarkable stories from Thich Nhat Hanh's own experiences and mindful practices for engaging with life, this will be a book that will help us generate happiness, understanding and love so we can live deeply in each moment of our life, right where we are.
15,68 € 16,50 €

The Pocket Thich Nhat Hanh

A treasury of writings and teachings from the beloved Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh. Since Thich Nhat Hanh's exile from his native Vietnam in 1966, this Zen Buddhist monk has gone on to become one of the most influential and beloved spiritual masters of our age. The seeming simplicity of his words belies the power of this teaching to touch the heart and mind and to inspire spiritual practice. These selections, taken from his many published works, together make up a concise introduction to all his major themes and distill his teachings on the transformation of individuals, relationships, and society. This book is part of the Shambhala Pocket Library series. The Shambhala Pocket Library is a collection of short, portable teachings from notable figures across religious traditions and classic texts. The covers in this series are rendered by Colorado artist Robert Spellman. The books in this collection distill the wisdom and heart of the work Shambhala Publications has published over 50 years into a compact format that is collectible, reader-friendly, and applicable to everyday life.
12,30 € 12,95 €

How to Fight

Thich Nhat Hanh is the subject of the major documentary Walk With Me narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch 'Thich Nhat Hanh is a holy man...a scholar of immense intellectual capacity' Martin Luther King Learn how to bring love and compassion into an angry situation. Many of us don't know how to handle strong emotions and our distorted perceptions can make us feel angry or filled with despair. Here, 'the father of mindfulness' teaches us to look deeply at the root of our anger. To see clearly, we must calm down. He shows us how, when insight is born, we will be free. How To Fight is a pocket-sized guide to life by one of the best known Zen masters in the world, who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
6,18 € 6,50 €

Anger - Buddhist Wisdom for Cooling the Flames

Thich Nhat Hanh is the subject of the upcoming major documentary Walk With Me narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch 'Thich Nhat Hanh is a holy man, for he is humble and devout. He is a scholar of immense intellectual capacity. His ideas for peace, if applied, would build a monument to ecumenism, to world brotherhood, to humanity' Martin Luther King, Jr, in Nobel Peace Prize nomination It was under the bodhi tree in India 2500 years ago that Buddha achieved the insight that three states of mind were the source of all our unhappiness: ignorance, obsessive desire and anger. All are equally difficult to control but, in one instant of anger, lives can be ruined, and our spiritual development can be destroyed. Twenty-five centuries after the Buddha's insight, medical science tells us that the Buddha was right: anger can also ruin our health. It is one of the most powerful emotions and one of the most difficult to change. Thich Nhat Hanh offers a fresh perspective on taking care of our anger as we would take care of a baby crying - picking it up, talking quietly to it, probing for what is making the baby cry. Laced with stories and techniques, Anger offers a wise and loving look at transforming this difficult emotion into peace and for bringing harmony and healing to all the areas and relationships in our lives that have been affected by anger.
15,68 € 16,50 €

How to See

How to See is about our misperceptions, how we can gain insight and how mindfulness practices can help us see our real selves. Thich Nhat Hanh brings his signature clarity, compassion and humour in showing us how to achieve an awakened, more relaxed state of self-awareness so we cn understand ourselves and the world around us. This is a perfect pocket-sized guide to life by the most renowned Zen master in the world, who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
6,18 € 6,50 €

Vědomě jíst, vědomě žít

PŘESTAŇTE BOJOVAT SE SVOU VÁHOU. VAŠE CESTA ZAČÍNÁ ZDE. Těm, kdo chtějí skoncovat s přejídáním a dosáhnout zdravé váhy, nabízí Lilian Cheungová, výživová specialistka z Harvardské školy veřejného zdraví, a Thich Nhat Hanh, světově uznávaný učitel buddhismu, cenné rady, jak skloubit buddhistické techniky vědomé pozornosti se zdravým životním stylem.
17,34 € 18,25 €

O lásce

Tato knížka, psaná čistým, povzbuzujícím jazykem, obsahuje vhledy, které se dají aplikovat do vztahů partnerských, rodinných, pracovních i přátelských. Přivádí čtenáře k prohlubování vděku ohledně jejich vztahů a učí tvořivému zacházení s překážkami. Seznamuje se čtyřmi složkami skutečné lásky – milující laskavostí, soucítěním, radostí a vyrovnaností – a vybízí k jejich kultivaci.
11,05 € 11,63 €

Cesta k plnému vědomí a uvedení do metody meditace v chůzi

Komentáře, meditace, osobní vzpomínky a příběhy, které autor načerpal ze zkušeností mírového aktivisty, učitele a vedoucího komunity. Nhat Hanh praktikuje cvičení, která mají zaměřit naši pozornost k našemu tělu i duši cestou vědomého dýchání. Předmluvou knihu opatřila Jeho svatost dalajláma XIV.
5,71 € 6,01 €

Živý Buddha, živý Kristus

"Jste-li vskutku šťastnými křesťany, jste zároveň buddhisty. A obráceně." Buddha a Kristus, patrně dvě nejvýznamnější postavy v dějinách lidstva. Každý z nich po sobě zanechal bohaté dědictví v podobě učení a praktik, které formovaly životy milionů lidí po dvě tisíciletí. Kdyby se dnes potkali na cestě, jak by asi smýšleli o způsobu duchovního zření a praktického učení toho druhého? Thich Nhat Hanh je vietnamský buddhistický mnich, zenový mistr, básník, mírový aktivista a jeden z nejoblíbenějších buddhistických učitelů na Západě. Po celá desetiletí se podílí na dialogu mezi křesťanstvím a buddhismem. Říká: "Když se dívám na vyobrazení Buddhy a Ježíše na oltáři v mé svatyni, vnímám je oba jako své duchovní předky."
5,36 € 5,64 €

Umění žít

V těžké době je pro nás velmi potřebné, abychom dobře porozuměli sami sobě i světu. Máme hodně otázek, které nás vědomě či nevědomě trápí ve dne v noci. V této knize nám zenový mistr Thich Nhat Hanh, jeden z nejváženějších duchovních vůdců v dnešním světě, odhaluje umění žít v bdělé pozornosti, která nám pomáhá odpovídat na nejhlubší životní otázky a zažívat štěstí a svobodu, po kterých toužíme.
13,35 € 14,05 €

How to Connect

'The monk who taught the world mindfulness' Time One breath, one step is all we need to feel at home and comfortable in the here and now In this enlightening series world-renowned spiritual leader Thich Nhat Hanh shares the essential foundations of mindful practise and mediation. From unlocking the connection to our inner self, forging deeper and more meaningful bonds with those around us to discovering a true sense of oneness with our natural world, this is the essential guide to help you master the art of connection.
6,18 € 6,50 €