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Ernest Hemingway strana 4 z 8


The First Forty-Nine Stories

From Ernest Hemingway's Preface: 'There are many kinds of stories in this book. I hope you will find some that you like - In going where you have to go, and doing what you have to do, and seeing what you have to see, you dull and blunt the instrument you write with. But I would rather have it bent and dulled and know I had to put it on the grindstone and hammer it into shape and put a whetstone to it, and know that I had something to write about, than to have it bright and shining, and nothing to say, or smooth and well-oiled in the closet, but unused.' This is a collection of Hemingway's first forty-nine short stories, featuring a brief introduction by the author and lesser known as well as familiar tales, including "Up in Michigan", "Fifty Grand", and "The Light of the World", and the "Snows of Kilimanjaro", "Winner Take Nothing" and "Men Without Women" collections.
10,93 € 11,50 €

The Essential Hemingway

The Essential Hemingway is the perfect introduction to the astonishing, wide-ranging body of work by the Nobel Prize-winning author. This impressive collection includes: the full text of Fiesta, Hemingway's first major novel; long extracts from three of his greatest works of fiction, A Farewell to Arms, To Have and Have Not and For Whom the Bell Tolls; twenty-five complete short stories; and the breathtaking Epilogue to Death in the Afternoon. 'He is one of those who, honestly and undauntedly, reproduces the genuine features of the hard countenance of the age' Nobel Prize Citation.
6,18 € 6,50 €

Snows of Kilimangaro

In these Hemingway stories, which are partly autobiographical, men and women of passion live, fight, love and die in scenes of dramatic intensity. They range from hauntingly tragedy on the snow-capped peak of Kilimanjaro, to brutal America with its deceptive calm, and war-ravaged Europe.
8,73 € 9,19 €

Men Without Women

"Men Without Women" was a milestone in Hemingway's career. "Fiesta" had already established him as a novelist of exceptional power, but with these short stories, his second collection, he showed that it is possible, within the space of a few pages, to recreate a scene with absolute truth, bringing to life details observed only by the eye of a uniquely gifted artist. Hemingway's men are bullfighters and boxers, hired hands and hard drinkers, gangsters and gunmen. Each of their stories deals with masculine toughness unsoftened by woman's hand. Incisive, hard-edged, pared down to the bare minimum, they are classic Hemingway territory.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Le Vieil Homme et la Mar

Tu veux ma mort, poisson, pensa le vieux. C'est ton droit. Camarade, je n'ai jamais rien vu de plus grand, ni de plus noble, ni de plus calme, ni de plus beau que toi. Allez, vas-y, tue-moi. Ça m'est égal lequel de nous deux qui tue l'autre. Qu'est-ce que je raconte ? pensa-t-il. Voil que je déraille. Faut garder la tte froide. Garde la tte froide et endure ton mal comme un homme. Ou comme un poisson. ""
7,38 € 7,77 €

Slnko aj vychádza

Odveká polarita života a smrti, osamelý boj človeka s násilím okolitého sveta i vlastnými slabosťami, veľkoleposť žitia - k týmto témam sa Ernest Hemingway vracia neustále. Dej jeho známeho románu je situovaný do intelektuálneho prostredia Paríža a francúzskej povojnovej bohémy. Americký novinár Jake Barnes, ako mnohí jeho rovesníci traumatizovaný vojnou, hľadá šťastie na potulkách v západnej Európe. I keď ho do istej miery nachádza v cite k lady Brett, ich vzťah nemôže byť naplnený pre jeho zranenie. Fascinujúcu atmosféru paríýskych bulvárov a kaviarničiek striedajú žiarivé obrazy španielskej Pamplony a býčích zápasov, kam sa Jake s priateľmi vyberie hľadať životnú inšpiráciu. Nachádza ju nielen v živom pulze exotického kúta Európy, ale i v ľudsky čistých, opravdivých chrakteroch, typických pre južné kraje, kde lásku, život a smrť spája iba krehké ohnivko...
6,28 € 6,61 €

Slnko aj vychádza

Odveká polarita života a smrti s násilím okolitého sveta i vlastnými slabosťami, veľkoleposti žitia - k týmto témam sa autor vracia neustále. Dej jeho románu je situovaný do intelektuálneho prostredia Paríža a francúzskej povojnovej bohémy. Americký novinár Jake Barnes, ako mnohí jeho rovesníci traumatizovaní vojnou, hľadá šťastie na potulkách v západnej Európe. I keď ho do istej miery nachádza v cite k lady Brett, ich vzťah nemôže byť naplnený pre jeho zranenie. Fascinujúcu atmosféru parížskych bulvárov a kaviarničiek striedajú žiarivé obrazy španielskej Pamplony a býčích zápasov, kam sa Jake s priateľmi vyberie hľadať životnú inšpiráciu. Nachádza ju nielen v živom pulze exotického kúta Európy, ale i v ľudsky čistých, opravdivých charakteroch, typických pre južné kraje, kde lásku, život a smrť spája iba krehké ohnivko.
6,28 € 6,61 €

A Kilimandzsáró hava

A szív dobbanását is megállító, feszes, remekbe szabott történetek szerelemről, halálról, tisztességről. A válogatás címadó darabja Hemingway legismertebb, különös hangulatú novellája, amit maga az író is egyik legjobb írásának tartott. A könyvből nagy sikerű film is készült, Gregory Peckkel a főszerepben. Henry, a híres író - akiben magát a szerzőt sejthetjük - sebesülten fekszik Afrika elhagyatott vidékén. Csak felesége és helyi kísérője van vele, autójuk lerobbant, a segítség kétséges. A férfi lába már üszkösödik. Még néhány nap, és orvosi ellátás nélkül biztosan nem éli túl a kalandot. Míg a betegszállító repülőgépre várnak, a kétségbeesését whiskeybe fojtó író emlékezetében leperegnek életének legfontosabb eseményei. A halál közelségében megérti a leopárd titkát: miért is fekszik több ezer méter magasban, megfagyva a Kilimandzsáró tetején... A kötetben A bokszoló, és A fehér elefánt formájú hegyek mellett helyet kapott még egy másik briliáns afrikai novella, a Francis Macomber rövid boldogsága is.
10,95 € 11,53 €

Stařec a moře audiokniha

Nezkrácená audioverze nejslavnějšího díla Ernesta Hemingwaye, novela, za které obdržel v roce 1954 Nobelovu cenu za literaturu. Příběh se odehrává v malé kubánské vesnici poblíž Havany, odkud starý rybář Santiago vyjíždí sám na lov. Po dlouhé neúspěšné do
13,35 € 14,05 €

Old Man and the Sea

Set in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Havana, Hemingway's magnificent fable is the tale of an old man, a young boy and a giant fish. This story of heroic endeavour won Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature. It stands as a unique and timeless vision of the beauty and grief of man's challenge to the elements.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Farewell To Arms

In 1918 Ernest Hemingway went to war, to the 'war to end all wars'. He volunteered for ambulance service in Italy, was wounded and twice decorated. Out of his experiences came A Farewell to Arms. Hemingway's description of war is unforgettable. He recreates the fear, the comradeship, the courage of his young American volunteer and the men and women he meets in Italy with total conviction. Not only a novel of war, A Farewell to Arms is also a love story of immense drama and uncompromising pass ion.Upozornenie: Vzhľadom na častejšie obmeny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať rovnakú obálku ako je zobrazená tu. Zobrazená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obál ku.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Old Man and the Sea

Set in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Havana, Hemingway's magnificent fable is the story of an old man, a young boy and a giant fish. It was The Old Man and the Sea that won for Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature. Here, in a perfectly crafted story, is unique and timeless vision of the beauty and grief of man's challenge to the elements in which he lives.
10,40 € 10,95 €

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Hemingway's evocation of the pride and the tragedy of the civil war that tore Spain apart. A young American volunteer is sent to handle the dynamiting of a bridge behind the lines of Franco's army. In the mountains he find the dangers and the intense comradeship of war - and he discovers Maria.
11,35 € 11,95 €

Green Hills of Africa

This is Ernest Hemingway's lyrical journal of a month on safari in the great game country of East Africa, where he and his wife Pauline journeyed in December 1933. Hemingway's well-known interest in - and fascination with - big game hunting is magnificently captured in this evocative account of his trip. It is an examination of the lure of the hunt and an impassioned portrait of the glory of the African landscape and of the beauty of a wilderness that was, even then, being threatened by the incursions of man.
9,42 € 9,92 €

A Farewell to Arms

In 1918 Ernest Hemingway went to war, to the 'war to end all wars'. He volunteered for ambulance service in Italy, was wounded and twice decorated. Out of his experiences came A Farewell to Arms. Hemingway's description of war is unforgettable. He recreates the fear, the comradeship, the courage of his young American volunteer and the men and women he meets in Italy with total conviction. But A Farewell to Arms is not only a novel of war. In it Hemingway has also created a love story of immense drama and uncompromising passion.
7,89 € 8,31 €

Die Nick Adams Stories

Ernest Hemingway, 1899 als Sohn eines Arztes in Illinois (USA) geboren, ging 1921 als Journalist nach Europa und in den Nahen Osten. 1954 erhielt er für sein schriftstellerisches Werk den Nobelpreis für Literatur. Danach verbrachte er fünf Jahre in Paris. 1961 schied er nach schwerer Krankheit freiwillig aus dem Leben.
10,59 € 11,15 €