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  • 5 /5


"Pracujem so svojou dušou." Tak znel novinový titulok, ktorý uvádzal rozhovor s Jurajom Kukurom v nemeckých novinách tesne po premiére inscenácie Yerma v mníchovskom divadle Kammerspiele. Písal sa rok 1984 a začínala sa fascinujúca medzinárodná kariéra Juraja Kukuru, ktorá v kontexte dejín slovenského herectva nemá obdobu. Nezabudnuteľnú Yermu s Jurajom Kukurom v hlavnej úlohe režíroval nemecký režisér Peter Zadek, ktorý zďaleka nebol posledným umelcom svetového mena, s ktorým Kukura či už v divadle, alebo vo filme, pracoval. Na trh prichádza neobyčajná kniha, ktorá rozpráva príbeh dramatického života človeka, ktorý ako jeden z mála slovenských umelcov prešiel doslova celý svet, osobne spoznal aj významnejších európskych umelcov svojej doby, preslávil sa v Nemecku a napokon sa vrátil na Slovensko, aby dnes viedol jedno z najdôležitejších slovenských divadiel. "Mám tvár a mám dušu. Snažím sa pracovať so svojou dušou, pretože iba vtedy je to vidno na tvári," povedal Juraj Kukura v nemeckých novinách o svojom herectve. Kniha o jeho živote, ktorej strany sa budú doslova otáčať samé, vám umožní nahliadnuť do jeho duše a spoznať jeho pravú tvár. Dozviete sa napríklad, čo stálo v osobnom telegrame od Leonarda Cohena, aké zvyky má pred nakrúcaním Pierre Brice, ako Juraj Kukura nečakane vyhral v lotérii, aká je atmosféra na filmovom festivale v Monte Carle a čo to znamená, hrať divadlo pred vypredaným 900-miestnym hľadiskom v cudzom jazyku. Autor knihy Martin Čičvák je umelec a režisér, ktorého videnie dáva príbehu hlboký a úplne nový rozmer. Kniha je oveľa viac, než len životopisným rozprávaním. Je pohľadom mimoriadnej osobnosti na mimoriadnu osobnosť. Martin Čičvák: "Pripadalo mi smrteľným hriechom mať Juraja Kukuru vedľa seba a nevypytovať sa ho na všetko - na jeho život, názory, osudové stretnutia, lásky, prehry a víťazstvá, na jeho skúsenosti z tých veľkých európskych divadelných domov, na tých slávnych intendantov a tie krásne herečky z filmov, na komunizmus a exil a na všetko, čo sa o ňom hovorí, alebo len šepká, a čo sa šepká, na to som sa pýtal dvakrát aj trikrát, aby som sa o ňom nakoniec dozvedel všetko a napísal úplne celú pravdu. Takže tu je: KONEČNE CELÁ PRAVDA O KUKUROVI!"
Na sklade 1Ks
12,30 € 12,95 €
  • 5 /5

Jozef Bednárik

Jozef Bednárik – režisér, herec, gurmán a cestovateľ. Maestro muzikálov a opier, milovník umenia, kníh, šansónov a dobrého jedla. Človek, ktorého charakterizoval extrémizmus vo všetkom – v láske, názoroch, bezuzdnom jedení i chronickom diétovaní. Inteligentný cholerik vedel poeticky nadávať a neraz dohnal ľudí až k slzám. Svojho Boha človek, mnohými milovaný, ale aj zatracovaný. Začítajte sa do jeho životnej cesty, ktorú si zrežíroval sám, lebo hry osudu odmietal. V knihe nájdete dôležité momenty jeho života od narodenia až po nečakanú smrť, úspechy z javísk, na ktorých pôsobil, gurmánske a cestovateľské excesy, úpenlivo stráženú trinástu komnatu, lásku k mame a Tálii, či jeho vzťah k ženám. Je plná autentických výpovedí a zážitkov, ale aj úprimných vyjadrení rodiny, kamarátov a hviezd českého a slovenského divadla. Nahliadnite do súkromia a profesionálnej kariéry Jozefa Bednárika. Spoznajte muža, ktorý naplno miloval život.
Na sklade > 5Ks
14,16 € 14,90 €

Rozmarná léta

V spomienkovom rozprávaní Jiří Menzel opisuje svoje detstvo a formujúce sa kultúrne zázemie pražskej meštianskej rodiny, ktoré ho formovalo, štúdium na FAMU a okolnosti svojho rozhodnutia pre film napriek tomu, že jeho pôvodnou láskou bolo divadlo. Pokračuje realizácia jeho najslávnejších filmov, ako boli Ostře sledované vlaky a Rozmarné léto v časoch „novej vlny.“ Za Ostře sledované vlaky získal Jiří Menzel Oscara a stal sa jedným z „mužov roka 1988“, a preto je opis nasledujúceho obdobia, dusných sedemdesiatych rokov, bizarným príbehom o boji proti tuposti a neschopnosti nadriadených a stranícko-úradníckeho aparátu, o dohodách a kompromisoch. Memoáre siahajú do roku 1988, na prah obnovenia slobody v Československu. Vďaka prepojeniu autorovho osobného a profesijného života s historicko-spoločenskou realitou dostáva čitateľ do ruky aj časť histórie českej spoločnosti v povojnovom období. Intímnejšie ladené spomienky sú obsahom monografických podkapitol, v ktorých spomína na učiteľov (predovšetkým Otakara Vávru), kameramanov, hercov, filmových kritikov, postavy „filmovej diplomacie“. Nie sú to len veselé príhody z natáčania. Menzel poskytuje najmä pohľad do genézy a utvárania svojej tvorivej metódy, svojich názorov na film a presvedčenie o tom, ako sa to má robiť. Ako červená niť sa potom celým textom tiahne jednoduchá maxima: „Chcem robiť filmy tak, aby sa páčili ľuďom, a aby na ne ľudia radi chodili.“
U dodávateľa
18,95 € 19,95 €

Lacná kniha Životaběh (-70%)

Textová monografie malíře a grafika Miloslava Mouchy (1942), který v bibliografickém eseji, s literární, až hrabalovskou bravurou zachycuje příběh svého života a díla, cestu z Litvínova do Paříže i od instalace k malbě. Ve Francii, kde se usadil po emigraci v roce 1968, si brzy vybudoval značné renomé. Etabloval se zde jako volný výtvarník a stal se jedním z nejznámějších představitelů českého exilového umění. Kniha vychází také ve dvou jazykových mutacích doplněných textem Otto M. Urbana.
Na sklade 1Ks
11,00 € 36,66 €

dostupné aj ako:

Lacná kniha Petr Pelčák (-50%)

Monografie architekta Petra Pelčáka.
Na sklade 1Ks
14,81 € 29,61 €

dostupné aj ako:

Legenda Lennon

Kniha Legenda Lennon vypráví příběh kreativního génia, skladatele písní, umělce a sociálního aktivisty, který změnil celou generaci. Tato svého druhu jedinečná publikace, doplněná o archivní snímky, nabízí netušené podrobnosti ze všech období Johnova života – od dávných dní na umělecké škole, přes výšiny beatlemánie až po „Imagine.“ V knize naleznete spoustu reprodukcí rukopisů Johnových písňových textů, kresby i další osobní dokumenty a čtyřicet z nich lze z knihy vytáhnout a prohlédnout si je samostatně. Najdete zde rovněž rarity z rodinné sbírky Lennonových, které Yoko Ono poskytla pro tuto knihu ze svých soukromých archivů. Jedinečná pocta s názvem Legenda Lennon vám tohoto uznávaného umělce přiblíží více, než bylo kdy možné. OBSAHUJE VYJÍMATELNÉ REPRODUKCE RUKOPISŮ TEXTŮ, KRESBY, RARITY A TAKÉ CD In His Own Words, kde uslyšíte vyprávění Johna o jeho životě a umělecké činnosti i živou nahrávku „Imagine.“
Na sklade 1Ks
39,90 € 44,81 €

Druhý hlas

Dagmar Halasová se v této knize vrací ve vzpomínkách do Petrkova. Je to třetí svazek, který tato autorka tak či onak věnovala tématu, jímž jsou životní osudy a tvorba dvojice umělců, manželů Bohuslava Reynka a Suzanne Renaudové. Předcházeli mu monografie Bohuslav Reynek (nakl. Petrov 1992) a Suzane Renaud Bohuslavu Reynkovi: Dopisy 1923 - 1926 (nakl. Archa 1996). Druhý hlas nyní doplňuje tuto petrkovskou řadu o osobní vyznání autorčina vztahu k obyvatelům tohoto milovaného místa.
U dodávateľa
8,88 € 9,35 €


Bringing together novelist Osamu Dazai’s best autobiographical shorts in a single, slim volume, Self-Portraits shows the legendary writer at his best?and worst “Art dies the moment it acquires authority.” So said Japan’s quintessential rebel writer Osamu Dazai, who, disgusted with the hypocrisy of every kind of establishment, from the nation’s obsolete aristocracy to its posturing, warmongering generals, went his own way, even when that meant his death?and the death of others. Faced with pressure to conform, he declared his individuality to the world?in all its self-involved, self-conscious, and self-hating glory. “Art,” he wrote, “is ‘I.’” In these short stories, collected and translated by Ralph McCarthy, we can see just how closely Dazai’s life mirrored his art, and vice versa, as the writer/narrator falls from grace, rises to fame, and falls again. Addiction, debt, shame, and despair dogged Dazai until his self-inflicted death, and yet despite all the lies and deception he resorted to in life, there is an almost fanatical honesty to his writing. And that has made him a hero to generations of readers who see laid bare, in his works, the painful, impossible contradictions inherent in the universal commandment of social life?fit in and do as you are told?as well as the possibility, however desperate, of defiance. Long out of print, these stories will be a revelation to the legions of new fans of No Longer Human, The Setting Sun, and The Flowers of Buffoonery.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Ernst Haas. Letters & Stories

An intimate account of the 20th century's most inventive color photographer, with letters, poems and photographs Writer Inge Bondi sheds fresh light on the life of her close friend and colleague, the Austrian American photographer Ernst Haas (1921–86), whom she first met in New York’s Magnum offices in 1951. Bondi shares unique memories of this brilliant and very private man alongside reproductions of his letters, poems, photographs and ephemera, revealing for the first time details of his harrowing war years and complex personal life. The book’s 13 chapters cover Haas’ "Homecoming Prisoners of War" story (1947), which prompted Robert Capa to invite him to join Magnum Photos; pioneering color reportage for Life and Vogue, featuring his blurred portraits of bull fighting and saturated images of New York; and his work on film sets, including The Bible, which led to the publication of Haas’ groundbreaking and acclaimed 1971 photobook The Creation.
41,75 € 43,95 €

Karl Lagerfeld: A Life in Fashion

Karl Lagerfeld lived a very public life. He shaped the Chanel and Fendi brands for decades, and his wit and wisdom amused and informed the world. Yet despite a massively public persona, his hinterland remained unknown. What is the truth behind this larger-than-life but enigmatic figure? The journalist and fashion specialist Alfons Kaiser met Lagerfeld on numerous occasions. He has now written the first authoritative biography on this fascinating character, whose life has always been marked by elements of secrecy. From his parents’ links with the Nazi regime to Lagerfeld’s last days in the company of only his closest friends, this book – the result of unprecedented archival and field work – divulges all the facets of a passionate artist and workaholic: the precocious boy who preferred to draw in the attic rather than play with his peers; the son who quarrelled with his parents but never got away from them; the competitor of Yves Saint Laurent, whom he outshone in the end; the brother, uncle, friend; and finally, the partner of Jacques de Bascher, the great love of his life.
16,63 € 17,50 €

Coco Chanel - The Legend and the Life

SLEEK. CHIC. NOTORIOUSLY GUARDED. WELCOME TO THE SECRET WORLD OF COCO CHANEL. Justine Picardie’s definitive biography explores the dark mysteries hidden beneath the shimmering surface of a fabled fashion icon. Unveiling remarkable details about Coco Chanel’s traumatic childhood and her flight into unconventional adulthood, this beautifully constructed portrait reveals her passionate and painful past, her turbulent loves and losses, her quest for fame and fortune, and how she transformed herself into her own most powerful creation. Feared and revered by her contemporaries, Chanel died in 1971, but her legacy lives on as an enduring global brand. Drawing on interviews with her last surviving friends and relatives, and unprecedented archival research, Justine Picardie brings Chanel out of hiding, unpicking the seams between reality and myth, and telling a timeless story that uncovers the true art and heart of fashion. This special new edition has been extensively revised and updated, and offers a uniquely authoritative account of the greatest designer in the world. Adding fresh insights and discoveries, it comes complete with a compelling array of previously unseen images from the Chanel archives.
43,65 € 45,95 €

Surreal Spaces

An illustrated biography of the remarkable and pioneering artist Leonora Carrington, told through the houses and locations that had meaning for her and are fundamental to an understanding of her work. An evocative visual chronicle on the life of Leonora Carrington as seen through interiors, international locations and vintage photographs, this book leads the reader on a personal journey through the many spaces she inhabited and which infused and haunted her art and the people she knew. Long underrated, Carrington is now considered as one of the vanguard, not only in histories of women artists but also Surrealism; her interests - feminism, ecology and life-enhancing art - are now shared by many. Challenging the conventions of her time, Carrington abandoned family, society and England to embrace new experiences and mix with artists in Europe and America, and to forge her own unique artistic style. From Lancashire to London, Cornwall to France and Spain, then to Mexico, New York and finally back to Mexico, each place and interior became etched in her memory - whether her grandmother's kitchen with its giant stove, Parisian cafés, a rural French hideaway, the sanatorium in Santander or her Mexican sanctuary - only to be echoed, sometimes decades later, in her paintings and writings. 'Houses are really bodies,' she wrote in her novella The Hearing Trumpet (1974), 'We connect ourselves with walls, roofs, and objects just as we hang on to our livers, skeletons, flesh and blood streams.'
37,00 € 38,95 €

The Pleasure of Seeing

Joel Meyerowitz is one of the pioneers of color photography, as well as an essential reference figure for street photography, large-format photography, and portraits. The Pleasure of Seeing is his first biography, the book offers a look behind the scenes of the life and career of one of America's photographic living legends. In conversation with historian and photographer Lorenzo Braca, Meyerowitz speaks vividly about his beginnings, studying art history, meeting Robert Frank, photographing on the streets of New York City with Tony Ray-Jones and Garry Winogrand, traveling extensively across America and Europe, learning from John Szarkowski, director of photography at MoMA, working on numerous exhibitions and publications, photographing at Ground Zero in 2001 and 2002, and about the most recent still lifes and self-portraits projects. The book contains over one hundred pictures, including Joel's most iconic photographs as well as new and previously unpublished material. This comprehensive visual biography testifies to the author's continuing evolution throughout the six decades of his career and discusses his work in relation to his personal life, to the history of photography, and to the incessant transformation of the medium. Meyerowitz reveals anecdotes, personal memories, and the story behind many of his famous photographs.
66,45 € 69,95 €

Confabulation: An Anecdotal Autobiography By Dave Gibbons

This comprehensive, in-depth, and personal journey through the eyes of one of the world's most famous comics creators, Dave Gibbons, spans his earliest years copying Superman and Batman comics as a kid, to co-creating the bestselling graphic novel of all-time, Watchmen, and beyond. Presented alphabetically, with informally written anecdotes that can be read from cover-to-cover or simply dipped into, Gibbons reveals unseen comics' pitches, life as the first Comics Laureate, and going from being a fanzine artist to infiltrating DC Comics in the 1970s. The book covers everything from working on Doctor Who and meeting Tom Baker to being inducted into the Eisner Hall of Fame. Gibbons also discusses, for the first time anywhere, the reasons why he and fellow Watchmen co-creator Alan Moore no longer speak. Packed with over 300 iconic, rarely seen, and unpublished art pieces and photographs, Confabulation: An Anecdotal Autobiography not only entertains, but peels back the layers of a fascinating career in comics.
54,63 € 57,50 €

Jitka Válová

Malířky Květa a Jitka Válovy vyrostly a zemřely doma v Kladně. Když jim byly čtyři roky, zemřel jim tatínek a s maminkou a dvěma staršími sestrami se ocitly v opravdové nouzi, která trvala desítky let. K tomu přišla válka a byly totálně nasazeny v Poldi Kladno. Od útlého věku kreslily a snily o malování. Podařilo se jim vystudovat UMPRUM, ale jejich výtvarné pojetí a politický postoj režim nepřijal, zůstaly v ústraní. Zlom nastal až po výstavě v roce 1983, kdy se o jejich existenci a mimořádném talentu dozvěděla veřejnost. Hovory s Jitkou Válovou vedla novinářka Marcela Pecháčková v roce 2009. O Jitce si povídala také s její přítelkyní Adrienou Šimotovou a s několika dalšími osobnostmi včetně Majky Vydrové, Jitčiny asistentky po Květině smrti. Původním záměrem byla kniha rozhovorů. Když Jitka dala autorce k dispozici svůj neuspořádaný archiv s deníky, dopisy, skicami a básněmi, práce na textu na dlouhých dvanáct let zamrzla. Teprve letošní 100. výročí narození dvojčat Válových se stalo impulzem k dokončení knihy. Publikace nabízí velké množství dosud nezveřejněných fotografií a snaží se zachytit tuto jedinečnou umělkyni co nejautentičtěji včetně jejího syrového vyjadřování. Jitka vedla velmi prostý život, často na hraně zoufalství, ale i tak zůstala do posledního dechu veselá. Taková je i tato kniha.
28,69 € 30,20 €

Keith Haring: The Story of His Life

From his boyhood days spent drawing compulsively through his tragic death, the trajectory of Keith Haring's life is a story of incredible achievement, luck, opportunity, and extraordinary commitment. This graphic novel looks at every stage of that life, exploring his early influences, the roots of his activism, and his close friendships with other artist contemporaries. It shows readers what it was like to be part of New York City's vibrant downtown art scene in the 1980s-the nightclubs, art openings, the rise of hip-hop-and how world events, such as the fall of the Berlin Wall; the escalation of the nuclear arms race; apartheid; and the dawn of the climate crisis played into his work. They'll learn how Haring's own battle with AIDS fueled his advocacy for education and research, and they'll get to know the figures who were most influential to his work- from Warhol to Basquiat, Fab Five Freddy to Madonna. Packed with key cultural reference points as well as the artist's own reflections, this graphic biography makes for compulsive, eye-opening reading.
23,70 € 24,95 €

Intimate Geometries: The Art and Life of Louise Bourgeois

In a career spanning nearly 75 years, Louise Bourgeois created a vast body of work that enriched the formal language of modern art while it expressed her intense inner struggles with unprecedented candor and unpredictable invention. Her solo 1982 retrospective at The Museum of Modern Art launched an extraordinarily productive late career, making her a much-honored and vivid presence on the international art scene until her death in 2010 at the age of 98. Trained as a painter and printmaker, Bourgeois embraced sculpture as her primary medium and experimented with a range of materials over the years, including marble, plaster, bronze, wood, and latex. Bourgeois contributed significantly to Surrealism, Postminimalist, and installation art, but her work always remained fiercely independent of style or movement. With more than 1000 illustrations, Intimate Geometries: The Art and Life of Louise Bourgeois comprehensively surveys her immense oeuvre in unmatched depth. Writing from a uniquely intimate perspective, as a close personal friend of Bourgeois, and drawing on decades of research, Robert Storr critically evaluates her achievements and reveals the complexity and passion of one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century.
147,25 € 155,00 €

The Lives of Lucian Freud: FAME 1968 - 2011

William Feaver, Lucian Freud's collaborator, curator and close friend, knew the unknowable artist better than most. Over many years, Freud narrated to him the story of his life, 'our novel'. Fame follows Freud at the height of his powers, painting the most iconic works of his career in a constant pursuit of perfection, just outrunning his gambling debts and tailor's bills. Whether tattooing swallows at the base of Kate Moss's back or exacting a strange revenge on Jerry Hall and Mick Jagger, Freud's adventures were always perfectly characteristic. An enfant terrible till the end, even as he was commissioned to paint the Queen, what emerges is an artist wilfully oblivious to the glitter of the world around - and focussed instead on painting first and last.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Lives of Lucian Freud: YOUTH 1922 - 1968

Though ferociously private, Lucian Freud spoke every week for decades to his close confidante and collaborator William Feaver - about painting and the art world, but also about his life and loves. The result is this a unique, electrifying biography. In Youth, Feaver conjures Freud's early childhood: Sigmund Freud's grandson, born into a middle-class Jewish family in Weimar Berlin, escaping Nazi Germany in 1934. Following Freud through art school, his time in the Navy during the war, his post-war adventures in Paris and Greece, and his return to Soho - consorting with duchesses and violent criminals, out on the town with Greta Garbo and Princess Margaret - Feaver traces a brilliant, difficult young man's coming of age.
17,58 € 18,50 €

V kategórii životopisov osobností z oblasti umenia nájdete široký výber kvalitných biografických kníh, ktoré vám umožnia hlbšie sa ponoriť do životov a tvorby umelcov zo všetkých oblastí umenia.

Biografie sú starostlivo vybrané, aby sme vám priniesli príbehy a príklady života umelcov, ktorí sa stali ikonami a inšpiráciou pre iných. Snažíme sa zachytiť ich cesty, od ich skromných začiatkov, cez všetky prekážky až po ich úspechy. Všetky naše knihy sú prevedené s láskou a starostlivosťou, s využitím bohatej zbierky fotografického materiálu, ktorý dodáva život a autenticitu týmto príbehom.

Naším cieľom je priniesť vám príbehy umelcov, ktorí vytvárajú umenie rôznymi spôsobmi - od maľby a sochárstva po hudbu, tanec a divadlo. Veríme, že tieto príbehy sú cenným zdrojom inšpirácie pre každého, kto sa zaujíma o umenie a jeho tvorcov.