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Knihy - Marketing, reklama, žurnalistika strana 13 z 33


The cofounder and chief branding officer of Red Antler, the branding and marketing company for startups and new ventures, explains how hot new brands like Casper, Allbirds, Sweetgreen, and Everlane build devoted fan followings right out of the gate. We're in the midst of a startup revolution, with new brands popping up every day, taking over our Instagram feeds and vying for our affection. Every category is up for grabs, and traditional brands are seeing their businesses erode as hundreds of small companies encroach on their territory, each hoping to become the next runaway success. But it's not enough to have a great idea, or a cool logo. Emily Heyward founded Red Antler, the Brooklyn based brand and marketing company, to help entrepreneurs embed brand as a driver of business success from the beginning. In Obsessed, Heyward outlines the new principles of what it takes to build and launch a brand that has people queuing up to buy it on opening day. She takes you behind the scenes of the creation of some of today's hottest new brands, showing you: - How Casper was able to upend the mattress industry by building a beloved brand where none had existed before - How the dating app Hinge won a fanatical user base and great word-of-mouth with the promise that the app was designed to be deleted - Why luggage startup Away, now valued at $1.4 billion, could build their brand around love of travel by launching with just one product--a hard-shell carry-on suitcase--rather than a whole range of luggage offerings. Whether you're starting a new business, launching a new product line, or looking to refresh a brand for a new generation of customers, Obsessed shows you why the old rules of brand-building no longer apply, and what really works for today's customers.
25,60 € 26,95 €

Lacná kniha Tvorba úspešného zarábajúceho blogu (-70%)

Stať sa úspešným blogerom môže takmer každý. Prelúskajte sa 400 stranovou knižkou, ktorú pripravilo viac ako 40 blogerov a odborníkov na online marketing. Prináša všetko dôležité, čo potrebuje vedieť bloger začiatočník, no aj pokročilý. Nechýbajú úprimné slová od skúsených blogerov a blogeriek a tiež kúsok motivácie pre úspešný štart. Z autorov nechýbajú profesionáli z viac ako 10 ročnou praxou z online, email či social media marketingu. Dali sme si záležať na tom, aby každý autor priniesol pridanú hodnotu a skúsenosti z praxe. Vyberáme z obsahu: - Pár motivačných slov od blogerov - Základné kroky k vlastnému blogu a ako postaviť WordPress blog - Ako získať čitateľov blogu zadarmo - Tvorba obsahu na blogu tak, aby získal návštevnosť z Google zadarmo - Ako robiť so sociálnymi sieťami a virálnym obsahom - Email marketing pre blogerov - Ako sa dá na blogu zarobiť s príkladmi úspešných blogov - Dohoda spolupráce medzi blogerom a firmou - Ako je to s legislatívou a blogovaním - 7 príbehov úspešných blogerov - 12 bonusov od blogerov pre blogerov Knižka je vhodná pre všetkých bez ohľadu na vek či profesiu. Stačí chuť realizovať sa, prinášať svojim čitateľom zaujímavé témy a popritom si niečo zarobiť.
2,97 € 9,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

What You Do Is Who You Are

Ben Horowitz, a leading venture capitalist, modern management expert, and New York Times bestselling author combines lessons both from history and modern organisational practice with practical and often surprising advice to help us build cultures that can weather both good and bad times. The times and circumstances in which people were raised often shape them - yet a few leaders have managed to shape their times. In this follow-up to the bestselling business classic The Hard Thing About Hard Things, Ben Horowitz turns his attention to a question crucial to every organisation: How do you create and sustain the culture you want? This book is a journey through cultures ancient to modern, spotlighting models of leadership and culture-building from the samurai to prison gangs. Along the way, it answers fundamental questions: Who are we? How do people talk about us when we're not around? How do we treat our customers? Can we be trusted? Because who you are is not the values you list on the wall. It's not what you say in a company-wide meeting. It's not your marketing campaign. It's not even what you believe. Who you are is what you do. This book will help you do the things needed to become the kind of leader you want to be - and others want to follow.
22,75 € 23,95 €

The Ultimate Marketing & PR Book

If you want to be the best, you have to have the right skillset. From strategy, mobile and ecommerce to social media, SEO and PR, THE ULTIMATE MARKETING & PR BOOK is a dynamic collection of tools, techniques, and strategies for success. Discover the main themes, key ideas and tools you need and bring it all together with practical exercises. This is your complete course in modern marketing. ABOUT THE SERIES ULTIMATE books are for managers, leaders, and business executives who want to succeed at work. From marketing and sales to management and finance, each title gives comprehensive coverage of the essential business skills you need to get ahead in your career. Written in straightforward English, each book is designed to help you quickly master the subject, with fun quizzes embedded so that you can check how you're doing.
17,58 € 18,50 €

The Ultimate Sales Book

THE ULTIMATE SALES BOOK gives you everything you need to succeed in sales and account management. It is a dynamic collection of essential skills covering the topics that will help you make a seismic impact upon your performance - faster than you ever thought possible.
17,58 € 18,50 €

The Big Zero

Do you want to achieve startup speed at enterprise scale? Growth. It's what every company strives for. But it's become more and more elusive as companies struggle to hit their projected growth rates in an increasingly competitive market. While zero-based budgeting (ZBB) has been wielded for decades to cut costs, it falls short when it comes to spurring growth. But a zero-based mindset (ZBx) does that and more. ZBx facilitates forensic oversight into resource allocation that funnels savings back into growth initiatives and encourages new sources of innovation. The Big Zero shows how a ZBx approach focuses on agility over austerity, visibility over guesswork and the future over the past to fuel growth and competitiveness.
23,70 € 24,95 €

Marketing na Facebooku a Instagramu

Facebook a Instagram umožňuje i těm nejmenším firmám oslovit potenciální zákazníky. Tato kniha je prakticky orientovaným průvodcem, zaměřeným na celkový proces online komunikace, od založení firemních účtů, až po nastavení dynamických reklam a jejich optimalizaci. Podrobné návody krok za krokem umožní i naprostému laikovi zvládnout obě marketingová prostředí na pokročilé úrovni.
13,77 € 14,49 €

Online Marketing Super Affiliate Academy - Tvorba zarábajúceho webu

Knižka sa komplexne venuje celému online marketingu. Od pojmov, cez SEO, PPC, legislatívu až po spracovanie landing pages. Zaujme ako začiatočníkov, tak pokročilých. V knihe je cez 510 000 znakov a 21 videí. Niektoré len informačné, no niektoré majú skoro 30 minút. Na obsahu spolupracovalo cez 30 expertov z Česka aj Slovenska. Každý autor má na starosti svoju kapitolu, ktorej vie dať najvyššiu pridanú hodnotu. Nielenže získate prehľad o celom online marketingu, ale hlavným cieľom je čitateľa oboznámiť so zarábaním na internete formou affiliate marketingu. Ukázať čo je dôležité, na čo si dávať pozor a na čo nezabúdať. Snažili sme sa robiť všetko čo najpraktickejšie. V knižke nájdete presné odporúčania a ukážky úspešných affiliate partnerov. Tak isto sa venujeme svetovým affiliate projektom, ktoré pracujú pod krídlami spoločností ako The New York Times a majú hodnotu v desiatkach miliónov dolárov. Affiliate marketingu sa na Slovensku venujú stovky ľudí a knižka prináša *pohľad* a návod, ako na to. Venujeme sa "ecommerce" affiliate marketingu, ktorý má najvyššiu pridanú hodnotu pre partnerov aj inzerentov. Teda tomu, ako efektívne propagovať produkty tých najväčších e-shopov na Slovensku aj v zahraničí. A to aj pre úplných začiatočníkov.
24,60 € 25,89 €

Lacná kniha Sami v moři konkurence

Při nelehké plavbě v moři konkurence se vám mohou hodit znalosti o správném přemýšlení na cestě za úspěchem – ve světě, životě a byznysu, o marketingu, podnikání, o myšlení člověka, který nechce prohrávat, o myšlení firmy, která touží uspět na konkurenčním trhu, o filosofii podnikání, o podstatě marketingového managementu či o zkušenostech a nápadech z přednášek, workshopů i z mého rozhlasového pořadu Byznys poradna na rádiu Zet.
0,72 € 14,49 €

dostupné aj ako:

Marketing stratégia

Miután azonosította célpiacát, a kérdés az lesz, hogyan szabja személyre hirdetési üzenetét úgy, hogy vásárlásra késztesse az embereket. Miért kellene foglalkozniuk vele? Hogyan ragadja és tartsa meg figyelmüket kevesebb, mint 5 másodperc alatt? Itt képesnek kell lennie arra, hogy rábírja a potenciális ügyfeleket termékének megvásárlására. Nyilvánvaló, hogy miért van szükségük a termékére. Hisz benne és úgy gondolja, mindenkinek hinnie kellene. Alapvető, hogy megfogalmazza, mi is a terméke vagy szolgáltatása és mit nyújt ez a fogyasztónak.„Induló online vállalkozóként az információk tengerében nehéz felmérni mi is a lényeges információ. Nehéz átlátni a folyamatokat és eldönteni mi az, ami igazán szükséges az első lépések megtételéhez. Jani Dániel könyve kezdőknek, a marketing alapjait megérteni kívánóknak kiváló olvasmány, ami tömören és lényegre törően, az alapjaitól magyarázza el azokat a módszereket, amik segíthetnek az első vevők megszerzésében és a marketing rendszerek kialakításában.”Vida Ági,pszichológus, online marketing szakértő
10,70 € 11,26 €

Zen a közösségi marketingben

Legyél te is ZEN-marketinges, és tudni fogod, hogyan hozd ki a lehető legtöbbet a közösségi marketingből, valamint hogyan spórolj időt, és érj el sokkal több embert, mint valaha is gondoltad volna?
18,30 € 19,26 €
  • 4 /5

This is Marketing

Over the past quarter century, Seth Godin has taught and inspired millions of entrepreneurs, marketers, leaders, and fans from all walks of life, via his blog, online courses, lectures, and bestselling books. He is the inventor of countless ideas and phrases that have made their way into mainstream business language, from Permission Marketing to Purple Cow to Tribes to The Dip. Now, for the first time, Godin offers the core of his marketing wisdom in one accessible, timeless package. At the heart of his approach is a big idea: Great marketers don't use consumers to solve their company's problem; they use marketing to solve other people's problems. They don't just make noise; they make the world better. Truly powerful marketing is grounded in empathy, generosity, and emotional labour. This book teaches you how to identify your smallest viable audience; draw on the right signals and signs to position your offering; build trust and permission with your target market; speak to the narratives your audience tells themselves about status, affiliation, and dominance; spot opportunities to create and release tension; and give people the tools to achieve their goals. It's time for marketers to stop lying, spamming, and feeling guilty about their work. It's time to stop confusing social media metrics with true connections. It's time to stop wasting money on stolen attention that won't pay off in the long run. This is Marketing offers a better approach that will still apply for decades to come, no matter how the tactics of marketing continue to evolve.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Eat Your Greens

How can we sell more, to more people, and for more money?The marketing world is awash with myths, misconceptions, dubious metrics and tactics that bear little relation to our actual buying behaviour. Eat Your Greens is inspired by the genuine advances in marketing science. It challenges us to change the way we think, by taking the huge body of knowledge gained from data and technology and applying the best evidence based thinking to the practice of marketing and communications. The papers are written by some of most respected practitioners in the industry, offering a diverse range of perspectives on how to do more effective marketing, and with an intellectual generosity of spirit from which we can all profit. The book is curated by Wiemer Snijders, partner at Commercial Works.
34,15 € 35,95 €
  • 5 /5

Obsah, ktorý ľudia milujú

Exkluzívna ponuka len v Panta Rhei. Natívna reklama je formát, ktorý sa páči všetkým zúčastneným stranám v online reklame. Inzerentom pomáha vzbudiť záujem medzi používateľmi prirodzenou, nenútenou formou. Môžu zabaviť, naučiť, či inšpirovať. Môžu si vybudovať vzťah, aby keď príde čas nakúpiť, si zákazníci spomenuli. Tým podľa prieskumov takáto forma komunikácie vôbec nevadí. Práve naopak, kvalitný obsah sami radi odporúčajú svojim priateľom či rodine. A médiá majú návštevnosť, spokojných užívateľov a výnosný inzertný formát. Táto príručka je výsledkom ročnej práce odborníkov Združenia pre internetovú reklamu IAB Slovakia z oblasti médií, plánovania reklamy a online, ktorí ponúkajú všetky svoje vedomosti o natívnej reklame v jednoduchej ucelenej forme. Povinné čítanie nielen pre všetkých online marketérov, ale aj každého, kto to s efektívnym, moderným marketingom myslí vážne.
8,36 € 8,80 €

Mastering The Market Cycle

The legendary investor shows how to identify and master the cycles that govern the markets. We all know markets rise and fall, but when should you pull out, and when should you stay in? The answer is never black or white, but is best reached through a keen understanding of the reasons behind the rhythm of cycles. Confidence about where we are in a cycle comes when you learn the patterns of ups and downs that influence not just economics, markets and companies, but also human psychology and the investing behaviors that result. If you study past cycles, understand their origins and remain alert for the next one, you will become keenly attuned to the investment environment as it changes. You’ll be aware and prepared while others get blindsided by unexpected events or fall victim to emotions like fear and greed. By following Marks’s insights — drawn in part from his iconic memos over the years to Oaktree’s clients — you can master these recurring patterns to have the opportunity to improve your results.
26,13 € 27,50 €

The Power and the Story

From Murdoch's media empire to Trump's 'fake news', John Lloyd explodes the myths and misinformation of the Post-Truth age, providing a panoramic overview of the state of journalism as it faces the biggest crisis of its history. Is journalism in jeopardy? How can the press respond to the threats of social media, fake news and an increasing hostility towards journalists? And are we really in the post-truth age?John Lloyd answers these questions and more in this panoramic survey of the global news media. Journeying from Putin's Russia to Trump's America, from Saudi Arabia to Israel, from Mexico to China, Lloyd shows how the power of investigative journalism matters now more than ever. With passion and expertise, Lloyd argues that a free world is only possible with a free press, and offers fascinating insight into the responsibilities of a profession - perhaps the only one left - that can truly hold power to account.
16,10 € 16,95 €

Breaking News

How do we know any more what is true and what isn't? We are living through the greatest communication revolution since Gutenberg in which falsehood regularly seems to overwhelm truth. In Breaking News Alan Rusbridger offers an urgent and agenda-setting examination of the past, present and future of the press, and the forces menacing its freedom. The news media have been disrupted by huge and fast-moving changes. The growth of social media and with it the ability of billions of people to publish has created a vast amount of unreliable and false news which now competes with, and sometimes drowns, more established forms of journalism. The President of the United States regularly lies to the public and brands his critics 'fake'. Politicians openly rubbish the views of 'so-called experts'. Where can we look for reliable, verifiable sources of news and information? What does all this mean for democracy? And what will the future hold? Reflecting on his twenty years as editor of the Guardian; and his experience of breaking some of the most significant news stories of our time, including the Edward Snowden revelations, phone-hacking, WikiLeaks and the Keep it in the Ground campaign, Rusbridger answers these questions and offers a stirring defence of why quality journalism matters now more than ever.
23,70 € 24,95 €

Reklama - 4. vydání

Nové vydání základní české knihy o reklamě je kompletně aktualizované a doplněné o nové trendy a příklady, například v online reklamě nebo oblasti působení a výzkumu efektivnosti reklamy. Začínající marketéři a studenti VŠ v knize najdou vše důležité o tom, jak naplánovat a vytvořit tu "správnou" reklamu, která splní své cíle. Dozví se, jak připravit reklamní kampaň, jak sestavit rozpočet a zvolit média, jak komunikovat s různými cílovými skupinami, účinně využívat slova a barvy, vybrat vhodný název, jméno produktu a logo. Autoři se dále věnují působení reklamy a jejímu měření, radí jak vybrat reklamní agenturu a představují nové trendy v marketingové komunikaci. V přílohách čtenáři najdou užitečné informace o legislativě spojené s reklamou, seznam tisku věnující se marketingu, odkazy na asociace komunikačních agentur a důležité adresy.
13,12 € 13,81 €

Breaking News

We are living through the greatest communication revolution since Gutenberg. In Breaking News Alan Rusbridger offers an open, personal and agenda-setting account of how we arrived at the news world of today. The President of the United States regularly lies to the public and accuses anyone who criticisms him of being fake. Politicians openly rubbish the views of 'so called experts', dissemble and mislead. So how do we hold those in power accountable? Fox News, Breitbart Media and the Murdoch papers peddle views not news, pushing politically-motivated agendas. So, where can we look for reliable, verifiable sources of news and information? What does it mean for democracy? And what will the future hold? Reflecting on his twenty years as editor of the Guardianand his experience of breaking some of the most significant news stories of our time, including the Edward Snowden revelations, phone-hacking, wikileaks and the Keep in the Groundcampaign, Rusbridger answers these questions and offers a stirring defence of why quality journalism matters now more than ever.
19,48 € 20,50 €

Literatúra zameraná na marketing, reklamu a žurnalistiku je neoceniteľným zdrojom poznatkov pre všetkých, ktorí sa zaujímajú o efektívne a stratégie zamerané na dosahovanie obchodných cieľov, propagáciu produktov a služieb a komunikáciu so zákazníkmi.

Knihy o marketingu, reklame a žurnalistike pokrývajú témy ako marketingový výskum, stratégie marketingovej komunikácie, brand manažment, digitálny marketing, sociálne médiá, kreatívne procesy, public relations a novinárske zručnosti.

Literatúra o marketingu, reklame a žurnalistike ponúka teoretické rámce, analytické nástroje a príklady osvedčených postupov, ktoré pomáhajú firmám a profesionálom zlepšovať ich marketingové kampane, vybudovať silnú značku a úspešne komunikovať s cieľovou skupinou. 

Publikácie v tejto kategórii sú prístupné pre rôzne úrovne čitateľov - od začiatočníkov, ktorí sa zoznamujú s princípmi marketingu a reklamy, po pokročilých profesionálov, ktorí sa zaujímajú o pokročilé stratégie a nové trendy v oblasti digitálneho marketingu a žurnalistiky.

Cieľom literatúry o marketingu, reklame a žurnalistike je poskytnúť čitateľom ucelený prehľad o princípoch, postupoch a inováciách v týchto oblastiach, a tiež poskytnúť praktické rady a príklady, ktoré môžu byť aplikované v reálnom svete.